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What is Politically Correct


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Berkshire....I tend to agree with you.....

Althoug the term "New Thai"...is interesting...

I have no problem with being called "Farang"...The Thai's who have used it when refering to me have never done so in a malicious way...(as it is not a malicious word)

Also... I do not wish to be called "New Thai" as I AM a "Farang" and proud of it...My heritage is who I am ....and no matter how long I live in Thailand (10 years now) ....I will NEVER be Thai....and as said ...Nor do I wish to be Thai.....

One person being Thai in the family is enough (not including the kids)..

But ....Hey....Welcome anyway!

Edited by beachproperty
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every country has its own way of refering to people from another country. In Australia they used to call them europeans <deleted>, it could be a detrimental name or a friendly name depending on how you said it. My mates mum(from Italy) used to say I would make a great <deleted> and we would all laugh but due to the discrimination act you are no longer allowed to use such words(but whitie, skippy etc were ok as they referred to whites/aussies). Farang is the same, it is how it is used, there are those that drip venom when saying it and those that dont, personally I refer to myself as a farang and dont really care. If you wanted to change it you need to get thais to understand that they are not the "elite" country/people in the world they think they are and in fact behind a lot of other countries in a lot of things. Until these people realize that they are not as educated and modern as they are being told they are it will not change, we are all equal as humans, the thais are no better than anyone else, this is what needs to be taught.

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please explain: does NEW THAI mean farang (oops, sorry!) or does it mean EMANCIPATED THAI (educated, worldly, non-religious, critical, open-minded, non-rigid) ?

anyway, I don't mind being called farang simply because it means nothing to me. however, i don't mind being called foreigner or westerner or visitor or tourist either (these words also exist in thai, most people simply don't know how to use them).

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Frankly, I do not believe that you are a Thai person. I think that you are a disgruntled farang masquerading as a Thai and complaining about the usual things that said farangs complain about. Please come clean.

This is the second fake Thai posting of today. Someone believes, it's funny.

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Frankly, I do not believe that you are a Thai person. I think that you are a disgruntled farang masquerading as a Thai and complaining about the usual things that said farangs complain about. Please come clean.

This is the second fake Thai posting of today. Someone believes, it's funny.

Yes, you could be on to something.

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Thank you Aoy999,

The term, Farang depends on how, when and where it is used. "New Thai," whilst well intentioned might also back-fire.For example: When I was a kid (many, many Moons ago) in Australia, we had what was thought to be a term of endearment, for new settlers in our country, it was "New Australian."

Everyone thought it was fine till many years later when "Political Correctness" managed to creep into our society. Along with such terms as, "Man Hole Covers", "Mankind," "Man Sized" and a whole bunch more, including "New Australian" were all but outlawed.

I was News Director at a leading Radio Station and I drew howls of protest (not that it mattered, our station was just so popular anyway) from the "hairy arm-pit brigade" when I had the temerity to suggest that one of their favourite terms, "PERSON," was sexist because, "SON" on the end of the word was "Masculine." What I'm getting at is simply, "You can't please ALL the people, ALL the time."

Back about 30 years ago when I was first invited to tour Thailand to write Travel Features, one of the first things I was told was that the Friendly Thai term for all Foreigners was "FERANG". I wrote many stories using that term and years later when I represented the TAT in Western Australia, I was still telling would-be tourists about this "Friendly" term used by the Thais. Only in recent years, have I been aware of some ex-pats who are offended by it, but again, I suggest that it all depends on HOW and WHEN it is used.

As for other issues you raised, such as "New Thais" being given equal treatment when they come to live here, you are quite correct. For example, when we moved back to Australia for a few years before I retired, my wife was immediately entitled to Social Security (she didn't need it, but it was there if she wanted it) she was also provided with Free Medical/Hospital Care if required. There was a whole range of things available, including Free English lessons, which she didn't need as she Majored in English at Teacher's College here in CNX.

Okay, the Thai Government has now come up with a form of Medical Insurance for the "New Thais/ Ferangs" and that is a step in the right direction, we'll just have to wait and see how it all works out.

Khun Aoy, on behalf of many New Thais/Ferang, sincere thanks for taking the trouble to make your comments in this forum. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Hope your business is Booming!

