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A letter to the well-heeled protesters of Bangkok


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Revolutions start when the middle classes rise on behalf of the poor and down trodden.

No they start when they begin to become part of the poor and down trodden.

Yes, that's it exactly. When is that "moment of realization" is the question.

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I have been traveling the whole time. In Nakhon Sri Tammarat now. There were thousands here in the streets and the government offices protesting. Same as many towns i drove threw. So it ain't just Bkk.

Personally, I am not political what so ever, I am just a tourist living here. But where I am traveling it seems to be a very popular movement.

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you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

LOVE IT - great piece

So what's the solution? How about splitting up the country? Give Thaksin Issan and the north and let Bangkok and the south pick their own government. This is getting ridiculous.

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It is the complete disregard for the mechanics of a democratic system that I find outrageous.

If you lose the election , you find the strongest opposition that you can muster in the democratically elected parliament , and wait until the next duly announced election to try ad fight back - you do not occupy airports, the streets of the capital and government offices with gangs of paid up protectors , you wait, you plan and you try to win the next time around.

Another question I must raise is how does a non elected , appointed council fit into a democratic government ?

We all know such a council would be wholly made up of Suthep and his cronies who would probably arrange to be council members for life, thus rendering the parliament incapable of doing it's job - lawmaking and running the country.

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you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

LOVE IT - great piece

....and those up North should appreciate that it is the Bangkokians and people from the South that generate the money for Thailands economy. We should not allow this government to waste this on stupid populist policies and the rice scam in particular. They should also realise that despite Yingluck's insistence, it doesn't benefit them that much and that Abhisit's rice scheme was far cheaper and DID benefit the poor farmers (as they openly admitted before the last election).

Get your heads straight, or I have a right to call you buffalo's (ostriches is probably more applicable) as that is exactly how you appear to me!!

Did you, by any chance, eat rice lately?

I guess, this is exactly one of the problems in this country!

Either, no one should thank anyone, because all are simply doing their jobs...or all should thank each other, because everybody is doing their job. Doing their job, eg. contributing to the wealth ans prosperity of the country!

I know, it sounds communist, but why is a civil worker in Bangkok better than a rice or tobacco- farmer in Nong Khai?

...and unless people really understand, that all are equally important and equally worth and unless that is exactly was is tough, you might as well forget about "democracy"!

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And this "pravit " guy was and has been tweeting for weeks attacking the protests,he's not some ordinary joe but a political activist.so much for an "ordinary common view" fake,

He's not a political activist, he's a fairly well known Nation journalist who's consistently called out both sides.

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Why can't the Thai people see that both sides in this conflict are wrong. Where is the 3rd political party that is NOT corrupt?

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You are right. It is a bunch of corrupt billionaires against another bunch of corrupt billionaires. None of them care about anything else aside from their own greed, hunger for power and whatever other interests they may have.

Unfortunately that 3rd party that is not corrupt, that you mention, does not exist. If it existed, both sides

would join forces to crush it as fast as they could.

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I have been traveling the whole time. In Nakhon Sri Tammarat now. There were thousands here in the streets and the government offices protesting. Same as many towns i drove threw. So it ain't just Bkk.

Personally, I am not political what so ever, I am just a tourist living here. But where I am traveling it seems to be a very popular movement.

My province NST is probably more anti-Thaksin than Bangkok - I went to one of the protests and could sense the hate for him and his clan.

Suthep's turf (Surat Thani) next door is probably more radical even than Nakhonsithammarat in their disdain for his family.

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And this "pravit " guy was and has been tweeting for weeks attacking the protests,he's not some ordinary joe but a political activist.so much for an "ordinary common view" fake,

Funny how anyone has a different idea automatically becomes a political activist...

Edited by newcomer71
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you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

LOVE IT - great piece

....and those up North should appreciate that it is the Bangkokians and people from the South that generate the money for Thailands economy. We should not allow this government to waste this on stupid populist policies and the rice scam in particular. They should also realise that despite Yingluck's insistence, it doesn't benefit them that much and that Abhisit's rice scheme was far cheaper and DID benefit the poor farmers (as they openly admitted before the last election).

Get your heads straight, or I have a right to call you buffalo's (ostriches is probably more applicable) as that is exactly how you appear to me!!

