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Many Thais facing unemployment risks: Academic


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It's beyond question that Thailand needs to improve its education standards, but it's also true that unemployment is not necessarily the same thing as low education. Many of the young unemployed in Europe are well qualified, while low skilled immigrants come in and take the low skilled jobs.

Many young unemployed are lazy too as they can be on welfare for a year without any problem.

Met many of those unemployed on my last trip to Europe, specially France, Belgium and Germany and they had a beer bottle in the morning watching TV.

Let's not blame the migrants that come to Europe for taking away job from those alcoholics, otherwise Thai's will blame us one day that we take jobs away from them.

BTW I wonder how a low skilled migrant can take a job away from a well qualified European. By well qualified I mean someone with a degree in his pocket. European's have the chance at leave to move to another European country to get a job. If a European really wants to find a job I am sure he can find a job. Just cut them off the welfare system and in no time they will either find a job or go begging on the street.

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To be honest Thai's seem to be lazy but I have met many Thai's that are very hardworking. In our company I fired the lazy workers and exchanged them for some great staffs that are motivated and even work OT to get the job done. Have not fired one in the past 18 months but got down the number in our department from 15 staffs to 5 and the foreigner that overlooked those 15 staffs had to go as well of course as he was a waste of money.

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Where I live I see people who work from before sunrise to well after dark, those who have market stalls are there 7 days.

The wholesale places around our home are opening their doors around 4.30 every morning and I hear one closing as I write this.

The lady next door sells pork in the market, she, and the rest of the fresh market start about 1 every morning and she closes down around 10, then she goes with her sons to kill and butcher pork for the next day getting home about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, 7 days a week.

A fella just down the soi has a handcart that he takes to sell ready cooked food every evening, I see him sitting all day preparing and cooking the food. That is after he has been to the market before daylight and bought what he needs.

I see farmers and farm workers wading in mud in the paddy all day.

I also see people sitting around doing nothing.

To try and lump everyone together with the usual "All Thais are...." is just a lot of bull.

There are lazy and there are hard working everywhere.

Agreed on the generalizations.. However you just described a group of small business owners..

Try the same thing with employees, people who get paid an hourly wage for work done.. The results are IMO vastly different.

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It's a problem everywhere. there are not enough jobs for uneducated/skilled people. Will get worse.

Of course in Isaan easy for unemployed men Send daughters/wives/gf's to Pattaya to get money from sexpats/sex tourists.... hang on they already do that! (I lived in Isaan and although a stereotype it is based on reality). The sexpats will be happy more unemployment increases supply side of girls and decreases prices/more choice etc. Journalists will be "happy" as they can report more about the flesh trade. The girls won't though. A man's world is Thailand.

I do still wonder about about a Socialist Utopia where everyone does what they can for the reward of a challenge and take what they need (aka Star Trek). So no unemployment. But humans are so well basically animal really. Greedy and selfish. Maybe we need to evolve more? Genetic engineering anyone? Next stage of evolution! Or is that Fascism. I need a beer to ponder that.


Every business , on every corner is screaming for staff and half of them do not ask for education.

Restaurants , hotels, shops, resorts, rental places and list goes on

Not to mention construction sites and factories.

There are by far more jobs than candidates but lazy beings do not want to work, do not want to learn and will not sacrifice an hour of their life to get ahead in life.

They just jump from job to job looking for an easy money or an easy squeeze and move on, then take a 9 months holiday waiting for hand out.

In the last few days I have read adverts written in Thai on lamposts etc.

Wanted (mair baan) cleaners/maids, salary 12.000 baht per month, OT 56 baht per hour.

Van drivers, salary up to 20,000 per month.

I posted in another thread about a (business owner) friend of mine going to KK in Issan looking to recruit workers, he will have to pay 750 baht per day just to get them to come to Bkk, where free lodgings will be provided, he was basically told to piss off, they want 1,000 baht per day.

Some of these labourerers on building sites are now asking 500 baht per day.

Go and work in a factory in Bkk, uneducated with no English skills, 12k per month minimum, plus OT.

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Where I live I see people who work from before sunrise to well after dark, those who have market stalls are there 7 days.

