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All this testosterone and vile directed at a school administrator for a bad haircut.....

I wonder how many of you actually live in Thailand? Other than op very few I suspect! The "western mentality" of violence, dominance, "eye for an eye", and "I'm right, your wrong".

I left the west for that very reason..."hooligans" ....but I guess they follow everywhere and want to instill a culture of violence everywhere!

Get a life! It was a haircut! Yes....a bad one ...but point was made ..."get one before I GIVE you one"

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So much hand-wringing about 'feelings' ... yet still no word from the OP on how traumatized the boy actually is by this.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He's probably a bit embarrassed about his father making such a big deal out of it. all his mates will be calling him TV-boy now...
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If, in all your months/years in Thailand you haven't discovered that Thais will tell you what they think you want to hear, but privately think something completely different, then ... rolleyes.gif

So, have a real good think through the issue.

On what basis is there monetary compensation due? Who is the aggrieved party?

It was the child's hair who cut, the old man just pissed with this. So the aggrieved party is the child.

On what basis is the child due compensation?

Was there a loss of face? ... sure.

But who loss of Face is larger? In a pissing contest between the loss of Face of a


a Child and

a Senior School Administrator (in that order)

... who do you think would win? That will determine any apology.

I'm not saying for a second what happened to the child is right, correct or, as we don't know the background to the event ... even balanced.

But I'm a pragmatist ... I don't get on a high horse when things don't go my way ... I look for solutions ... not revenge.

Just my take on the issue ... you are free to disagree..

Guess in your eyes nothing that happens is Thainess is wrong. The farang should just learn to bend over any and every which way and accept it.

Go back to what you do best!!

... and you guessed wrong!

But thanks for trying ... indeed, for that slight, you owe me a beer ... drunk.gif

If you ever want to know a man ... walk a mile in his shoes .. or share a beer.

I'm not an apologist ... I'm a pragmatist ... very different things.



Maybe the School Admin person was a George Thorogood Fan?

Maybe, they were encouraging the young child to get an after-school job and contribute to the household income?


Hello to all.


Hi Mike ... I could help but notice your healthy hair.


Are you a Hairdresser or Barber per chance?

If yes, what is your take on the haircut issue?


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It also puts all students on the same social level while at school.

That may be true while they are IN school but it is most certainly not true when they are out of school and uniform in the evenings/weekends. Most private schools have a more relaxed attitude to hair length and you can easily distinguish which boys go to state schools and which go to private just by the length of their hair. I've seen state school educated children be made fun of by private school children over the length of their hair. I can think of no valid reason to cut hair short on the basis that it makes them a better student. If that were true then all private schools would have the same regulations. I believe it is more about CONTROL. Teachers exercising unwarranted CONTROL over their students only for the sick reason that they can.

What the director of the school did to the young lad in question is inexcusable. He should be charged with assault. If not criminally then civilly. Make an example of him just as he did with your son. Contact his boss and/or the school board (if they have one) with your complaint.

To all those who said things like "move on" "it's only a haircut" "ignore it" etc. I say "grow a backbone you wimps."

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Hello to all.


Hi Mike ... I could help but notice your healthy hair.


Are you a Hairdresser or Barber per chance?

If yes, what is your take on the haircut issue?


I think Mike might be a plastic surgeon whistling.gif

He's done a good job on himself, judging from the avatar picture
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All this testosterone and vile directed at a school administrator for a bad haircut.....

I wonder how many of you actually live in Thailand? Other than op very few I suspect! The "western mentality" of violence, dominance, "eye for an eye", and "I'm right, your wrong".

I left the west for that very reason..."hooligans" ....but I guess they follow everywhere and want to instill a culture of violence everywhere!

Get a life! It was a haircut! Yes....a bad one ...but point was made ..."get one before I GIVE you one"

Yes, all westerners are hooligans and horrible people. A shame you are not Thai and always will be a Farang, no matter how much you try. But you for sure get good points for trying the best you can.

If anyone here is a hooligan, then it is the school director. Show the pictures to ANY normal educated Thai people and they would actually agree with that. But do you know any educated normal Thai people? I can not believe that you are so much a Thai-wannabe, that you defend a man who does something like that to a kid.

I hope you never end up in a fight with a Thai person, because then you will for sure experience a whole new level and meaning of violence. Seems you go the naive tourist impression of Thai people... all being wonderful, peaceful and so much different from western people. Thai people can be extremely violent if someone or something pisses them off - I do not know, if you know that?

If you do not believe me, then go an slap a random Thai-person on the street, say sorry and look what happens...


I know what I would do...I'll go to see the school director and ask him what happened...if the boy forgot to cut his hair,it would be he's fault,but still no reason for the 'lawn mower' job....

