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Thai protest leader told to surrender


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Thaksin did return to face his charges, he then left again fearing he would be found guilty. I think by the time this is all over Suthep's case will wind up playing out that way, he faces cahrges, delays a little, then skips out fearing he will probably lose. You can't really blame them considering Thailand has no 'white-collar' prison and political prisoners and rich people who cheated on their taxes will have to goto a tough prison for several years if they decide to do the time. It would be funny if SUthep winds up living in that same Dubian gated community that Thaksin lives in.

The hypocrisy here is breathtaking. Perhaps if Herr Thaksin returned to face HIS charges, people might be more inclined to follow the rule of law.

Sorry PK ... Thaksin answered only one set of charges against him. The first he was charged with. The easiest to prove. He then skipped and sent his lawyers (who were convicted for this) to deliver a pastry box full of cash. Thaksin has never returned to face the other (11?) charges against him.

Compare that to the people on the other side of the political divide. Chamlong and the rest walked into the police HQ, arranged for bail, left .. and stayed in Thailand. Abhisit and Suthep ... stayed in Thailand.

Consistently one side runs and one side stays ....

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Excuse me Your Excellency, but hasn't Suthep had an arrest warrant out on him for over a week now, and in that time he has been standing on top of a stage in full view of thousands of policemen in no way trying to hide himself or escape from the law, so surely there has been a failure by the police force for failing to act to arrest him and they should be the ones arrested now and put into inactive posts in the sunny province of Yala for this dereliction of duty? And what should be done about the failure by the BIBs to break up the riots near Mor Ram and their seeming incitement to violence of one side? Surely the Ministers responsible for law and order should resign en masse, given this basic failure of government? coffee1.gif

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Thailand's anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, charged with insurrection and several other offences, is liable to a 3-15 years’ jail term while those providing him with medical treatment and shelter are also guilty of offenses, according to senior Cabinet members.

"while those providing him with medical treatment and shelter are also guilty of offenses" well as I see it, the current government is aiding a convicted criminal to evade judicial punishment for his crimes, is not their actions criminal too???

Prove they are aiding convicted criminal. It's easy to state the 'obvious'

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One thing does have something to do with the other actually. If you are going to enforce the law, don't do so selectively.

Why should he surrender? You revoke the bail of Jatuporn first. Oh and Thaksin should surrender also.

One has nothing to do with the other, this is a game but not a kiddies game . . .

The hypocrisy here is breathtaking. Perhaps if Herr Thaksin returned to face HIS charges, people might be more inclined to follow the rule of law.

True, but again, that's not the way it works.

If he's charged with something he should hand himself in or the police should arrest him.

This whole thing is simply so very messed up, with leaders flouting the law daily - yes, that includes Thaksin, but he is overseas thanks to someone giving him his passport to go to Beijing fr the Olympics rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

It didn't start with Thaksin, nor will it end when he is no longer around . . . it is in the whole fabric of society . . . disgusting

No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

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Oh? Suthep has been, and is, the ONLY protest leader so far... for the past few decades, I assume? Sorry, I thought there were other protest leaders, dear me. But what's more alarming is, when did it become a crime to provide medical treatment to another human being? These muppets are starting to impart serious insult to people's intelligence.

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What a <deleted> that Surapong is !!!!

Which more clownesk inventions they gonna produce ? Get that gangster in Dubai first and bring him in Justice before you talk more BS Mr Living Death (look at that picture, he doesn't even know that he stays there, and more... what he's actually doing there.... brainwashed ?) hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

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Surapong, is just another example of the many incompents in this government. They have exhibited a complete lack of legal understanding/expertise in the past 2 years and seem determined to continue to do so.Of course, the leader seems determine to restrict all appointments to those of less intellect than he or she display so there is not such a large lineup of canidates to choose from.

It does seem that the majority also suffer from a affliction for which the treatment does not have a high percent of success, due to frequent relapse.


Common name.... Head in arse

Recommended treatment... Pull on shoulders while pushing on backside.

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No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

They are very similar cases and as Surapong has aided & abetted a criminal on the run, he has absolutely no credibility to suggest anything of a legal nature.

Surapong, together with Chalerm & Plodprasop, has been appointed to a position far beyond his level of competence which seems to be a Thaksin strategy of having idiots (or puppets) to control is a lot easier than those with a smidgin of brains.

If PTP had some intention to abide by the laws here, they wouldn't have got the country into this mess. Apart from the disastrous amnesty attempt, rejecting a court's decision is illegal for the powerless but when they feel they are above the law (e.g. Thaksin 2001) it is hypocrisy to blame Suthep for doing the same.

There is no argument that there are similarities and that the law is applied differently according to who is being tried. No doubt at all.

What one can't do is say that he shouldn't be tried if person xyz isnt.

An example:

You get a speeding ticket in the mail.

Your neighbour gets a speeding ticket in the mail.

You say you won't pay until your neighbour does.

The law simply doesn't work that way

To take your analogy a bit closer to the case in point it's my neighbour who hasn't paid his fine who is telling me to pay my fine. I would give him the middle finger just like Surapong deserves.

