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How many lined up this morning?


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I thought I did but shoot again and I'll try harder. Remembrance day. Sure I go every year to the monument in the cemetery in Chiang Mai that honors American war dead WWII. What else did you want to know?

Read my posts again and then come back here...........thumbsup.gif

If you want to discuss your wife's view of Buddhism try, " http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/521231-can-a-buddhist-believe-in-god/

Or further comparisons to Christianity are useless because I didn't go to the wat. It was a Thai community event not a religious event. Thais happen to be 96% culturally Buddhist so one can't do much without some Buddhist involvement. But if you knew anything about Thailand you would know that. If you think you asked me anything else you can ask away because I don't think you did. Flaming me will not erase your absence of knowledge of cultural events in Thailand.

Nooooooooooo flame, just questions. If you want to move the goal posts to make me look ''not cool'', up to you. Go back and read my posts.

OR, do Thai folk in farangland get involved with farangland religion/beliefs.......?

My post was not about religion. You don't get that. OK I'll say it again. My post was not about religion.

If you think it is you are wrong. Thai folks in Farangland have nothing to do with anything. Do you think Thai folks in Thailand check with Thai folks in England before they feel animosity for Farang in Thailand?

Do you think because Thai folks in Scotland behave badly that you have a license to behave badly in Thailand?

Do you think that if Thai folks in Wales don't contribute money to the Christian church that Farang in Thailand should not give money to monks in Thailand?

Edited by thailiketoo
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The problem that I have is that the OP equates this one event of titheing early in the morning with the amount of respect that people have for Thailand. That is erroneous.

My wife took her mother to the temple to donate some things. My wife isn't Buddhist but her mother is. We appreciate mom's belief and always bring her when she wants to go, but it is not our custom or faith. My daughter and I stayed with Grandpa and had a nice time.

Is my father in law less respectful to Thai culture because he doesn't go give offerings to the temple on Father's day?

Titheing to monks is both cultural and religious. The OP seems to think that someone can actually remove the religion from the culture. Not possible. Thai Muslims are no less Thai and have their own cultural practices around religious and national holidays. The OP seems not concerned with addressing this issue but just accusing everyone who didn't do what he did to be less connected with Thailand.

The only thing that I agree with the OP is that the more you respect for Thai culture, Thai practices, and building relationships with your community, the easier it will be for your life.

My connection with people is usually from food. Just because I don't practice their religious practices doesn't mean I don't respect them.

It is Thai culture to get hammered at festivals, weddings, funerals etc. am I less respectful because I don't drink alcohol?

You seem to have a breakdown in your logic and cognitive abilities. You are equating one thing with another and assuming that all others especially on this forum have a lack of respect for Thais or less than you.

as for the you lose comment. Just because you win doesn't mean that anyone else has to lose, but again that shows your breakdown in cognitive practices.

You are trolling, and it is funny that you accuse others as flaming you, since that is exactly what you are trying to get them to do.

I have noticed people who can't debate use the troll card a lot. There was a whole thread about it a while back.

93% of Thailand are practicing Buddhists and 96% cultural Buddhists. That statement negates most of your post.

There were 200 plus people at my wedding and 24 bottles of beer and 2 bottles of whiskey. No one got drunk.

You lose was in response to a yelling flame,

YOU WIN!!!!!!

You lose. Didn't have to shout. I know.

Here you go again, cannot accept criticism and talk ''flame'', open your eyes, there is a big world out there that is trying to get on with life and NOT stuck in your world of a ''one way street''.

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Oh great and wise , all knowing OP, I am so pleased you were able to grace the Monks with your presence today.

Pray tell do they love to argue for the sake of it as you do ? Insist on being right to the exclusion of all else. Or did you find just mere mortals and unworthy combatants and therefore had to retreat hastily to the TV forum to exert your prowess once more and feel fulfilled again.

I have noticed monks debate and not flame. If you see anything you disagree with that I have posted feel free to discuss it. I assume your flame replaces legitimate disagreement.

Disagreement ? Oh dear no, I would not dare, I know full well that when you want anyones opinion you will give it to them.

Its quite clear the only possible and correct view on any subject can be yours, everything else is just wrong and nonsense, you have taught us so well to know and acknowledge our inferiority to such a seasoned verbalist.

