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PDRC to shut down Bangkok by end of next week

Lite Beer

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Whoever help or join in the protest must be a idiot who have nothing better to do and in need or power and riot and act as if a peaceful protestor that shut down Bangkok with deadly weapon or their so called empty handed, shit u suthep for causing so many people in pain and for losing job & income just for the sake of power in ur name

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PDRC threaten to shut down Bangkok ,

We became hostages ,

Victims caught between wars of power ,

Primary Target : coup

Secondary Target : Rewrite constitution to their favor

Dem Party did not reform when they're in power

- Busy sharing cooking oil caps

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With him as a future leaderw00t.gif Zimbabwe, North Korea and Sudan are going to look like democracies!!

Ah me another uninformed poster.

I pointed out the facts to TVGerry I will show them to you also. Up to you to decide if they are the kind of people you wish to rule the country. You will notice in this chart that under the present administration they are on their way to joining North Korea and Sudan rolling in the mud.



Dolly, CPI did fall this year, yes, but last year was the 2nd best CPI in 19 years. Currently, the CPI is still as good or better than during any Democrat controlled parliament. Rankings don't matter...if Thailand stays at a 3.5 CPI and all other countries improve, it doesn't change the actual level of corruption in Thailand. The CPI data is actually an argument for TRT and PTP.

Thailand's Historic CPI (Data from Transparency International www.transparency.org)

1995 2.79

1996 3.33

1997 3.06

1998 3.00

1999 3.20

2000 3.20

2001 3.20 (Thaksin)

2002 3.20 (Thaksin)

2003 3.30 (Thaksin on the rise)

2004 3.60 (Thaksin leaping)

2005 3.80 (High score with Thaksin!)

2006 3.60 (Coup)

2007 3.30 (Military Junta)

2008 3.50 (Military Junta)

2009 3.40 (Abhisit loses ground compared to Military)

2009 3.50 (Abhisit)

2010 3.50 (Abhisit)

2011 3.40 (Abhisit/Yigluck)

2012 3.70 (Yingluck's 1st full year, 2nd Highest ever!)

2013 3.50 (Yingluck falters, but still perceived to be the same as Abhisit)

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Only a few days ago, I posted that there are some similarities between Suthep and Hitler.

My post was deleted because "not making sense".

Now this Suthep character is called Musso, Benito, Pol Pottish, Hitler, on this very same forum.

Does that qualify me for clairvoyant poster of the year?

It certainly qualifies you for one of the 'gongs' of the year but it is not in clairvoyancy!!

It is amazing.........and revealing that you were posting about similarities between Hitler and Suthep and it was deleted for, in your brutally honest self-admittance "for not making sense"!!

Why don't you try re-posting on the similarities between Thaksin and Berlusconi as I'm sure that you can make some uncanny similarities between these two crooks that were able to hood-wink gullible people into allowing them to rape their nations of massive amounts of money, with their full blessing!!

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Only a few days ago, I posted that there are some similarities between Suthep and Hitler.

My post was deleted because "not making sense".

Now this Suthep character is called Musso, Benito, Pol Pottish, Hitler, on this very same forum.

Does that qualify me for clairvoyant poster of the year?

It certainly qualifies you for one of the 'gongs' of the year but it is not in clairvoyancy!!

It is amazing.........and revealing that you were posting about similarities between Hitler and Suthep and it was deleted for, in your brutally honest self-admittance "for not making sense"!!

Why don't you try re-posting on the similarities between Thaksin and Berlusconi as I'm sure that you can make some uncanny similarities between these two crooks that were able to hood-wink gullible people into allowing them to rape their nations of massive amounts of money, with their full blessing!!

Yes I could, but you beat me to it.

Now that this is cleared up, would you....

Critisising one crook does not imply glorifying another crook,?

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Go on, I dares ye. Shut down the airports and the ports and the industrial estates. No? Suthep, you're just chicken.


I really pray for they stay away from Suvarnabhum sunday, cos I arrive sunday morning and will hurry up to Udon by plane, do not want to get stuck in the Airport and have protesters between me and my wife/home

They'll roll out the red carpet for you when you arrive in Udon. No airport shutdown. Jai yen yen.

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Whoever help or join in the protest must be a idiot who have nothing better to do and in need or power and riot and act as if a peaceful protestor that shut down Bangkok with deadly weapon or their so called empty handed, shit u suthep for causing so many people in pain and for losing job & income just for the sake of power in ur name

Where did that nonsensical rant come from - on second thoughts don't tell me as it will put me off my food!!

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I hope they totally paralyze BKK, I hope they block all the airports too.

Just let people leave, but not enter the country. Same with BKK.

I also hope after all this crap is over with, they round up every shinawatra and all people connected to them and throw the lot in the dungeons, and let them rot there till Thaksin comes to take their place, something he would not do, he will let them rot there.

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Where is the prime minister? What does she have to say in response to this latest plan by the protesters? Why isn't she in Bangkok overseeing the crisis?

She see's no crisis. the telephone tells her to take her son and go on the campaign trail in Issan where she will not be asked hard questions. The last thing the PTP need is to turn her loose with the present handlers she has.

No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

Well I believe in the cause. But I think the method is being overdone and can come back to haunt him. Threatening to put millions of people out of a pay check for a couple of weeks is not my idea of how to win support. Is he going to compensate them or is he just going to resort to the low life red shirt tactics?

