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I'm Quitting !


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I don't know yet when I'm going there again. But wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to come here for a visit. :o

(I ain't no thick git no more. Ha!)

As far as I'm concerned, brit is now back in the States. :D

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I don't know yet when I'm going there again. But wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to come here for a visit. :o

(I ain't no thick git no more. Ha!)

I don't understand ? :D

Am I missing something ? :D

As far as I'm concerned, brit is now back in the States. :D

Ouch !

That doesn't sound nice. Or maybe it just didn't come out right (the sentence). :D

Oh yeah,

71 days today ! (big deal.) Funny thing though. Had a nightmare last night/this morning. I was having dinner in a Thai restaurant with 2 Thai friends. It was a non-smoking restaurant (one of the few in the country).

At the end of the meal, I light up a cigarette. It was from a pack of Canadian cigarettes, a brand that I never used to smoked at all. An ashtray appeared from somewhere. My 2 friends never said a word. Just as I was finishing the cigarette, a waitress leaned over to whisper that smoking wasn't allowed there. I put the smoke out and put a menu over the top of the ashtray.

Then the alarm clock went off and I woke up. :D

It actually made me stop and think what I had done last night. For a few seconds I thought I had broken down and had a smoke.

It was just a dream though ! :D

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Ouch !

That doesn't sound nice. Or maybe it just didn't come out right (the sentence). :D

Funny :D that. It looked better when I was writing. A bit worrying that I don't make too much sense - more than the usual nonsense :o anyway. Prolly need to get off the wagon. Lack of alcohol might have done some brain damage. :D

Keep up the good work, Kerryd. Very odd dream though. :D

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Very odd dream though. :D

Probably has something to do with being all alone through these long, cold, dark nights. :o

Or too much spicy food before going to sleep ? :D

By the way, been meaning to ask. Where did you learn English ? I ask, because your English is considerably better than a number of the English speaking members here. :D

72 days now ! :D

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Well guys my first post here on this thread,after 37 years of heavy smoking i mean from 2o a day to 40 a day towards the end i had my last nicotene stick at 9 am on January 20th 2006,so now 6 months have passed i have quit.I wished i could say i felt better but truth is i dont,the only benefit i feel as yet is in my pocket.

Good luck to all who wish to kick this most foul and dangerous habit

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Zyban is Welbutrin marketed under a different name for use as an aid to quit smoking. (Welbutrin’s active ingredient is bupropion hydrochloride and is used as a stimulant for a person who suffers from depression. Welbutrin is an anti-depressant).

Welbutrin Side Effects:

Bupropion has been linked to seizures in about four out of a thousand patients who were given up to 450 mg/day. Other possible side effects include: anxiety, headache, hyperactive sweating, constipation, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dry mouth and blurred vision. Other side effects that are less common but more serious include: palpitations, unusual weight loss or gain, agitation, slowed movements, trouble sleeping, tremor, dizziness, fainting, mood changes, difficulty urinating, drowsiness, decreased sex drive, seizures, mental problems, fever, muscle aches, yellowing of the eyes or skin. Allergic reactions to this drug may show the following symptoms: trouble breathing, rash, itching, swelling, or severe dizziness.

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do I have done it around 9 times (3 times in the last 2 months) my record thus far is 3 weeks and I have used the gum in every case so, I guess it doesn't do it's job as well as it claims to.

Anyway best of luck to you, if nothing else I can tell you I felt better after 3 weeks and I'm still kicking myself in the ass for starting up again but I plan to stop on Monday again.

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Very odd dream though. :D

Probably has something to do with being all alone through these long, cold, dark nights. :o

Or too much spicy food before going to sleep ? :D

72 days now ! :D

Will be starting week six of no smoking today. If anything seems my dreams are more lucid. :D

Thanks for your inspiration Kerryd. :D

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Probably has something to do with being all alone through these long, cold, dark nights. :o

Ohhh..... you poor thing. Anything I can help? :D

Or too much spicy food before going to sleep ? :D

Too much food does that to me sometimes. :D

By the way, been meaning to ask. Where did you learn English ? I ask, because your English is considerably better than a number of the English speaking members here. :D

Thanks. I learned in school and university. :D

Anyway, me two weeks and seriously getting the urge at the moment. :D So, I'm not going to any other place, other than my office, my apartment, and my parents' - as I never smoke in those places.

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A friend in Afghanistan just sent me a very funny but poignant "stop-smoking" movie clip. If you'd like to see it (more reinforcement!), and can handle a 2.5mb download, and can view an .mpeg file, PM me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 weeks and 1 day. I'm feeling it again. I hope I won't break down tonight. :o:D :D :D

80 days smoke free to day !! :D

I've been tempted over the last couple of days for some reason, but have been able to fight it.

I'm sure if an easily persuaded, soft touch of a guy like me can fight the urge, a smart, level-headed girl like you can do it as well ! :D

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I'm gonna try again as of today. I have not had a cig since this morning. I am also of the booze. 3 days now.Going off it for a week or so. Not totally giving up. ###### that i like it too much. Just giving the liver a break.

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I am trying as well.

I am a two pack a day man, but thats two packs to may at my age.

I am now into day 4 and although the first 3 days were spent in a hospital bed, there was not much chance of a smoke ,so as it really did not seem to bother me that much I thought I may as well stick at it.

Sitting here in front of the screen ..I reach for a ciggie and its not there..then I hit the "Why Quit" website and that sorts me out.