When you attack me and not what I write that is a flame.

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The problem that I have is that the OP equates this one event of titheing early in the morning with the amount of respect that people have for Thailand. That is erroneous.

My wife took her mother to the temple to donate some things. My wife isn't Buddhist but her mother is. We appreciate mom's belief and always bring her when she wants to go, but it is not our custom or faith. My daughter and I stayed with Grandpa and had a nice time.

Is my father in law less respectful to Thai culture because he doesn't go give offerings to the temple on Father's day?

Titheing to monks is both cultural and religious. The OP seems to think that someone can actually remove the religion from the culture. Not possible. Thai Muslims are no less Thai and have their own cultural practices around religious and national holidays. The OP seems not concerned with addressing this issue but just accusing everyone who didn't do what he did to be less connected with Thailand.

The only thing that I agree with the OP is that the more you respect for Thai culture, Thai practices, and building relationships with your community, the easier it will be for your life.

My connection with people is usually from food. Just because I don't practice their religious practices doesn't mean I don't respect them.

It is Thai culture to get hammered at festivals, weddings, funerals etc. am I less respectful because I don't drink alcohol?

You seem to have a breakdown in your logic and cognitive abilities. You are equating one thing with another and assuming that all others especially on this forum have a lack of respect for Thais or less than you.

as for the you lose comment. Just because you win doesn't mean that anyone else has to lose, but again that shows your breakdown in cognitive practices.

You are trolling, and it is funny that you accuse others as flaming you, since that is exactly what you are trying to get them to do.

I have noticed people who can't debate use the troll card a lot. There was a whole thread about it a while back.

93% of Thailand are practicing Buddhists and 96% cultural Buddhists. That statement negates most of your post.

There were 200 plus people at my wedding and 24 bottles of beer and 2 bottles of whiskey. No one got drunk.

You lose was in response to a yelling flame,

YOU WIN!!!!!!

You lose. Didn't have to shout. I know.

Here you go again, cannot accept criticism and talk ''flame'', open your eyes, there is a big world out there that is trying to get on with life and NOT stuck in your world of a ''one way street''.

When you attack me and not my post that is a flame. You can criticize what I write to your heart's content but attacking me is a flame.

I said it is black. You said always think you are right and can't accept criticism. Try a disagreement based on the color not your dislike of me.

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Oh great and wise , all knowing OP, I am so pleased you were able to grace the Monks with your presence today.

Pray tell do they love to argue for the sake of it as you do ? Insist on being right to the exclusion of all else. Or did you find just mere mortals and unworthy combatants and therefore had to retreat hastily to the TV forum to exert your prowess once more and feel fulfilled again.

I have noticed monks debate and not flame. If you see anything you disagree with that I have posted feel free to discuss it. I assume your flame replaces legitimate disagreement.

Disagreement ? Oh dear no, I would not dare, I know full well that when you want anyones opinion you will give it to them.

Its quite clear the only possible and correct view on any subject can be yours, everything else is just wrong and nonsense, you have taught us so well to know and acknowledge our inferiority to such a seasoned verbalist.

When you attack me and not what I write that is a flame.

No, its a flame when YOU say it is, its wrong when YOU say it is, there is only one voice YOURS, you do not listen or accept anything unless YOU have said it. Everything else is just a reason to argue. Its the only way you know how.

I never thought I would say it but I actually feel very sad for you, probably why you came to Thailand for the tolerance of such single minded, self centred behavior. Had to find pastures new did you ?

No one left to argue with back there huh, nevermind plenty of internet forums for you to enlightem and get your superiority fix.

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So you tell me, why do the vast majority of Thai young not go to your celebrations.....?

My celebrations? Gee equal old and young this morning and thousands of Thai children in uniforms at the official birthday celebrations on television. What are you on about. Not the same in Old Blighty?

One of the things I really like about Thailand is three generations can be seen together having fun at any celebration.

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So you tell me, why do the vast majority of Thai young not go to your celebrations.....?

My celebrations? Gee equal old and young this morning and thousands of Thai children in uniforms at the official birthday celebrations on television. What are you on about. Not the same in Old Blighty?