The wholesale places around our home are opening their doors around 4.30 every morning and I hear one closing as I write this.

The lady next door sells pork in the market, she, and the rest of the fresh market start about 1 every morning and she closes down around 10, then she goes with her sons to kill and butcher pork for the next day getting home about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, 7 days a week.

A fella just down the soi has a handcart that he takes to sell ready cooked food every evening, I see him sitting all day preparing and cooking the food. That is after he has been to the market before daylight and bought what he needs.

I see farmers and farm workers wading in mud in the paddy all day.

I also see people sitting around doing nothing.

To try and lump everyone together with the usual "All Thais are...." is just a lot of bull.

There are lazy and there are hard working everywhere.

Great post.

A lot of truth in there that we never think about. We just think about the 3 and 4 staff in the 7 11 that only needs 1. Or the clerks in the department stores that are just talking.

Before any one starts pointing fingers "Yes" I am guilty of doing it also. But when I look out the window here on the 17th floor I realize that it took a lot of hard working people to build all that I can see. I will endevour to stop that kind of remarks. Except when it comes to the government they deserve it.

My wife worked in a road side foot massage place and a lot of the girls just sat around talking. That was because they had no customers. When they had customers they were very good workers.

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It's a problem everywhere. there are not enough jobs for uneducated/skilled people. Will get worse.

Of course in Isaan easy for unemployed men Send daughters/wives/gf's to Pattaya to get money from sexpats/sex tourists.... hang on they already do that! (I lived in Isaan and although a stereotype it is based on reality). The sexpats will be happy more unemployment increases supply side of girls and decreases prices/more choice etc. Journalists will be "happy" as they can report more about the flesh trade. The girls won't though. A man's world is Thailand.

I do still wonder about about a Socialist Utopia where everyone does what they can for the reward of a challenge and take what they need (aka Star Trek). So no unemployment. But humans are so well basically animal really. Greedy and selfish. Maybe we need to evolve more? Genetic engineering anyone? Next stage of evolution! Or is that Fascism. I need a beer to ponder that.


Every business , on every corner is screaming for staff and half of them do not ask for education.

Restaurants , hotels, shops, resorts, rental places and list goes on

Not to mention construction sites and factories.

There are by far more jobs than candidates but lazy beings do not want to work, do not want to learn and will not sacrifice an hour of their life to get ahead in life.

They just jump from job to job looking for an easy money or an easy squeeze and move on, then take a 9 months holiday waiting for hand out.

In the last few days I have read adverts written in Thai on lamposts etc.

Wanted (mair baan) cleaners/maids, salary 12.000 baht per month, OT 56 baht per hour.

Van drivers, salary up to 20,000 per month.

I posted in another thread about a (business owner) friend of mine going to KK in Issan looking to recruit workers, he will have to pay 750 baht per day just to get them to come to Bkk, where free lodgings will be provided, he was basically told to piss off, they want 1,000 baht per day.

Some of these labourerers on building sites are now asking 500 baht per day.

Go and work in a factory in Bkk, uneducated with no English skills, 12k per month minimum, plus OT.

Do not need to tell me, i am so short staffed that i would employ a monkey if it could speak.laugh.png

Tell your friend to be prepared that even if he paid 1000, do not expect them to do any work, they will still sit around and do nothing , while he does all the worksad.png

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7-11 is the biggest proof of the laziness and incompetance of Thai people. One time a bunch of my buddies went into 7-11 during peak hours, there were 5 counters, around 9 - 10 employees (mind you this is one of the bigger 7-11s), and only one counter open and one employee working, while the rest were pretending to do something (but in reality they were just on their phones). After I asked them (in Thai, mind you), they just gave me a disgusting look and said some shit, then the rest just went to the back room leaving the one person to do all the work, with a good 20 other customers in line.

Needless to say, after they went to the back, we just took the beers and left. Management isnt gonna be too happy about a ton of missing beers from the stock.

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If you're unemployed, just become a full-time paid protester. Problem solved.

Hello Mr. government employee. Please go back to your bosses and tell them that your very lame attempts at pro government propaganda are not welcome here.

