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I'm Quitting !


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Today is day 1 of the program. The first day with the Quomem (Zyban), and the 1st day recording the times I light up.

Under the Zyban program, you take a pill a day for 3 days, then 2 pills a day until when ever. They recommend quitting cold turkey 8-10 days after starting the pills.

Already I have seen an improvement in my habit. The simple act of writing down the time each time I light up, and trying to go a little longer between cigarettes, has cut down on the amount I have smoked today !

I started out at 09:00 today (had a late night last night :o ). It was 18 minutes between my 1st and 2nd cigarettes. 20 minutes until my 3rd, 26 until my 4th and so on. The day isn't done yet and I'm at 38 minutes between smokes. At the end of the day, I'll tally up the total number I smoked today. Tomorrow I'll start again (going how ever many minutes between smokes that I was up to from the day before).

I used this method to wean myself off cigarettes once before. Got down to the point of only having 4 per day, then quit altogether when my last pack of ciggies was empty.

It's not going to be easy, considering I have nothing to occupy my time and take my mind off smoking. Guess I'll have to do some more posting here ! :D

This time I'm also using the Zyban, but I don't think I'll go for the patch or the gum. No point in adding nicotine to my system through a different delivery method.

I also have a very cute incentive to quit this time :D It's amazing the things a guy will do to impress a girl ! :D

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I seriously wish u well. I've smoked all my life and I would just luv to kick it .I don't want to be on my deathbed gasping for a fag.

However the dodgy part for u and evryone else will surely be when u have a drink or two. U won't be keeping a diary when ur in the boozer will u??? :o:D

Good Luck

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Maybe you should start up a "The Last Puff" thread in Bedlam. :o Seriously, good luck. The symptoms from those meds can be frustrating in themselves.

I've heard stories about the possible side effects, but like I mentioned, never had any problems last time (though I probably wasn't drinking as much that time).

I will keep my notepad with me when I go out at night, partly as an aid and reminder (every little bit helps, I hope !).

If I can keep my arms wrapped around my "incentive" and keep my hands otherwise occupied, it may make it a little easier to bear as well :D

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Good luck Kerryd.

Made it past the 2 month mark this weekend myself. The addiction has completely gone - only times I get tempted is when out with mates at the bar, but that's more for nostalgia than anything.

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Next time you're in the pub as a non smoker try this.

When you see some one smoking watch carefully how big a drag they take on their cigarette and how much smoke they exhale, you will be surprised to see how much smoke remains inside their body.

Instead of thinking how much you would luv a puff, you will now be thinking how glad you are that you no longer smoke.

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Next time you're in the pub as a non smoker try this.

When you see some one smoking watch carefully how big a drag they take on their cigarette and how much smoke they exhale, you will be surprised to see how much smoke remains inside their body.

Instead of thinking how much you would luv a puff, you will now be thinking how glad you are that you no longer smoke.

Cheers MITM, will give it a shot next time.

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Kerryd :D

And me tinking this Fred was about …………………………… :D

Should it work for you, you WILL have the LAST WORD to all of those “Fags” (ciggies) after all. :D

Warning : -

Do not try this method of “Kerryd” on that dreaded “Last Word” Fred, it will not work.

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Good Luck BTW :o

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Guest endure

Isn't keeping a diary going to continually remind you that you're trying to give up? What you should be trying to do is to convince yourself that you don't WANT to smoke, not that you're 'quitting' which implies that you're depriving yourself. A good book to read is The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. It presents you with the right mindset to stop succesfully:


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Well, it's Day 5 on the Zyban (2nd day on the 2 pill/day schedule). According to the paperwork, I should be able to quit cold-turkey in 3-5 more days :D

I've still been logging the time each time I light up. I think that has been more effective in cutting down on the amount I smoke than the Zyban. I get the cravings and look at how much longer I have to wait until I can light up again. Then try and take my mind off it for a few minutes at least. Then, when I hit the mark, I try to delay actually lighting up for a minute or two longer.

The Zyban doesn't seem to be doing much to reduce the cravings at this point :o

When I first started (5 days ago), I was having a cigarette every 20-30 minutes. I'm up to 90+ minutes (Day 1 I smoked 20 in 10 hours. Today over the same period I only had 9).

It's tough when you've got nothing but time on your hands, and little to occupy yourself with. My biggest challenge will be the mental factor, keeping up my strength of will and avoiding temptation.

Gonna try to go 2 hours + between smokes tomorrow, 3+ on Monday and 4+ on Tuesday. That should have me down to 4 a day anyways. If it goes well, then try for 0 on Wednesday.

(note to self: Do NOT go out drinking from Wednesday onwards !) :D

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Many smokers want to quit but the thought of life without their ciggies is just too daunting.

But when the quit is viewed from a change of lifestyle point of view, the prospects are less fearful.

A change of life style that will provide your body with more oxygen, give back your ability to smell and taste while taking away the smokers smell that surrounds you, save your clothes and furniture from burns, mollify the harm being done to your teeth, gums, arteries and blood pressure.