...so I would ask the director,if something like this,or anything,would happened in the future,to contact me directly and never(!) touch my son again.If he would cooperate,that's the end of it...if not,go above him and report the case.

Anyhow,it is a case of "when in Rome....",so we should act appropriately...smile.png


Hello to all.

Hi Mike ... I could help but notice your healthy hair.


Are you a Hairdresser or Barber per chance?

If yes, what is your take on the haircut issue?.

I think Mike might be a plastic surgeon whistling.gif

He's done a good job on himself, judging from the avatar picture

... another 'self-serving' do-gooder ... facepalm.gif

BTW, I think Mike's bubbles just got popped.



I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...


All this testosterone and vile directed at a school administrator for a bad haircut.....

I wonder how many of you actually live in Thailand? Other than op very few I suspect! The "western mentality" of violence, dominance, "eye for an eye", and "I'm right, your wrong".

I left the west for that very reason..."hooligans" ....but I guess they follow everywhere and want to instill a culture of violence everywhere!

Get a life! It was a haircut! Yes....a bad one ...but point was made ..."get one before I GIVE you one"

Yes, all westerners are hooligans and horrible people. A shame you are not Thai and always will be a Farang, no matter how much you try. But you for sure get good points for trying the best you can.

If anyone here is a hooligan, then it is the school director. Show the pictures to ANY normal educated Thai people and they would actually agree with that. But do you know any educated normal Thai people? I can not believe that you are so much a Thai-wannabe, that you defend a man who does something like that to a kid.

I hope you never end up in a fight with a Thai person, because then you will for sure experience a whole new level and meaning of violence. Seems you go the naive tourist impression of Thai people... all being wonderful, peaceful and so much different from western people. Thai people can be extremely violent if someone or something pisses them off - I do not know, if you know that?

If you do not believe me, then go an slap a random Thai-person on the street, say sorry and look what happens...

Khunpa.....your flare for drama is only outstripped by you "ignorance"

How long have you lived in Thailand? Where? as evidenced by your "limited" cultural skills and your quickness to violence (and continued references to it)...You ARE the "hooligan"

If you had read "all" the posts .....which you apparently haven't....you would have noticed I said the same thing happened to my son years ago.....YES ...I was appalled....what did I do....took him to the barbers to make it look better.....Violence is NEVER the answer....but in "western" thinking IT'S the ONLY answer.....

Who's right ...who's wrong....I don't really care....problem seen, problem confronted, problem taken care of.....Thats it...

As for Thai violence...Yes, I know of it,,,have lived here for ten years (yeah I know...a drop in the bucket)...but I do know in the west "we fight to win"....the Thai's "fight to kill"....subtle difference but ....different...

BUT you seem to LIKE to talk about violence....Is that your nature? Are you a violent person? Is kicking someones ass your answer to everything?

Wish you luck with that....you are not long to this world with that attitude!



I suppose simply suspending a pupil would be the best solution, if they choose not to abide by school rules,.....suspended until they do.


I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

Well ,,,Khunpa....if appears you never had any in the first place.....so nothing to lose!


I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

I'm not sure anyone is defending the director. I think there are a lot of people saying that making an issue out of it will cause a lot more trouble and grief for the OP and the boy in question, and it's better to move on and put the issue behind them.

The OP could go to the Director, and reinforce his negative stereotype of farangs as troublesome and argumentative. Or, as Funcat suggested, he could go to the Director, ask what the problem was, and give his contact details, so that the Director could contact him if there was ever a problem again. Perhaps if the Director knew that the OP spoke Thai, then the issue would have been resolved a long time ago. Who knows.


I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

I have to say, to go from a bad hair cut day and compare that to statutory rape of a pupil by a school administrator is an 'unbelievable' leap of logic.

Each to their own ... be that your opinion.


I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

I have to say, to go from a bad hair cut day and compare that to statutory rape of a pupil by a school administrator is an 'unbelievable' leap of logic.

Each to their own ... be that your opinion.

It's a Samson thing

I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

I'm not sure anyone is defending the director. I think there are a lot of people saying that making an issue out of it will cause a lot more trouble and grief for the OP and the boy in question, and it's better to move on and put the issue behind them.

The OP could go to the Director, and reinforce his negative stereotype of farangs as troublesome and argumentative. Or, as Funcat suggested, he could go to the Director, ask what the problem was, and give his contact details, so that the Director could contact him if there was ever a problem again. Perhaps if the Director knew that the OP spoke Thai, then the issue would have been resolved a long time ago. Who knows.

That's an awfully straight answer from you!

You need a night out with the Iman ... laugh.png

When I have a quandary like this ... I always think ...


What would Putin do?


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I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...

I'm not sure anyone is defending the director. I think there are a lot of people saying that making an issue out of it will cause a lot more trouble and grief for the OP and the boy in question, and it's better to move on and put the issue behind them.