One of the things I really like about Thailand is three generations can be seen together having fun at any celebration.

Avoiding the question again. BUT, off now to the celebrations..............See you later...........smile.png

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So you tell me, why do the vast majority of Thai young not go to your celebrations.....?

My celebrations? Gee equal old and young this morning and thousands of Thai children in uniforms at the official birthday celebrations on television. What are you on about. Not the same in Old Blighty?

One of the things I really like about Thailand is three generations can be seen together having fun at any celebration.

Avoiding the question again. BUT, off now to the celebrations..............See you later...........smile.png

I answered all of your questions one by one. If you want to play games OK with me. But we all know you are just playing games and not asking questions. BTW I thought you lived in Thailand. Because if you lived in Thailand you could go outside and see all the families together today. Sorry.

Edited by thailiketoo
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No, its a flame when YOU say it is, its wrong when YOU say it is, there is only one voice YOURS, you do not listen or accept anything unless YOU have said it. Everything else is just a reason to argue. Its the only way you know how.

I never thought I would say it but I actually feel very sad for you, probably why you came to Thailand for the tolerance of such single minded, self centred behavior. Had to find pastures new did you ?

No one left to argue with back there huh, nevermind plenty of internet forums for you to enlightem and get your superiority fix.

When you say I actually feel very sad for you. That is a flame. It has nothing to do with what I wrote.

When you write, "self centered behavior" That is a flame. It has nothing to do with what I wrote.

When you write, "get your superiority fix" that is a flame. It has nothing to do with what I wrote.

You have written nothing about what I wrote only about how you feel about me. How you feel about me is off topic and a flame. I can't make it any clearer.

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Those monks are lazy. You see them around with IPhones and nice watches. And then they are begging for alms? Let them work and support themselves. Thai people waste too much money in temples and religion

Many people go to the Wat for a few days or weeks or months. I feel many people who don't live in Thailand get them confused with real monks.

There a number of ways to tell the difference but of course there will be a few bad apples in every barrel.

If people come to town who are poor they may stay at wats free. Most wats care for stray animals. I find that worthwhile. At any rate if you read the posts you would know the point is today is a cultural event and the giving of food to monks is only a part of the whole event.

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Would be interesting to see how many of them 10,000 stop by your house on the 25th to wish you happy Christmas.

Im thinking a big fat zero, the truth is they wont treat the othe 499 westerners any different for not showing up.

Maybe they might parade you around on the back of a pickup for being the number 1 farang in town.

Good for you for going and giving, but no need to be a smug git about it.

Thailand is 96% Buddhist why would anyone wish me merry Christmas. Especially they wouldn't if they knew me, as one of the reasons I came to Thailand is I really don't like Christmas.

The truth is I had a problem with my trash pickup. I know the mayor. I talked to the mayor and I don't have a problem with my trash pick up now. I don't have a problem with Tuk tuk drivers or taxi drivers or motorcycle taxi drivers. Why do you think? It is because they know me and I know them. I show up and that is the answer to most of the problems in life. Show up. That's all. No big deal. No tall handsome man. Just show up.

I'll trade staff that shows up every day for beautiful and talented people any day of the week. Life is not much different. You just have to show up.

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Let me get this straight: your OP is basically saying "look at me- Thais love me now and you are all beneath me"...and you say, I am flaming, if I tell you that I don't care?

You know nothing about me, how I live or integrate, which festivals or cultural activities I join...but you judge me (and others) because you want to be Thaier than Thai?


No my OP says today is an important day in Thailand. If you live here and want to get along and not have a bunch of emotional, physical and mental problems it would be wise to learn something about Thai culture and what the Thai people find important or you will be left with the useless baggage and rumors of the bar stool boys who think Farang is a dirty word and Thai people are always out to rip you off.

It is obvious you have little information about Thai culture and if you want to live here it would be wise to educate yourself. If not OK, Pearls to swine comes to my mind.

I gave you some really good information. If you choose to ignore it. UP to You. Tomorrow will be a better day for me as I know more people and have a better relationship with more people than I had today.

How about this? I am the only foreigner for MILES where I live and I actually did wake up at 5AM and had to go out at 6AM (believe me, all against my will) and nobody did shizen about anything. Just a regular morning. So....guess I live amid thousands of "bad" Thais? I am sure a lot of them have things they will do in the evening or whenever, but it wasn't some kind of community suitability test this morning. double u, tee, eff.....

