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Beach road - disgraceful


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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

you really want a public beating don't you?

here's more pictures from los christianos in Tenerife

including where they are staying at parque santiago 3

theres no dirt, no tents, no shitty market stalls, lots of happy people and 80 degrees today








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Grossly understated "blackman"

agreed, i wanted to say much more but i was driving along the perimeter of this eyesore and posting when the traffic stopped

i have seen it look really bad in the past and i am hardened to the abuse Thais give this stretch of road but today was particularly shocking even for me

i have some friends from UK currently holidaying in Los Christianos in Tenerife for Christmas

they have sent some photos

by comparison the two could not be further apart

here's an example of beach road in Tenerife

How do you drive on the perimeter of Beach Road. Are you driving on the beach.

If you are going to make things up don't put things in that are imposable.

I would be more interested in hearing about the proposed widening of the road. I had always thought that would be a nightmare in the creation but much better after it was done. The same the world over when you widen a major road.

try to read what i write and not put words in my mouth

i drove down the perimeter of this eyesore

meaning adjacent to it on beach road

this video will illustrate exactly what i mean

still want to call me a liar leprechaun?

or admit your error and apologize?


its 98.7 MB

thank you

meantime heres some stills for the benefit of leprechaun Hello Dolly and others











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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

Hello Dolly, its clear you are from an isolated area in Chang Mai which is nowhere near a beach and that know nothing about Pattaya or World Geography

here is a map indicating where it is and for good measure another picture of the beach (sans any tents)

just for him to get a little education, Tenerife is a popular destination for European tourists with a warm all year round climate

they had over 5 million tourist verified visits in 2010 (easy as its an island in the middle of the Atlantic)

the TOT in Thailand claimed pattaya had around 4.5 million visitors in the same period

so wise up leprechaun, stick to what you know and then kindly disappear up your own arse....



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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

City Hall managed the road works so well, that at the very peak of high season there is no sidewalk on Beach road, about 200 meter strech approaching Walkin st.

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Inflammatory post removed and other posts edited, please note I shall not edit any more, the entire post will be removed and the person will get a suspension. You know who you are

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And yet, none of the complainers are forced to live in Thailand.

an often used phrase in these parts, if only it were that easy

one has not been here for years without putting down some roots

businesses , houses, land, wives, girlfriends , kids, cars, bikes, the list is endless

not so easy to extricate yourself from a life you made unless you do a Reggie Perrin

frankly i would not mind moving on but its easier said than done

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In my humble opinion, Pattaya is a cesspool, the beaches are the worst in Thailand. There are so many other places near the beach that you could live and not deal with this, so why not move?

its easy to live in pattaya

everything is here that you want and need to lead a civilized, westernized existence

its supposed to be a retirement haven in rural Thailand but who wants the hard work of trying to integrate in the boonies?

i have been all over Thailand, seen these havens of serenity first hand and found this five square miles makes for easy living most days and is far enough removed from the ''real Thailand'' for me

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In my humble opinion, Pattaya is a cesspool, the beaches are the worst in Thailand. There are so many other places near the beach that you could live and not deal with this, so why not move?

It is more satisfying to live in a city that feels alive. I know there are much cleaner places, and there are much nicer beaches than Pattaya. But Pattaya is exciting place, despite all the bad things we have here, I wouldnt move to some other place, cos water there is cleaner, and streets safer.

Bangkok and Pattaya are the only 2 places that I like in Thailand, and can live.

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And what comes with discarded rubbish is vermin . I have had four runnings with packs of rats in less than a week two off them in open air restaurants I look around to see what the reaction is with the staff. Yep!! you guest it that stupid smile . Pattaya is over run with them . People don't take pride in Pattaya I think it's got a lot to do with not many people been from here thai's included

Not those Vodka drink a rats are they? I saw them doing the Cossack in ine restaurant....! ?

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meantime heres some stills for the benefit of leprechaun Hello Dolly and others

Well thanks for taking the time and trouble to post those.

Looks like some damned 'Travellers' have arrived!

I may go into town in the next few days but will stay East of third if I can!

Are they closing Beach Rd to traffic in the night?

There is beginning to be no point my living around here..... 2 or 3 times of year I just avoid going into town 24/7, New Year and Songkran for example. I dislike these crappy markets they set up particularly......as if there was a shortage without this one eh! :D

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

kindly stick to facts not fiction or wishful thinking

beach in Los Christianos Tenerife -yesterday-no tents


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In my humble opinion, Pattaya is a cesspool, the beaches are the worst in Thailand. There are so many other places near the beach that you could live and not deal with this, so why not move?

It is more satisfying to live in a city that feels alive. I know there are much cleaner places, and there are much nicer beaches than Pattaya. But Pattaya is exciting place, despite all the bad things we have here, I wouldnt move to some other place, cos water there is cleaner, and streets safer.

Bangkok and Pattaya are the only 2 places that I like in Thailand, and can live.

agreed, anything else is like Gods waiting room

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meantime heres some stills for the benefit of leprechaun Hello Dolly and others

These stalls are similar to others I've seen in Pattaya. They are of the type "semi-permanent" where the owners/workers can sleep inside during the night. Better get used to them!

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And yet, none of the complainers are forced to live in Thailand.

