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1 dead, four people shot at Ramkhamhaeng University after clashes


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How is this all not just universally labeled "Suthep's fault"? He got what he wanted, and then continued to add fuel to the fire of the protesters. It is obvious that his motive is to cause mayhem/death/chaos in the country.

So, in 2010 it was all Suthep and Abhisit's fault, and now it is again all their fault. I don't think you can have it both ways.

Sent from my phone ...

If you want power , or want the current Government out , wait till the elections.

While waiting , form policies and recruit followers.

Then vote.

The most votes win.

No need for any disruptions or violence.


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The call for a gathering of red shirts in Bangkok, while the anti government protests were/are going on was not a step toward peace talks as we keep hearing as being proposed/offered. Couple this brain dead decision with the intoduction of Jutaporn waving a red flag and making verbal threats to a bunch of university students whose testosterone level and common sense varies by the hour and ambient temp, and bingo you win or lose, depending on your true objective.

The government of this prime minister and the police force have again displayed a incompentance level, second to none in recent Thai history. The build up to this has taken several days to fester, yesterday the probable outcome was very predicatable, but no preventive action was taken, to seperate the two groups and so far the RTP seem to have the same minset as they displayed 3 years ago. Do absolutly nothing to sever and protect the Thai population.

There are enough candiates/charges on both sides of this circle jerk that a court marshal tribunal would be hard pressed on its decision to rule for a dishonrable discharge or a firing squad. The latter would at least eliminate most of the chance of their return to their life of crime.

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The gentile students heading to Bangkok with sticks..............

Disgusting thugs - thats all they are - disgraceful Yellow Shirt/PAD/Democrat violent thugs.

@isaanlife: 8 Ramkhamhaeng buses full of scouts just passed. Heading toward BKK. Things could be escalating. They have sticks”

And the Democrats need to be disbanded now - total and utter disgrace.

Mob of Democrats enters ThaiPBS compound, demands it ceases broadcasts. 4th estate needs careful guidance, thinks Democrats (v @Saksith)

What another complete pack of lies.

Please indicate where dems, Suthep, PAD, yellow shirts have asked for violence

If not then kindly apologise for attempting to mislead

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Everyone..., listen up. I don't care if BOTH sides are steeped in corruption, which would seem to be the case, any way you look at it. The prevailing sentiment says they're both equally guilty of abuse of power and corruption. I can't speak to the level of it on either side and those who think they can are throwing out pure conjecture or event based "controversial" incidents. Sure that statement will bring the wrath of TV posters to pounce.

The only way to establish and maintain a democracy..., even when the elected party and its leaders are deemed to be corrupt..., must play out by accepting those who have been elected by the people. Whether legitimately or by virtue of them "giving back" to those who aided in their elections..., the vote of the people must stand until 'next elections' come about.

The amnesty bill wasn't ALL about Thaksin but everyone wants to say so. It was also about Abhisit who, may I remind readers, has been indicted for murder. In fact the bill was aimed to pardon combatants going all the way back to 2004. There are MANY who the amnesty bill would have exonerated and on both sides of this divide., IMHO, for all the right reasons. Let the past remain in the past and work on the present, then the future.

Aung San Suu Kyi who just happens to have a good handle on the matters of the SE Asian populace in matters like these said something a few years ago that really stuck with me. Forgive me if I misquote...., "It's not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts the people who have it and fear of power corrupts those who are subject to it".

I know how to solve this once and for all. Thailand is comprised of some 23 million people...., over 2/3 live in the rural countryside. Send all those who protest the current "majority elected" government to the north for rice harvest. Let them toil in the fields for 30 days, living a subsistence lifestyle and caring only about their families, a place to sleep and food in their stomachs. Let them wear the mud of the fields on their feet and hands. Let them bathe from a bucket or cistern. Let them sleep on the floor and feel the frigid temperatures of December & January. Let them forage for food from the fields they til and harvest.

Short of that highly unlikely scenario, what has begun again (I fear) will be far worse than what we saw in 2010. And it saddens me for the masses who deserve a better way of life. Suthep's epitaph may not read well in the years to come and he has placed the people of Thailand in grave danger. I question his love for all the people of Thailand.