Well he does have his uses. He shows me what I hope to never become. Mind you if I was that kind of person I would do it for money. No other reason to post nonsense. Well now that I think about the education system I will have to qualify it by saying I only mean that for people with a western education.

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While I am sure the article is correct, with unemployment below 1% and millions of Cambodians, Burmese, Laotians

working in the country, I am sure any Thai who wants a job can find one.

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The general tone that Thai's are lazy has not been my experience. I see them work long hours and travel far for work. I see them battle with each other over who can stay back the latest, the first one to leave silently losing face.

I don't think that helps. Long hours reduce productivity and contribute to dissatisfaction

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Many Thais facing unemployment risks

Well then, it's a good thing then that all university graduates have all been getting paid at least 15,000 baht salary every month for the last two years.

The accrued savings of the tens of thousands that have all been receiving that salary minimum will help families weather the storm of unemployment.


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The unemployment shit will really hit the fan here when ASEAN takes effect and the borders open to low wage workers from other countries. It would help if the Thai minimum wage would apply to ALL workers wherever they are from.

And anybody that blames the minimum wage is selfish and short sighted. So called "free trade pacts," serve only the wealthy capital owners at the expense of the middle class. The wealthy classes are always happy to have their taxes and other business costs lowered so they can drive Ferraris, but listen to them squeal when the workers want a few more crumbs in the form of a living wage. There is no "trickle down" here! The wealthy class is drooling right now over the prospect of laying off Thais and filling their factories with cheap Burmese workers.

This is what the current political hysteria is all about. It is only going to get worse, as the anti-democracy and greed-driven movement spearheaded by Suthep continues to push for a full and blatant plutocracy.

Regarding plutocracy, Wikipedia says: Throughout history, political thinkers such asWinston Churchill, 19th-century French sociologist and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, 19th-century Spanish monarchist Juan Donoso Cortés and today Noam Chomsky have condemned plutocrats for ignoring their social responsibilities, using their power to serve their own purposes and thereby increasing poverty and nurturing class conflict, corrupting societies with greed and hedonism.[5][6]

The latter describes the Bangkok Elite perfectly.

Edited by Ticketmaster
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7-11 is the biggest proof of the laziness and incompetance of Thai people. One time a bunch of my buddies went into 7-11 during peak hours, there were 5 counters, around 9 - 10 employees (mind you this is one of the bigger 7-11s), and only one counter open and one employee working, while the rest were pretending to do something (but in reality they were just on their phones). After I asked them (in Thai, mind you), they just gave me a disgusting look and said some shit, then the rest just went to the back room leaving the one person to do all the work, with a good 20 other customers in line.

Needless to say, after they went to the back, we just took the beers and left. Management isnt gonna be too happy about a ton of missing beers from the stock.

So just to confirm, you spoke to them in Thai and they replied some "shit" ie you do not have a clue what was said?

And to teach them a lesson you stole beer?

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7-11 is the biggest proof of the laziness and incompetance of Thai people. One time a bunch of my buddies went into 7-11 during peak hours, there were 5 counters, around 9 - 10 employees (mind you this is one of the bigger 7-11s), and only one counter open and one employee working, while the rest were pretending to do something (but in reality they were just on their phones). After I asked them (in Thai, mind you), they just gave me a disgusting look and said some shit, then the rest just went to the back room leaving the one person to do all the work, with a good 20 other customers in line.

Needless to say, after they went to the back, we just took the beers and left. Management isnt gonna be too happy about a ton of missing beers from the stock.

You and your mates need a bye bye stamp in your passport and a heavy (leaving fee to pay) S##t people.

Complain to the manager about the staff--or NOT shop again would have been in order. Sounds to me like you already were tanked up to think of doing this, or an upbringing disorder.

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The unemployment shit will really hit the fan here when ASEAN takes effect and the borders open to low wage workers from other countries. It would help if the Thai minimum wage would apply to ALL workers wherever they are from.

