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Thai Grasp Of Global Time


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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Because its 10.00 in the morning in Thailand then it must be 10.00 in the morning every where in the world. They seem most confused when I explain it's 3.00 am in the UK and they have just woken me up and that is why I am not happy :o

Anyone else suffering sleepless nights? :D


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That's a problem with people all over the world, nothing to do with Thailand, everything to do with being used (or not) to zap around beetween timezones.

But they're crap at dialling. In Thailand I have daily 3-4 wrong numbers, In Europe months can pass between wrong numbers.

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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Nope, it's not a Thai problem. The average American doesn't quite "get" it, either. It seems like they would, having 4 time zones just for the continental US, but most people expect the entire world to be in one of those 4 time zones. I think you have to actually travel and do the watch resetting to really understand time differences, particularly how the International date line works.

We've tried to explain to my in-laws that when we move to Thailand we will be 12 hours ahead, and if it is Sunday night for them, it will be Monday morning for us. It's just too much for them. Thank God they're too cheap to ever call. :o

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They seem most confused when I explain it's 3.00 am in the UK and they have just woken me up and that is why I am not happy :o

It's even more confusing when we put the clocks back or forward. They just get used to the 7 hours difference, then we tell them it's now only 6 hours difference :D

My Mrs is also confused to the fact that when she first came here (UK) it was getting dark at about 4pm, now it's about 9ish before it get's dark. It's a bugger trying to explain that one :D:D

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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Because its 10.00 in the morning in Thailand then it must be 10.00 in the morning every where in the world. They seem most confused when I explain it's 3.00 am in the UK and they have just woken me up and that is why I am not happy :o

Anyone else suffering sleepless nights? :D


Have you tried turning the phone off whilst sleeping? :D

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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Because its 10.00 in the morning in Thailand then it must be 10.00 in the morning every where in the world. They seem most confused when I explain it's 3.00 am in the UK and they have just woken me up and that is why I am not happy :o

Anyone else suffering sleepless nights? :D


Having just been woken up again this very morning in the wee hours, 4:30AM to be exact, by yet another of my wife's family members, I can feel your annoyance. After nearly 20 years of being married to the woman, even after having been rude and hanging up on them, and yes, I caught hel_l for that, they still call at all hours. They do understand, but they just do not seem to care.

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it goes the other way also u know;

many thai workers here phone home and SURPRISE, ma and pa and wife are sleeping (song toomb -- 20:00, or are just getting up and making rice (5 in a.m. going out to fields) if they are village folk.... we've done that several times now, my bf has called his sister in korat twice in around 23 00 our time ( four or five hour difference depending each year on whims of our religious govt so cant keep daylite saving time straight) and was answered sweetly but sleepily and told to call in morning.... if we call at our convenient hours (jerusalem time), there is no one home, or someone has to go and fetch the brother from wherever and we have to call back in ten minutes etc...so we do call at odd hours for them too!!! sometimes, my bf just wants to speak to someone back home, he will pick up the phone and dial, no matter what the hour, talk for two minutes and that that...

and i never could explain daylite savings time in thai either

and trust me, it is confusing, i've learned to check the net to see when its x time here, what time is it there... otherwise i also wake people up or cant get hold of them due to work hours etc.... because our daylite saving moves all the time... just silence your phone at nite...

and obviously u dont have teenagers who have friends who call at all hours (small house, every cell phone and message beep is heard by everyone....arrrhhggg.....

Edited by bina
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:D strange...We have never problems people phoning us at odd hours. They all know, and we have family and friends all over the world.

China+6 hours


London -1

Canada -6 to -8 or vice versa. Simple.

Apart from that, we close all mobiles and homephone during the night :o

Urgency? well, it's so far away nobody can do anything from such a distance anyway.


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:D strange...We have never problems people phoning us at odd hours. They all know, and we have family and friends all over the world.

China+6 hours


London -1

Canada -6 to -8 or vice versa. Simple.

Apart from that, we close all mobiles and homephone during the night :o

Urgency? well, it's so far away nobody can do anything from such a distance anyway.


My daughter once called me in LOS at 2 AM asking for directions while she was driving in Chicago. Terrible urgency!!! :D

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:D strange...We have never problems people phoning us at odd hours. They all know, and we have family and friends all over the world.

China+6 hours


London -1

Canada -6 to -8 or vice versa. Simple.

Apart from that, we close all mobiles and homephone during the night :o

Urgency? well, it's so far away nobody can do anything from such a distance anyway.