And so it begins..., again. I sense with far reaching consequence that can only damage a country and its people who I love. This could be a new chapter that will be a very bad one for Thailand.

maybe a long diatribe and it shows how out of touch you are.winning elections and then doing what ever you want aint democracy .Absolute power corrupts absolutely.GET REAL. PS. Your knowledge of thailand is summed up by the population figure of"23 million" you quote

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks for your feedback King Alfred - Think I can speak with a modicum of intelligence to things along these lines. Masters in Political Science with focus on International Relations (Indiana University, USA) BS in Economics & Financial Markets (Yale...., ah hem..., USA).

I spoke to the matter of my population typo to an earlier poster. But let me again apologize...., to you. Last note. I've been coming to Thailand since 1992. Moved here in 2009. I'm 55 and "comfortably" retired. Do the math.

for all we know your degree was one yopu bought online, especiallty when you leave out pretty important bits from your rant.

!. Thaksin is a wanted criminal, his sister(the pm) will not allow an arrest warrant put out for him and has given him a thai passport, He (as a wanted criminal) runs the ptp(the govt) and tells them what to do. Maybe to you this is democracy but to everyone else it is a farce.

2. The ptp are in power because they are payng huge bribes(the rice subsidy) to the north while ignoring the south, if bribery was stopped thaksin would be in real trouble and so would the ptp.

3.The charges of murder againt the democrat leaders is a farce, there is no evidence(apart from red voices), it will be thrown out of court due to no direct ballistic matches to rifles used by soldiers, no order from them to shoot at/kill protesters, the fact that the reds were also firing the same variety of weapons of the same callibre.

4. There are no grenades being thrown by the anti govt protesters at hospitals etc unlike the reds, they are also not telling them to burn down Bangkok unlike the reds, the violence only started when the reds called for violence against the uni kids, Suthep has consistently said no violence and they had not caused any

Your rant is nothing but an appology for the reds/ptp/thaksin and is totally pathetic. For someone supposedly having an education and degree you are extremely stupid to the extreme as you have simply quoted a load of shit without any facts which is typical of red sympathisers. The biggest laugh is your degree, was it handed out at a kindergarten/pre school because what you wrote is ludicrous.

ummm, the picture on this story shows people in black (i believe uni students) throwing things at buses.....whistling.gif your blinders seem to be well in place. as stated in earlier post, we have no idea what to believe at this point but i am sure there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides.

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Apparently (from the missus) a lot of what is being posted on social media contradicts many of the things report by the news. I am not sure what info to trust anymore, i sincerely hope that all this calms down and common sense prevails.

Well, there's certainly an awful lot of nonsense rumours & speculation posted on social media by both sides, so I wouldn't automatically trust it more than the news...

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I am sure that the other side has some folks trained and armed (most probably quite legally) but there has been no evidence of an equivalent group as the Men in Black ir even as you assert they are different, the Ronin.

Then who were those 'men in black' covering CCTV cameras just yesterday - via YT video?

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Again, attacking the PM's 10 year old. <deleted>?

No one is attacking the PMs son.

One gets the impression that the fabricated news from Yingluck's team will need to be shone for it was more than once.

Kudos, though, to them for creating such a hot-topic lie. It's propaganda value is working well.

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How is this all not just universally labeled "Suthep's fault"? He got what he wanted, and then continued to add fuel to the fire of the protesters. It is obvious that his motive is to cause mayhem/death/chaos in the country.

So, in 2010 it was all Suthep and Abhisit's fault, and now it is again all their fault. I don't think you can have it both ways.

Sent from my phone ...

If you want power , or want the current Government out , wait till the elections.

While waiting , form policies and recruit followers.

Then vote.

The most votes win.

No need for any disruptions or violence.


Thats simpleton logic at work there.

The most votes bought (Thaksin) wins. you think Isaan people look at the issues and decide or take the 500thb note and decide?

no, when that amnesty bill was shot down rich old boy Mr. T again lost his chance of coming home to a red shirt heroes welcome and now all fury breaks loose, nothing like the powerful being scorned and losing face.

Just like when they burned Bangkok Mr. T will see the country burn before he's completely removed from power.