Most people came to Thailand with the hope Thailand would either stay the same or get better in time, not get worse. When something gets worse, when life is degraded, everyone has a right to complain. That doesn't mean they want to leave. It simply means they have a voice and are unhappy. I'm not saying you do, but not everyone sits on a bar stool day and night, oblivious to what's happening around them. Beach Road is a place where many gentlemen here spend a lot of time.

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Yeah, those tents straddling you and no beach sand to avoid the human snares. At high tide the water is lapping the merchandise. Now you have to learn to say "NO" in Indian, Russian and Chinese. The people are herded thru human cattle chutes for the solicitors to get their crack at you. They are aggressive like in Bali, they cannot accept no. See you there this New Years folks!

Dunno which stretch of beach rd you were on, but I went there after Xmas dinner. Apart from the fact it is quite a piss take, not closing the road like last year, and being too tight to walk comfortable, I was never, not once accosted, or did I see aggressive behavior? But then never let the truth spoil a good story?

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

Wow. Three weeks ago. Considering that pattaya generates billions of baht on revenues for the govt, one would think the city could hire a beach cleaning crew at $10 per day, per man, that cleans every beach, every day. Same goes for the roads.

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meantime heres some stills for the benefit of leprechaun Hello Dolly and others

These stalls are similar to others I've seen in Pattaya. They are of the type "semi-permanent" where the owners/workers can sleep inside during the night. Better get used to them!

They will be gone after new year but really what are city hall thinking except about the money?

Will visitors go home and talk about the mice beach walkway or this refugee camp?

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

Wow. Three weeks ago. Considering that pattaya generates billions of baht on revenues for the govt, one would think the city could hire a beach cleaning crew at $10 per day, per man, that cleans every beach, every day. Same goes for the roads.

so true!

if you go to the neighboring town, you will see these place dont get so much tourist but they are soooo clean!

pattaya do make billions each year and its look like a open sewer. Wonder what keep you there!

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

you really want a public beating don't you?

here's more pictures from los christianos in Tenerife

including where they are staying at parque santiago 3

theres no dirt, no tents, no shitty market stalls, lots of happy people and 80 degrees today

So why aren't you living in this Tenerife place?

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

Wow. Three weeks ago. Considering that pattaya generates billions of baht on revenues for the govt, one would think the city could hire a beach cleaning crew at $10 per day, per man, that cleans every beach, every day. Same goes for the roads.

so true!

if you go to the neighboring town, you will see these place dont get so much tourist but they are soooo clean!

pattaya do make billions each year and its look like a open sewer. Wonder what keep you there!

<you will see these place dont get so much tourist but they are soooo clean!>

Not where I live. No tourists and it's litter and garbage end to end. They NEVER clean the main roads- covered with sand and very dangerous for m'bikes.

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I actually don't think you can blame it on City Hall as they just did a beach clean-up 3 weeks ago.

wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

you really want a public beating don't you?

here's more pictures from los christianos in Tenerife

including where they are staying at parque santiago 3

theres no dirt, no tents, no shitty market stalls, lots of happy people and 80 degrees today

So why aren't you living in this Tenerife place?

I used to live in mainland Spain on a yacht in Puerto Banus

I have been to Tenerife many times

I like it but it's a bit Lo- so for me

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Moan moan moan that's all I hear :-)

Beach Road has big green bin things all the way along. I've not seen that anywhere in the world before.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thank you for pointing that out.

Negative people are always quick to omit the positive side of things. They might not be used but that is a reflection on the people not the beach. It has been several years since I was there and they were talking about widening the road. For the life of me I could not see how they would manage that and leave the nice walk way. I can not remember seeing nothing but tents on the beach and I believe there was many beach chairs there.

As I read through some of the posts here it was like hearing about a different road and beach that I had experienced two years ago. I never swam or sun bathed there but I did enjoy the area because it had life there. I used the beach in Jomtiean for swimming. At the time I was on the south end of it. I see it to has grown up now.

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wow! three weeks ago

they clean the beach every morning at about 4am in Spanish resorts

they empty all the bins at night too when there no traffic to block and no stinking garbage trucks for the tourist to see and smell

that aside i blame city hall for renting out the tents at 20,000 baht for 3 days, allegedly pocketing the money for a New Year bonus and allowing it to look like a Syrian refugee camp

i saw a double stall yesterday with a big cover made out of a patchwork quilt of old rice bags

there no uniformity, no room for people to walk on the beach path and barely a hole in the tents to actually get to the beach if they wanted to

seems anything goes down there, no control from anyone except to collect the rent

in the many years i have been here, its the ugliest i have ever seen it and the biggest ever abomination of the use of the description ''international beach resort'' or ''Thailand's premier beach resort''

it certainly fits the TAT's description 'Amazing Thailand'

anyway Gone, i heard you was leaving Thailand so whats it to you?

Lots of unemployed Spanish people around to do that work...what's the unemployment rate...like 25%, with young people closer to 50%. Try finding much of anyone to do any work in Thailand, let alone lowly beach cleanup work would be a challenge.

Could you kindly keep facts out of wishful thinking.

I wonder how many of these complainers would be happy on the deserted street shown in the picture of a beach road in Tenerife where ever that is. I also noticed the lack of beach now why would they leave that out. Maybe no room for pictures with all the tents.wai2.gif

kindly stick to facts not fiction or wishful thinking

beach in Los Christianos Tenerife -yesterday-no tents

Looks like two people not a highly popular beach why is that?

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