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Thailand keen on reducing road fatalities


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Mijan 24 - you are right as it stands; what is required is for the Chief of Police to tell all his District

Chiefs they have 6 months to achieve a motor cycle helmet law compliance or they get sacked - not transferred

to an 'inactive post' (aka no graft position) with no pension. That would get them moving.

Impound all the vehicles with no number plates (i.e. no road tax or insurance)

For a start at least

555555555555555555555 You are so clever, enforcing motorbike helmet use, impounding cars with no plate will stop accidents will it? How stupid i am i thought stopping the cause of accidents would be the way to go. Now i will go and put my number plate on, and pray to Buddha you never advise the government here on safety issues.

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Anyone rideing on a motorcycle without a helmet gets fined. Speed traps set up, with heavy fines. Anyone weaving around in traffic at high speed gets fined. Run a red light, or take off before the light turns green, get fined. Anyone parked along the road out in a lane gets fined. Don't pay your fine within 90 days, your vehicle is impounded by police and you have to pay a high storage bill. Just for starters.

Fining a motorcycle rider for no helmet use will reduce the course of accidents in what way?

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A friend that I worked with bought a car through the incentive program. Good for her!! I was very happy for her.

The ONLY problem..........she had NEVER driven a car before and did not have a licence. She had to call another friend to meet her at the dealership so they could drive her car home for her.

The second day.......she wanted to move the car so tried by herself. She hit her gate and damaged the front end. Classic!!

ONLY in Thailand!

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I really hope they succeed in bringing the numbers down... It is completely ridiculous that a relatively 'well-developed' country like Thailand scores after Eritrea and Libya... Thailand should be ashamed!

Of course I have serious doubts that Thailand is able to bring the numbers down, but we have to be optimistic smile.png

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OK here goes, How many of us have been cruising along in traffic when all of a sudden traffic is near at a stop, isn't it always near some hidden traffic lights just around a corner, or over the top of a hill, These 2 places are favourites for the BIB to hold their bonus 2 hours. The 2 said places are chosen because no one can see their set -up. Don't they realize that these are dangerous places to have them as not much warning is given to traffic. Hazards like this and the very idea shows lack of road care by them -money is the object.

All of a sudden we have a crackdown on the prevention of accidents, where the bib are outwardly showing concern. Just a regular observation, have driven here roughly 500 K

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The only way to stop the slaughter on the roads is to take all their car keys away, but then the crazies will just hot-wire their killing machines, and off we go again. There is just too many idiots on the road to change anything, they are not intelligent enough to protect their own youngsters, let alone everyone else.

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I really hope they succeed in bringing the numbers down... It is completely ridiculous that a relatively 'well-developed' country like Thailand scores after Eritrea and Libya... Thailand should be ashamed!

Of course I have serious doubts that Thailand is able to bring the numbers down, but we have to be optimistic smile.png

When motoring in Thailand, I would say it's better (and safer) to be realistic than optimistic...

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