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Suthep calls people to rise up together against Yingluck after New Year celebrations


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As the yellows are not going to stop the ongoing activities, I wonder at what point the reds will join the party?

I doubt they will.

You reckon it was really Jatuporn and Nattawut that sent them home after the clashes near Rajamangala ? After the massive investment in shipping all those people there in buses, you think they decided to send them home after 1 night because they didn't want trouble?

Or you think the army might have drawn a line in the sand there?

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This will get a lot worse before it gets better. Hopefully the constitutional court will this time ban the entire PTP including yingluck and half the thaksin influenced senate before too much more blood is spilled. No point relying on the army for help on this one, butwe will hear what they have to say at 1pm when they hold their press conference, but I suspect it will just be more crap about remaining neutral.

This madman calls for revolution and you still point at Yingluck? Are you insane or what?

Yingluk is the one who is instating the revolution by not resigning.

she is doing the same as any democratic country would ask. She is the caretaker for the government until she is voted back in by the majority.

Suthip has gone way overboard with his personal attracts and dies not sound like he has the countries interests at heart, only the elite pocket fillers.

Suthep has given many opportunities for her to resign, and still she insists she is right when the people on the street are saying she is wrong. This is a lot like when the people gave the Chaucescu's plenty of warnings, till they pushed it too far and look what happened to them.

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"After the New Year celebrations, we all will rise up together."

Yah, because fireworks and beer is much more important? smile.png

No, to hell with that! If you are going to stir some shit up then you might as well start now.

Edited by ricku
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This will get a lot worse before it gets better. Hopefully the constitutional court will this time ban the entire PTP including yingluck and half the thaksin influenced senate before too much more blood is spilled. No point relying on the army for help on this one, butwe will hear what they have to say at 1pm when they hold their press conference, but I suspect it will just be more crap about remaining neutral.

This madman calls for revolution and you still point at Yingluck? Are you insane or what?

Yingluk is the one who is instating the revolution by not resigning.

she is doing the same as any democratic country would ask. She is the caretaker for the government until she is voted back in by the majority.

Suthip has gone way overboard with his personal attracts and dies not sound like he has the countries interests at heart, only the elite pocket fillers.

What kind of caretaker is that when she is hiding all the time? The only thing she is good at is cry in front of camera!

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It should be the time for Red Shirts to enjoy New Years in Bangkok. They can pay a New Year visit to Suthep house and other members of his gang of thugs.

They have visited some of the member's house already! Didn't you watch the news? They went with guns and bomb too!

The most recent one was in Trang not Bangkok. Don't you watch the news?

That's right and the previous one was throwing bomb into the leader's house in Bangkok

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

What majority of voters was that who put the PTP in power.

Granted they won a majority of seats, 265 for their party alone, but NOT the majority of voters.

That was over 2 years ago when all the popular polices came out. What will they offer this time do you think?

Taxes off new cars, did that and it wasn't a great success.

Overpay for rice by 40%, been there and they CANNOT sell the rice even at market prices.

Tablets for all school children, been there and another failure.

I know let us offer an amnesty to everybody for everything since 2001.

They are there and look at the state of the country.

They could try postponing the elections, reforming the constitution with an absolute 2/3 majority to change it, removing immunity for politicians. stamping down on corruption starting at the very top and working their way down.

Throw in decency, honesty, good morals, transparency and strict obedience to ALL the laws by ALL the people. A total reform from top to bottom of the police force and the military.

All of those would be vote winners for whichever party got into power.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

Do already...Now I know why your Nickname is soi41...stupid, old, IQ 41...cheesy.gif

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Suthep offered to debate and compare his proposed People's Council with Yinguck and her NRC, National Reform Council live on TV, but she refused.

If she won't ( presumably she doesn't have enough grasp of the issues involved), perhaps she could send along another illustrious member of her government, a possible future leader or PM such as Pongthe so the Thai public can learn more about reform proposals..

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But elections will not change the situation will it, and I know that you know that.

So where is the genius in your reply?

Spot on!! Elections will probably not change the situation, but if the majority of the voters vote for a corrupt Shinawatra government again, so be it!! Then Thailand has got the government it deserves!