And anybody that blames the minimum wage is selfish and short sighted. So called "free trade pacts," serve only the wealthy capital owners at the expense of the middle class. The wealthy classes are always happy to have their taxes and other business costs lowered so they can drive Ferraris, but listen to them squeal when the workers want a few more crumbs in the form of a living wage. There is no "trickle down" here! The wealthy class is drooling right now over the prospect of laying off Thais and filling their factories with cheap Burmese workers.

This is what the current political hysteria is all about. It is only going to get worse, as the anti-democracy and greed-driven movement spearheaded by Suthep continues to push for a full and blatant plutocracy.

Regarding plutocracy, Wikipedia says: Throughout history, political thinkers such asWinston Churchill, 19th-century French sociologist and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, 19th-century Spanish monarchist Juan Donoso Cortés and today Noam Chomsky have condemned plutocrats for ignoring their social responsibilities, using their power to serve their own purposes and thereby increasing poverty and nurturing class conflict, corrupting societies with greed and hedonism.[5][6]

The latter describes the Bangkok Elite perfectly.

Ahem. Translate. Is this your way of saying that if you raise the minimum wage, business costs for labor will go up, and therefore prices will rise leaving the minimum wage people right where they were before?

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For anybody really interested in the Thai economy they should read the Forbes Magazine's Jesse Forbes contribution. He predicts Malaysia and the Philippines are also in for serious economic downturns.

here's the link; http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessecolombo/2013/11/04/thailands-bubble-economy-is-heading-for-a-1997-style-crash/

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unemployment? here in Thailand? the country where most of the jobs that no body want

are being taken by foreign workers from our neighboring countries? Thai are inherently

unskilled, lazy people, and I'm not saying that out of malice, I ought to know, I have employed

hundreds of them, with no sense of work place loyalty, and no vision for their future, there are

mostly temporary workers at best, here today, gone tomorrow,

there is much to say about this subject, the bottom line is that Thai workers are not afraid

of being unemployed, they stay and eat with friend and family for as long as it take to find

a job that they like, and that can sometime months or even longer....


but there are other options. they can go and sell somtum, BBQ, etc.

but if they are still lazy on these, let them find their own food, clothes, etc

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It's beyond question that Thailand needs to improve its education standards, but it's also true that unemployment is not necessarily the same thing as low education. Many of the young unemployed in Europe are well qualified, while low skilled immigrants come in and take the low skilled jobs.

Many young unemployed are lazy too as they can be on welfare for a year without any problem.

Met many of those unemployed on my last trip to Europe, specially France, Belgium and Germany and they had a beer bottle in the morning watching TV.

Let's not blame the migrants that come to Europe for taking away job from those alcoholics, otherwise Thai's will blame us one day that we take jobs away from them.

BTW I wonder how a low skilled migrant can take a job away from a well qualified European. By well qualified I mean someone with a degree in his pocket. European's have the chance at leave to move to another European country to get a job. If a European really wants to find a job I am sure he can find a job. Just cut them off the welfare system and in no time they will either find a job or go begging on the street.


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For anybody really interested in the Thai economy they should read the Forbes Magazine's Jesse Forbes contribution. He predicts Malaysia and the Philippines are also in for serious economic downturns.

here's the link; http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessecolombo/2013/11/04/thailands-bubble-economy-is-heading-for-a-1997-style-crash/

more no jobs in the Philippines. The government there doesn't care of that. It's up to the people to manage their lives

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It's beyond question that Thailand needs to improve its education standards, but it's also true that unemployment is not necessarily the same thing as low education. Many of the young unemployed in Europe are well qualified, while low skilled immigrants come in and take the low skilled jobs.

so it is just a matter of laziness

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The unemployment shit will really hit the fan here when ASEAN takes effect and the borders open to low wage workers from other countries. It would help if the Thai minimum wage would apply to ALL workers wherever they are from.

And anybody that blames the minimum wage is selfish and short sighted. So called "free trade pacts," serve only the wealthy capital owners at the expense of the middle class. The wealthy classes are always happy to have their taxes and other business costs lowered so they can drive Ferraris, but listen to them squeal when the workers want a few more crumbs in the form of a living wage. There is no "trickle down" here! The wealthy class is drooling right now over the prospect of laying off Thais and filling their factories with cheap Burmese workers.

