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Is She Racist Or Not?!


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The wee lassie is just a bit mixed up..thats all ..trying to get her heid sorted out.......Golf from China...Jesu...Chr.... :o she will be saying that they make whisky in Wales next.......

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It has to be a joke :D Very amusing read

If its not then shes' sadly a very deluded person :o

Although I did read the book 1634, The year China dicovered the World. There is compelling evidence to say that the Chinese did invent things, have major international trade routes across the region and explore many places before the western world. But then the next Emperor (sorry can't remember who been a while since I read the book) decided that China need to concentrate on itself and destroyed many documents proving this becoming very insular.

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Anyway, just added a comment: :o


> According to recent figures only a small number of those

> tourists consists of non-white people.

What figures would that be? :D Link pls.

> If you hear about men from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore or

> Japan abusing young girls, do not trust these reports.


> Similarily, if you hear reports about non-white people

> abusing their maids or inlaws, do not trust those reports.


> Because Asians and other non-white people know how

> to behave and to be good people.

Pol Pot and Osama B. L. will be delighted to hear that.

Anyway... no I don't think your racist. I think your trolling for something but haven't quite figured out what though I don't think I'll bother. :D


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She made a mistake putting in a pic of herself.

Looks like a Nana mamasan who never made good. :D

Chinese seem to be a bit miffed at falling asleep for 500 or so years, and are now

making excuses.

As to being racist ... well there are plenty of farangs here who seem to hate all things farangs. :o

Often wonder what happened to them ... abused at home, bullied at school,

failed marriage/career/business ... who knows ?

You know them ... The "I love everthing Thai type"


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The Welsh Whisky Company produces Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky and a range of high quality Welsh Spirits.

Like WELSH GOLD (Aur Cymru) Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky is a rare and precious commodity.

This golden malt whisky signals the welcome return of whisky distillation to Wales after an absence of over 100 years.

To find out more about our award winning products or to order on-line, please visit the relevant pages.

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some of it i think is correct, but most of it is totally wrong.

She seems like a girls who was picked on at school or something and just venting her anger.

Or she is just arrogant, but there is millions of people just like her who views things both ways

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May God bless you. Not the politicized God who allows terror and war.

Definitely not playing with a full deck of cards . . .

Racist? Absolutely. harmfully so? Nah . . .

Can't think what an outcry there would be should a Caucasian (as we call ourselves . . . actually it is a racially determined word) write stuff like this.

Had two Chinese guys spend time in jail here for writing anti-muslim and anti-islam blogs.

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Poor Ms. Lily seems to have taken a few too many undergraduate English courses where she took some of the newer, and less developed "critical" theories a wee bit too seriously; while at the same time she never learned to do basic research. She may get a little flustered if she were to ever notice the very public national obsession of at least one Asian country with young under-aged girls.

But yes, given the photo of Ms. Lily working on her infantile sucker, methinks, at least I hope, it is all a hoax.

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what is a Caucasian?

At this moment I am actually in the Caucasus (sp).

This country is actually considered Asian.

I am talking Armenian, Azerbaijani, etc etc.

If they are Asian, and we are Caucasian then why do these people look like Sadam Hussein? Like, I mean every male here looks the spitting image of Sadam, moustache and all????

And yet every other "Caucasian" male I have met looks more like Harrison Ford tha Sadam? And ofcourse myself as I look like Brad Pitt. :o

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It has to be a joke :D Very amusing read

If its not then shes' sadly a very deluded person :o

Although I did read the book 1634, The year China dicovered the World. There is compelling evidence to say that the Chinese did invent things, have major international trade routes across the region and explore many places before the western world. But then the next Emperor (sorry can't remember who been a while since I read the book) decided that China need to concentrate on itself and destroyed many documents proving this becoming very insular.

Actually the book is called 1421 the year China discovered the world and it is a very interesting read i am about half way through it where he is offering dna proof that north america was settled back then by the dear ole Chinese.

Having done a fair bit of sailing and understanding his theorys and the seemingly overwhelming proof of evidence found i think they did an amazing job of discovery as did the author of this book. I recomend it highly.

1421 web site

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It has to be a joke :D Very amusing read

If its not then shes' sadly a very deluded person :o

Although I did read the book 1634, The year China dicovered the World. There is compelling evidence to say that the Chinese did invent things, have major international trade routes across the region and explore many places before the western world. But then the next Emperor (sorry can't remember who been a while since I read the book) decided that China need to concentrate on itself and destroyed many documents proving this becoming very insular.

Actually the book is called 1421 the year China discovered the world and it is a very interesting read i am about half way through it where he is offering dna proof that north america was settled back then by the dear ole Chinese.

Having done a fair bit of sailing and understanding his theorys and the seemingly overwhelming proof of evidence found i think they did an amazing job of discovery as did the author of this book. I recomend it highly.

1421 web site

Ahh well I did say its been some time since I read it :D

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What's a true Asian??? :o

Well, I don't know if someone who was born in HK, but grew up in New York, can be considered a true Asian. This loonie apparently has no idea of reality in the Asian world, even in places like New York. There are "clubs" in the Richmond area of Vancouver that are exclusively Asian, and use "imported" talent to satisfy the desires of it's members.

She sounds like a jilted bride. Perhaps she was a former client of "Mr Cupid of Asia" ?


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> According to recent figures only a small number of those

> tourists consists of non-white people.

What figures would that be? :o Link pls.

> If you hear about men from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore or

> Japan abusing young girls, do not trust these reports.


She should read the book ' Sex Slaves - the trafficking of women in Asia ' from Louise Brown.

Then she may change this sentence.

Enyone here who have read it?

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Hi all,

I am just confused why we seperate a contignent.

If you look at the world map Europe and Asia is just one big contignent right?

I understand we have North and South America and Africa and so on because their land mass is not connected.

But why for example is the UK part of Europe?

OK they are not as they not have the Euro but I mean on school we learn about that.

Can we (Europians) just not call ourselves :Western Asians ore call Asians Eastern Europeans?

Am I thinking too mut?


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Thinking too much ... AND way off topic ... try wikpedia ... but the guess would be continental plates

man do you ever take a rest from TV? :o

Anyway back to the topic:

This looks to me like a vivid example of "link bait".

I bet my nuts there's not a girl behind the scene.

This f****d up site's got an Alexia rank of 8034 , just to give you an idea tv 's got a rank of about 15000.

Even though Alexa rank is known to be way skewed, it means the site receives a sh*tload of hits (visitors).

Now wait a couple of weeks and you'll see advertisment placed in strategic position=$$$$

Good job afterall!

Case closed

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