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Farangs with Thai Women


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Where are your kids from your first wife now? Do they even speak to you? Do you count that outcome as a success?

I have fulfilled my biological imperative.

That must equate to success.

Who raises the offspring is irrelevant to the success.

Hopefully they will survive to procreate more offspring.

That's what nature and success is all about, reproduction.

Impregnation is not success, birth and survival is success.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Where are your kids from your first wife now? Do they even speak to you? Do you count that outcome as a success?

I have fulfilled my biological imperative.

That must equate to success.

Who raises the offspring is irrelevant to the success.

Hopefully they will survive to procreate more offspring.

That's what nature and success is all about, reproduction.

Impregnation is not success, birth and survival is success.

If you say so.

I mean, maybe it's just me but if I defined success in that way, I think I'd be pretty ecstatic with my life rather than perpetually griping about an ex-wife that cleaned my clock or a new wife who wouldn't miss anything but my wallet if I left.

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Maybe I misunderstood the OP, but it seems to me the OP dislikes thai women because a man cheated on her? Would it not make more sense to be upset with the man who cheated or (cheating) men in general?

Sorry, I get it now. The OP does not understand why men are attracted to thai women as the OP believes thai women are only interested in money. Well, lets just say men are from mars and women from venus, or something like that. Unfortunately I cannot delete my original post.

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I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

how would you know?

i guess a 12 year relationship doesn't count as long term, right?

Just cos I didn't decide to marry, have children with and hand over the lion's share of my wealth to a woman who came to regard me as "surplus to requirements" laugh.png doesn't mean I never had long-term relationships.

You were just too weak to walk away from yours once the rot set in.

You consider trying, then walking away when the going got tough as a success with women?

And never fathering any children a success too?

Obviously a Jaffa!
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The shallowness, flippancy, and, at times, unsolicited harshness of many of the preceding threads confirms for me that this is yet another ordinary platform which emboldens its members to unload on faceless, nameless targets with the safety of anonymity and disconnectedness from the consequences of such senseless language.

To 'cheated': Please find a genuine outlet for your emotional needs. Please choose your words carefully and write in a way that will have readers taking you seriously.

To adminstrators: Please monitor threads more closely and do stop the declining course of such commentary when, as with the preceding, it has gotten out of hand and is no longer respectful of the rules or the audience.

To those who cannot resist the trite men vs. women, Western vs. Asian women, or some other such binary argument: Please come up with a rational premise for your commentary rather than impetuously firing away from your computer.

To those whose commentary is laden with judgmental, unfounded accusations: Consider whether you would dare to say these things to someone's face, that is if you were clean, sober, and otherwise level-headed, and, if so, whether you think your line of reasoning would be even remotely tenable.

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My ex cheated on me with a Chilean salsa instructor, then a fellow American physician. So I'm not sure who I am supposed to blame: Latinos? Salsa instructors? Doctors? Americans? To paraphrase the OP, why do so many women get caught up in the nightmare of dating underpaid salsa instructors?

People cheat. it is part of the human condition. No, not everyone does, but the facts are that a majority of people will cheat on their partner at least some time on their lives. You can blame Thai women for Western men cheating, you cam blame the Western man, you can blame society, you can blame whomever you want. Or, you can move forward with the relationships that matter with you and deal with the situation instead of just looking to lay blame.

Bonobo, hard life, and infidelity and cheating will get worse in years to come, the teenagers of years ago , who during the flower power era, who then accepted infidelity are now parents themselves and due to their ways rightly of wrongly have led the present generation into the arms of "................ Answer on a post card please !

I don't have a Postcard,but how old are you? the flower power days,was in the mid sixties,"if you are going to San Francisco,and all those type of songs" so the the new generation born in the sixties would be considered old fogeys by todays standards? and unlikely to add any earth shattering advice,of a new approach to cheating or infidelity. It is and always will be,a devastating experience for the deceived! and likely to take at least 5 years to come to terms with and move on, stronger and wiser!