Did you, by any chance, eat rice lately?

I guess, this is exactly one of the problems in this country!

Either, no one should thank anyone, because all are simply doing their jobs...or all should thank each other, because everybody is doing their job. Doing their job, eg. contributing to the wealth ans prosperity of the country!

I know, it sounds communist, but why is a civil worker in Bangkok better than a rice or tobacco- farmer in Nong Khai?

...and unless people really understand, that all are equally important and equally worth and unless that is exactly was is tough, you might as well forget about "democracy"!

I'm eating rice right now actually, but what has that got to do with anything.

This rice has further endebted Thailand as the public's tax money has been paid out of the government coffers to Thaksin's cronies, rice millers and exporters. It would be cheaper to give the farmers money to sit on their backsides and do nothing!! We could then buy rice from Cambodia and Vietnam to eat as it is cheaper and will not be a drain on Thailand's economy.

You will not find anyone around with more idealistic socialist views than mine. I am better than no one and no one is better than me.

I do realise however, that countries rely on income from educated people and not people who till the fields and whether you like this or not, this will always be the case. I also know that whilst a government tricks the poor into voting for them because they don't understand politics and then abuses democracy is a recipe for disaster.

Keep the golden goose happy and the country will prosper, pander to the uneducated and it will go down hill.

I am a simple realist rather than someone living an unobtainable utopian dream!!

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While Suthep is known for getting carried away in his speeches his protest is the one out there trying to fix something which is not right. If there is a very large part of population disagreeing with what he does his enemies would utilise it a long time ago. Everywhere i go i see people watching blue sky tv bangkok and provinces. And I do believe majority of thais following this political drama want a genuine change which he is promising .

The only thing he is promising is that he wants to rule Thailand like back in the 1940's.

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this is o perfect. It is just beyond words. But i dont think suthep the murderer can understand what this young person is trying to tell him.

There is only one murderer in Thailand and the initial of his first name is T, well Dr. T if you want to include his or her title (I was careful there not to give away his identity) and NO!! I didn't say he was exiled in the Middle East either!!!

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you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

LOVE IT - great piece

....and those up North should appreciate that it is the Bangkokians and people from the South that generate the money for Thailands economy. We should not allow this government to waste this on stupid populist policies and the rice scam in particular. They should also realise that despite Yingluck's insistence, it doesn't benefit them that much and that Abhisit's rice scheme was far cheaper and DID benefit the poor farmers (as they openly admitted before the last election).

Get your heads straight, or I have a right to call you buffalo's (ostriches is probably more applicable) as that is exactly how you appear to me!!

Did you, by any chance, eat rice lately?

I guess, this is exactly one of the problems in this country!

Either, no one should thank anyone, because all are simply doing their jobs...or all should thank each other, because everybody is doing their job. Doing their job, eg. contributing to the wealth ans prosperity of the country!

I know, it sounds communist, but why is a civil worker in Bangkok better than a rice or tobacco- farmer in Nong Khai?

...and unless people really understand, that all are equally important and equally worth and unless that is exactly was is tough, you might as well forget about "democracy"!

I'm eating rice right now actually, but what has that got to do with anything.

This rice has further endebted Thailand as the public's tax money has been paid out of the government coffers to Thaksin's cronies, rice millers and exporters. It would be cheaper to give the farmers money to sit on their backsides and do nothing!! We could then buy rice from Cambodia and Vietnam to eat as it is cheaper and will not be a drain on Thailand's economy.

You will not find anyone around with more idealistic socialist views than mine. I am better than no one and no one is better than me.

I do realise however, that countries rely on income from educated people and not people who till the fields and whether you like this or not, this will always be the case. I also know that whilst a government tricks the poor into voting for them because they don't understand politics and then abuses democracy is a recipe for disaster.

Keep the golden goose happy and the country will prosper, pander to the uneducated and it will go down hill.

I am a simple realist rather than someone living an unobtainable utopian dream!!

...ahm...did you even read beyond the rice- question and did you get the point, I wanted to make?

Utopian dream?

If a change in education- policy is already and unobtainable utopian dream...then how about Sutheps claim of rooting out corruption for the next elections?

Don't bother!

Have a good day!

