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Prosecutor postpones indicting Suthep


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Prosecutor postpones indicting Suthep


BANGKOK: -- The public prosecution has decided to postpone indicting Suthep Thuagsuban for his role in the military crackdown of red-shirt protesters in May 2010.

Mr Suthep was supposed to turn up at the Ratchadapisek Criminal Court on Thursday to face the indictment. But he dispatched his lawyer to the court and asked for the postponement of the indictment until December 16 claiming that he had some important business to attend to.

Mr Nanthasak Poonsuk, director-general of Special Case Department, said that the presence of Suthep at the court for the time being might cause chaos. Also, he said that Suthep had insisted that he would not escape and would turn himself in once he finished with his business.

Also, Mr Nanthasak said that the prosecution could not withdraw the temporary bail granted for Suthep because he did not put up any surety at the time he was granted bail during the police investigation.

However, the bail can be revoked by the court if Suthep threatens or intimidates the witnesses.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/prosecutor-postpones-indicting-suthep/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-13

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

What we need now is Tarit to hold a press conference to explain what he plans to do and give Suthep time to close his bank accounts and leg it.

Any advance on Dubai or Montenegro ?

Maybe just Army HQ !

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

What we need now is Tarit to hold a press conference to explain what he plans to do and give Suthep time to close his bank accounts and leg it.

Any advance on Dubai or Montenegro ?

Maybe just Army HQ !

There is a boat leaving Indonesia every day for Australia. He can even become the P.M of Australia if he wants

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

What we need now is Tarit to hold a press conference to explain what he plans to do and give Suthep time to close his bank accounts and leg it.

Any advance on Dubai or Montenegro ?

Maybe just Army HQ !

The other side of the coin, in this bizarre state of affairs is that Suthep might tell Tarit he "has till sunset to get outta Dodge"

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

What we need now is Tarit to hold a press conference to explain what he plans to do and give Suthep time to close his bank accounts and leg it.

Any advance on Dubai or Montenegro ?

Maybe just Army HQ !

The other side of the coin, in this bizarre state of affairs is that Suthep might tell Tarit he "has till sunset to get outta Dodge"

giggle.gif I still hear Judy Collins singing " send in the clowns "

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So I guess Chalerm needs to dispatch someone to get him a whistle and a placard so he can protest outside police headquarters tomorrow.

It puts the charges in to perspective when you can avoid turning up at court to face murder charges because you are busy.

Worked for the Red Bull heir...

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

Ummm... hate to be a stickler for the rules... But he was hardly going to be there to "answer murder charges". The term "indict" means to formally charge - not answer to - an accusation or allegation of wrong doing...

But I'd hate for the truth to get in the way of a good story... coffee1.gif

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I suppose you could classify trying to topple the government of a soveriegn nation as "important business". Fair enough then rolleyes.gif

It is, in fact!

Governments are toppled all the time, all over the world. It's a "the winner is always right" kind of business. No need to get excited here. At least he's not burning the place in doing so. Try to tell Thais the '73 demonstrations against Thanom & Prapass were wrong...

At the same time, governments have always had the military at hand to subdue revolts etc. Why had the USA send in paramilitary troops, when students were demonstrating against the Vietnam War? How many died then (Don't remember the exact names, places and year)?

Military all over the world has the unwritten but imminent duty to "protect" the country against "enemies within". Now who do you call enemies within? A matter of interpretation, and about all governments call uprisings a threat from enemies from within.

And that is, why the whole thing about bringing Abhisit and Suthep to court is a political propaganda thing by the people presently in power. Which in turn is, why Abhisit isn't worried. I guarantee, that Taksin isn't brought to justice over the 2,500+ dead from his war against drugs, even though it is much more likely a criminal act to announce, that lives will be lost. So why should the Democrats worry? PR, that's all to it!


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Only in Thailand can one have their court date postponed in order to lead an ilegal rally against a Government.

Like I said before, the money one can save on buying comic books here in the LOS is amazing.

Sorry your honor but I have an important rally to lead before you can indict me for murder in the last rally I led.

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I suppose you could classify trying to topple the government of a soveriegn nation as "important business". Fair enough then rolleyes.gif

It is, in fact!

