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Govt party rejects PM Yingluck's resignation, House dissolution


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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

Or they could just start working for the country as a whole instead of one man, and cut out with the graft and the very undemocratic undermining of the checks and balances of government.

That might get the angry mob off the streets and I dare say it might even improve their electoral performance.

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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

From that 68M 26M ARE KIDS AND 4M are in hospital or bed ridden...etc etc,,,, keep on doing the five finger shuffle...

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

Germany is the 12 least corrupt country in the world with a score of 72. 100 being perfect

Thailand is the 102 least corrupt with a score of 35. 0 being the most corrupt.

No comparison.

Care to share any thing else you don;t know.

My knowledge may be limited but I do know that my point just went... whoosh... over your head.

Neither the chap I replied to nor myself made any comment related even remotely to corruption. It was about perceived inability to take action / sitting out of crisis by leading politicians. end of.

If you're trying to insinuate that all Thai politicians are corrupt, then oh, my gosh...the pope's a catholic...what gives?! coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

From that 68M 26M ARE KIDS AND 4M are in hospital or bed ridden...etc etc,,,, keep on doing the five finger shuffle...

Well fair enough then 19Mil and 1 then yea dissolve the government. 50K protestors hardly represents the majority even if you have cut the Thai population down to 38 million to make the minority look larger. Whats that about 1% of the population trying to overthrow the government you would never win an election with those numbersbiggrin.png

Edited by chooka
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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

From that 68M 26M ARE KIDS AND 4M are in hospital or bed ridden...etc etc,,,, keep on doing the five finger shuffle...

Well fair enough then 19Mil and 1 then yea dissolve the government. 50K protestors hardly represents the majority even if you have cut the Thai population down to 38 million to make the minority look larger. Whats that about 1% of the population trying to overthrow the government you would never win an election with those numbersbiggrin.png

The red shirts seemed to think it was OK in 2010 to try and force a government to step down with 50,000 protesters.

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I hope Thailand can end this conflict without any more fighting and also hope the Thai people can accept whatever government rules and move on happily.

It's hard for many people to accept a government that is super corrupt, is driving them to economic ruin through mismanagement and theft of public funds and believes that rule of law does not apply to the wealthy and influential. They will not learn a lesson because they can only move in one direction at the beck and call of their criminal leader and are only motivated by greed. They will screw up again soon enough.

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I hope Thailand can end this conflict without any more fighting and also hope the Thai people can accept whatever government rules and move on happily.

It's hard for many people to accept a government that is super corrupt, is driving them to economic ruin through mismanagement and theft of public funds and believes that rule of law does not apply to the wealthy and influential. They will not learn a lesson because they can only move in one direction at the beck and call of their criminal leader and are only motivated by greed. They will screw up again soon enough.

All Thai Governments are exactly the same. Red, Yellow, black or pink.

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Strangely enough I had thought that Yingluck being the Prime or First minister can overrule all the rest of them allowing her to resign and dissolve the government.

Yet the ministers who "report" to her and were selected by her (so she said therefore it must be true) are saying that they won' resign and dissolve the government.

Does this mean perhaps she is not really in charge at all?

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This lets 'real-PM' Yingluck off-the-hook, for her previous offer to resign & hold new elections, as part of the solution to these protests, doesn't it ?

She doesn't have to do it now after all, 'her' brother party wouldn't dream of letting her, 'refreshers' all round chaps ! whistling.gif

Although it's still the best solution IMO, because it would finally kill the controversial 'suspended' Amnesty-Bill, and take away much of the support for Suthep on-the-streets.

How happy that not a single one of the PTP MPs disagreed with the orders to hang onto power at all costs proposal ! wink.png

Well spotted sir!

Now she can say she offered, but her party won't let her. The Amnesty Bill - not her government but those rascals on the committee, dominated by her party maybe, but not the government you see. She has maintained a stance of no violence against the protesters, make sure they are safe, we respect their right to protest, whilst members of her party pursue legal action and threats against the protesters. Now the cranking up is not being done by her, but by CAPO.

Just wait and see when the 180 days is up and the Amnesty bill is rammed through by parliament - not Yingluck's government (as if she's in control haha). It will be parliament that does this, not the government. It will be parliament that refuses to accept rulings by the courts, not the government.

Yingluck is just so innocent, just trying to follow the democratic principles of an elected parliament and making sure her government takes note of its wishes. whistling.gif

After all this is over, she'll be making speeches on her trips saying how well she managed all of this, all in the interests of democracy whistling.gif

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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

From that 68M 26M ARE KIDS AND 4M are in hospital or bed ridden...etc etc,,,, keep on doing the five finger shuffle...

Well fair enough then 19Mil and 1 then yea dissolve the government. 50K protestors hardly represents the majority even if you have cut the Thai population down to 38 million to make the minority look larger. Whats that about 1% of the population trying to overthrow the government you would never win an election with those numbersbiggrin.png

Might I also suggest we include all the hill-tribe people, who were born here but still can't get proper ID-cards, because they're not considered 'proper Thai people' ?

Governments of both shades continue to get away with ignoring them, sadly. sad.png

And it's not about winning an election, it's about Yingluck keeping her (repeated again today !) word, and offering them the chance of an election.

If, say, a million people do come onto the streets tomorrow, then perhaps it might strengthen her backbone, to defy the paid-lackeys in the party, who are still following the instructions to hang onto power at all costs.

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how can anyone on here support an awfully corrupt government like this...whats with you people its fine to critisize the dems,suphep.i have no problem with that,but you seem incapable of even acknowledging what they are doing...probably dont even live here,or are very lonely,and knocking one out watching you-porn,while ya mums shouting that your teas ready...hahahahahahahaha....be honest foe once...

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...so the soap opera charades continue.........

...offer to resign,,,,,,,

...but make the excuse that the party will not allow you to....

Much like the other ongoing soap opera,

...proclaiming the end of government tomorrow...

...but find an excuse to postpone the end of the government...

It's like watching Armageddon except the time never hit zero.

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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

From that 68M 26M ARE KIDS AND 4M are in hospital or bed ridden...etc etc,,,, keep on doing the five finger shuffle...

Well fair enough then 19Mil and 1 then yea dissolve the government. 50K protestors hardly represents the majority even if you have cut the Thai population down to 38 million to make the minority look larger. Whats that about 1% of the population trying to overthrow the government you would never win an election with those numbersbiggrin.png

The red shirts seemed to think it was OK in 2010 to try and force a government to step down with 50,000 protesters.

By demanding an election to be held early, not by proposing "peoples councils" and demanding nominated PM's

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How many out of 68 million are protesting? If there are say 34 million and 1 then yea dissolve the government as the majority have spoken then have fresh elections ASAP.

How will we know if there are that many ? Are you going to count them ? Numbers are not as important as morals, principles and ethics - 3 things the Thaksin regime have none of....Finally the Thai populace is waking up to the truth of what is going on and they know it stinks. They should have done this today when most people have the day off work, it would have been better.....

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how can anyone on here support an awfully corrupt government like this...whats with you people its fine to critisize the dems,suphep.i have no problem with that,but you seem incapable of even acknowledging what they are doing...probably dont even live here,or are very lonely,and knocking one out watching you-porn,while ya mums shouting that your teas ready...hahahahahahahaha....be honest foe once...

I have been one of the greatest knockers of Yingluk and her policies but I also think this Suthep character is mad and dangerous and he is using the people for his own self interests to gain complete control of the control and rule undisputed.

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