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1 Brit Dead And 2 Severely Injured In Road Accident

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Sad state of affairs, and condolences to family, however, this happening at just past midnight on Boxing Day Evening could suggest alcohol involvement, terrible

Drugs, Alcohol? I don't know...but quite possibly the driver could have been a non drinker, as so is my wife. Hope everyone uses a non-drinker to drive them around on their festivities. I never, never get behind the wheel after a bar romp. Did that 15 years ago and fortunately, just ripped tissue off half of my body, and broke some finger bones/tendons in the left hand (from the motorcycle hand guard slicing it against the road). My head is intact, and I leave my small finger dangling to remind me. It is fused at 90 degrees, and now i play all those "7th" chords on the guitar very easily....allthough I find it difficult to stretch to the 9th.

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Is it the time of year? This thread is just chocabloc full of nonsense....... As far as I can see it wasn't a 4wd, it was one of those holiday rental things that look like a Jeep.

Most of the posts seem to demonstrate 2 things how ignot PPP tant then poster is and how little they know about driving.


Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not sure about your country, but there are exceptions in Thailand.

e.g. if the truck had just entered the road from a soi in front of the jeep

if the truck changes lanes into the front of the jeep



For goodnes sake, not one of you know what caused the accident. Why the hell do you have to post such garbage,innuendo.?

garbage?? it's peoples opinion. I enjoy reading it all.


Just drove today from my village to Udon Thani to buy some food stuff and I can tell you dangerous days are ahead with the change of year.

I saw crazy fast driving people today, even had a bus crossing a 4 lane so-called highway started slowly crossing when I was driving 100kmh.

I had no other choice that to break hard and to STOP and wait he got out of my way. I angrily horned a long time, but I guess the bus driver didn't care a split second xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

I am glad that you slowed down to suit the conditions ahead.


Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

...and the prize for the most ill-informed post must go to this poster who clearly is in desperate need of a few driving lessons his/herself.


I hope Gohn Jahe is not my English friend John James who lives in the area of the crash? Traffic accidents are such a worry to all associated with Thailand

Let's hope an incoming government makes road safety a very high priority


Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What if the truck had no rear lights?

Then the truck should be cited for it; it is a dangerous hazard. However, if the jeep had headlights and was travelling at a reasonable speed then he should have had enough space and time not to plow straight into the truck's back.


Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not sure about your country, but there are exceptions in Thailand.

e.g. if the truck had just entered the road from a soi in front of the jeep

if the truck changes lanes into the front of the jeep


Agreed, often very difficult to prove though. The onus is on the driver in the rear to drive defensively enough to avoid those kinds of things. If the jeep was following the law and driving safely, he may have had to slam on his brakes but would have been able to avoid any serious accident.


Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

correct ...these same guys were tear assing all around patts in this vehicle ...mate was on baht bus 30 mins before the prang and these guys nearly sideswiped the bus ......they just gave the driver the finger ....


As is typical, the reporting on this is incorrect. The young boy was not driving, he was a passenger and not related to the other men.. The two other men, one was a Brit and one was an American. The Brit was driving.

And we are so quick to blame the other guy (driver of truck) when it seems to be a Thai involved. I do not believe it to be the case here.


I didnt see any mention about whether the milk truck was moving or stationary-many of these huge trucks just pull a little off the main thoroughfare to park or sleep without any warning flashers or anything,no traffic reflectors to warn other drivers and this negligence causes countless accidents-one where my son was severly injured and his friend killed outright by drving into the back of the Lorrie which didnt even have reflective tailights,parked in the bike lane..

Virtually ALL heavy trucks park up well off the main thoroughfare. This based on around 70,000 km of night-only driving between the East seaboard and Isaan.

A bike lane in Thailand? I think it's called the sidewalk normally.

After midnight, speeding young driver in barely legal (except in LOS) 'Jeep' finds that road surfaces are rough and brakes and steering aint the same when tootling around Pattaya, even when sober.



37 know-it-all replies and counting with no facts to go on - brilliant.

true, apart from the fact that some of us do drive using the some of the same roads thus dealing with the same driving mentalities that are prevalent throughout this country
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Truck drivers never look, they just do.

RIP dear chap.

