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Singha Beer Family Scion 'To Change Surname'

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Singha Beer Family Scion 'To Change Surname'


BANGKOK: -- The outspoken anti-government activist known for her familial ties to Singha Beer producers will reportedly change her surname to avoid further association with her family business.

In a letter sent to the press, Mr. Chutinant Bhirombhakdi said he regretted the remarks of his daughter, Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, who told a number of foreign media that she distrusts electoral politics because rural voters are uneducated about democracy.

"I am well aware that every Thai deserves equal rights and liberty," Mr. Chutinant said in the letter obtained by Khaosod, "[My daughter′s] remarks are inappropriate. Therefore, I, Mr. Chutinant Bhirombhakdi, father of Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, would like to express my sincere regret and apology".

He added that he has discussed with Ms. Chitpas about her political activities many times, but "different opinions remain".

"I and my wife, and Ms. Chitpas, have talked about this for a while now," and they agree that surname change would be the best solution, the letter concluded.

The letter was issued at a time when Boon Rawd Brewery, the producer of the renowned Singha Beer and family business of the Bhirombhakdis, risked becoming a target of boycott by many Redshirt supporters who view Ms. Chitpas′ infamous remarks and her campaign to unseat Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra as anti-democratic.

Beer Singha relies heavily on sales in the upcountry and rural provinces - the traditional base of support for the Redshirts.

Mr. Santi Bhirombhakdi, the patriarch of the Bhirombhakdis and executive director of Boon Rawd Brewery, has previously sent a letter to Mr. Chutinant, warning him that as a board member he will be held responsible for damages caused to the company by his daughter′s political actions.

In the letter, which was leaked to the media, Mr. Santi also expressed his anger that Ms. Chitpas had inevitably led the public to associate his company with the deeply polarising politics.

One high-ranking manager of the brewery told Khaosod that the letter penned by Mr. Santi was meant as a way to "teach" his family members and settle the dispute inside the family.

"Mr. Santi has never forbidden any political ideas. In fact, he gave his family full rights to express their beliefs because it is personal rights," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, "But they are not allowed to get the company involved".

Ms. Chitpas appeared to be undaunted by the controversy, however. On her Facebook account, Ms. Chitpas wrote that she will continue to fight for "the nation, the religion, and monarchy".

"Don′t be afraid to fight for the right cause," Ms. Chitpas said.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE56YzVPRGcxT0E9PQ==

-- Khaosod English 2013-12-23

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Why doesn't Mr. Chutinant Bhirombhakdi change his name?

Er, perhaps it's because he doesn't have stupid ideas about the electoral rights of all Thais?

There are a lot worse people on the planet (murders, thiefs), and I never heard that their family tells that they must change their name.

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Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, you are insane. So high so in stupidity and hate. Your comments would be condemned by law in a civilized country. Hope the REAL people will show you how "uneducated" they are.

Toonsai, by saying "REAL" people, aren't you just taking the opposite extreme view?

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^ Why would he ? I feel sorry for the guy, having a daughter that isn't the brightest of the bunch. Utterly stupid to suggest that rural people are uneducated and therefore she distrust the electoral process. Wonder if Suthep has the same opinion, and when we actually get the abolishment of one man one vote principle, which of course was already advocated by the PAD a few years back.

Scary people.

"many Thais lack a "true understanding of democracy . . . especially in the rural areas.""

what is wrong with this sentence? I would even say that many European lack a "true understanding of democracy".

Almost no one (neither in Thailand nor elsewhere) has much of an understanding and with the massive vote buying many people really don't understand what big damage they are doing.

If he doesn't like the political views of her daughter than it is his problem. Maybe he has more daughters, one is pro Democracy so she must change her name. The other is red, he doesn't like it so she must change name. The third is marring a Christ, he doesn't like it so she must change name.

It is him who has a problem not her. An he only worry that he get a little bit less super rich.

Your speculative raves are getting beyond boring.

The father wants a name change because she has aligned herself with fascist Suthep, no more no less.

not again the old fascist story....read what the word "fascist" means.....

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Don't her views reflect those held by the yellow bellies? If not expressed so forthright in public it is certainly expressed in private and implicitly expressed in their actions.

Her views don't reflect those of the yellow shirt hillbillies from the south of course. I mean the Bangkokian yellow bellies.

Must drive the high-so's crazy at the protests and look around and see all these people from the south of the country. Especially to see those from as far south in Thailand as you can go! They're basically Malaysian at that point.

No the very south aren't that many in this movement. The main is Nakhon Si Thammerat, Surat, Ranong, etc etc

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Is this guy up for a hole father of the year?

Your daughter expresses and opinion that you disagree with so you make her change her name

Sorry ... but you sire are a true a hole

by the way .. I agree with her ..

And how difficult would be the naming of people when all children with different political views than their parents must change their names.

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Mr. Santi Bhirombhakdi, the patriarch of the Bhirombhakdis and executive director of Boon Rawd Brewery, has previously sent a letter to Mr. Chutinant, warning him that as a board member he will be held responsible for damages caused to the company by his daughter′s political actions.

One high-ranking manager of the brewery told Khaosod that the letter penned by Mr. Santi was meant as a way to "teach" his family members and settle the dispute inside the family.

"teach" apparently means grab by the balls and threaten or even perform castration for not obeying the pooyai

Chang Beer just became my favorite.

Edited by aguy30
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I think she could have said it better ,but, as I have never seen Thai,s read any books, or wish to discuss History, Foreign Politics, Oil Company shennanagins, Media manipulation ,you name it I,d agree with her. The Thai Education system sucks. mai mee pen ha and thats about it.

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Is this guy up for a hole father of the year?

Your daughter expresses and opinion that you disagree with so you make her change her name

Sorry ... but you sire are a true a hole

by the way .. I agree with her ..

I'm sorry, but her family has apparently worked hard to create a billion dollar company.

Any educated person can clearly see how they don't want their daughter with her childish actions to destroy what they've worked hard for all their lives.

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