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Why can't foreigners in Thailand read and speak Thai?


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Me too and I'm always appalled by such general statements from a well written apparently intelligent person that only supports my Thai wife's attitude with a grade 4 education. Certainly coming to Thailand cold without even a compass and nobody that could really speak English, to even help put my address on a letter, while having to take Thai classes for about a year 2 days a week for a couple of hours, hoping to be able to exchange thoughts and not just cute phrases for her friends and family for what's the matter with me.

Sure as s--t I know now what the matter is for even thinking it possible to to learn that much that fast with people whose idea of being and English scholar means knowing maybe enough to dangerously jump to conclusions after just hearing one or two words with about twenty different meanings, (and one tenth of their entire vocabulary after taking it for however number of years).

Yesir I'm just as dumb as post and illiterate too, with no need to learn anything else about their own country to survive either.

Now at least I know why so many people that come to my country cluster and don't even try to integrate or bother to learn the language, or just cringe when you speak to them, instead of even trying to blabber enough English that an intelligent person might be able to communicate with them, forgetting about any accent..

What an arrogant different kind of post posted this.

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It requires a lot of effort on our part.

Thailand makes it near impossible to ever become a citizen, we're not allowed to buy land, etc, etc, etc

Due to this most people will only regard themselves as temporary visitors so why bother learn a language that is only useful in a country where you're staying on a temporary basis.

Long term temporary or not, I don't see the point. I will never be here permanently and I'll move on at some time in the future at which point Thai becomes useless and I have less useless things to spend my time on.

Sorry but the part of becoming a citizen is not true. Its not anymore difficult than in any western country. If you pay taxes and work here on a work permit you can be a citizen within 5 years the same as most other countries. Plus in most developed countries they put an age restriction where as here there are none.

If I may point out the error of your post.

In Thailand

You have to earn 50k a month (Thai minimum wage 9k/month), taxable and earned within Thailand with a work permit.

In employment no Thai can do. Almost impossible for most people.

In the UK

You have to have a family income of 1500gbp/month (UK minimum wage 800gbp/month).

You can work in any job from the day you arrive, no work permit required.

Your income can be earned from anything, anywhere in the world.

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

well said, he does have an attitude. I try to learn some Thai butlike you too old. Dont see his point.

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Personally, I think i could be quite a challenge for expats because Thai is a tonal language. For eg. getting the wrong tone to express the word 'Ma' could mean Dog or a Horse when you actually wanted to say Come! After 5 years I still get some pronunciation wrong. But I was motivated to learn to read and write Thai as I already speak Mandarin which is a tonal language too. Like one of the above answers, I say to each his own! :)

Edited by Bangkok45
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I have experienced this in other countries as well as Thailand. The native is expecting you to speak English, so when you speak to them in Thai (or Spanish), it is as if they do not make the connection that you are speaking their language.

This has absolutely never been my experience other than in Thailand. I have spent time in almost every single Spanish speaking country and never had this experience, ever. I think this is mostly unique to Thailand because there is a prevailing cultural idea that foreigners should not attempt to integrate and are fundamentally different than Thai people.

Really? I have had it in many (not all) places in Asia, and I speak a few other languages on this continent better than I do Thai. The main difference here, I think, is that I have a thicker skin now and I don't care if they are being dumb about me speaking Thai. Like I said, I either say "I am speaking Thai to you right now" or I just ignore them (if I am at a party or something like that...plenty of other cool people to talk with).

One situation I will never forget was a tom who always complained that she couldn't understand me (even though everyone else was understanding a lot of what I was saying and they were engaging me in conversation!). One day, she stopped by the house and asked to borrow 500 baht--clear to me in Thai as if she had said it in English. My response? "Sorry, I don't speak Thai." hahahaha

On the whole, though, those people are relatively rare. I can't speak to the Spanish thing since I can sort of generally pass for a Latin American by my looks so people don't immediately think I am a foreigner. Never really had that happen there, but could imagine it with a very white, blond haired American or European looking person in some countries down there.

I see... I have not travelled or tried learning the language in another Asian country besides Thailand, I didn't know it would be like that. I look very white, blond haired American/European but never had that experience living and traveling in Latin America whatsoever. I find the people to be more receptive and broader minded than Thai people so I think it is a cultural difference. For some Thai people it just literally cannot get through the heads of Thai people: farang speak thai can. It's really a bizarre phenomenon.

