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I only opened a Thai bank a/c last week (well made my wife's a/c joint) so the only cash I have in Thailand is what my wife gives me and she pays for everything. It all came from me originally tho. It seems to work OK as she has a much tighter control than I would.

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We both live in Australia and we both have regular income.

I pay all the bills here except for her clothing and some other of her personal purchases.

Her family lives in Thailand and she pays for all their needs.

She is saving to buy a house in Thailand.


I guess I come from the old school. I expect to be the breadwinner and I expect my wife NOT to have to work. I give my wife 20,000 baht per month. She pays all the utilities, food and household expenses. She does have money left over at the end of the month and that goes in her bank account. I pay for big ticket items and yearly insurance premiums. Works well for me. :o


Our money is just that "our money" It has always been that way from the start. hel_l, Now almost 20 years of marriage (same girl) it seems like some women want to run the show.

No problem, Have at it!

I am ok with that cause I'm going fishin.

Got a place to sleep and meals when hungry.

Yea, go ahead, show me :o You got a beat em at there own game. :D

In my world, the man is the bread winner. If the man can't make a helluva lot more cash than the lady, then he is a weakling in my book. He is a mouse not a man. And if he allows her to pay when he's sitting on the mound of cash, then he is not worthy.

I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.


I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.



I really never thought about it that way. That is a good idea. :o I worked for Chrysler in management for all my married life. (Western EX-wife). I made a lot of money and it was never enough. I don't have that problem here. :D

I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.

In my world, the man is the bread winner. If the man can't make a helluva lot more cash than the lady, then he is a weakling in my book. He is a mouse not a man. And if he allows her to pay when he's sitting on the mound of cash, then he is not worthy.

I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.

sounds like a good idea to me :o


I am lucky, I have enough to not have to worry so I pay for every thing. The outlay in Thailand is much less to me than I would pay when I was living in New Zealand. I also live much better life style here.

My G/F does not work at this time she is about to study the MBA in nurseing.

It depends on her passing the next exam. If she fails, she will sit it again and I will pay for that also.

In the end she will get her MBA and I am happy to help in this matter. She takes care of me, I am happy, so it's a 50 50 feeling all around. :o

In my world, the man is the bread winner. If the man can't make a helluva lot more cash than the lady, then he is a weakling in my book. He is a mouse not a man. And if he allows her to pay when he's sitting on the mound of cash, then he is not worthy.

I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.

I was the bread winner there and I am the bread winner here. same same. sounds like you moved to a place where women are poorer

In my world, the man is the bread winner. If the man can't make a helluva lot more cash than the lady, then he is a weakling in my book. He is a mouse not a man. And if he allows her to pay when he's sitting on the mound of cash, then he is not worthy.

I guess you moved to Thailand when you got fed up of eating old chease back home.

If you can't earn more than the women around you, move to somewhere where the women are poorer.

I was the bread winner there and I am the bread winner here. same same. sounds like you moved to a place where women are poorer

I'm still confused about you - didn't you mention that you won your purported wealth? How does that work with your tough words on earning it?


Richer women, poorer women, it shouldn't matter. When you can be with a woman on equal terms and be confident in your relationship without feeling like you have to either impress her with your finances, or use them as a method of controling her, you will then be in a position of strength. Otherwise, you're just a rich weakling with a financial gun protecting you.


Our money is just that "our money" It has always been that way from the start. hel_l, Now almost 20 years of marriage (same girl) it seems like some women want to run the show.

No problem, Have at it!

I am ok with that cause I'm going fishin.

Got a place to sleep and meals when hungry.

Yea, go ahead, show me :o You got a beat em at there own game. :D

Are you my husband?? :D

The fishing was a dead giveaway there :D

He doesn't really leave me in charge tho, we make decisions together about our money. But mainly, he just goes fishing :D

  • 7 months later...

not sure if the OP only wanted men's comments on what men do..but anyhow...decided to add in my comments :D

who pays:

most dates I go on..the guy pays...with some I have offered to split.....really depends, but as said most times the date pays....when that happens and if I have dated same guy a few times then I either offer to pay..or invite him...he lets me maybe once...if he doesnt then I let him pay but will buy small gift (chocolates or wine for him) to say thanks.

yes, very often I wouldnt even be able to offer to split the bill (if they happen to take me to very posh expensive places), but its not about always wanting to "take" from men....so I give what I can....pay for what I can afford...maybe I buy the movie tickets, and take him to place I CAN afford...or the aforementioned small gestures of thankyous.

to those that think thai women are ALL about coniving greedy creatures.......if thats your view so be it :o but perhaps time to pause and consider why you are only attracting such type :D either that or your views are narrow :D good luck.