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Farang word BAD ... many agree you.

Humson man person with milky skin?

I don't know.

OH ... I'm happy with the 'F' word ... but that's just me.

BTW ... welcome to the Forum ... great to see some new Thai Nationals joining us ... thumbsup.gif

You need to re-read the OP.

She is not a new Thai, she is Thai. He is a farang not a new Thai. There is almost no such thing as a new Thai because if he is in the country forever it Is unlikely

for him to ever be given citizenship, consequently he will remains a farang, and alien, an expat, call him what you will. coffee1.gif

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Farang word BAD ... many agree you.

Humson man person with milky skin?

I don't know.

OH ... I'm happy with the 'F' word ... but that's just me.

BTW ... welcome to the Forum ... great to see some new Thai Nationals joining us ... thumbsup.gif

You need to re-read the OP.

She is not a new Thai, she is Thai. He is a farang not a new Thai. There is almost no such thing as a new Thai because if he is in the country forever it Is unlikely

for him to ever be given citizenship, consequently he will remains a farang, and alien, an expat, call him what you will. coffee1.gif

Are you sure that's what he/she meant? I think it's a farang guy and he's pulling our chains.

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Farang word BAD ... many agree you.

Humson man person with milky skin?

I don't know.

OH ... I'm happy with the 'F' word ... but that's just me.

BTW ... welcome to the Forum ... great to see some new Thai Nationals joining us ... thumbsup.gif

You need to re-read the OP.

She is not a new Thai, she is Thai. He is a farang not a new Thai. There is almost no such thing as a new Thai because if he is in the country forever it Is unlikely

for him to ever be given citizenship, consequently he will remains a farang, and alien, an expat, call him what you will. coffee1.gif

Didn't see your comment till after I posted mine, yes, the way things stand, you are correct about it being unlikely that many Ferang will be allowed Citizenship here, so you make a valid point. "Keep On Running John Landy... 555"

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What I hate is being called to as "YOU!" I know it's difficult for Thais to understand that using "you" with a verb as part of a conversation is fine, but getting people's attention with "You!" is very rude. However, it's a fact, and there ought to be a government campaign to educate Thais to that fact. Seriously. Tourism is a significant part of the economy, but one of the downsides for tourists is being bludgeoned with "YOU!" many times a day. And if you're a resident, it's much worse: you have to grit your teeth every time you hear it. Thousands of times per year.

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Farang word BAD ... many agree you.

Humson man person with milky skin?

I don't know.

OH ... I'm happy with the 'F' word ... but that's just me.

BTW ... welcome to the Forum ... great to see some new Thai Nationals joining us ... thumbsup.gif

You need to re-read the OP.

She is not a new Thai, she is Thai. He is a farang not a new Thai. There is almost no such thing as a new Thai because if he is in the country forever it Is unlikely

for him to ever be given citizenship, consequently he will remains a farang, and alien, an expat, call him what you will. coffee1.gif

*sigh* ... 'new Thai Nationals joining us' implies a Thai National, 'new' to the Forum.

There are a few Thais on the Forum, my gf is one of them.

We should encourage more of them, especially, the Lassies ...

Get a life ...


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Too many troll threads over the past week or so - getting somewhat tedious. facepalm.gif

Don't pre-judge too quickly ... there might be an oil slick under the front tyre of yours.

Not saying your wrong BTW wai.gif ... just be patient for the OP to return.

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Farang word BAD ... many agree you.

Humson man person with milky skin?

I don't know.

OH ... I'm happy with the 'F' word ... but that's just me.

BTW ... welcome to the Forum ... great to see some new Thai Nationals joining us ... thumbsup.gif

You need to re-read the OP.

She is not a new Thai, she is Thai. He is a farang not a new Thai. There is almost no such thing as a new Thai because if he is in the country forever it Is unlikely

for him to ever be given citizenship, consequently he will remains a farang, and alien, an expat, call him what you will. coffee1.gif

*sigh* ... 'new Thai Nationals joining us' implies a Thai National, 'new' to the Forum.

There are a few Thais on the Forum, my gf is one of them.

We should encourage more of them, especially, the Lassies ...

Get a life ...