Lets hope we can all keep it up....but I am sure it gets harder than this

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why dont you take a hammer and hit yourself over the head every morning instead of smoking that will be better for the "sane"(non smokers) people around you as it wont hurt others. 2

2nd hand smoke kills other people and if you smoke around others at all you are causing pain for others including me!

Whine all the way to the grave is the way I see it.

I think they should just put in a bit more poisin and get the thing over more quickly is the way I see it........educated people who smoke have a death wish..... plain and simple.

this is just my opionin about this... do what ever you like but not around anyone else but another foolish smoker only!

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I am trying as well.

I am a two pack a day man, but thats two packs to may at my age.

I am now into day 4 and although the first 3 days were spent in a hospital bed, there was not much chance of a smoke ,so as it really did not seem to bother me that much I thought I may as well stick at it.

Sitting here in front of the screen ..I reach for a ciggie and its not there..then I hit the "Why Quit" website and that sorts me out.

Lets hope we can all keep it up....but I am sure it gets harder than this

I FAILED....I am also trying to quit booze at the moment and this afternoon I reached an unfortunate watershed..one or the other, my head was swimming, so as my health dictates that booze is worse for me right now than cigarettes I sucumbed to the weed.

The good thing is I don't need a drink now.

I will try again , but I have to conquer my other demons first.

Good Luck to the rest of you guys and gals


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I FAILED....I am also trying to quit booze at the moment and this afternoon I reached an unfortunate watershed..one or the other, my head was swimming, so as my health dictates that booze is worse for me right now than cigarettes I sucumbed to the weed.

The good thing is I don't need a drink now.

I will try again , but I have to conquer my other demons first.

Good Luck to the rest of you guys and gals


Very difficult to gove up two things at the same time. I think the physical and psychological stress of quitting smoking and drinking at the same time is a little much for most people to handle.

Tuky was going to try the same thing a little while ago.

Which is worse for you ? Well, we all know that both are bad, but drinking in moderation isn't as harmful as smoking in moderation. Some people can handle giving up one vice easier than another.

When I was overseas working, I had no problem going without alcohol. But at $3.00 US per carton, giving up cigarettes didn't happen. Then again, at the time, I didn't want, or feel the need, to give up smoking.

A little more expensive here, but that wasn't the reason I gave them up. I still drink, but not that often (and not that much). I found that going without alcohol was a lot easier than going without cigarettes.

How ever, today is day 82 smoke free ! I think using the Zyban (Quomem) for the first month helped, along with the realization that I really, really needed to quit.

Buy some of that Mentos Candy (The Sour Fruit flavour). When ever you get the urge, pop a candy instead of lighting up a smoke. (I haven't gained any weight since I quit, even with all the candy I've been eating, but you don't want to be eating too much every day).

Good luck !

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I FAILED....I am also trying to quit booze at the moment and this afternoon I reached an unfortunate watershed..one or the other, my head was swimming, so as my health dictates that booze is worse for me right now than cigarettes I sucumbed to the weed.

The good thing is I don't need a drink now.

I will try again , but I have to conquer my other demons first.

Good Luck to the rest of you guys and gals


TP, when I gave up drinking an oldtimer in AA told me that in the first year of quitting, if you normaly smoke 1 pack a day, smoke 2. There is plenty of time later for quitting. As Kerryd said, 2 at once is too much.

I gave up booze, then very gradually benzodiazepines, now I am ready 6 years on to give up smoking.

So far I haven't had one today - I have had some Swedish tobacco that goes in the mouth, so cheating a bit. Cheaper than nicotine patches. I plan to use it for a few days to get off the smoke.

why dont you take a hammer and hit yourself over the head every morning instead of smoking that will be better for the "sane"(non smokers) people around you as it wont hurt others. 2

2nd hand smoke kills other people and if you smoke around others at all you are causing pain for others including me!

Have you ever smoked? If so, shut you gob!

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this is just my opionin about this... do what ever you like but not around anyone else but another foolish smoker only!

If you have limited capability of reading, I'll put it short and sweet - that everyone, who has posted on this thread, has been trying to stop smoking. It might be harder for some. But we all are trying. So, I don't really think your rant belongs in here. :o

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I failed yesterday - had 4 very lkate at night.

God, it's hard this quitting smokes!

Sure enough ! If it was easy, the tobacco companies would have gone bankrupt long ago !

If you end up having a smoke again tonight, try to go to sleep right afterwards (don't stay up and have a couple more). Limit the amount of nicotine you take in, and then try to maximize the amount of "clean time" by sleeping longer. Brush your teeth before going to sleep, and again when you wake up.

Have something available to use when ever you get the urge to smoke (I keep mentioning the Mentos candies). Got to be able to take your mind off of smoking as well. If you start getting the cravings, you have to do something to stop thinking about how you are feeling. Have a candy and then do something.

Keep reminding yourself about the reasons why you need to quit.

Sitting around thinking about how badly you'd like a cigarette is the worse thing you can do. Soon enough, you'll start coming up with reasons and justifications for having just one more cigarette.

Once you've done that, the justification for having another cigarette comes even easier.

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Havent had a smoke for 2 days now. Off to ChiangMai for a funeral of my wifes uncle. He died of cancer/. It has made me more determined to give up totallly.

Hi Jockstar, I remember when we first started the Stop Smoking Forum you were one of the first to "join".

Well now you have managed to break the habit, welcome to your new life.

Soon 2 days will be 2 weeks and then 2 months.

Just always remember, NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF.

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