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what do you want to ask Thai people ?


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Sadhukar, You know what...i was in that bus with my friend (thai) who i know really long and who is a really kind person. So yes my friend started to take photos too. And yes when i freaked out my friend says it is just the proof why we would be late for a meeting. Da <deleted>??? Do people really need evidence like photos and video that you were late because someone got really sick on the bus?? I know it is not but i cant figure out the explanation. Also other cases - when ppl just photoshooted crash victims etc - they were not late they just wanted to take photos. What for pls somebody explain me.Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I actually don't know; I suspect its a mix of the mai pen rai attitude and the desire to be in the center of attention - "look at me I'm part of this exciting event everyone comment on my facebook/instagram quick". When I first moved to the uk 4 years ago though I was quite shocked that many things taken for granted in thailand were considered rude!

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sadhukar #303

Dear sadhukar,

You said: " I merely replied. " Big Bullsht Baby. Just look at your offending and pretty idiot slogan against all the thavisa community.

You are a self-satisfied, priggish and arrogant girl, woman or harridan.

My questions were really questions. Some-one (who is pretty hidden now) offered and I was courious. No-one answered, just got your pit-bull style, and the dear doctor came his/her investigetion.

I love Thailand maybe more than you cause I'm here. I love Thai people too, off course not your bumptious style, but fortunately plenty of plain people here and they are likeable. I love so much my Thai colleagues with their all fault cause they are nice. And they love me too this pretty sure.

I like the Thai kitchen, which is the best in the world. I love the Thai nature which is really awsome and amazing. I love the Thai culture, history and I'm proud of to live here, in a Middle Eastern country which has never been colony of greedy Western vampires.

There are many problem around the world, and if you say "what do you want to ask Arg. people?" I have lot of question also.

I'm diving instructor the highest lever as it can. Off course don't work at all until morning cause I'm not a slaver, and off course like sunshine with blue sky and don't like the fck over London smog and permanent cold rain. I let these latters for you with wub.png .

I believe that London hired Thai girls, cause I've been there and have seen my own eyes wink.png .

And London economy ... bla - bla - bla, don't know you are rabid enemy of Argentina or just got this ugly negative feeling reason of met me Baby.

Lastly a good news. You may write anything, may hurt my country, may affront my family, may insult the memory of my deceased brother I don't answer, don't care, the last words are yours Dear sadhukar.

I didn't insult your brother. I saw your questions which were phrased in an extremely condescending manner as if those things don't happen anywhere else in the world and thought you were another of those morons who keep flaming the country aimlessly on completely unfair grounds ("oh hey look a thai man gives me stares! ALL thai men are therefore evil"!) yet continue to call it home. I guess with this post I do owe you an apology.

To 'hardened spanker': do you want a picture of the wharf skyline or my desk? Or maybe, judging by your username, I can pay your parole officer a visit?

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I sincerely want to ask.....did not read the thread last days....so apologies if its been asked before.....why oh why do some thais not stand up for the best interest of the children ?

Some do - thats why they're out protesting. Some of them are also incredibly misguided.

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I have not replied because some people are talking about sex.

Yes, it's a case of sorting through the rough to find the diamonds, admittedly there is a lot of rough!

Please have a go and just ignore the more shallow efforts of some.


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Mrs Blether why did you get a big FO tattoo on your thigh, would a normal riap roy Thai girl get one?

I met a girl today she had one, why were the Bkk snobs telling me, "that lady no good"?

I have a friend with a Ph.D in Biomedical Science with tattoos all over his body. Are you implying people with tattoos are low life? I also have a tattoo in Chinese that says 'family' on my hip :)

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I want to know why they like western BS so much.

Eg why do they want to pay too much for bad food with a stupic clown outside the shop etc etc.

A whopping revenue of 24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, no other fast food chain comes close to beating McDonald’s as the biggest fast food chain in the world.

You're just plain goofy. 35,000 restaurants all over the world. The world loves the clown, Anti Thai is anti Thai but you are being foolish.

35,000 restaurants world wide. Your comment makes as much sense as saying why do Thai people like air.

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I want to know why they like western BS so much.

Eg why do they want to pay too much for bad food with a stupic clown outside the shop etc etc.

A whopping revenue of 24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, no other fast food chain comes close to beating McDonald’s as the biggest fast food chain in the world.

You're just plain goofy. 35,000 restaurants all over the world. The world loves the clown, Anti Thai is anti Thai but you are being foolish.

35,000 restaurants world wide. Your comment makes as much sense as saying why do Thai people like air.

Do you work for Macs?

It is well known for selling bad food- too much salt, sugar and fat. Yes, people like rubbish. Just look at the moronic tat that fills our tv screens, it's popular but that doesn't mean it is good content.

35,000 restaurants just says that people are mugs for things that are bad for them, not that Macs sells good quality food. In the UK I did use Macs if I was in town as it was the cheapest food out there, and it was just once in a while, but would I eat there regularly cheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

BTW I loathe that horrid plastic clown. It has no redeeming features at all.

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I want to know why they like western BS so much.

Eg why do they want to pay too much for bad food with a stupic clown outside the shop etc etc.

They don't like it that much and all they ever order there is fried chicken.

More and more Thais go to fast food chains as it's fashionable and cool to embrace a Western type of lifestyle.

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I want to know why they like western BS so much.

Eg why do they want to pay too much for bad food with a stupic clown outside the shop etc etc.

A whopping revenue of 24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, no other fast food chain comes close to beating McDonald’s as the biggest fast food chain in the world.

