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US Embassy Bangkok dismisses anti-govt leaders blacklist reports


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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

Interestingly it's the self-exiled former-PM Thaksin, who is reported to have had business-interests & dealings, in two out of those three countries ! wink.png



The fascists in Thailand intend to add a fourth country to the list.

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Which side is more friendly towards the US? They will come out on top!

So you are saying that the US have all the say in this country then?

Complete and utter <deleted>.

Not saying that at all and <deleted> to you! History demonstrates that the US will always support a Government who will bend over for US Foreign and National interests.

Get out of your cocoon!

The United States has made clear it supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

No matter how you spice, slice or dice your baloney it's still baloney.

Of course that is their official line and of course I would expect Americans to defend their country, but take a good look at World History and American influence. War and Civil disturbance is just a business!

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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

Interestingly it's the self-exiled former-PM Thaksin, who is reported to have had business-interests & dealings, in two out of those three countries ! wink.png



The fascists in Thailand intend to add a fourth country to the list.

Fascism is another word for Anti-American and regularly used in conjunction with Terrorism by those who oppose American ideals. It just rolls off the tongue when people are brainwashed into using it after hearing it ad nauseam.

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So you are saying that the US have all the say in this country then?

Complete and utter <deleted>.

Not saying that at all and <deleted> to you! History demonstrates that the US will always support a Government who will bend over for US Foreign and National interests.

Get out of your cocoon!

The United States has made clear it supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

No matter how you spice, slice or dice your baloney it's still baloney.

Of course that is their official line and of course I would expect Americans to defend their country, but take a good look at World History and American influence. War and Civil disturbance is just a business!

The United States is the world's oldest constitutional democracy (republic, technically).

The US supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

The US Government imposed sanctions against Thailand after the 2006 coup.

Another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar - this is true in Europe as well as in North America.

Get out of your coconut.

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The US supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

The US Government imposed sanctions against Thailand after the 2006 coup.

Another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar - this is true in Europe as well as in North America.

Get out of your coconut.

Go wave your flag in somewhere else! I'm not buying it!

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The US supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

The US Government imposed sanctions against Thailand after the 2006 coup.

Another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar - this is true in Europe as well as in North America.

Get out of your coconut.

Go wave your flag in somewhere else! I'm not buying it!

Surely one can do better than a glib trite and inane superficial response.

The point is that another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar. Do you dispute that?

If a "People's Council" were to be established, it would mean the election would have had to have been cancelled, as in precluded. The only way to preclude the election is for the incipient fascists to overwhelm democratic forces.

If the incipient fascists succeed in their nefarious designs, the Council would not surrender power until it had assured the Democrat party or its successor would prevail over the new socio-political forces that have won every general election since 2001.

However, if a People's Council were installed at the expense of democracy, democratic forces in Thailand and abroad would have to oppose it.

So who could say what democratic forces in Thailand would do in opposing an installed People's Council that would mangle democracy and given that the Council would have had to establish itself by means directly contrary to normal democratic processes?

You are invited to say something intelligent here.

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The US and many other established democtratic countries have made statements supporting Yinglucks direction.

Yellows have a hissy fit and protest in front of the US embassy.

Then they start some rumours about how the US punished the leaders with a blacklist.

Suthep and his people need to grow up and act like adults, they are looking like childish cry babies domestically and internationally.

That is how they play the game in Thailand, one might have warned them that what goes in Thailand might not go Internationally. Doubt they would listen though. biggrin.png

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Sorry - comparing the murdering scum terrorists in the top images with a political protest leader is ludicrous.

yeah should have used G W Bush, Reagan, Thaksin, Blair

GW Bush was advised by lawyers to avoid travel to specific democratic friendly countries over realistic concerns of being arrested for crimes against humanity. (Iraq war especially not to mention torture)

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Sorry - comparing the murdering scum terrorists in the top images with a political protest leader is ludicrous.

I think (Bill and BEN and the little weed) knows who's photo should be on that list. (kids program UK)

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Thanks for your completely pointless and biased post mr red troll.

Thank goodness there are a few people who actually have brains and can make INTELLIGENT comments between all the trolls...

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I'd wager the Americans have a more complete dossier on the Who, Why and What of the goings on in Thailand, more complete that any on here and certainly better informed than the average Thai and the average protester. Why do I say this? They have the resources to gather and analyse intelligence without restriction, unlike the local media. The fact they espouse support for a democratically elected government and the principles therein, is simply that they cannot say otherwise.

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Too stupid to vote. Not hardly.

But too compromised by lack of information, too swamped by propaganda

and too controlled above the voting mechanism by pooyai-mafia political machines,

yeah, sure that fits perfectly.

It's not that they are stupid, but they are kept in the dark, controlled

and prevented from seeing the truth on which to base their voting choices on.

If their voting choices is even their actual choice.

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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

Yet that is what you will get with Thaksins PTP after February 2nd.

Now just how do you figure that? that is what you will get with suthep and his MOB. That is for sure. With suthep you will have a dictatorship like you never saw.

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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

100% wrong. The pariah states you mentioned have always been Thaksin's role models.

"Democracy is not my goal." Remember?