You , I and a minority of the Thais may not like it, but that it the way it works in a democratic society!

I guess in our homecountries we have all lived under governments, we didn't vote for??

I notice you like numbers in your usernames!!whistling.gif

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I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??


Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

both sides are as corrupted. its more about the act of corruption being beneficial to "who"?

the northeast or the south? maybe suphanburi?

been reading in the news for quite a while. its funny that we see lots of new members being either RED or BLUE coming out of nowhere.

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As the yellows are not going to stop the ongoing activities, I wonder at what point the reds will join the party?

I doubt they will.

You reckon it was really Jatuporn and Nattawut that sent them home after the clashes near Rajamangala ? After the massive investment in shipping all those people there in buses, you think they decided to send them home after 1 night because they didn't want trouble?

Or you think the army might have drawn a line in the sand there?

I think the withdrawal was very smart thing to do at the time as it prevented the clashes between these two rival groups. It also made the yellows to fight the government as there were no reds to fight against.

Yellows are doing the most to get the military to involved, which they are likely to do at some point if this situation continues and worsens.

While the protest becomes more violent, there is less and less sympathy towards the protest movement. This will affect how the military will handle the situation, if they decide (and are wanted) to take power on temporary basis. It will also affect who will be in the power, when they transfer the power forwards.

During the past decade or so, the people in the north have gained more self respect / are more self aware than what they used to be before. I'm not actually sure of this, it's just my gut feeling. They are not likely going to give that feeling away anymore.

At the moment the reds have been very quiet, which could mean that they are well organised within their group. It's not what they are doing, but what they are not doing.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

There are a lot of people in here who actually demands that a Thai family, the Shinawatras, disappair from their own country. If this is not madness, i dont know what is. You might disagree with this family, and throw around rumors and speculations, but to sit in a country as a guest and demand a hole family to disappear, could easily bite you in the ass some day. What more, support a mob that represent a minority of the people of Thailand, a mob with a leader who want to turn this country backward into a fascist state, with power as only goal, to win power and to use it, i call madness. Further more i guess, that to give your support to a mob like this is something you would never dear to do in your own countries.

Try to read my post you quoted!! We are in 100% agreement and still you are having a go at me??coffee1.gif

Heat of the moment?? Or quoted the wrong post??

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

Do already...Now I know why your Nickname is soi41...stupid, old, IQ 41...cheesy.gif

Textbook!! Run out of arguments.......attack the poster!!whistling.gif

Enjoy your day in soi 3 (I am being polite)coffee1.gif

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"We will return the power to the people"

What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

Thaksin and his clan out of the game would be just the beginning for a change, not the end of all the problems, at all.

I did not see any factual change done when Dems were at government, but no one put any remarks on that.

All you can blame is Thaksin (with an 'h' between 'T' and 'a') but I am sure that once (finally, I'd say) he would be out of Thai politics, problem would not be over.

Edited by newcomer71
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The fact is that the election will not change anything. I wonder why the PM Crab went for this option at the first place? She might as well stay as PM with the thickness of her skin! What kind of strategy is this?

PM is already now on Holiday in the North.

The Bangkok Elite also need to take a holiday to Pattaya/Hua Hin/Europe, etc

(But not Chiang mai, Udon or Dubai).

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I suppose we should be grateful they're going to be unarmed and barehanded otherwise that taxi driver might be dead rather than simply having the living shit kicked out of him. Lucky bloke. He should be thankful.

he is not a "lucky bloke" he died and I doubt his family is "thankful"

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Suthep offered to debate and compare his proposed People's Council with Yinguck and her NRC, National Reform Council live on TV, but she refused.

If she won't ( presumably she doesn't have enough grasp of the issues involved), perhaps she could send along another illustrious member of her government, a possible future leader or PM such as Pongthe so the Thai public can learn more about reform proposals..

For Yingluck to sit with Suthep would equal to legitimize his actions.

Suthep has committed treason and is a criminal fighting democracy with a bunch of yellow thugs from the south.

A PM cannot sit with such a person. Suthep belongs in prison.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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