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My 5,000th post! - It took me 11 years...


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err strewth maet wat'ch on about den.

mostly i dont read ppl with big post counts obviously they got nutthin to say. else dey wudda bin banned long ago.

pardon my ingorance but aint comments on moderation bannable materialcrazy.gif

Edited by Chippen Dong
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How to get to 5000 Posts:

I think I'll start a language business.

Could I get a work permit for my language business?

Could I work for more than one hotel at a time with a language business?

Would I need a school registration for a language business?

Maybe I won't start a language business

-- That's 5 posts right there -- just kidding and I still have a copy of the Terry Miller 'Music of the Lao' book.

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That's 5 posts right there -- just kidding and I still have a copy of the Terry Miller 'Music of the Lao' book.

Never had time to get the language business off the ground - too busy with building hotels, teaching overseas and of course - playing the khaen!

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Simon keep posting. I always enjoy reading them as I can see there is a real person behind them...

But please.........No more what colour should I paint the walls of my new hotel rooms? posts. ...We will all be worried that it means you are getting married again.smile.png

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No more what colour should I paint the walls of my new hotel rooms

I am happily 3-times divorced... and I have already chosen the room colour for the new Bed & Breakfast that I'm building - that little business will be all mine! (inasfar as it can be for a foreigner in Thailand).


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