My daughter once called me in LOS at 2 AM asking for directions while she was driving in Chicago. Terrible urgency!!! :D

:D I bow...that's indeed urgency :D Clever daughter but lazy too...didn't you teach her to ASK the directions on spot :D


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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Nope, it's not a Thai problem. The average American doesn't quite "get" it, either. It seems like they would, having 4 time zones just for the continental US, but most people expect the entire world to be in one of those 4 time zones. I think you have to actually travel and do the watch resetting to really understand time differences, particularly how the International date line works.

We've tried to explain to my in-laws that when we move to Thailand we will be 12 hours ahead, and if it is Sunday night for them, it will be Monday morning for us. It's just too much for them. Thank God they're too cheap to ever call. :D

The average Brit doesn't get it either :o Many is the night I have been woken at 1 am by some person callling from the UK wanting to book a room. "Oh, were you asleep?! Sorry!" is usually the response I get.

And then they still try to book the room :D

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Am I the only one who is woken up at all hours whilst in the UK because Thai's have no concept of global time?

Because its 10.00 in the morning in Thailand then it must be 10.00 in the morning every where in the world. They seem most confused when I explain it's 3.00 am in the UK and they have just woken me up and that is why I am not happy :o

Anyone else suffering sleepless nights? :D


As anoying as the British who cannot adapt to the standard European summer- and wintertimes which causes a lot of times also inconviniences in business. :D OK, no sleepless nights, that's true: the differences are not exceeding (only) one hour. :D

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My daughter once called me in LOS at 2 AM asking for directions while she was driving in Chicago. Terrible urgency!!! :o

:D I bow...that's indeed urgency :D Clever daughter but lazy too...didn't you teach her to ASK the directions on spot :D


Off topic, and I'm going to get shot for saying this, but women and directions don't seem to mix well. My daughter is terrible when it comes to understanding the N, S, E, W concept. And I quit listening to my wife when driving around Thailand. One wrong turn in BKK traffic and you've just added an hour to your travel time. :D

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Depends on the person! My dad is terrible, my mom the navigator.

And then, of course, there is that male inability to stop and ask for directions when lost!!!

Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

People who can't figure out time zone changes. :o

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The average Brit doesn't get it either :o Many is the night I have been woken at 1 am by some person callling from the UK wanting to book a room. "Oh, were you asleep?! Sorry!" is usually the response I get.

And then they still try to book the room :D

Not sure why that would be a surprise. Probably most tourists expect a hotel/resort/?? to be available for reservations 24/7. Need to add another staff member or perhaps an answering machine for night. :D

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Speaking about the US, 1 in 3 people there think the sun revolves around in world :o

Oh really? And would you mind sharing your source of information?

Kat, take our word for it, the Earth definately moves around the sun, I don't think Donz needs to verify the fact. :D

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Speaking about the US, 1 in 3 people there think the sun revolves around in world :D


Now, that's only for those under 30 years of age.

There are a few of us still left who were educated in the 50's and 60's, when we were still taught a grasp of basic world geography.

A recent survey showed that many high school students today couldn't locate Mexico or Canada on the map of North America.

My mother (then about 74 years old, and getting a little "forgetful"), once called me at 2 AM while I was in BKK. She said she was sorry if she woke me up too "early". She knew I was probably out "last night" until early morning and therefore she waited until "afternoon" to call. There is exactly 12 hours time difference between the East Coast of the U.S. and BKK.

Having said that, it isn't limited to Thais or Americans. I once told a British friend I was going to Thailand. He asked me where Thailand was. Southeast Asia, I told him. Is that near China, he asked? Thinking he would know Singapore (once a british possesion after all) I told him it was nearer to Singapore.

He didn't know where Singapore was.

As Cicero once said,"Against such ignorance even the Gods would strive in vain."


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He asked me where Thailand was. Southeast Asia, I told him. Is that near China, he asked? Thinking he would know Singapore (once a british possesion after all) I told him it was nearer to Singapore.

He didn't know where Singapore was.

It's amazing how bad a lot of people are educated when it comes to geography.

There was this 'funny' TV-program with a blind map of Europe; people in the street were asked where a certain country was.......(like: point Austria or Portugal)...


The answers were like a lottery :o


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Speaking about the US, 1 in 3 people there think the sun revolves around in world :D

Oh really? And would you mind sharing your source of information?

Kat, take our word for it, the Earth definately moves around the sun, I don't think Donz needs to verify the fact. :D


I got a call once from someone who wanted to know if I was "going down the pub tonight". I explained that as I was 10,000 miles away in Australia, it was quite unlikely. Besides, it's now tomorrow.

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My Thai wife calls her family from here in the eastern US either very early in the morning or late in the evening.....and I have never even had to explain the phenomonem of time zones to her!!! Ignorance of things like time zones, geography, etc., believe it or not, isn't confined to Thais or Americans.

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