Governments are toppled all the time, all over the world. It's a "the winner is always right" kind of business. No need to get excited here. At least he's not burning the place in doing so. Try to tell Thais the '73 demonstrations against Thanom & Prapass were wrong...

At the same time, governments have always had the military at hand to subdue revolts etc. Why had the USA send in paramilitary troops, when students were demonstrating against the Vietnam War? How many died then (Don't remember the exact names, places and year)?

Military all over the world has the unwritten but imminent duty to "protect" the country against "enemies within". Now who do you call enemies within? A matter of interpretation, and about all governments call uprisings a threat from enemies from within.

And that is, why the whole thing about bringing Abhisit and Suthep to court is a political propaganda thing by the people presently in power. Which in turn is, why Abhisit isn't worried. I guarantee, that Taksin isn't brought to justice over the 2,500+ dead from his war against drugs, even though it is much more likely a criminal act to announce, that lives will be lost. So why should the Democrats worry? PR, that's all to it!


How can you even make such a comparrison, you are talking about the order to kill peacfull protesters VS a policy that was put in place to stop illegal drug smugglers, many countries have the same death penelty laws for drugs. I remember when Abiset was running for power the question was asked to him if was going to keep the policy because it was suspected that a few where wrongly executed. His reply was he was not going to change the policy at that time as it was working and there will always be collateral damage with any such policy.

Edited by bkkfaranguy
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Hmmm can't withdraw his bail because they let him out for free? Did I read that right??? crazy.gifcrying.gif

Also noticed more US bashing, inaccurate as usual: "Why had the USA send in paramilitary troops, when students were demonstrating against the Vietnam War? How many died then (Don't remember the exact names, places and year)?" 1. They were national guard at Kent State, Ohio, sent in by governor of Ohio, not "USA", and they are military reserves status, not "paramilitary". 4 died in that one. The other was in Jackson, Miss. State police did the shooting there I believe, and think 28 died there, but they were black, so didn't have the same impact (my opinion, given racism of the time). 1970, protesting invasion of Cambodia, was the year. I was out protesting then, too.

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I suppose you could classify trying to topple the government of a soveriegn nation as "important business". Fair enough then rolleyes.gif

It is, in fact!

Governments are toppled all the time, all over the world. It's a "the winner is always right" kind of business. No need to get excited here. At least he's not burning the place in doing so. Try to tell Thais the '73 demonstrations against Thanom & Prapass were wrong...

At the same time, governments have always had the military at hand to subdue revolts etc. Why had the USA send in paramilitary troops, when students were demonstrating against the Vietnam War? How many died then (Don't remember the exact names, places and year)?

Military all over the world has the unwritten but imminent duty to "protect" the country against "enemies within". Now who do you call enemies within? A matter of interpretation, and about all governments call uprisings a threat from enemies from within.

And that is, why the whole thing about bringing Abhisit and Suthep to court is a political propaganda thing by the people presently in power. Which in turn is, why Abhisit isn't worried. I guarantee, that Taksin isn't brought to justice over the 2,500+ dead from his war against drugs, even though it is much more likely a criminal act to announce, that lives will be lost. So why should the Democrats worry? PR, that's all to it!


How can you even make such a comparrison, you are talking about the order to kill peacfull protesters VS a policy that was put in place to stop illegal drug smugglers, many countries have the same death penelty laws for drugs. I remember when Abiset was running for power the question was asked to him if was going to keep the policy because it was suspected that a few where wrongly executed. His reply was he was not going to change the policy at that time as it was working and there will always be collateral damage with any such policy.

Read the other Thai newspaper today. there is a good opinion piece on the 'war on drugs', the policy that was implemented, and the deaths of people who had no record of ever being involved in drugs. 2.7k people died in 3 months without any investigation into any of them. You can't tell me that isn't wrong.

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Read the other Thai newspaper today. there is a good opinion piece on the 'war on drugs', the policy that was implemented, and the deaths of people who had no record of ever being involved in drugs. 2.7k people died in 3 months without any investigation into any of them. You can't tell me that isn't wrong.