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While Suthep is known for getting carried away in his speeches his protest is the one out there trying to fix something which is not right. If there is a very large part of population disagreeing with what he does his enemies would utilise it a long time ago. Everywhere i go i see people watching blue sky tv bangkok and provinces. And I do believe majority of thais following this political drama want a genuine change which he is promising .

The only thing he is promising is that he wants to rule Thailand like back in the 1940's.

What, when people were contented with their lot and got on with life in their merry way.

What's wrong with that?

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A sentiment from a Thai citizen who is living in Thailand - so much more refreshing to read than the usual hate speech on here - and with so much more to say.

Unfortunately it will only be a matter of time before the usual suspects will be cherrypicking the article and filling the pages with bile.

Really fab4,,,,,,,,,,,, when will you write something new?

When the hate speech and bile turns into dialogue that can and will be debated. Surely you've noticed the increase in juvenile name calling and just plain hate being posted on this forum. I stepped away for a few days hoping it would improve - some hope.

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Revolutions start when the middle classes rise on behalf of the poor and down trodden.


Yea but not here in Thailand. The middlclass want to keep them poor & down trodden.

thailand will soon be"poor and downtrodden" if the current incompetent and corrupt PTP thaksin mob continuing governing
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There seems to be a lot of class hatred on this forum. Abhisit is a good an honest politician who has a lot of "class". Perhaps that's why many TV posters dislike him. They are rather typical of the low class British in the UK who dislike others from different backgrounds. It a pity they did not leave behind these prejudices when they left the UK. They should remember that this forum has members of vastly different backgrounds and some of us feel strongly about some of the uncalled for remarks about the elite, royalists and upper class to which some of us belong

You need to find other sources than this forum and the nation before you make your mind up about abhisit. Did you really mean this when you wrote it, I mean, really?

"this forum has members of vastly different backgrounds and some of us feel strongly about some of the uncalled for remarks about the elite, royalists and upper class to which some of us belong"

Have you ever heard of the phrase " to earn respect "?

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There seems to be a lot of class hatred on this forum. Abhisit is a good an honest politician who has a lot of "class". Perhaps that's why many TV posters dislike him. They are rather typical of the low class British in the UK who dislike others from different backgrounds. It a pity they did not leave behind these prejudices when they left the UK. They should remember that this forum has members of vastly different backgrounds and some of us feel strongly about some of the uncalled for remarks about the elite, royalists and upper class to which some of us belong

Well you see, for the so called bangkok wealth and intelligentsia to spend their time thinking they are above the rural population is a bit like people in a council flat thinking they are better than those in a council estate because they have a better class of accommodation.

To which some of us belong. How does one belong to such a wondrous society. Can anyone join?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Thank you, K. Rojanaphruk.

How can anyone argue against what you have written?

Is calling it a load of BS arguing against it?? If so, then I am arguing against it

Get the Shinawatra's out of politics is all that needs to be done to return calm and peosperity to ALL of the people in this country!!!

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And this "pravit " guy was and has been tweeting for weeks attacking the protests,he's not some ordinary joe but a political activist.so much for an "ordinary common view" fake,

He's a well known Thai Journalist - though not to everybody it seems.

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There seems to be a lot of class hatred on this forum. Abhisit is a good an honest politician who has a lot of "class". Perhaps that's why many TV posters dislike him. They are rather typical of the low class British in the UK who dislike others from different backgrounds. It a pity they did not leave behind these prejudices when they left the UK. They should remember that this forum has members of vastly different backgrounds and some of us feel strongly about some of the uncalled for remarks about the elite, royalists and upper class to which some of us belong

Well you see, for the so called bangkok wealth and intelligentsia to spend their time thinking they are above the rural population is a bit like people in a council flat thinking they are better than those in a council estate because they have a better class of accommodation.

To which some of us belong. How does one belong to such a wondrous society. Can anyone join?

Not better, just better off!!!

BTW someone living in a flat is more above the rural population than someone living in a house (the extent depends on what floor they are on)!!

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" Me thinks" there are a few brits on here by the vocab used .I wonder how many of them got a "chip on the shoulder" , the so called"working class" who think government owes them or owed them something, namely money.Dont try and draw parallels with Thailand.If it continues on the UK example "13 years of spend and borrow and huge debt 1997-2010" then the "poor" of thailand truly have a bleak future.

Edited by kingalfred
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