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"I'm am 100% correct and sure of this."

Of course you are, aren' t you always. Thanks for clarifying that I think some may have been in doubt.

Any information you have to the contrary or any information relating to the topic would be great but why post another flame. Your opinion of me has nothing to do with the topic. You don't live in Thailand? Is there no one to ask?

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Let me get this straight: your OP is basically saying "look at me- Thais love me now and you are all beneath me"...and you say, I am flaming, if I tell you that I don't care?

You know nothing about me, how I live or integrate, which festivals or cultural activities I join...but you judge me (and others) because you want to be Thaier than Thai?


No my OP says today is an important day in Thailand. If you live here and want to get along and not have a bunch of emotional, physical and mental problems it would be wise to learn something about Thai culture and what the Thai people find important or you will be left with the useless baggage and rumors of the bar stool boys who think Farang is a dirty word and Thai people are always out to rip you off.

It is obvious you have little information about Thai culture and if you want to live here it would be wise to educate yourself. If not OK, Pearls to swine comes to my mind.

I gave you some really good information. If you choose to ignore it. UP to You. Tomorrow will be a better day for me as I know more people and have a better relationship with more people than I had today.

How about this? I am the only foreigner for MILES where I live and I actually did wake up at 5AM and had to go out at 6AM (believe me, all against my will) and nobody did shizen about anything. Just a regular morning. So....guess I live amid thousands of "bad" Thais? I am sure a lot of them have things they will do in the evening or whenever, but it wasn't some kind of community suitability test this morning. double u, tee, eff.....

I assume you live in Thailand. Ask a Thai where they went?

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Let me get this straight: your OP is basically saying "look at me- Thais love me now and you are all beneath me"...and you say, I am flaming, if I tell you that I don't care?

You know nothing about me, how I live or integrate, which festivals or cultural activities I join...but you judge me (and others) because you want to be Thaier than Thai?


No my OP says today is an important day in Thailand. If you live here and want to get along and not have a bunch of emotional, physical and mental problems it would be wise to learn something about Thai culture and what the Thai people find important or you will be left with the useless baggage and rumors of the bar stool boys who think Farang is a dirty word and Thai people are always out to rip you off.

It is obvious you have little information about Thai culture and if you want to live here it would be wise to educate yourself. If not OK, Pearls to swine comes to my mind.

I gave you some really good information. If you choose to ignore it. UP to You. Tomorrow will be a better day for me as I know more people and have a better relationship with more people than I had today.

How about this? I am the only foreigner for MILES where I live and I actually did wake up at 5AM and had to go out at 6AM (believe me, all against my will) and nobody did shizen about anything. Just a regular morning. So....guess I live amid thousands of "bad" Thais? I am sure a lot of them have things they will do in the evening or whenever, but it wasn't some kind of community suitability test this morning. double u, tee, eff.....

I assume you live in Thailand. Ask a Thai where they went?

I don't have to ask them, because I saw them all in the morning. They were out doing the stuff they are usually doing at that time. I don't doubt that some of them went to a temple or to some place where the monks were to give them food........but, again....NORMAL. NORMAL. NORMAL. The idea that everyone should line up to give the monks food is dumb and doesn't match with what I have seen in Thailand at all. The people who want to go and give food are out there because they want to and pretty much every day....today wasn't an exception to any of it.

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I guess its like Christmas in the UK. If I lived there and took my wife along for midnight mass on Christmas Eve she may well imagine that this is what all UK people do and then get on her favourite UKVISA forum the next morning to ask similar questions.

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I don't have to ask them, because I saw them all in the morning. They were out doing the stuff they are usually doing at that time. I don't doubt that some of them went to a temple or to some place where the monks were to give them food........but, again....NORMAL. NORMAL. NORMAL. The idea that everyone should line up to give the monks food is dumb and doesn't match with what I have seen in Thailand at all. The people who want to go and give food are out there because they want to and pretty much every day....today wasn't an exception to any of it.

Is it that difficult to ask one adult Thai person ? If you ask only one adult Thai person they will tell you.

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