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Getting the kids interested in photog'ing


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Now as many of you know as I have intimated in private messages and openly on the public forum I utterly loathe what I do for a living, it's down to a pathological cellular level now. Actually terrified of returning to it.

So, thinking about the kids future careers I thought I might introduce the idea of becoming a tog or at least get the eldest, now 10, into using a real camera (rather than that bloody tablet thing).

I bought this book at the local bookstore . . .


Up until tonight no interest has been shown until I started snapping in low light manual focus a paper, scissors, stone game being played at the dining room table.

We are no captivated by manual focusing and focus confirmation at high ISO . . . this is a good start, not the easiest but once that ball starts bouncing you've got to keep the interest up.

Anyone else getting their kids interested in our hobby? If so, how are you going about training them?

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I don't know but would really like to know why do you loather photography? What are the real reasons or disappointments which made you hate taking pictures professionally.

I wish to understand the reasons behind your decision. Partly to avoid to make the same mistakes, partly to fix your problem.

At the moment the kids are secondary consideration, which will be important only after the root cause is understood.

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I don't know but would really like to know why do you loather photography? What are the real reasons or disappointments which made you hate taking pictures professionally.

I wish to understand the reasons behind your decision. Partly to avoid to make the same mistakes, partly to fix your problem.

At the moment the kids are secondary consideration, which will be important only after the root cause is understood.

Thanks Oli that's made my 2013!!!

I have to return to cleaning soil soon (seriously). Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of the stuff and probably some demolition too which scares me to death. But, I'm spending the next month preparing to work smarter rather than harder from now on by perfecting a whole mass of generic paperwork! What fun! sad.png

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I gave my 12 year old daughter my Panasonic GX-1 micro 4/3rds stuff as I no longer use this medium. At present just the one lens (25mm Panny/Leica) to keep it simple. Auto everything and jpegs only to keep PP to a minimum. Wi-Fi SD card to download immediately to her iPad.

That was 3 months ago.

Boy, was I surprised. These kids find all sorts of photo apps to "enhance" their shots. Initially she experimented with the in camera scenes, B+W, Sepia etc. the on to the apps for hi key, low key, selective colour, art type manipulations etc. Now she's shooting video and introducing cartoon characters into the scene. Way beyond my ability. It's this element at present that keeps her shooting because IT'S FUN, and that's what the kids want.

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I gave my 12 year old daughter my Panasonic GX-1 micro 4/3rds stuff as I no longer use this medium. At present just the one lens (25mm Panny/Leica) to keep it simple. Auto everything and jpegs only to keep PP to a minimum. Wi-Fi SD card to download immediately to her iPad.

That was 3 months ago.

Boy, was I surprised. These kids find all sorts of photo apps to "enhance" their shots. Initially she experimented with the in camera scenes, B+W, Sepia etc. the on to the apps for hi key, low key, selective colour, art type manipulations etc. Now she's shooting video and introducing cartoon characters into the scene. Way beyond my ability. It's this element at present that keeps her shooting because IT'S FUN, and that's what the kids want.

This is it. I can't believe the PP work our kid has done on the tablet thing she has. They learn much quicker than Dad.

Yes it has to be fun. Must keep it fun.

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