Just curious about how you and ur wife/tgf handle finances.

1. If you go out 10 times - Just say to a resteraunt, movies ect on average how many times will you pay? How many times will your gf pay?

2. Maybe your tgf has less money than you / Do you still expect her to atleast, make a effort paying for a percentage of items in your relationship?

3. Any other comments about how you handle fincances with your partner? Thanks

Does it not all really depend on who earns the most, what activity you are doing, and whoose idea it was? (assuming you are not married in which case who cares who pays the bill it is coming from the same pot).

If you are in the initial stages of dating, I would assume the guy would always pay assuming again that it was his idea to go out and do something. Usually if a woman suggests an event, she will then choose a place that she knows she can afford (no matter how humble the place may appear) to show her appreciation to her bf, and also to show that she is not a sponge.

In all fairness if you suggest an even that you know is out of her budget, then you should pick up the entire tab.


Both times I was over, and was with my girlfriend I insisted on paying for everything, sometimes to their protests. But i'm the same over her in UK, been bought up to treat the lady and pay for everything (old fashioned parents to thank for that)

I dont know why but i dont know if i could let a lady pay for anything for me if we was out together, so far none have fought my insistence too much for me to find out. I dont mind though, I actually enjoy it providing to my girl in any way I can

But I can imagine its harder if money is tight etc or the lady is a higher earner so I guess everyone is different


I would say that Thailand is around 50 years behind the UK in terms of gender relations, both economically and thus culturally. Things are changing and may take more than 50 years to be like the UK but they are changing. BTW the UK hardly has gender equality in the workplace or home as a rule but is far ahead of Thailand.

People like Glenbat and Monochaser are well suited to a society in which the man is expected to pay, of which Glenbat is 'thankful' for his upbringing. All due respect, don't take what I say personally please. Its funny since Glenbat was saying that he never paid a penny to his bargirl girlfriend, but in reality paid for everything (which he states). And whilst there is not necessarily anything wrong in that per se (and yes that applies to many women in the world), I can assure you she was wanting you to provide more and more. Anyway back to topic.

The reality is that this cultural idea is derived from the man being the breadwinner. As the economics of gender change so will cultural expectations.

I think the judgement should be an academic one based upon money. If the man earns more, which is inevitably the case with a farrang bf/husband then fair dues he should pay proportionally more.

But one should be aware of a woman who has sought a partner for 'this reason'.

Of course many men don't care! They just like the nice young thing on their arm and know that their money could never get them something like that from the country they are from.


As i am married, it works something like this.

Whats hers is hers and whats mine is hers as well :o

Seriously though, my wife earns almost as much money as me. I tend to pay all the bills and we use the wifes money to buy the weekly food, petrol for the car and any outings we make. Anything that is left over goes into a savings account, and that is used to pay for holidays, car repairs and pretty much anything else :D

My wife usually pays, I dont often bother carrying cash.

yeah...me sum too, I give the wife the dosh and she pays out whatever the expense...she sorta likes being in control that way...'DARLING? I need some Sang Som and smokes...DARLING? I need some Sprite and nam keng...DARLING? the man with the electricy bill is here, take care of it will ya?...'

oh, the life ob tutsiwarrior...reclining on his new, magnificent rear terrace...


Seems to me that this question in Thai Visa Forum is not representitive of the general Farang population in Thailand.

Most of the posters on this Forum are married to high powered, high earning hi-so women, the others have girlfriends they met in top universities who have connections to the monied elite.

We even used to have a poster whose wife was having lunch with the deputy Prime Minister on a regular basis.

How can one expect truthful or accurate replies on an anonymous internet forum? :o

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