And instability in SE Asia suits the yanks down to the ground. Combine that with their Arab mates, who Thaksin was offering the Thai rice fields to, remember, and you have a counter to China taking over Africa.

Easy to work out.

Learn to read and think.

I think that if you talk to any Vietnam vet, they may well disagree with your comment that instability suits the yanks - the entire reason for the conflict there was to try and stabilise SE Asia against the spread of communism and all the money that the US poured into Thailand at the time was for the same reason.

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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

100% wrong. The pariah states you mentioned have always been Thaksin's role models.

"Democracy is not my goal." Remember?

And instability in SE Asia suits the yanks down to the ground. Combine that with their Arab mates, who Thaksin was offering the Thai rice fields to, remember, and you have a counter to China taking over Africa.

Easy to work out.

Learn to read and think.

I think that if you talk to any Vietnam vet, they may well disagree with your comment that instability suits the yanks - the entire reason for the conflict there was to try and stabilise SE Asia against the spread of communism and all the money that the US poured into Thailand at the time was for the same reason.

Not according to "A Bright Shining Lie" and numerous other revisionist accounts.

Soon you'll be telling me Iraq had WOMD!

Edited by Soi Sauce
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US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

Yet that is what you will get with Thaksins PTP after February 2nd.

Now just how do you figure that? that is what you will get with suthep and his MOB. That is for sure. With suthep you will have a dictatorship like you never saw.

With Thaksin you will have a dictatorship like you never saw!

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The US supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

The US Government imposed sanctions against Thailand after the 2006 coup.

Another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar - this is true in Europe as well as in North America.

Get out of your coconut.

Go wave your flag in somewhere else! I'm not buying it!

Surely one can do better than a glib trite and inane superficial response.

The point is that another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar. Do you dispute that?

If a "People's Council" were to be established, it would mean the election would have had to have been cancelled, as in precluded. The only way to preclude the election is for the incipient fascists to overwhelm democratic forces.

If the incipient fascists succeed in their nefarious designs, the Council would not surrender power until it had assured the Democrat party or its successor would prevail over the new socio-political forces that have won every general election since 2001.

However, if a People's Council were installed at the expense of democracy, democratic forces in Thailand and abroad would have to oppose it.

So who could say what democratic forces in Thailand would do in opposing an installed People's Council that would mangle democracy and given that the Council would have had to establish itself by means directly contrary to normal democratic processes?

You are invited to say something intelligent here.

Not much more to say, I think you have it well covered and given the political divide in Thailand what you expressed would pose no surprises.

So where is this 'blacklist'?

Edited by wonder6281
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The US supports the democratically elected government of Thailand.

The US Government imposed sanctions against Thailand after the 2006 coup.

Another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar - this is true in Europe as well as in North America.

Get out of your coconut.

Go wave your flag in somewhere else! I'm not buying it!

Surely one can do better than a glib trite and inane superficial response.

The point is that another coup in Thailand and Thailand becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar. Do you dispute that?

If a "People's Council" were to be established, it would mean the election would have had to have been cancelled, as in precluded. The only way to preclude the election is for the incipient fascists to overwhelm democratic forces.

If the incipient fascists succeed in their nefarious designs, the Council would not surrender power until it had assured the Democrat party or its successor would prevail over the new socio-political forces that have won every general election since 2001.

However, if a People's Council were installed at the expense of democracy, democratic forces in Thailand and abroad would have to oppose it.

So who could say what democratic forces in Thailand would do in opposing an installed People's Council that would mangle democracy and given that the Council would have had to establish itself by means directly contrary to normal democratic processes?

You are invited to say something intelligent here.

Not much more to say, I think you have it well covered and given the political divide in Thailand what you expressed would pose no surprises.

So where is this 'blacklist'?

Agreed that that is the question, yes.

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Not much more to say, I think you have it well covered and given the political divide in Thailand what you expressed would pose no surprises.

So where is this 'blacklist'?

Agreed that that is the question, yes.

Maybe you missed the headline.

US Embassy Bangkok dismisses anti-govt leaders blacklist reports
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Not much more to say, I think you have it well covered and given the political divide in Thailand what you expressed would pose no surprises.

So where is this 'blacklist'?

Agreed that that is the question, yes.

Maybe you missed the headline.

US Embassy Bangkok dismisses anti-govt leaders blacklist reports

The allegations of a "blacklist" or anything like it are bogus.

Suthep and his gang are mad.

The incipient fascists in the streets can't produce a blacklist or anything resembling one.

The Embassy is telling the truth.

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The allegations of a "blacklist" or anything like it are bogus.

Suthep and his gang are mad.

The incipient fascists in the streets can't produce a blacklist or anything resembling one.

The Embassy is telling the truth.

When did the "incipient fascists in the street" say anything about a blacklist?

There were rumours on facebook and twitter. The embassy debunked those rumours.

Edited by whybother
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Not much more to say, I think you have it well covered and given the political divide in Thailand what you expressed would pose no surprises.

So where is this 'blacklist'?

Agreed that that is the question, yes.

Maybe you missed the headline.

US Embassy Bangkok dismisses anti-govt leaders blacklist reports

The allegations of a "blacklist" or anything like it are bogus

The Embassy is telling the truth.

The allegations of a blacklist are true.

The embassy said the blacklist is bogus.

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