A change in a habit that daily feeds you 4,000+ chemical compounds that include arsenic, ammonia, acetone, formaldehyde, butane, massive doses of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, methane, stearic acid, vinyl chloride, mercury, and lead, together with 43 known cancer causing agents (one of which is created when nicotine breaks down -NNK), before finally killing you with cancer, a stroke, a heart attack or emphysema.

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Well, today I decided to go for it. With the Zyban program, I'm supposed to quit cold-turkey tomorrow, or within the next 3 days at the most.

But I smoked the last of my cigarettes last night, so why not start now ? I started to clean the ashtray, intending to store it, but then I thought, why ? Deep down am I expecting to fail, and holding on to the ashtray knowing I'll need it again ?

Threw out the ashtray with the mornings garbage !

I actually had a hard time getting to sleep last night, as I was having cravings already. This morning ? Well, so far so good. Got a pack of gum and a couple of thingies of those Mentos chewy mints.

Got a notepad next to the keyboard, right where I used to keep my cigarettes. The reasons I want to quit are listed on it. A constant reminder of the various reasons I thought of, while still smoking.

Now it's going to be a test of will-power. ######, has it only been 9 hours ? Every hour is a victory at this point.

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Good luck to you mate, i kicked a 40-60 a day rolly habit 9 months a go when i found out she was having a baby. I had always promised myself that i would give up by the age of 30 and here i am 30 and a non smoker. :o

I used the patches starting with the strongest then less and less for 3 months then stopped the patches. I still have the odd craving, but the way i see it, i have given up for 9 months it would just be silly to start smoking again.

If you need a kick up the backside or some encouraging words, i am always here mate :D

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Day 9 on the Zyban program, and 3rd day since I quit.

The first day was rough. I broke down at 1 pm and had one cigarette, then another at 8 pm. (Having gone in less than 2 weeks from 50+/day, down to 18-20, down to 2).

Yesterday went pretty good though. No cigarettes at all ! Had some cravings, but not as bad as the previous day. Even went out and had 2 drinks at a certain "establishment" (then got the hel_l out when all the tour groups arrived).

Today seems pretty good as well. Been up for a little over an hour, had my 1st cuppa coffee and hardly any craving at all (it'll probably hit me after I eat).

Got enough Zyban to last another 20 days. Will that be enough, or should I get another month's supply ? Maybe play it safe and get another month's worth. Funny how a month's supply of Zyban costs almost the same as a month's worth of cigarettes (at the discounted price my neighbour got for me, for the Zyban, not the smokes, that was a different neighbour :o )

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Day 9 on the Zyban program, and 3rd day since I quit.

The first day was rough. I broke down at 1 pm and had one cigarette, then another at 8 pm. (Having gone in less than 2 weeks from 50+/day, down to 18-20, down to 2).

Yesterday went pretty good though. No cigarettes at all ! Had some cravings, but not as bad as the previous day. Even went out and had 2 drinks at a certain "establishment" (then got the hel_l out when all the tour groups arrived).

Today seems pretty good as well. Been up for a little over an hour, had my 1st cuppa coffee and hardly any craving at all (it'll probably hit me after I eat).

Got enough Zyban to last another 20 days. Will that be enough, or should I get another month's supply ? Maybe play it safe and get another month's worth. Funny how a month's supply of Zyban costs almost the same as a month's worth of cigarettes (at the discounted price my neighbour got for me, for the Zyban, not the smokes, that was a different neighbour :o )

Try acapuncture! That's where I'm heading ... why replace one drug with another?

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best of luck Kerry. going from 50pd to 2pd is a step in the right direction.

and IMO it takes balls to say 'im quitting', I usually just opt for 'i'm cutting down'. less pressure!!!


2+ full days now without a cigarette ! Still coughing up a load of crap :D

I expect that will go on for awhile. Can't tell if my blood pressure or cholesterol is improving, and it's RAINing too hard to start training for a marathon just yet. :o

Getting lots of quality work done on my apartment though, as I try to find things to do to take my mind off the cravings. Still, not as bad as expected, thanks to the Zyban I imagine. 2 days down, 40 years (?) to go ! :D

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best of luck Kerry. going from 50pd to 2pd is a step in the right direction.

and IMO it takes balls to say 'im quitting', I usually just opt for 'i'm cutting down'. less pressure!!!


2+ full days now without a cigarette ! Still coughing up a load of crap :D

I expect that will go on for awhile. Can't tell if my blood pressure or cholesterol is improving, and it's RAINing too hard to start training for a marathon just yet. :o

Getting lots of quality work done on my apartment though, as I try to find things to do to take my mind off the cravings. Still, not as bad as expected, thanks to the Zyban I imagine. 2 days down, 40 years (?) to go ! :D

I stopped smoking about 7 years ago using Zyban. It's not hard to stop w/ Zyban. I had smoked metholated cigs for about 30 years, about a pack per day. But according to a research done on this, it takes about 5 years after you stop smoking for your lungs to clear, so you might be caughing up stuff for about 5 years -- I was. It's been more than 5 years for me and I no longer do this. I hope you make it. :D

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You can do it ..........

I am starting my third week with absolutely no smoking. Went cold turkey this time..... In the past I tried the patch, nicotene gum and Quomen. I cut down my smoking but didn't stop.