It is factually wrong: 'During the three months of the war’s duration, the rate of murder increased by 88 per cent. The ICID found that of the 2559 cases totaling 2873 deaths (from February to April), drug related cases accounted for 1187, totaling 1370 murders. In 29 cases suspects had been arrested, while 47 suspects were at large. Of the remaining 1111 cases, no perpetrators had been identified. In the remaining 1372 non-narcotic related cases, totaling 1449 deaths, 791 suspects had been identified or arrested, demonstrating that few resources were allocated to ‘drug’ murders. The ICID reported that of the extra-judicial executions in this period, 41 were drug related and 11 were for unidentified causes.'

The non-drug related deaths were just that, not related to the War on Drugs. If you say otherwise, you'd have to believe that the number of non-drug related deaths during that three months had dropped to zero. Pretty implausible. I don't know why it's so hard to get the facts right here. It's not necessary to inflate the number. 1187 actually died as the result of the War on Drugs, and that is a huge number. Of course, even if it were 70 that died, it'd still be terrible and wrong. It's almost certainly the worst human rights violation in recent Thai history (since the 70s probably).

Thaksin is ultimately responsible, but far from the only one responsible. It's more complicated than that. This by academic Michael Connors is the best piece I've read on it: http://sovereignmyth.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/war-on-drugs.html

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Sam (that's me) wrote earlier:


And that is, why the whole thing about bringing Abhisit and Suthep to court is a political propaganda thing by the people presently in power. Which in turn is, why Abhisit isn't worried. I guarantee, that Taksin isn't brought to justice over the 2,500+ dead from his war against drugs, even though it is much more likely a criminal act to announce, that lives will be lost. So why should the Democrats worry? PR, that's all to it!



To which BangkokFarangGuy replied:

How can you even make such a comparrison, you are talking about the order to kill peacfull protesters VS a policy that was put in place to stop illegal drug smugglers, many countries have the same death penelty laws for drugs. I remember when Abiset was running for power the question was asked to him if was going to keep the policy because it was suspected that a few where wrongly executed. His reply was he was not going to change the policy at that time as it was working and there will always be collateral damage with any such policy.


And onto this Sam thought:

How can you make such a comparison?

The one thing is about a government trying to fend of a change and the other is about a guy telling the police, that they can happily kill people, as long as they will claim the dead were drug pushers. For one, the police are said to have been, and still are, the biggest drug pushers in town and that they just got rid of their competitiors. AND of a lot other people they wanted dead. PLUS they then ransacked the belongings of the killed people, as part of "looking for proof". Do you know, how much money, how many cars, TV sets etc. were "vanishing" in this way?

Don't misunderstand my previous mail, I'm NOT in favour of the government using the military in domestic political issues, but they do it and it is common practice. The Reds knew it and every other person following also. First the govt tried to send in police, but they refused to do anything, as they are largely in favour of the Reds (maybe still from the spoils of the war on drugs???). So the locigal next step was to use the military.

And that is why neither Abhisit nor Suthep will go to jail for this.


P.S. That peaceful protesters had used sharpshooters, grenades and molotov coctails, I guess as a sign of their peacefulness. Else many more than the about 20 persons from the not-red-shirt camp would have died...

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I have more important things to do than answer murder charges, I'll get back to you with a date and time.

When Thailand is mine, all mine I will declare amnesty for myself.

What we need now is Tarit to hold a press conference to explain what he plans to do and give Suthep time to close his bank accounts and leg it.

Any advance on Dubai or Montenegro ?

Maybe just Army HQ !

Just because Thaksin legged it,doesn't mean to say everyone does,there are some politicians like Abhisit who have integrity and face up to charges made against him.

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I suppose you could classify trying to topple the government of a soveriegn nation as "important business". Fair enough then rolleyes.gif

Attempting to correct a flawed voting system to promote fairness is crucial for Thailand's development as a prosperous nation.

He is currently serving Thailand selflessly unlike Yingluck who has done nothing but bring Thailand's reputation down to the level of Uganda or Zimbabwe.

I wish him great luck in trying to sort this mess out through bringing in desparately needed reforms to the voting system.

We owe you Suthep.

As for the Mickey Mouse charges, well...............!!

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Only in Thailand can one have their court date postponed in order to lead an ilegal rally against a Government.

Like I said before, the money one can save on buying comic books here in the LOS is amazing.

Sorry your honor but I have an important rally to lead before you can indict me for murder in the last rally I led.

Also only in Thailand can the government be run by proxy by a fugitive on the run to evade his prison cell. That's why it's 'Miracle Thailand !'

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