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Hello Cheated.

It sounds like you are very stressed. I think the best thing you can do is find some young man, handsome, probably English, and get a good long... fax. I find I am always less stressed after faxing someone.

I cant see your picture very well, but I'm in Bangkok, you can fax me, I have an excellent faxer. It can do all kind of things.

After you've finished faxing, im sure you'll forget all about these problems dear :)

Edited by celso
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Obviously a Jaffa!

Oh boo hoo.

Poor Hardened Sociopath.

His little tantrum got laughed at by all the grown ups.

Hardly,pretty much everyone agreed with it actually!Look,there's no shame in having a low sperm count and there are many ways to counter it.Try wearing Speedos a little less tight next time you're in Pattaya!

Everyone in your hallucination, yes.

Personally, I don't do Pattaya - I've got more quality female attention than I can handle right here in BKK . . . and, unlike you, I can get mine without paying off the entire family

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Instead of slagging off Thai women why not put the blame where it belongs..........your husband.

no, im thinking its about sex.

most men go over the side because their partner isnt doing it enough with them.

men are usually very easy to figure out.

in the west, not much choice if your wife stops putting out.

here its a case of .... NEXT..

If it's only about sex then Thai women seem to be more tolerant of cheating than their western sisters.

As long as the husband continues to provide and is discreet in his endeavors they turn a blind eye most of the time.

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Maybe I misunderstood the OP, but it seems to me the OP dislikes thai women because a man cheated on her? Would it not make more sense to be upset with the man who cheated or (cheating) men in general?

Yes! that always seemed odd to me, invarably when the wife has an affair,the first thing that occurs to the cheated husband is: Punch the the lights out of the new boyfriend. rather strange considering,that often the identity of the new man is not known until much later, and usually the husband is the last one to know!

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Instead of slagging off Thai women why not put the blame where it belongs..........your husband.

no, im thinking its about sex.

most men go over the side because their partner isnt doing it enough with them.

men are usually very easy to figure out.

in the west, not much choice if your wife stops putting out.

here its a case of .... NEXT..

If it's only about sex then Thai women seem to be more tolerant of cheating than their western sisters.

As long as the husband continues to provide and is discreet in his endeavors they turn a blind eye most of the time.

..does this work both ways then, if she is discreet about it?

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Instead of slagging off Thai women why not put the blame where it belongs..........your husband.

no, im thinking its about sex.

most men go over the side because their partner isnt doing it enough with them.

men are usually very easy to figure out.

in the west, not much choice if your wife stops putting out.

here its a case of .... NEXT..

If it's only about sex then Thai women seem to be more tolerant of cheating than their western sisters.

As long as the husband continues to provide and is discreet in his endeavors they turn a blind eye most of the time.

..does this work both ways then, if she is discreet about it?

I guess so.

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Obviously a Jaffa!

Oh boo hoo.

Poor Hardened Sociopath.

His little tantrum got laughed at by all the grown ups.

Hardly,pretty much everyone agreed with it actually!Look,there's no shame in having a low sperm count and there are many ways to counter it.Try wearing Speedos a little less tight next time you're in Pattaya!

Everyone in your hallucination, yes.

Personally, I don't do Pattaya - I've got more quality female attention than I can handle right here in BKK . . . and, unlike you, I can get mine without paying off the entire family



"Not for all the tea in China,or the corn in Carolina..."laugh.png

Edited by Hardened Spanker
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All this talk about western men coming to Thailand for beautiful Thai women, but having spent nearly 15 years in Thailand I can't recall that many times I've seen a western man with a beautiful Thai woman.

I'm not saying there aren't any western men who have met and married beautiful Thai women, of course there are, but its a rare event.

Something wrong with your eyesight, GuestHouse ?

I can see many lovely Thai ladies with less lovely farang.

