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Question about blacklist

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It is extremely unlikely that the USA was responsible for the "blacklisting" .

However I would not be surprised if Thailand did , in fact, blacklist you following conviction and the Thai authorities may have shared information about a convicted drug trafficker with other countries.

Hence your "problem"

I would suggest trying a drug friendly country like Indonesia !smile.png

Edited by Sceptict11
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One thing nobody has commented on is, This is Thailand. the fact that you were not blacklisted when you left means nothing, you may find yourself spending lots of time and money sorting this blacklisting out with authoritys only to find out at a later date that the problem has never been solved. TiT smile.png

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One thing nobody has commented on is, This is Thailand. the fact that you were not blacklisted when you left means nothing, you may find yourself spending lots of time and money sorting this blacklisting out with authoritys only to find out at a later date that the problem has never been solved. TiT xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

??? WOT ?? sad.png

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One thing nobody has commented on is, This is Thailand. the fact that you were not blacklisted when you left means nothing, you may find yourself spending lots of time and money sorting this blacklisting out with authoritys only to find out at a later date that the problem has never been solved. TiT xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

??? WOT ?? sad.png

That is absolutely correct, why you wonder. Edited by paz
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One thing nobody has commented on is, This is Thailand. the fact that you were not blacklisted when you left means nothing, you may find yourself spending lots of time and money sorting this blacklisting out with authoritys only to find out at a later date that the problem has never been solved. TiT xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

??? WOT ?? xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

That is absolutely correct, why you wonder.

You may be correct but I , as a native English speaker, did not understand what was being said!

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The acronym WOT can mean a lot of different things. The first five listed in acronymfinder.com are:

  • Way Off Topic
  • Web of Trust
  • Wheel Of Time
  • Wide Open Throttle
  • Wild Orange Thing (metal detector coil)
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i thought u had to do a certain time in jail before they actually consider blacklisting you ? i stayed not even a month and was released without a jail sentence.. seems pretty harsh to me that now i can't travel to some countries just because of something that small

The smallness of the offense is in your mind. They don't pass nor enforce these laws because they consider them small crimes. Just because you didn't consider the consequences (not a rational move for any action) didn't mean there wouldn't be any. Regardless, even small offenses can be deadly (such as jaywalking).

If you had not been caught and penalized you might be bragging to your buddies about what a slick dude you are. Regardless, you engaged in an illegal activity and now are complaining about being the victim... It would be hilarious if it were not so pathetic... I would suggest you adjust your perspective... It's time to grow up and be a big boy... coffee1.gif

talking about being a big boy hm? I DO assume the consequences of my actions and i didnt come here to complain but to try to understand my problem and see if anyone could have some informations that might help me in this case, since im now trying to solve this issue with thai authorities. So really, i dont see the point of your comment, it's pointless and quite franckly, if you wanted to look smart, you failed big time. So if u dont have any REAL input that might actually help me one way or another then please move on.

Im sure there is a peanut butter section where u can have fun and comment your own personal opinion on subjects on which u seem to be an expert.

anyway, since u seem to have difficulties to understand the subject i will repeat one more time just for you : I WAS NOT blacklisted when i left the country and when i asked the immigration before leaving, all seemed fine if i ever wanted to return in Thailand. To my surprise i wasnt allowed in when i landed in bangkok a few weeks ago and here we are now. Ive never said i was proud of what ive done even so the conviction DO NOT reflect the truth as i've NEVER been dealing drugs but was arrested with a quantity enough to convict me without proof ( which is 0.7g in thailand ).so sharing with us your own personal opinion on wether drugs are good or bad, honestly, i couldn"t care less.

If I were shooting at only looking smart then I could not have found a better target. I've read other posts on this thread that imply the same sentiment.

Any facts concerning your question for help are vague. Do you have a copy of the final judgement the Thai court passed on your case? Since it was handed down in Thai, not English, did you get a proper interpretation of the wording (a lawyer familiar with Thai legalese - not a GF or Thai buddy who might not be able to admit (because of saving face) they don't understand)? At the time all this was going on who was giving you advice on how to defend yourself? How did you know what was going on, do you speak and read Thai?

You've defended yourself unnecessarily (this forum is not the court where you have already been judged). If you knew more real facts about your predicament then you might get clearer answers. You seem to have a problem in believing that you know what you don't and you keep running into situations that prove you don't. Yet, even that doesn't seem to change your mind. You didn't know a little bit of dope could get you convicted and then you didn't know a conviction could get you blacklisted. Mind altering chemicals are not nick-named DOPE because they are known to make people smart.

My problem with you is that you sound a lot like my early life. When I was younger I thought I was really smart but I never knew what I didn't know but I learned and now I know what I don't know and that is what makes one intelligent.

I was not insulting you... you didn't need any help for that... coffee1.gif

Edited by IBoldnewguy
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