As far as the law goes, PTP consider themselves above it which is why Suthep has a case. You don't seem to understand that the higher the official here the more they feel they can ignore the law. I'm not saying that Suthep is innocent but when a party controls the police, DSI & AG and abuses that power, they don't deserve any respect or legitimacy.

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So he's saying that Yinluck has already committed an offence by talking to him? So why hasn't she been arrested?

Easy, Parliamentary Immunity.

What could be done when she steps down one day, I do not know.

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Why should he surrender? You revoke the bail of Jatuporn first. Oh and Thaksin should surrender also.

Why should they

They are members of the Shina clan

they are all above the law

Is this not what the protest is all about

Law for one group, another for the rest

So yes Suthep should turn himself in

After Jatuporn bail is revoked and Thaksin gives himself up

Now that is what I call Justice

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I wonder why Mr. Suthep is asked to surrender. It is like he is hiding. Why do policemen not arrest him?

Is he a dangerous person so that policemen cannot arrest him? Or maybe policemen cannot get him because Mr. Suthep is

always in the middle of the crowd and the crowd will not give him up?

Edited by DGIE
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Suthep will certainly turn himself in, when he is ready. Until then he will follow the age old tradition of ignoring the suggestions of people like Surapong.

Are you saying that this is the hi-so equivalent of the same mentality that results in fleeing the scene of an accident?

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Put you ill gotten money where your mouth is. He is out there in plain sight so if you are so sure that you hold the moral high ground simply instruct the RTP to do your dirty work for you however, like the rest of your type, I doubt that you have the balls .

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Weren't some of you over the moon a few days ago, when Kasith came out to tackle Thaksin? One alleged criminal attacking another criminal...but that was okay, right?! No, it was even "inspirational" to some.

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Suthep will certainly turn himself in, when he is ready. Until then he will follow the age old tradition of ignoring the suggestions of people like Surapong.

Are you saying that this is the hi-so equivalent of the same mentality that results in fleeing the scene of an accident?

Would seem that way with one exception, the hi-so's usually take a a few suit case full of money, usually creamed off from some project or other as well as having fat off-shore bank accounts, whereas the truck / bus / car driver fleeing the scene of an accident probably hasn't even got enough cash in this pocket for a bus fare home. Otherwise, yes - same same.

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what a load of hypocritical crap When red thugs tried to burn down Bangkok - oh why bother - all total nonsense from a totally corrupt and nonsense government. Myself id almost put up with any government democratic or not instead of this constant drivel and BS from this lot whose only interest is how much they can get for themselves.

After 30 years here and seeing all sorts of government some worse than others and most corrupt to some degree this lot is worst I've ever seen. Ive already pulled 1/2 of our assets out when all this started back in 2005-2006 and left rest hoping in time Taksin would go.

For me its now tipping point time. Either Thailand gets rid of this one man dictator government and his clan and major cronies once and for all or it will continue to slide further and further into the pit. And all because of ego of one megalomaniac hell bent on making here his own one party police state.

My only hope is he has not bought the army yet but if he has which well probably see in next few months then I for one will bail out what assets we can sensibly liquidate over next few years and keep only our home and some assets held in our childrens names since children's assets cannot be sold until they reach 20.

As I've said many times it wont happen overnight but a slow steady march to a dictatorship one part state. THe warning signs are already very obvious to those who care to look as they were in ZImbabwie, Hitlers Germany Idi Amins uganda and all other places where a evil dictator has taken over. If Taksin wins I give it another 5-10 years before his and his clans grip here is total and permanent but quite a while before that any property and other fixed assets here will have lost a great deal of its value.

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I think before anyone extolls the virtues of K. Suthep and Co they might want to look at the mans CV - a pillar of the rich ruling elite, aconsummate rabble-rouser with several corruption scandals to his name, I'd hardly say he is the sort of chap you'd want as PM or anywhere near any type of democratic government.

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Thailand's anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, charged with insurrection and several other offences, is liable to a 3-15 years’ jail term...according to senior Cabinet members.

Cabinet member Natthawut is liable then for 9-45 years' jail term as being charged with similar offenses on three separate occasions in 2007, 2009, and 2010.

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Actually it does. Why should one law apply to someone and not to someone else? It's people like you who because they accept crap like this that we have different set of rules for different people.

No, it doesn't - why is it that difficult to fathom?! They are separate cases you are drawing together and the legal system anywhere doesn't work like that

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Providing medical treatment is an offence?

It is a clear easy to understand message of the desperation the Government is feeling.

After wasting two years trying to white wash their leader they had success jerked out of their hands at the last minute and all of a sudden the silent people who had been taking their shit and abuse let them know it is no longer acceptable.

This of course leaves them in a real mess because shit and abuse is the only way they know to treat Thailand.

It is like their own personal piggy bank.

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None of what he says makes any sense seeing as we all know Yingluck met him and sat down for talks.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, however, held a dialogue with Mr Suthep in the presence of the country's top military brass on Sunday. Mr Surapong did not mention the Sunday talk.

Smoke but unfortunately no fire.

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