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I feel the best diet is to change your life style.

  1. Start going to gym, weight and cardio .
  2. Eat lots of vegetables, protein (white egg+ chicken filet, fish grilled), fresh fruit
  3. Have little rice only for lunch + chicken or fish + sald
  4. do the same for dinner except rice
  5. Try to avoid all kind of white floor (pasta, bread, etc)
  6. When you want to eat at Mc Donald or other fast food just remember One Big Meal is almost 1800 Calories it takes you 10 minutes to eat it, but to burn it you have to jog on treadmill for 4 hours. Does it worth it.

Just be sensible and eat everything. Once in a while also enjoy what you are not suppose to eat.

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I'm afraid I'm not trendy enough to "do" diets. I just eat fresh fruit, vegetables and meat in healthy portions. I'm fit as a fiddle.


Tolley, skipping breakfast is fine. The Romans and many modern Meditteraneans never ate breakfast. The intermittent fasting kicks in autophagy which is a cell cleansing process. On breaking a fast you can eat as much as you wish (of the right things). The body will go into ketosis in a fast and will derive energy from fat first and, in extremis from muscle. It is a natural process. The human body was never designed for a constant stream of calories to be on tap. It runs on stressors. Stressors include the HIIT exercise and fasting.

The hunter gatherer did not have breakfast before hunting for his dinner. The hunting was for breakfast/dinner/all meals.

Look I am not really anti the paleo diet but I am anti skipping breakfast on a regular basis. It is just not good for many people and in fact can be downright dangerous for blood sugar levels for some people.

Paleo does address some of the major health issues in so far as it gets rid of sugar, processed foods and dairy Big tick in my book. However you don't need to get rid of all grains in my book.

Organic oats and organic brown rice are okay in moderation and in fact quite good for many people and organic sprouted grains are also quite good. I thrive on them. I also thrive on beans, lentils and chick peas.

The problem with most bread , pasta, etc is that it is now produced from hybrid GMO crops, pesticide laden crops etc so yes grains aint what they used to be.

To make Paleo truly work you should only be eating organic grass fed beef, organic meats, wild salmon etc and organic veggies.

Most people eating Paleo are eating farmed salmon, meats of very dubious origin and pesticide laden veggies and given the amount of meat eaten I raise this as a health risk in itself.

Having said that Paleo is still better than most of the diets out there.


Tolley, skipping breakfast is fine. The Romans and many modern Meditteraneans never ate breakfast. The intermittent fasting kicks in autophagy which is a cell cleansing process. On breaking a fast you can eat as much as you wish (of the right things). The body will go into ketosis in a fast and will derive energy from fat first and, in extremis from muscle. It is a natural process. The human body was never designed for a constant stream of calories to be on tap. It runs on stressors. Stressors include the HIIT exercise and fasting.

The hunter gatherer did not have breakfast before hunting for his dinner. The hunting was for breakfast/dinner/all meals.

I had a white espresso coffee at about 10:00.

My wife gave me breakfast at noon but I would have preferred it later, I was not hungry, I was not Hypo.

A quarter chicken, oven roast.

Lightly steamed broccoli, carrots and cabbage.

A raw sliced tomato.

I looked at the reduced balsamic vinegar, a whopping 47% sugars so I decided not to to use any.

I will not be hungry for hours.

I should drink more water.

Might i suggest you search on the internet for a 7day meal plan to help you get a better variety in your diet.

The Paleo diet is extreme and in eliminating whole grains, misses a very nutritious food source.

But avoiding processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables is certainly good for you.

There is a growing body of evidence supporting GLUTEN as the main culprit here. If Paleo dieting eliminates gluten (grains, beer, pizza dough, cakes from your life you will benefit in many significant areas.

Google gluten intolerance.

Yeah, YOU . . . . . . Just do it . . . . . Stop consuming it. . . . And you'll be pain free in about six months.


enjoy your beer and your sandwich shop treats and don't drop gluten.

(I was checking out wheel chairs the pain was so bad. Now, six months later, the pain is gone and I am back to walking everywhere.

Gluten is a slow poison. Some of us present with reactive symptoms early in life. Some of us reach an allergy threshold later in life.

Severe, ongoing joint inflamation, fatigue, rash and acidosis are only some of the reactive symptoms.

Bread, grains, wheat products beer are akin to religious artifacts in our dietary culture. They are much the same as rice in Asia.

We fill our bellies with this stuff. It's become some kind of socio-religious sacrament to gut back on beard etc.


Better to consume vegetables like broccoli, pumpkin, beans, meat, fish and seeds.

Anything but these grains.

Now this and especially the beer thing will drive a load of TV guys to their customary forum postures.

What some guys call gout, ARTHRITIS, joint pain is simply gluten reaction.

Dump gluten. And yes, that means BEER.

(Sang Som soda works for me.

Yes, yes. It's not as folklorique as BEER but if you'd like a pain free existence man up and drop the GLUTEN.)

That's ALL I want to say on this.


Rated 31st on best overall diet by usnews. Their experts said "avoid"


I've read other reports giving paleo a bad rating. Nobody knows exactly what cavemen ate, but they definetely ate differenty depending on the region and considering the difficulty of killing animals, a lot of the meat would have been scavenged, especially raw brains.

Cavemen didn't get 'modern' ailments like cardio vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, so paleo proponets argue that following their diet will prevent such diseases. This logic seems faulted because paleo age ppl would of had a life expectancy of around 30.


So useless diet.

Become a vegan, it is a lot smarter.