All of my Thai g/f I considered beautiful. And my Thai wife is beautiful, for sure.

Don't forget: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

You know to keep it real, I hardly see handsome farang men with beautiful Thai girls. I see mostly young pretty Thai girls with old and fill in the blank farang men. I guess the opposites attract or in some cases the bank accounts attract.

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"Not for all the tea in China,or the corn in Carolina..."laugh.png

..that song looks ancient.

..and you accused someone earlier of being old and old fashioned or something like that etc.


Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

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"Not for all the tea in China,or the corn in Carolina..."laugh.png

..that song looks ancient.

..and you accused someone earlier of being old and old fashioned or something like that etc.


Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

They are ancient! I saw them in their Butlins days,and onshore at Kishorn (Scotland) oil rig construction, for oil workers,in the early eighties,Yuk they still look ultra cringe worthy! Playing at Butlins and Oil Rig venues,normally signals the end of a career! after that it's hello to the the Pubs on a friday or Saturday Night.

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"Not for all the tea in China,or the corn in Carolina..."laugh.png

..that song looks ancient.

..and you accused someone earlier of being old and old fashioned or something like that etc.


Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

God seriously, is that the best you can do? I mention a song you posted seems ancient (only because it was ironic that not so long ago you were making digs at another member for being "old fashioned" or something)..and you come up with "bitter farang woman". Desperate times eh...

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Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

God seriously, is that the best you can do? I mention a song you posted seems ancient (only because it was ironic that not so long ago you were making digs at another member for being "old fashioned" or something)..and you come up with "bitter farang woman". Desperate times eh...

That's just it; if brains were dynamite, the guy wouldn't be able to blow the wax out of his ears.

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"Not for all the tea in China,or the corn in Carolina..."laugh.png

..that song looks ancient.

..and you accused someone earlier of being old and old fashioned or something like that etc.


Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

God seriously, is that the best you can do? I mention a song you posted seems ancient (only because it was ironic that not so long ago you were making digs at another member for being "old fashioned" or something)..and you come up with "bitter farang woman". Desperate times eh...

Actually no,I'll never be desperate,reason being I live in Asia!It's all turned on its head 180 degrees and it's you who is actually desperate,that's why I absolutely love it out here!

Have you not grasped the whole point of this thread?I stated how women thought in Western society and you all came flying out of the woodwork making personal attacks on me,just proving me to be 100% correct in what I said.

The trap was laid and the rats took the bait,hilarious!laugh.png

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Another bitter Farang woman?rolleyes.gif

I remember when I first came to Thailand and they actually had a description of it in The Lonely Planet Guide!laugh.png

It said that the Thais called you the "Golden Bowl" or something like that,actually in the foreword of the guide book,it's probably still there!

God seriously, is that the best you can do? I mention a song you posted seems ancient (only because it was ironic that not so long ago you were making digs at another member for being "old fashioned" or something)..and you come up with "bitter farang woman". Desperate times eh...

That's just it; if brains were dynamite, the guy wouldn't be able to blow the wax out of his ears.

Not only have you been exposed as a Boiler Room Billy but a poor partner,who after 12 years apparently can neither produce even an engagement/wedding ring or a sibling.Betraying a childlike fear of any commitment,no wonder your ex couldn't get away fast enough!whistling.gif

I'm pretty sure if I opened the dictionary at "loser" there'd be your avatar staring me right in the face!laugh.png

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That's just it; if brains were dynamite, the guy wouldn't be able to blow the wax out of his ears.

Not only have you been exposed as a Boiler Room Billy but a poor partner,who after 12 years apparently can neither produce even an engagement/wedding ring or a sibling.Betraying a childlike fear of any commitment,no wonder your ex couldn't get away fast enough!whistling.gif

I'm pretty sure if I opened the dictionary at "loser" there'd be your avatar staring me right in the face!laugh.png


"produce even an engagement or a sibling"??!!

My God, could you be any more stupid?

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