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Voices against Suthep-led movement getting louder in social media


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Perception Management principles in play.

Is it the Damned Hamsters teams, or has the liege lord hired others to make the impression the tide has turned?

Our perceptions of reality are more easily lead in the times of mass interactive communications,

just need to have the appearance of a trend and suddenly others jump on the bandwagon,

even if the bandwagon has one sides logo painted over for the moment.

Or maybe there are just many genuine Thais that oppose Suthep and he doesn't in fact, despite his claims, speak for the Thai people as a whole? Did you stop to consider that or did you jump right to the conspiracist angle?

If you imagine there is NO conspiracy, it is you jumping at false conclusions,

or trying to lead others to false conclusions....

There has been a well organised international conspiracy to take or regain control of Thailand for Thaksin for most of the last decade. Robert Amsterdam and others un-mentioned all have had a hand in attempting to mold international and local perceptions of TS and crew for sometime, and they always appear here just before and around the time he or his enemies make a major move. And disappear when the action is over.

This is not about Suthep, even as there is a huge push to make it seem it is all about him. Sutheps history makes him an perfect target for this, but he is also expendable in the major scheme of things. That doesn't mean he won't be the lightning rod for abuse and heckling. He knows that and accept than, obviously.

Without Thaksins megalomania this would be business as usual in Thailand,

but Thaksin can't get past his lost face ego issues and will push till he's dead. Very UN-Thai.

This is a bit like the paying people to protest thing. I am sure there are people on both sides that are paid, yet I think it's a distraction and that the sentiments on both sides are largely genuine and strongly felt. I don't think there's a serious analyst who would disagree with me here. So the internet groups pro and anti govt *may* have some support due to paid PR teams, but it's largely ordinary people who genuinely mean what they say who're 'liking' and commenting on these sites.

Far too much is made of the Amsterdam factor (don't forget that these sites we're discussing are in Thai). I know someone that met two of Amsterdam's interns, last year I think. They were responsible for the UDD English webpage or something like that. They're obviously bright but don't know that much about Thai politics and are probably given a standard 'line' to put out there.

Other than the interns, as far as I know, Amsterdam has employed Andrew Spooner and his wife - who surely turn more people off than they convince. If I were the Democrats I'd be employing Andrew Spooner to discredit the red shirts. I don't know if Thaksin has employed people in Thailand to write comments on webpages etc in Thai, he probably has, but it's pretty clear he has enough genuine support to make this insignificant.

And I'd imagine if Thaksin had employed people to do this, then the Democrats have done the same. It probably all balances each other out, and it's best to assume most people are genuine than resorting to needless conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor and all that. btw, it seems the military 'cyber warriors' have been working hard, and I doubt they're paid to be pro-Thaksin:

'While things appear calm on the surface, one revealing fact about the ongoing debate about the role of the monarchy surfaced last week when Prachatai.com online newspaper reported that Army Ranger Unit 45's Special Task Force had been busy engaging in cyber 'warfare'.

It said the force boasted of being the most prolific Army unit in posting online messages praising the monarchy and retaliating against those deemed as defaming the institution.

The unit, based in Narathiwat province, stated on its website that it has posted 1.69 million messages in the four-month period between June and September last year. That's an average of 13,927 postings per day. Many of the postings were made under different aliases to appear as if they were part of a coordinated and systemic intervention - and it was not the only unit in the Army doing this.'


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The problem, I think, is that it seems to be very difficult and risky for both side to back up at this moment...

- Yingluck resigns, she plays in Suthep hands and his crazy ideas. And she might actually be seen as guilty and trial and court cases against her with spawn all over the place.

Also if Suthep takes over, it may be hard for PTP to destroy evidences of mischiefs as they might not be able to access some documents that they not want to see falling in other people hands: rice management and so on.

- Suthep backs up: court cases and trials all over the place, leave the open field to PTP and government to falsify and destroy any evidences of mischief of the last two years during the two months of caretaking...

Lot at stake for both sides...

The people are obviously just an excuse for those two puppets....

On the other side, seems that the people are actually the one on the street, Suthep is just an excuse and came at the right time for some Thais to express what they felt for a long time already

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There will be a backlash for sure once 'normal' Thais really 'get it' that their democracy is under threat by Dear Leader

Thais have never had a democracy. Plutocracies in one form or another, democracy? Never.

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..it's amazing that this brainless Suthep can still give his bullshit to public. Why it's not possible to arrest him??/

It's amazing that this fugitive de facto pm is still on the loose causing mayhem. Why is it not possible to arrest him?

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As a Thai citizen, who participated in the first stage of the protest, the one against the amnesty bill, and some one who can't stand yingluck's populist policies, I think that Suthep has gone a few steps too far. Suthep should have been satisfied with the dissolution of the government and start worrying about how to win the next elections! Suthep's people council or whatever would not end the political cycle that Thailand is currently in. It would just begin another round of protest.

With that being said, I hope PTP doesn't win the next elections! (Fingers crossed!)

I normally try to steer clear on CH4O - and indeed it's cousin CH4. However!!!

That's a fairly good post. There are indeed some voices that Suthep sg=hould now listen to - and they are not the ones in his head.

I do think that Yingluck, for once, has done the right thing in calling for the main players to get together face to face and I do think that Suthep needs a reboot and to make a list of acceptable "demands" which I would expect to be reasonable and to include the removal of the Shinawatra family from Thai politics as well as himslef and Abhisit. There also needs to be a new court in the land that deals with political offenses very strictly and swiftly

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The pendulum swings back and forth. While the new broom Suthep sweeps clean at first as everyone can see the failures

of the rice pledging scheme and the self serving reconciliation legislation that will end over 25,000 corruption cases and pave

the way for Thaksin to return Suthep's personality and agenda comes out with each of his speeches and demands.

