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We all have our "dodgieness" thresholds... generally if the the food is hot, like a noodle shop steaming kettle or a sizzeling wok, I will forgive the grunge and dive in but if a "kau gang" kind of place (my fave) it has to look clean and be busy. I think food containing bpla ra, kapi, or other rotting fish are a major cause of GI tract reactions... that nasty stuff is in many kinds of nam prik and not heated.

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Recently walking past the kitchen to the toilet and was amazed to see 2 cats licking the chopping board and plates . Cancelled my order after telling the owner in a load voice for the rest to hear,nobody was concerned and continued eating .

Not the first time I've seen this.

Did you speak to the owner in Thai or English?

That would make a difference as to why nobody was concerned.

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I look at some of the long term diseases like esophageal cancer linked to black mold, and the liver damage (and cancer) linked to fish sauce, and I wonder how much of our life expectancy we're giving up to hygiene in Asia.

But then I look at all the "western" diseases related to processed food, chemicals offgassing from building materials, lack of resistance from underexposure to normal varmints, and industrial pollution and I wonder what the real balance is.

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I look at some of the long term diseases like esophageal cancer linked to black mold, and the liver damage (and cancer) linked to fish sauce, and I wonder how much of our life expectancy we're giving up to hygiene in Asia.

But then I look at all the "western" diseases related to processed food, chemicals offgassing from building materials, lack of resistance from underexposure to normal varmints, and industrial pollution and I wonder what the real balance is.

Why do so many Thais ( and other Asians) die of liver cancer ( relatively uncommon in the west)? Many believe that exposure to aflatoxin ( mould growing on rice) overlaying a chronic hepatitis B infection, is one cause. Reduction in hep B exposure is now done through vaccination programs but the aflatoxin problem remains. Improper storage of rice ( cooked and raw) is the issue.

Food safety in Thailand is a huge issue and much greater than a bit of gastro caused by street food ( although eating street food is asking for trouble, short and long term....fine, so long as it an ' informed choice ' to consume it)

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Just answer the question,do you believe their handling of food is ok.

Mate, when your hole is so deep, many would have stopped digging by now ... but since you persist.

So you offer up ... "Just answer the question, do you believe their handling of food is ok?"

Are you talking about food in a ...

  • 5* Restaurant
  • No star Restaurant
  • Street Food
  • Fruit vendor
  • Market Stalls
  • In a typical Thai Family
  • Hospitals - Private
  • Hospitals - Public
  • Prawn Farmers
  • Fish Farmers
  • Your Hotel
  • Your Home

... the list of sweeping generalisations is endless.

Kangawallafox ... focus your mind, focus your thoughts ... engage mind, ask the question.

I warmly suggest that we leave this debate there. However, if you want to keep swinging, I'm happy to reply.

The choice is yours ... rolleyes.gif


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I think we in the west sometimes go overboard with hygiene. Obviously some instances are unacceptable but remember we often dont see what goes on in kitchens when we order food. At least with street food you see it being cooked.

Anyone remember the 3 second rule when you were a kid?

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Recently had some fresh cockroaches as a side plate addition to ur wild boar curry.....was amusing trying to catch the little blighters....they are quick and resilient....shame they are so disorganised.

To be fair, the cockroaches came with the fish dish. We're off for the wild boar again tonight, what with it being Sunday and all. It's not unusual.

The cockroaches live in a tree stump beside the drain, at the end of the restaurant.


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Just answer the question,do you believe their handling of food is ok.

Mate, when your hole is so deep, many would have stopped digging by now ... but since you persist.

So you offer up ... "Just answer the question, do you believe their handling of food is ok?"

Are you talking about food in a ...

  • 5* Restaurant

  • No star Restaurant

  • Street Food

  • Fruit vendor

  • Market Stalls

  • In a typical Thai Family

  • Hospitals - Private

  • Hospitals - Public


  • Prawn Farmers

  • Fish Farmers

  • Your Hotel

  • Your Home

... the list of sweeping generalisations is endless.

OoKangawallafox ... focus your mind, focus your thoughts ... engage mind, ask the question.

I warmly suggest that we leave this debate there. However, if you want to keep swinging, I'm happy to reply.

The choice is yours ... rolleyes.gif


Do you think they practice good hygiene,simple question.

And do you think it's a problem or not to do so.

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So, I return to the norm ... everyone has a story.

Your mileage (and I don't doubt your experiences for a second) are different to mine.

But, for you to say that ... "Just so you know, food poisoning amongst the locals is extremely high, did you know that, very very high." is a touch myopic and more likely pertinent to your personal experiences and not that of the greater Thai population.

Nothing to do with my personal experience,it's a fact,ask anyone that works in a thai hospital,...

Are you going to sit here and say they are not unhygienic,and then tell me poor hygiene does not make people sick,so far that's exactly what your saying.

Mate, no need to twist my words and to support your argument.

"Are you going to sit here and say they are not unhygienic,and then tell me poor hygiene does not make people sick,so far that's exactly what your saying."

... No, that's not what I'm saying.

But, for you to say that ... "Just so you know, food poisoning amongst the locals is extremely high, did you know that, very very high." is a touch myopic and more likely pertinent to your personal experiences and not that of the greater Thai population.

You relied with ... "Nothing to do with my personal experience,it's a fact,ask anyone that works in a thai hospital"

... well, I hate to inform you but yes, it's a fact as you so like to put it, sick people go to Hospital ... facepalm.gif

You mention Curries ... Curries have evolved from through out the world and take many forms and are cooked for many reasons. One of those reasons was as I described it earlier, as a masking agent to cover the smell of rotting meat.

As my supporting evidence, would you take council from both the News Science organisation and the Journal of Neuroscience in the article Curry Cover-Up Unraveled ...

Dishonest cooks have used herbs and spices to mask the odor of spoiling food for thousands of years. Now scientists studying how odors interact in the brain may have discovered the reason certain spices are especially effective at covering up the stench of rotting meat.

Kangawallafox, mate, no need to make this personal as you try and do in some posts. If you have a position on a subject, and my experience is different, I'll do my darnedest in my rebuttal to be polite, and, if I have supporting evidence, present that.


Ok,so you want me to present evidence that being unhygienic makes people sick,I'm pretty sure that's been proven already worldwide.

Just answer the question,do you believe their handling of food is ok.

On another note,where exactly did I get personal,lol.

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