The OP could go to the Director, and reinforce his negative stereotype of farangs as troublesome and argumentative. Or, as Funcat suggested, he could go to the Director, ask what the problem was, and give his contact details, so that the Director could contact him if there was ever a problem again. Perhaps if the Director knew that the OP spoke Thai, then the issue would have been resolved a long time ago. Who knows.

That's an awfully straight answer from you!

You need a night out with the Iman ... laugh.png

When I have a quandary like this ... I always think ...


What would Putin do?


Have him killed. For sure. But he'd have done that a long time ago, before it ever got to hair cuts; he'd have probably had him killed on the first day at school just as a warning. Russian politics is different, and perhaps not a good moral compass by which to steer.


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So much hand-wringing about 'feelings' ... yet still no word from the OP on how traumatized the boy actually is by this.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He's probably a bit embarrassed about his father making such a big deal out of it. all his mates will be calling him TV-boy now...

If the boy *is* upset, it is probably due to the father's histrionics.


So much hand-wringing about 'feelings' ... yet still no word from the OP on how traumatized the boy actually is by this.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He's probably a bit embarrassed about his father making such a big deal out of it. all his mates will be calling him TV-boy now...
If the boy *is* upset, it is probably due to the father's histrionics.
At least we'll be able to recognise TV-Boy from the pictures posted above. It is a quite distinctive Lionel Blair haircut.

I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.


I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.



I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.


Spoken like a man and Father who has school aged children attending their educational duties in Thailand.

I wonder who else commenting has kids at school here?

OH ... just for the record, my kids are still be produced, so a few years away from Thai Schooling, but the extended Thai Family, with whom I share the shitter,* have 5 kids of varing ages at school.

Actually, the youngest girl just got her hair cut short (but not as that messy job in the OP) as everyone got tired of the major lice problem, spending hours each week combing the little buggers out.

* Just an emphasis point to highlight that we share the same things, eat from the same table and generally discuss most Family matter issues.


I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.


Spoken like a man and Father who has school aged children attending their educational duties in Thailand.

I wonder who else commenting has kids at school here?

OH ... just for the record, my kids are still be produced, so a few years away from Thai Schooling, but the extended Thai Family, with whom I share the shitter,* have 5 kids of varing ages at school.

Actually, the youngest girl just got her hair cut short (but not as that messy job in the OP) as everyone got tired of the major lice problem, spending hours each week combing the little buggers out.

* Just an emphasis point to highlight that we share the same things, eat from the same table and generally discuss most Family matter issues.

Spoken as a man who went to school once, many years ago.

Geez, when I saw the subject I line, I thought the child had been caned or something. Turns out to be a lousy haircut, and yet people are advocating going to the police, making a human rights complaint, assaulting the teacher/director, etc etc. When I was a kid/teen, we used to get the 'cuts' from our teachers, i.e., a caning of up to six strokes on the hand. Parents never thought twice about it. Neither did we. We knew it was the price you paid if you broke the rules (and got caught). I certainly wasn't 'damaged' by the experience, and my friends and I turned out just fine.

Now it's a haircut instead of the cuts, and people are screaming for blood. It's a different world...

Yes you were damaged and it shows in your post. It is now ingrained into you that it is OK to abuse children.

If not stopped it goes on generation after generation, just like inside you.

Please don't project your thoughts on to my writing. If you read more carefully, you will see that I never said that corporal punishment is "OK". I merely said that what happened here is pretty mild in the scheme of things yet people are howling for blood (physical revenge, police complaints, human rights complaints, etc.). It was a call for people to put this into perspective, not a call for a return to caning.


I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.


Okay, so let me understand this...

1) If the dad moves his kid to a new school, then he teaching his kid a bad lesson in life, that will spoil the kid.

2) If the dad lets the kid stay at the same school and makes no fuss, then it will only be all the other children laughing at the boy.

3) If the dad makes a fuss (which is a horrible thing to do), then the teachers will also be laughing at the boy.

Looks like a really good "lose" - "lose" - "lose" situation for the kid...

I really hope none of you have or get children... because you guys are really messed up...


I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.


Okay, so let me understand this...

1) If the dad moves his kid to a new school, then he teaching his kid a bad lesson in life, that will spoil the kid.

2) If the dad lets the kid stay at the same school and makes no fuss, then it will only be all the other children laughing at the boy.

3) If the dad makes a fuss (which is a horrible thing to do), then the teachers will also be laughing at the boy.

Looks like a really good "lose" - "lose" - "lose" situation for the kid...

I really hope none of you have or get children... because you guys are really messed up...

You've pretty neatly summed it up. My recommendation would be to comply with school guidelines on hair cuts. If you want to be a non-conformist, then you have to expect a certain amount of ridicule - I suppoe you don't have to expect it, but it will come anyway.


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