He is a fascist who wants to put an end to democracy in Thailand and put himself in charge. End of story.

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Finally some of those so call less educated poor rice farmers of Issan managed to figure out how to open a facebook account.

That beats me, as I still have not.

That means Isaan farmers might have a better education as you. cheesy.gif

BTW Its the young generation of Isaan farmers that are very active on the Internet. In our village many homes have broadband internet.

The Democrats gained some votes actually in Isaan and the Northeast in the last election. Those votes will be all gone and I am sure if the Democrats will run in the February election they will pay dearly for the action of Kamnan Suthep.

Time to move the capital to Korat if the coalition wins this time 70% of the votes.

Hopefully Yingluck will invite International Observers for the next election which cover both Isaan, the North, Central and the South.

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Was this scheme only eligible for people in Isan?

No. It's everywhere AFAIK.

70 y/o get 700 per month. 80 y/o get 800 p/m. 90 y/o get 900 & 100 y/o get 1000 p/m.

I didn't know this was a DP initiative. If so it needs to be verified.

My father in law spends all of his stipend on the mafia lottery and Thai whiskey. Gamnan's mia noi sells the mafia lottery openly just across the street the Police.

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Perception Management principles in play.

Is it the Damned Hamsters teams, or has the liege lord hired others to make the impression the tide has turned?

Our perceptions of reality are more easily lead in the times of mass interactive communications,

just need to have the appearance of a trend and suddenly others jump on the bandwagon,

even if the bandwagon has one sides logo painted over for the moment.

Or maybe there are just many genuine Thais that oppose Suthep and he doesn't in fact, despite his claims, speak for the Thai people as a whole? Did you stop to consider that or did you jump right to the conspiracist angle?

If you imagine there is NO conspiracy, it is you jumping at false conclusions,

or trying to lead others to false conclusions....

There has been a well organised international conspiracy to take or regain control of Thailand for Thaksin for most of the last decade. Robert Amsterdam and others un-mentioned all have had a hand in attempting to mold international and local perceptions of TS and crew for sometime, and they always appear here just before and around the time he or his enemies make a major move. And disappear when the action is over.

This is not about Suthep, even as there is a huge push to make it seem it is all about him. Sutheps history makes him an perfect target for this, but he is also expendable in the major scheme of things. That doesn't mean he won't be the lightning rod for abuse and heckling. He knows that and accept than, obviously.

Without Thaksins megalomania this would be business as usual in Thailand,

but Thaksin can't get past his lost face ego issues and will push till he's dead. Very UN-Thai.

This is a bit like the paying people to protest thing. I am sure there are people on both sides that are paid, yet I think it's a distraction and that the sentiments on both sides are largely genuine and strongly felt. I don't think there's a serious analyst who would disagree with me here. So the internet groups pro and anti govt *may* have some support due to paid PR teams, but it's largely ordinary people who genuinely mean what they say who're 'liking' and commenting on these sites.

Far too much is made of the Amsterdam factor (don't forget that these sites we're discussing are in Thai). I know someone that met two of Amsterdam's interns, last year I think. They were responsible for the UDD English webpage or something like that. They're obviously bright but don't know that much about Thai politics and are probably given a standard 'line' to put out there.

Other than the interns, as far as I know, Amsterdam has employed Andrew Spooner and his wife - who surely turn more people off than they convince. If I were the Democrats I'd be employing Andrew Spooner to discredit the red shirts. I don't know if Thaksin has employed people in Thailand to write comments on webpages etc in Thai, he probably has, but it's pretty clear he has enough genuine support to make this insignificant.

And I'd imagine if Thaksin had employed people to do this, then the Democrats have done the same. It probably all balances each other out, and it's best to assume most people are genuine than resorting to needless conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor and all that. btw, it seems the military 'cyber warriors' have been working hard, and I doubt they're paid to be pro-Thaksin:

'While things appear calm on the surface, one revealing fact about the ongoing debate about the role of the monarchy surfaced last week when Prachatai.com online newspaper reported that Army Ranger Unit 45's Special Task Force had been busy engaging in cyber 'warfare'.

It said the force boasted of being the most prolific Army unit in posting online messages praising the monarchy and retaliating against those deemed as defaming the institution.

The unit, based in Narathiwat province, stated on its website that it has posted 1.69 million messages in the four-month period between June and September last year. That's an average of 13,927 postings per day. Many of the postings were made under different aliases to appear as if they were part of a coordinated and systemic intervention - and it was not the only unit in the Army doing this.'


No wonder Pravit cannot return to Thailand.

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The fatal mistake the pro-government/Taksin people made was trying to force the amnesty bill .... and the fatal mistake the anti-government people are making is insisting upon a non-elected "people's committee" to run the government.

Personally I'm anti-Taksin but there's no way I can support Suthep's anti-democratic people's committee.


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the democrats would do better if they targeted specific friendly policies towards the north and north east to win their support rather than bitch about not being able to win an election.I imagine they wont do this as as far as i can see they despise the lowly poor of the north and north east.

They would also benefit if they avoided any of their (ex)MPs from making derogatory statements against the people of Isan. Policies like making sure that education is on par at least with Bangkok, infrastructure for trade and maybe the odd populist policy would not hurt (although not the best investment).

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