A young whipersnapper like you David would be too young to remember when a public bar was a place where a worker could go in his work clothes to talk to his mates and speak in the way that was accepted by his peers. TImes changed women were admitted (which is good) but then they insisted that clothes should be presentable to those women and that language must suit them too. Australian bars are a sad reflection of what they used to be.

In a similar way I too would like to see thai born people come to this forum and participate as equals...not as guests in our place....but I would contend it is an expat forum and the ethos should remain such.

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every country has its own way of refering to people from another country. In Australia they used to call them europeans <deleted>, it could be a detrimental name or a friendly name depending on how you said it. My mates mum(from Italy) used to say I would make a great <deleted> and we would all laugh but due to the discrimination act you are no longer allowed to use such words(but whitie, skippy etc were ok as they referred to whites/aussies). Farang is the same, it is how it is used, there are those that drip venom when saying it and those that dont, personally I refer to myself as a farang and dont really care. If you wanted to change it you need to get thais to understand that they are not the "elite" country/people in the world they think they are and in fact behind a lot of other countries in a lot of things. Until these people realize that they are not as educated and modern as they are being told they are it will not change, we are all equal as humans, the thais are no better than anyone else, this is what needs to be taught.

I commend you on your restraint. Thais have been taught (led to believe) from the day they are on solid food that they are the 'master race' which is an oxymoron, a joke, 'whatever describes people who are gullible cretins' who

will believe anything that helps them come to terms with their inferiority complexes.

As for the terms '<deleted>' wop, slopeheads, curry munchers, even poms, many have become the norm (and sometimes even accepted) descriptions used to identify people who are 'different, or coming from different ethnic backgrounds'

are known in many developed countries.

I personally don't endorse the use of the word farang but I was told when I was a kid "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me" (so I don't really give a shyt)

I also take into account the fact that the majority (sic) of Thais are a poorly educated and racist people. They can call me what they like "I know who I am"

As for the subject PC, many of the most notorious dictators, despots, mass murderers in history have been or could have been described as being "politically correct"

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Well, politically correct is not to call a spate a spate and I personally feel that the developed countries tend to getting more and more over the top in this respect.

I personally have no problem to get addressed as a farang in Thailand. Why not? Because I am a farang in Thailand but anyway I am more that person that calls a spate a spate as well.


Just a farang in Thailand that gets treated by most of the Thai people very nicely and even by those that call him a farang. wai2.gif

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Everyone thought it was fine till many years later when "Political Correctness" managed to creep into our society. Along with such terms as, "Man Hole Covers", "Mankind," "Man Sized" and a whole bunch more, including "New Australian" were all but outlawed.

I think this is a good example of feminism-influenced political correctness, in that words with "man" or "men" with negative connotations are still acceptable but ones with neutral or positive connotations are not. For example, in news reports, it is almost never a "fireman" or "policeman" who risks his life to save others, but a "police officer" or "firefighter". However, news anchors are not admonished or condemned for being "sexist" if they use "manhunt" or "gunmen" or "conman". See this video for some pertinent examples.


Accusing someone of using a "strawman" argument or telling a guy to "man up" is not considered sexist, yet should be just as unacceptable as any words or terms considered "misogynistic".

So, to answer the OP's question of "What is Politically Correct", it is language with principles or standards of usage that are NOT applied universally. In other words, "Free speech for me but not for thee."

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Aoy, I really do not understand the point of your OP. What is this "new Thai" thing? And many of your points are just flatout wrong. The term "farang" is not offensive. I do not know of one Thai person who considers this term offensive. Not one. If you are a Thai, you would know this.

Frankly, I do not believe that you are a Thai person. I think that you are a disgruntled farang masquerading as a Thai and complaining about the usual things that said farangs complain about. Please come clean.

Absolutely agree.

I also do not believe the OP is Thai, because if you are, you would have known that the word 'farang' means nothing more than what Thais call Westerners, no more no less. And one advice, Thais will never change the word they call Westerners, no matter how long they live in Thailand. This is not racism, it's just the way it is. The same applies to other non-Thais, says Chinese, Indians, or even Blacks (sorry for Black people the word may be of offensive but Thais wouldn't know it is).

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