If you rear end someone it is ALWAYS your fault, NO exeptions

Always leave plenty of room for the unexpected

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

correct ...these same guys were tear assing all around patts in this vehicle ...mate was on baht bus 30 mins before the prang and these guys nearly sideswiped the bus ......they just gave the driver the finger ....

Could easily believe this however with the loaction of the accident it is very unlikely.The driver isnt 20, he was a passenger.


Is it the time of year? This thread is just chocabloc full of nonsense....... As far as I can see it wasn't a 4wd, it was one of those holiday rental things that look like a Jeep.

Most of the posts seem to demonstrate 2 things how ignot PPP tant then poster is and how little they know about driving.

Holiday rental vehicles don't usually have the national flag of the driver emblazoned on their sides. Please check all available info before responding


I am the mother of jack and I would like everyone to know that jack was the passenger in the tragedy and not the driver as reported. The driver was drunk and as far as I know only sustained a compound fracture to his leg and yet no one has told him he has cost me my beautiful baby's life. I only wish is that jack was the driver because he would be with me and his dad and brothers now. His only error was to accept the lift in the car!

Sincere condolences for your loss.

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Having been involved in road transport and investigation most of my working life, about 40 years, I can say that most of the speculative posts regarding this accident are a load of tosh. Why ? Look at the Jeep. Front wheels and engine still in the normal place so not that hard an impact. So, where is the damage ? At bonnet level. In the UK and probably most of Europe, semi trailers are fitted with under - run bars which do exactly what the description implies -- they stop a vehicle running under the platform ( floor ) of the trailer. The case here in Thailand is not the same with hardly any semi trailers being fitted with under - run bars so if a vehicle runs into the back of a trailer there is nothing to stop the platform ( floor ) of the trailer demolishing the upper section of a car, i.e, bonnet, windscreen and subsequently passengers when it goes underneath. The only thing to stop a car or similar is the axle and the tyres but by the time a car or similar has gone that far under the trailer, just over one metre, the worst possible damage has been done.

This sad loss of life cannot be undone but the government should listen to people who know some of the measures already in use which would save lives in the future. To be honest, under - run bars would neither be hard or expensive to retro-fit to all semi trailers but will it happen in the land of not-so-many-smiles ? I'll not hold my breath.....

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Is it the time of year? This thread is just chocabloc full of nonsense....... As far as I can see it wasn't a 4wd, it was one of those holiday rental things that look like a Jeep.

Most of the posts seem to demonstrate 2 things how ignot PPP tant then poster is and how little they know about driving.

Holiday rental vehicles don't usually have the national flag of the driver emblazoned on their sides. Please check all available info before responding

Actually, I rent a vehicle which has a Russian flag on one side and the U.S. flag on the other. I'm told that the 'shop' gets lots of customers / drivers from Russia and sometimes America - renting. Think you need to check all available info before responding. Going by the many posts you've made attacking other posters you live in a world where there's only room for one view - that's yours. Sad life.


I am the mother of jack and I would like everyone to know that jack was the passenger in the tragedy and not the driver as reported. The driver was drunk and as far as I know only sustained a compound fracture to his leg and yet no one has told him he has cost me my beautiful baby's life. I only wish is that jack was the driver because he would be with me and his dad and brothers now. His only error was to accept the lift in the car!

I am sorry for your loss. Words are a poor recompense for the pain and anguish such a loss brings. You & your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Take courage and be comforted by the support of many.

Also - apologies for the way this story has been reported in the local press; if as you say your son Jack was not driving.

It is a tragic accident which should never have happened. Hopefull both drivers can give a full account esp. the driver of the jeep whose 'story' will be of some interest.


For goodnes sake, not one of you know what caused the accident. Why the hell do you have to post such garbage,innuendo.?

garbage?? it's peoples opinion. I enjoy reading it all.

It certainly doesn't warrant the title "opinion". Opinions are formed from reason and evidence.

  • Like 1

Is it the time of year? This thread is just chocabloc full of nonsense....... As far as I can see it wasn't a 4wd, it was one of those holiday rental things that look like a Jeep.

Most of the posts seem to demonstrate 2 things how ignot PPP tant then poster is and how little they know about driving.

Holiday rental vehicles don't usually have the national flag of the driver emblazoned on their sides. Please check all available info before responding

What an utterly facile comment.....words fail me!

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