What prompted my cold turkey was a chest cold three weeks ago. I woke up one morning and literally couldn't breath, so I sat up and it took me ten minutes to get the strength to walk downstairs to my kitchen. After making a cup of coffee and walking over to my computer, it took another ten minutes to get my breathing back in order!

I was scared..........

Next morning, same story, so I just threw out my cigarettes and went cold turkey.

Only time will tell, but after only 16 days, I can feel the difference in my breathing. My wife says that while I sleep my breathing isn't labored. So all I can do is look forward to the improvements in my health. I know that I will always have a craving for cigarettes but I will overcome the urge.

Oh, I also found that even now, working at the computer, the urges are stronger since I have always smoked while working. When I was going through the first week, I would go upstairs to my bedroom and read a book. The smoking urges dropped dramatically since I have never, ever smoked in my bedroom.

Good luck.......

Edited by Diablo Bob
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Today is day 1 of the program. The first day with the Quomem (Zyban), and the 1st day recording the times I light up.

Under the Zyban program, you take a pill a day for 3 days, then 2 pills a day until when ever. They recommend quitting cold turkey 8-10 days after starting the pills.

Already I have seen an improvement in my habit. The simple act of writing down the time each time I light up, and trying to go a little longer between cigarettes, has cut down on the amount I have smoked today !

I started out at 09:00 today (had a late night last night :o ). It was 18 minutes between my 1st and 2nd cigarettes. 20 minutes until my 3rd, 26 until my 4th and so on. The day isn't done yet and I'm at 38 minutes between smokes. At the end of the day, I'll tally up the total number I smoked today. Tomorrow I'll start again (going how ever many minutes between smokes that I was up to from the day before).

I used this method to wean myself off cigarettes once before. Got down to the point of only having 4 per day, then quit altogether when my last pack of ciggies was empty.

It's not going to be easy, considering I have nothing to occupy my time and take my mind off smoking. Guess I'll have to do some more posting here ! :D

This time I'm also using the Zyban, but I don't think I'll go for the patch or the gum. No point in adding nicotine to my system through a different delivery method.

I also have a very cute incentive to quit this time :D It's amazing the things a guy will do to impress a girl ! :D

hi kerry

I have been smoking for 12 years ( 30 sticks per day without a beer in my hand) but until today this is 53 day without a puff. I just got fed up with cig and throw the full pkt in the rubbish bin ....... all the best to u .

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1 full week without cigarettes !

I've even gone out drinking a couple of times and wasn't tempted to have a smoke. The physical cravings lasted about 2 days. Since then, I catch myself thinking now and then, that a smoke would really "hit the spot" right now, just like a cold beer or pop on a hot, sunny day. Fortunately, it's not a overpowering desire and is easily ignored.

Sucks that I caught a cold 2 days ago. Now I am coughing more and feeling worse than when I smoked ! Still using the Zyban (2 weeks supply left). Not using as much gum or candy as I was expecting to, which is a good thing as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today makes it 3 full weeks without a smoke ! Still get the feeling once in awhile that a smoke would be great, like a cold drink on a hot day. Probably will get that feeling for years to come, but it's no where near as bad as the initial cravings were.

I find I can easily ignore this feeling, and as soon as I start doing something, I forget about wanting a smoke (much different that feeling you need a smoke).

I should celebrate after 1 month, but hey, I'm celebrating pretty much every day any ways ! :o

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Today makes it 3 full weeks without a smoke ! Still get the feeling once in awhile that a smoke would be great, like a cold drink on a hot day. Probably will get that feeling for years to come, but it's no where near as bad as the initial cravings were.

I find I can easily ignore this feeling, and as soon as I start doing something, I forget about wanting a smoke (much different that feeling you need a smoke).

I should celebrate after 1 month, but hey, I'm celebrating pretty much every day any ways ! :D

Hi Kerryd

Well done ..........keep it up, you can do it :D


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Today makes it 3 full weeks without a smoke ! Still get the feeling once in awhile that a smoke would be great, like a cold drink on a hot day. Probably will get that feeling for years to come, but it's no where near as bad as the initial cravings were.

I find I can easily ignore this feeling, and as soon as I start doing something, I forget about wanting a smoke (much different that feeling you need a smoke).

I should celebrate after 1 month, but hey, I'm celebrating pretty much every day any ways ! :o

That's great.

Sorry to be a pain and hate to repeat this but now that you're over the worst and have regained your life you must always remember NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF, not even one, EVER AGAIN.

You are an addict and just one puff will put you back to where you were.

And for you smokers who are reading this and want to quit Kerry has shown how easy quitting really can be.

Get your lives back and quit now.

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My name is Eugene and I am 28 years old. I ahve been smoking since I was 18 and currenlty smoke 20 a day. I ahve treid quiting using quemem managed to to stay clean for a while but got trapped in it again when I relocated to the south of Thailand. I want to start a career in PADI, hopefully by July, but before then I wll need to quit as I do want to increase my lung capacity. I ahve orderd antoher bathc of quemem and my deadline is set for the 2nd week in July. I realy fear those first three days, any advise on how to make them smoother?


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