You're just plain goofy. 35,000 restaurants all over the world. The world loves the clown, Anti Thai is anti Thai but you are being foolish.

35,000 restaurants world wide. Your comment makes as much sense as saying why do Thai people like air.

Do you work for Macs?

It is well known for selling bad food- too much salt, sugar and fat. Yes, people like rubbish. Just look at the moronic tat that fills our tv screens, it's popular but that doesn't mean it is good content.

35,000 restaurants just says that people are mugs for things that are bad for them, not that Macs sells good quality food. In the UK I did use Macs if I was in town as it was the cheapest food out there, and it was just once in a while, but would I eat there regularly cheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

BTW I loathe that horrid plastic clown. It has no redeeming features at all.

My point is not that Macs is good but that everyone in the world likes it. It is the

world's number 1 Restaurant. Maybe everyone else in the world has no taste and you are the keeper of the world's best taste buds but the fact remains Macs is number 1 by a long ways. Thailand is not doing anything different than the US,UK or Australia.

Edited by thailiketoo
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talk about sex because you go only bar or somewhere for looking prostitute. If you go nice place good people you can meet good people .

Great ... from what ever City you are based ... "If you go nice place good people you can meet good people" ... where do suggest to the members here that they go?

You can really promote and advance the cause here.

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I want to know why they like western BS so much.

Eg why do they want to pay too much for bad food with a stupic clown outside the shop etc etc.

A whopping revenue of 24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, no other fast food chain comes close to beating McDonald’s as the biggest fast food chain in the world.

You're just plain goofy. 35,000 restaurants all over the world. The world loves the clown, Anti Thai is anti Thai but you are being foolish.

35,000 restaurants world wide. Your comment makes as much sense as saying why do Thai people like air.

Do you work for Macs?

It is well known for selling bad food- too much salt, sugar and fat. Yes, people like rubbish. Just look at the moronic tat that fills our tv screens, it's popular but that doesn't mean it is good content.

35,000 restaurants just says that people are mugs for things that are bad for them, not that Macs sells good quality food. In the UK I did use Macs if I was in town as it was the cheapest food out there, and it was just once in a while, but would I eat there regularly cheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

BTW I loathe that horrid plastic clown. It has no redeeming features at all.

My point is not that Macs is good but that everyone in the world likes it. It is the

world's number 1 Restaurant. Maybe everyone else in the world has no taste and you are the keeper of the world's best taste buds but the fact remains Macs is number 1 by a long ways. Thailand is not doing anything different than the US,UK or Australia.

Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

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Why is there a need to add stupid sound effects to jokes made on TV-shows? Do Thai people not understand a joke, unless it is followed by a "boooinnnnggggggg" sound effect?

To make it even more funny, 555. Then, can you answer why the American Comedies show like Seinfeld, Frasier, and Friends insert the fake laugher at end of the sentence or at the start of the show? Are we supposed to be laughing along with it?

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Two questions for you....

1. What do Thai people think of the image of Thailand that is created in the recent publication "50 top Scams in Thailand", or whatever it was called?

2 How much will you be offering the Thai people who answer your questions (since this is no doubt research for another book)?

( A third one would be for Thaivisa members who are unwittingly taking part in this 'research'...... Are you aware that you're probably being led into helping TB research a book that he/she may be writing?)

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Why do they all ask me where i live?

Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

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Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, Who laugh now boy? cheesy.gif When you have some cash come see me poor boy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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If you want to ask them something try this.

"Do you as a Thai person love Thailand, and if so do you see anything wrong with Thailand, do you ever express frustration about the things you see wrong in Thailand and if so does expressing those frustrations detract from your love of Thailand?"

Yes, they LOVE Thailand even know there are many things wrong with Thailand, but love is love. You can take them out of the country, but you can not take the country out of them.

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Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, Who laugh now boy? cheesy.gif When you have some cash come see me poor boy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I'm pretty sure him, when he sees your bite. :D

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Why do they all ask me where i live?

Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

Get this. When I live in the village here, this is my 'luxury' time. When I'm in the UK I live in conditions you wouldn't put a dog in.

To me this is the Ritz.

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talk about sex because you go only bar or somewhere for looking prostitute. If you go nice place good people you can meet good people .

Depends how you define good people.

A friend here who is fluent in Thai, mid 30's, been here 7 years, has never slept with a prostitute. He decided to start dating again and possibly look for a longterm relationship. After not long he didn't bother going out to meet Thais, but instead started going to church meetings etc. to meet decent people.

Just because a Thai isn't a prostitute, or because they have a M.A. and work for BMW doesn't mean they're good people.

A point often lost on Thais.

Edited by 1ma
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Why do they all ask me where i live?

Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

Get this. When I live in the village here, this is my 'luxury' time. When I'm in the UK I live in conditions you wouldn't put a dog in.

To me this is the Ritz.

But most Thai people do not know that and your wife can confirm this.

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Why do they all ask me where i live?

Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

Get this. When I live in the village here, this is my 'luxury' time. When I'm in the UK I live in conditions you wouldn't put a dog in.

To me this is the Ritz.

But most Thai people do not know that and your wife can confirm this.

Single parent, although our kid tells me the old beast is driving up tomorrow which is always a delight. sad.png

You are right, they had no idea how tough it is in countries they believe are paved with gold. My sister-in-law was a real estate agent and went to live in the UK. Came back over here, couldn't handle the pace of working life in the UK (although liked the open culture where rich/poor/young/old/educated/uneducated could all be friends in the same group down the pub).

When I explained what I do (brownfield regeneration), how I work and how I live and the stresses involved, she finally believed me.

Attitudes round here changed very fast and for the better.

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