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Off topic posts deleted

Obscenity laden inflammatory post with nothing to do with the topic also deleted.

Please refrain from inflammatory comments that contribute nothing to the discussion except anger others.

If you wish to keep up to date on the very latest news then please read the Thailand Live thread


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Maybe Bangkok should be separated as a new country from the rest of Thailand. They can keep all that elitist bullsh*t. They do not give a <deleted> about the rest of country anyway. "Scr*w you Somchai, I got mine!" is the motto there.

I agree.

Let the elites have BKK and the rest of the country without them and their damned development ways, can descend into something that resembles Angola without cars, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, universities, TV, manufacturing, exports, media, telephones, internet, modernization, industry, fuel network or anything that the 'elites' are totally responsible for. You can keep the rice and bugs, I am sure the terrible elites can do without it.

Sheesh... Some people totally ignore exactly what the 'elites' are responsible for in Thailand.

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I am getting the teargas story too ... not sure where ..

I heard that it is at Gov house.

For info Korn is on Al Jazeera speaking at present.

It is ... watching it live on Bluesky on the internet. Richard Barrow reported the first use of teargas about an hour ago I think....

I onlu have computers and 2 eyes so keeping track and reading TVF is a challenge

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RT@RichardBarrow: 8am Jatuphon says 4 Red Shirts & 1 student killed. He doesn't want any more bloodshed & asks Red Shirts to return home - TR @pui_tuangporn

Anyone seen reports of *4* red shirts killed? I have seen reports of the student last night, a red shirt guard at 2am and another around 7am (but very little information on those 2), but no other reports.

Perhaps some of those that he falsely declared died in 2009 resurfaced.

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Maybe Bangkok should be separated as a new country from the rest of Thailand. They can keep all that elitist bullsh*t. They do not give a <deleted> about the rest of country anyway. "Scr*w you Somchai, I got mine!" is the motto there.

I agree.

Let the elites have BKK and the rest of the country without them and their damned development ways, can descend into something that resembles Angola without cars, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, universities, TV, manufacturing, exports, media, telephones, internet, modernization, industry, fuel network or anything that the 'elites' are totally responsible for. You can keep the rice and bugs, I am sure the terrible elites can do without it.

Sheesh... Some people totally ignore exactly what the 'elites' are responsible for in Thailand.

The interesting thing is that somehow people think the majority of the rest of the country is not led regionally by elites. The same ones they have been voting in for years. The same ones in power now, the same ones that get wealthier while the people up there get poorer and more debt ridden. They think that the regional power families somehow are not the issue.

With the cash that has flooded into the villages over the last 10 years, why are they more in debt than before?

I would be interested in Tim's definition of X"elite"

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Reconciliation Taksin style. Try and pass laws masked as a reconciliation plan that benefit you and cover up all of your criminal activities while giving you dictatorial powers. When your reconciliation plan is thwarted by the people then you bring in your pawns for hire pitting Thai against Thai. Reconciliation???? Really???

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Miss Puppet has left the country just now. Going to Johannesburg. Can't step down now.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is this confirmed?

Info in the Thailand Live thread. Follow that


Then you won't need to ask questions here.

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They should not except any violence. Anyone who gets caught send to prison and not wait for weeks to take forceful action but act now. Knock all those protesters using violence down. It's already spreading like weed. Stupid, silly Thai. Have they nothing learned?

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Miss Puppet has left the country just now. Going to Johannesburg. Can't step down now.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is this confirmed?


A fake manipulation of an older trip plan from about half a year ago,

Just changed dates.

They were just not smart enough to make it a one way trip and remove the "party of about 100 persons".


Another shame for the yellow TG airline (they should repaint their planes).


Edited by KhunBENQ
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Miss Puppet has left the country just now. Going to Johannesburg. Can't step down now.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is this confirmed?

No... as far as I can determine it is utter BS.

Just an internet rumour/fake

Protesters have made it into the Ministry of the Interior grounds (richard barrow)

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Miss Puppet has left the country just now. Going to Johannesburg. Can't step down now.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Is this confirmed?

No... as far as I can determine it is utter BS.

Just an internet rumour/fake

Protesters have made it into the Ministry of the Interior grounds (richard barrow)

That was my understanding as well.

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