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3 year old dies drinking dish soap while Thai nanny played games on her mobile phone


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So pathetic!!! First of all, when you mix any chemicals you definitely keep them out of reach of children. Secondly as soon as you realize that the kid drank some of it, you take it IMMEDIATELY to the nearest hospital. You simply DON'T WAIT and hour and a half until the condition of the kid worsens, especially since the girl wasn't able to throw up!!! I just don't get how people can have a wait-and-see attitude in such a case!!!

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Sad story...

The fact is that this kind of thing CAN happen anywhere... It only takes a minute for a 3 year old to do something dangerous. You have to watch them constantly and even the most careful parent has to look away sometime...

However, I can not imagine why I would allow a 3 year old to play in a bathroom. There is NOTHING good that could POSSIBLY come from that.

Further, to leave them playing in the bathroom and leave them unsupervised, even leaving the house, is foolish and careless and qualifies in my book as neglect.

Unfortunately for the little girl, and all of the children who will undoubtedly follow a similar fate later, nothing will be done to hold this person accountable for her carelessness and to be made an example that would drive social change in this country.

Sad... on so many levels.

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Some time ago, we had a cleaning lady at the school who put soap (or some kind of cleaning agent) in a plastic drinking bottle and left it where the students keep their drinking bottles. The bottle that the cleaning lady had put the soap in had a kids name written on it in English and when the kids went home, the bottle was handed to the student. The bottles were colored so it wasn't easy to identify that something was wrong. She drank it and ended up in the hospital for a night.

The cleaning lady got fired and the teacher got transferred to the kitchen to cook food and eventually either quit or was discharged.

The difficulty is to know exactly what type of cleaning agent was used and how strong it was. Some of the stuff here in Thailand is quite strong.

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i tought the dishwater was already dilluted when sold here in thailand

or was it some toilet cleaner?

This statement above would be more correct. !

I sell this shit and know that general surfactants in standard dishwashing liquid are relatively harmless. pH neutral.

Sad accident. I feel just as bad for the babysitter. Don't punish her, as she will inflict on herself more punishment that the legal system can. She will daily be hurting for the rest of her life.

so sad.

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