Yeah....it is really strange, hahaha....I have found it mostly (only?) in Asia. Sorry, I just wanted to put the disclaimer on my time in Latin America since I don't look the part of the typical white person from the US or elsewhere. Never had it happen there, Europe or Africa. Only in Asia, but definitely just as bad or worse in some places. I think it sort of corresponds with countries that, even when poor, have experience mixing with people from other places, even regionally. So even in places that are cut off from the Western world that have a real mixture of accents, dialects and languages seem to just go "oh, Westerner" or "white guy" and you are just another group that speaks and acts differently just like all the others around the area do their own thing.

Dunno.....wonder if there is a study on the subject somewhere. My "favorite" memory of this was in another Asian country at a restaurant. A local friend was trying to get me to order some more food with my "excellent language skills." I said no and told him that the waitress wouldn't even look at me or listen to me, especially since he was there. He insisted. I got the waiter over to our table and spoke my bit. Blink, blink....silence...then the waitress turns to my friend and says "what does he want?" He repeated exactly what I had said. She left. My friend couldn't believe it. I asked him what mistakes I had made--any at all--and he said none, down to the accent!!!

So, completely not disagreeing with you. It still amazes me after all these years, but it is a common thing in parts of Asia.

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pai si leo leo.

Actually difficult to learn all this letters, i'm in malaysia now, malai use latin letters and this make thing much more easy to learn, you can read signs in english and in malay and remember words easily. So after 5 days here i know more malai words than thai after year in LOS.

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65 million speak Thai, estimates from 480 million to a billion speak English.

Suggest Thai education includes English classes in future!

You are in effect making the argument for everyone learning Mandarin Chinese and adopting that as a world language ... kinda silly.

Not at all. How many countries speak Mandarin? Umm, one? The largest in the world.

How many countries speak English or as a second language and most definitely the language of business?

More than one?

Reread your post I replied to :) Based on the number of speakers Mandarin wins ..

Mandarin is the official language of 2 countries. and One of the official languages of..Singapore and the UN.

You will find that speakers of Mandarin in Thailand (and Malaysia, and Indonesia etc) are more fluent in it than most speakers of English in most of those countries.

But back to your basic premise.. based on the number of speakers world wide, Mandarin supersedes English.

In Thailand Thai supersedes English and it makes sense to learn Thai.

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Because is very difficoult language and very far from any kind of sound familiar to occidental people...

And why most of thai do not speak english? even in Bangkok taxi driver say always YES YES..: but they never really understand where to go and most of the time they even dont read addres in thai writing...

Better we both put more effort in each other understanding and respect.

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I have no interest in speaking to Thai people in general. I speak 3 languages already, Thai is not a good addition. Oz

Three languages is truly enough. Or put it this way: When Thais finally speak two languages, you probably will speak four.

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

Come on Sir ... Would you really consider living in France and not speak conversational French at some level? In fact, why would you even want to live in a country where you can't read, write, or speak?

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

Come on Sir ... Would you really consider living in France and not speak conversational French at some level? In fact, why would you even want to live in a country where you can't read, write, or speak?

Hmmmmmmmmmm, another ''I can do everything''........guy...........coffee1.gif ..........Boring................rolleyes.gif

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I have been here nearly six years and I am kind of ashamed to say I hardly speak any Thai, just the very basics, the sort of stuff I could get by on by using gesticulations and English anyway.

But I can excuse my self to some extent.

Firstly, I am retirement age and we all know that learning another language becomes more difficult with age; it's not just another excuse. For me Thai goes in one ear and out of the other and they speak so fast. Also I never before had cause or opportunity to learn another language and they do say that if you have learned one before then learning another is easier.

Then there's the 'tonal' difficulty - how often have I used a word I know but get the tone wrong which leads to laughter from Thais and embarrassment for me, so I tend to shy away from using even what I think I know. I don't really have any problems in getting around in everyday life, but I do sometimes wish I could take part in group conversations instead of sitting there in awkward silence.

There is a bonus. My girlfriend spoke no English at all when I met her and now she speaks it very passably. She learns more easily than I do, she is much younger than me and also had to learn Thai as a second language herself as a child. However, as an earlier post mentioned, she doesn't teach me Thai for fear I will use it to chat up other women.