You do realise that early homids grew bigger brains and became smarter by eating more meat ... don't you? If they didn't... you would be swinging from a tree today.

Reminds me of a Steakhouse Owner/chef being interviewed on Oz TV years ago.

Interviewer: "Do you have anything for vegetarians?

Chef: "Yes. Contempt."



This woman is very boring but she states facts and figures about the myth about paleo diet and other dangerous myth about proteins.


Not sure about paleo, but I've been 95% raw vegetable & fruit for a few months and wow.

92kg --> 84kg.

BP (systole) 140--> 103˛.

Testosterone up.

I'm entering my first taekwando tourney in January.

I'm 64.

Very interesting. Do you have anything written down? Like a daily routine of what you where eating as I would be interested especially as we are almost the same age. Thanks.

You could PM me if you have some advice.

Thanks again


This woman is very boring but she states facts and figures about the myth about paleo diet and other dangerous myth about proteins.

Not at all boring, very well presented information and in an easy to remember form.

Many thanks for the link.


This woman is very boring but she states facts and figures about the myth about paleo diet and other dangerous myth about proteins.

Not at all boring, very well presented information and in an easy to remember form.

Many thanks for the link.

If you are interested about the links between diet and health, watch this. It was a life changing documentary for me :)



This woman is very boring but she states facts and figures about the myth about paleo diet and other dangerous myth about proteins.

Not at all boring, very well presented information and in an easy to remember form.

Many thanks for the link.

If you are interested about the links between diet and health, watch this. It was a life changing documentary for me smile.png


Very many thanks.,

Again well presented and easy to understand and remember.

In 1996 I did a 2 month home made veg juice fast.

Lost about 50 pounds, stopped needing BP meds

had higher energy and intellect.

I am still about 76Kg.

Don't eat red meat do have chicken, eggs, little fish - don't like it.

I love milk and cheese.

These videos may well help me to get closer to a veg diet.

What sort of put me off is that it is hard to know what is GMO on the shelf and just how much systemic pesticides and weed killer is in the fruit n veg.

When I recall how many veg I ate daily as a veggie, there were many opportunities to consume these toxins.

The devil is in the detail.

There is no easy answer.

Where in Thailand would you get proper, reliable organic veg?

I can´t even find them in my part of south east Spain when I'm there.

In Spain, I'm sure that many of the tomatoes on sale are GMO.

Every other veg also looks soooooo perfect that it must be GMO and or sprayed with every chem available.

It looks similar when we are in Thailand too.

When I was in the UK, near London, I knew where to buy what but it was not easy and was significantly more expensive.

However, with a retired and traveling lifestyle itis near impossible to find good food.

Thanks again for the reminder.


A two month veggie juice fast!


Do you want to share your experience here with a bit of detail?

Well you made me look in the ole computer for evidence and the graph will correct a few memory errors in my previous post.

1997 not 6

More than 2 months

Current weight 176 pounds = 80Kg not 76 (See where I was confused LOL - the ole brain ain't what it used to be)



Found another graph.

These are measurements taken in our works gym by various trainers.

Since those fine days I retired, had a long term relationship with a UK g/f

weight crept up again and by 2009 my waist was over 40".

I got it down again and am trying to aim for maintaining at below 80Kg

Not easy when over 70 and have a wife who loves to spoil me LOL



Just watched the fork over knives documentary, its hard to argue with the plant based diet. I have also been reading a lot about lectins and how bad wheat and grains are for you, also reading a lot of Ray Peat so have cut polyunsaturated fats.If I cut meat and dairy fish grains Legumes there woun't be much to eat. A lot of info on the net and it all sound compelling but where does it end. What will they be saying in 10 years?


Tolly: "Yeah skip breakfast great idea NOT. Where do you get this stuff from?

You need a good base in the morning and some good protein to get you through the day and that starts with a good breakfast.

Otherwise you end up all hypo by mid morning. "

Convention wisdom, but not really true.


Cavemen didn't get 'modern' ailments like cardio vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, so paleo proponets argue that following their diet will prevent such diseases. This logic seems faulted because paleo age ppl would of had a life expectancy of around 30.

But this guy has lived to 80 already:


Maybe best thing to do is read some success stories:


Seems a viable alternative to the Standard American Diet--which doesn't seem to be working well for a lot of people.

I'm not paleo myself, but I do keep an open mind. smile.png


Cavemen didn't get 'modern' ailments like cardio vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, so paleo proponets argue that following their diet will prevent such diseases. This logic seems faulted because paleo age ppl would of had a life expectancy of around 30.

I suspect this is a typical deceptive average because while it may be true of the mean life expectancy it doesn't take account of when and how people died.

As I understand it people didn't drop dead of old age at 30, it was more a case of huge proportions of people dying during infancy, and a many more dying of injuries, famines and so forth. If you dodged all of that then there's nothing to stop someone living to a ripe old age without modern medicine or a diet full of refined carbohydrates.

The father and son found in the jungle in Vietnam were a good example - the father well into his 70s and the son having been raised from infancy to his early 40s, and both in fairly good health. Not that they were strictly "paleo" in that sense, but they obviously didn't have access to either modern medicine or highly refined foods.


I personally don't go for paleo as i think it has some flaws.

People ate what was available not because it was good, and there was no 1 paleo diet it changed where people lived.

Nowadays we have many good options in foods so why not use them. I am against refined foods and real high carbs and sugars. But that is something most people agree upon. The highly refined foods from today are not good for your health but good for the food producers.

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