This is what the current political hysteria is all about. It is only going to get worse, as the anti-democracy and greed-driven movement spearheaded by Suthep continues to push for a full and blatant plutocracy.

Regarding plutocracy, Wikipedia says: Throughout history, political thinkers such asWinston Churchill, 19th-century French sociologist and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, 19th-century Spanish monarchist Juan Donoso Cortés and today Noam Chomsky have condemned plutocrats for ignoring their social responsibilities, using their power to serve their own purposes and thereby increasing poverty and nurturing class conflict, corrupting societies with greed and hedonism.[5][6]

The latter describes the Bangkok Elite perfectly.

2 points.

Asean isn't going to open the doors to low wage employees yet, and minimum wages for all employees are meant to be the same, it's just there is no enforcement.

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7-11 is the biggest proof of the laziness and incompetance of Thai people. One time a bunch of my buddies went into 7-11 during peak hours, there were 5 counters, around 9 - 10 employees (mind you this is one of the bigger 7-11s), and only one counter open and one employee working, while the rest were pretending to do something (but in reality they were just on their phones). After I asked them (in Thai, mind you), they just gave me a disgusting look and said some shit, then the rest just went to the back room leaving the one person to do all the work, with a good 20 other customers in line.

Needless to say, after they went to the back, we just took the beers and left. Management isnt gonna be too happy about a ton of missing beers from the stock.

You and your mates need a bye bye stamp in your passport and a heavy (leaving fee to pay) S##t people.

Complain to the manager about the staff--or NOT shop again would have been in order. Sounds to me like you already were tanked up to think of doing this, or an upbringing disorder.

Wow you're cool!

That 7-11 staff deserved it also. And it probably sucks for you to know that I'm gonna be here way longer and that I dont need a visa to stay here at all. And I'm staying here LEGALLY. figure it out, chav

Edited by HoudiniXLogic
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If you spend all day for weeks on end protesting and attempting to overthrow the government, you probably don't care too much about being unemployed

Just ask any red shirtcheesy.gif

If you spend all day for weeks on end protesting and attempting to overthrow the government or protect it , you probably don't care too much about being unemployed

By those who are there to "protect" the government I can only think you mean the UDD. They were in Bangkok for about 2 occasions of 2/3 days duration wasn't it, and wasn't there a weekend in there somewhere?

As usual we're getting a wee bit off topic again, but didn't the UDD / red-shirts / anti-anti-government protesters stay in the government provided stadium for a few weeks? Aren't there millions of red-shirts on standbye to protect their 'blanket amnesty' government?

the only reason they left was there rental agreement came to an end and they are to afraid to confiscate land again. They lost to many the last time they tried that.wai2.gif

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7-11 is the biggest proof of the laziness and incompetance of Thai people. One time a bunch of my buddies went into 7-11 during peak hours, there were 5 counters, around 9 - 10 employees (mind you this is one of the bigger 7-11s), and only one counter open and one employee working, while the rest were pretending to do something (but in reality they were just on their phones). After I asked them (in Thai, mind you), they just gave me a disgusting look and said some shit, then the rest just went to the back room leaving the one person to do all the work, with a good 20 other customers in line.

Needless to say, after they went to the back, we just took the beers and left. Management isnt gonna be too happy about a ton of missing beers from the stock.

You and your mates need a bye bye stamp in your passport and a heavy (leaving fee to pay) S##t people.

Complain to the manager about the staff--or NOT shop again would have been in order. Sounds to me like you already were tanked up to think of doing this, or an upbringing disorder.

Wow you're cool!

That 7-11 staff deserved it also. And it probably sucks for you to know that I'm gonna be here way longer and that I dont need a visa to stay here at all. And I'm staying here LEGALLY. figure it out, chav

What are you an idiot. the 7 11 staff maybe have been lazy and deserved some discipline.

But you in all your wisdom choose to steal from the owner who probably wasn't even there. The problem with people like you is they have drank so much that their brain begins to think that way. Or they got a basic Thai education. Probably from one of the schools with no electricity.whistling.gif

Your schooling probably explains why you don't need a visa to live in Thailand legally.wai2.gif

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