So for my pennyworth I suppose I would support the notion that farangs should learn Thai, though I don't practice what I preach.

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

Come on Sir ... Would you really consider living in France and not speak conversational French at some level? In fact, why would you even want to live in a country where you can't read, write, or speak?

You presume that if I did move to France ....that I would WANT to have a conversation with the French!

As for me living in a country where I can't read, write, or speak....Its where my WIFE wants to live (she is Thai) ...so I have had NO problem living here for 10 years and NOT speaking "conversational" Thai as you put it....The Thai I do speak is enough for me ....and I continue to try to learn more everyday....but as said ..."I am an old man" so staying alive and enjoying what life I have left are my priorities ....Not learning a new language!

I do appreciate though that you respectfully referred to me as "Sir"wai.gif

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I can speak basic Thai, just enough to shop/travel around.

Why the Thai don't learn english? Is that too hard for them? I was in Singapore yesterday and they (almost) all can speak english, what a relief! Also they have an organised country there which is much safer and easyier to travel around.

As long as the Thai can't speak english they can not travel abroad and will never learn from other cultures. They want to look like white Asians/europeans but don't understand anything from their cultures. They should spend less money in the "look at me so rich" culture and see more of the world.

Even Thai that have been to university's in USA for 4 years can't communicate with me, they can only write english. Go figure how they survived that period abroad.

I speak/write 4 languages and nit noy Thai, i think it is enough. Money talks and if they can't speak with me it's fine, i will go to another salesman. If i could speak fluent Thai then i would understand how they gossip about me all the time, now i just react like "krabhom" and then their mouths fall open and the eyes almost pop out. That's fun enough for me.

Even Thai that (think they can) speak english are not understandable to me, in the airplanes i have no idea what they announce in English. I feel like a foreigner in Thailand and will always stay that foreigner. I don't go to places where nobody speaks english, i travel for fun only and always bring my wife if i need a translator.

Also when i speak Thai to Thai they still don't understand me at all. They think i 'm speaking english to them and get nervous and immediatly look at their friends for support. They should get over that fear of farang speaking to them because the farang got the money that they like to get.

Considering you take such pride in your ability to speak and write four languages, your grammar and sentence structure suck.

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However, as an earlier post mentioned, she doesn't teach me Thai for fear I will use it to chat up other women.

So for my pennyworth I suppose I would support the notion that farangs should learn Thai, though I don't practice what I preach.

Not teaching you Thai is about dishonesty and control.

She can cheat, lie, steal, manipulate and control you with ease while you can't speak Thai.

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I agree...we all need to speak such a universal language.

I know if I learnt to read, write and speak fluently it would open doors around the globe for me.

If you live here then you are totally avoiding the point. Your answer is a non sequitur. In the context of the question your answer is as significant as if you had said "Haircut and a shave, two bits."

A truthful answer from you would run something like "I am lazy and do not give a rats arse about Thailand, its language or its people. I expect to live in total comfort and because my currency has a favourable exchange rate, they can all patronize me and in general kiss my backside. No effort of mutual respect should be expected on my part."

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I try but will never be also to speak fluent Thai.Lady Pla speaks English very well.I think the OP is very harsh

Actually I think the OP is just particularly gifted with the ability to learn the Thai language and has the time to dedicate to it in the proper fashion,.. i.e. reading and writing an' all and he just came on here to rub our noses in the "Thai language is too hard" doo-doo!

He's not "appalled" really,.... he's just a very naughty boy coming on here to show off and to make us all feel guilty at our lack of persistent efforts at trying to speak!

As for reading and writing,... I can do "free" and "gas" (need them when driving down the highway looking for LPG stops with free water).

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Everybody has been there so many times. When someone says "it is a tonal language" I nearly vomit. You do not need the tones that much if you say the entire sentence. Thais will understand you from the context. Why then nobody wants to speak Thai? The answer is very simple. There is no motivation. Retired are happy with their pensions. Those who work do not need Thai. Their income, property , career will not change even if they speak absolutely perfect Thai. They do not speak it because they do not need it. Capish? A parrot can tell the directions to the taxi driver or explain the bar girl how much he is able to pay. This is the motivation and that is about it.

Edited by JHenry
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Speaking, reading and writing Thai gives so much more freedom and enjoyment when living in Thailand.

The first thing I did when I came here 13 years ago was to learn the writing. By my own. Not easy but not that difficult either. I feel like I had more difficulty to learn German than Thai. But everybody is different indeed...

It took me only two years to speak Thai fluently.

Understanding the language makes an enormous difference.

I also feel sorry for those who live here since a long time and still can't have more than an extremely basic conversation with Thai people. Or no conversation at all.

Those who simply refuse to learn are restricted to live in farang ghettos, it is quite sad.

Being able to read Thai is great. At least you are not obliged to rely exclusively on English newspapers.

Writing Thai is great to chat on Facebook or Line. You can make good friends when chatting and it keeps improving your writing skills.

I would not imagine to live here without knowing the language.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

Come on Sir ... Would you really consider living in France and not speak conversational French at some level? In fact, why would you even want to live in a country where you can't read, write, or speak?

When I spoke French (in France and Canada) the French speakers always tried their hardest to understand and help me communicate.

When I spoke Spanish in Spain, the Spanish people always tried their best to understand and help me.

When I spoke German (in Germany and Austria) the German speakers were always most helpful.

In Thailand when I try to speak Thai, I am confronted with 'arai na' ..........

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Can't speak for everyone....but for me after living here for 10 years (vocabulary of mayber 500 words)....my Thai is very basic....

WHY?...First off I'm an old man and its hard enough for me to remember where I left the car keys! let alone learn a "tonal" language like Thai.

Next....don't really need much more than the basic's that I know to communicate with the Thai's.....isn't That what its all about ...communication!

So why the attitude .....congrats to you....but each to their own

Come on Sir ... Would you really consider living in France and not speak conversational French at some level? In fact, why would you even want to live in a country where you can't read, write, or speak?

Hmmmmmmmmmm, another ''I can do everything''........guy...........coffee1.gif ..........Boring................rolleyes.gif

You can see the shit creep through the woodwork, yeah they bore me as well, the I can do anthing I'm better than you brigade...

Some people can speak Thai, some speak a little, some speak a lot, some speak a few words and some speak none at all but I don't let it worry me at all about who can and can't...

It's kinda of funny though, that some of those who can speak good Thai and write Thai seem to feel the need to brag about it and think they are so much better than others,,,, Not all though, some don't feel the need to try and big themselves up..

Maybe the I'm better than you brigade lack in other departments so feel the need to be bigger in other areas...bah.gif

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52 --- and your point is?

With very little effort the basics can be learned and Thai people will reward you with "pood thai dii" --- with a bit more "pood thai geng" with effort in using tones correctly and proper consonant and vowel sounds "pood thai chat"

After that they tend to drop the niceties and warn the people around them "farang pood thai dai leuy" if they think the people around may be impolite speaking around you, or if they think that the people around them will like you they simply introduce you :)

It takes very little effort to move away from the "arai na?"stage.

I would stress that it is pretty important to know what type of Thai you are learning and eschew speaking anything but the central dialect :)

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However, as an earlier post mentioned, she doesn't teach me Thai for fear I will use it to chat up other women.

So for my pennyworth I suppose I would support the notion that farangs should learn Thai, though I don't practice what I preach.

Not teaching you Thai is about dishonesty and control.

She can cheat, lie, steal, manipulate and control you with ease while you can't speak Thai.

Some of us cannot speak or write Thai BUT can understand Thai talk........... Fantastic weapon if needed............thumbsup.gif .........laugh.png

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maybe because it is a waiste of time ?

- next change of rules at immigration and we can all get kicked out, family or business here, does not matter a bit

- thai is only spoken / somekind of usefull in thailand

- you will never get citizenship or right to buy land

- you will always be seen as a farang, so why bother

mastering a total of 4 languages, no room for tching tchong tonal language

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"Not teaching you Thai is about dishonesty and control.
She can cheat, lie, steal, manipulate and control you with ease while you can't speak Thai."

True, but it's not always the case. I hear so many stories of such liars and cheaters, indeed these pages are full of them, but I also hear of genuine, lasting and faithful friendships between Thai girls and farang men. I too could lie and cheat but I don't and neither does she. I am a lucky man and I know it.

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