He is good at stirring people up in a good cause and keeping them that way but he really should refrain from wild impractical means. I don't think he would make much of a leader for the PM job. He is to much like Thaksin in that position. Very narrow minded. A trait that serves him and Thailand well now but is not going to help Thailand when this is all over.

Has any one seen his plan for selecting a reform committee yet? So far all I have seen is unsubstantiated statements by corruption fans.wai2.gif

It has long been selected by the old PAD before the demonstrations started, part of the reform committee is the committee that you see acting now on the podia: the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC). And now: "prove it!", "evidence!" etc..

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Only a few days ago, I posted that there are some similarities between Suthep and Hitler.

My post was deleted because "not making sense".

Now this Suthep character is called Musso, Benito, Pol Pottish, Hitler, on this very same forum.

Does that qualify me for clairvoyant poster of the year?

It certainly qualifies you for one of the 'gongs' of the year but it is not in clairvoyancy!!

It is amazing.........and revealing that you were posting about similarities between Hitler and Suthep and it was deleted for, in your brutally honest self-admittance "for not making sense"!!

Why don't you try re-posting on the similarities between Thaksin and Berlusconi as I'm sure that you can make some uncanny similarities between these two crooks that were able to hood-wink gullible people into allowing them to rape their nations of massive amounts of money, with their full blessing!!

Yes I could, but you beat me to it.

Now that this is cleared up, would you....

Critisising one crook does not imply glorifying another crook,?

You've stumped me again with your last sentence - you were doing well up to that point and then you ruined it all!!

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I hope they totally paralyze BKK, I hope they block all the airports too.

Just let people leave, but not enter the country. Same with BKK.

I also hope after all this crap is over with, they round up every shinawatra and all people connected to them and throw the lot in the dungeons, and let them rot there till Thaksin comes to take their place, something he would not do, he will let them rot there.

Good for you. Get it all out. Feeling better. Now take a couple of Aspirin, have a good night's sleep and you will feel better in the morning.

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Whoever help or join in the protest must be a idiot who have nothing better to do and in need or power and riot and act as if a peaceful protestor that shut down Bangkok with deadly weapon or their so called empty handed, shit u suthep for causing so many people in pain and for losing job & income just for the sake of power in ur name

That's a longer sentence than even I would wish on Mr Thaksin.rolleyes.gif

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It seems like the date for victory and for this to be over is quite fluid and 'adjustable'...

When booking your coup d'état online, click on the 'My dates are flexible' tab to see if you can get a better price on a Tuesday.

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Only a few days ago, I posted that there are some similarities between Suthep and Hitler.

My post was deleted because "not making sense".

Now this Suthep character is called Musso, Benito, Pol Pottish, Hitler, on this very same forum.

Does that qualify me for clairvoyant poster of the year?

It certainly qualifies you for one of the 'gongs' of the year but it is not in clairvoyancy!!

It is amazing.........and revealing that you were posting about similarities between Hitler and Suthep and it was deleted for, in your brutally honest self-admittance "for not making sense"!!

Why don't you try re-posting on the similarities between Thaksin and Berlusconi as I'm sure that you can make some uncanny similarities between these two crooks that were able to hood-wink gullible people into allowing them to rape their nations of massive amounts of money, with their full blessing!!


Actually, a better comparison would be between the Italian army and the Thai army. Only the Thai army gets it into its head, about every four years or so, that it can do a better job of running the country than the elected government. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. So, seriously, is coup no.19 going to turn out any different from the previous 18?

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Go on, I dares ye. Shut down the airports and the ports and the industrial estates. No? Suthep, you're just chicken.

The Goal is not the airport, ports and industrial estates! It is the government offices and private house of the PM and other Ministers!

Bingo, why is that?

Maybe my answer is to obvious and you are looking for something more sophisticated, but because him and his followers are opposing the government, not the industry?

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With him as a future leaderw00t.gif Zimbabwe, North Korea and Sudan are going to look like democracies!!

What makes you think he wants to be PM?

BTW, I don't know about Sudan, but Zimbabwe and North Korea are democracies. They have elections - just like Thailand, and the people always elect the same person/family no matter what they do - just like Thailand.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Time Traveller post # 27.

That's right, the Thai people don't need jobs. Shut every thing down. The streets, the government offices, the schools, the airport, hotels, factories, businesses. Close it all. Good idea Suthep. Maybe you are one of the "good people" that can be the chosen leader to rule Thailand forever.

Time Traveller as you were her at the time I do hope that this is a copy of the same comment you made at the time of the 2010 Red Shirts activities concerning their disruption to the capitals life business wise and financially and socially. Only this time you changed the name Thaksin to Suthep.

I'm sure as many others are and indeed hope that you aren't embracing double standards whistling.gif

To answer your question, I have no political "favorites", this post was sarcasm. Most people actually just want to go about there business free from political interference. Yes, I was appalled at what the red shirt destruction of the city in 2010 as well, so no double standard.

The country would be light years better off with these 500,000 protestors doing something productive like working than have them sit on the streets creating havoc for the other 10million people of the city.

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It is a one group play Yellow shirt elite will force the yellow shirt army backed by the yellow shirt judiciary to use a military coup to control the Yellow shirt backed Bangkok elite.

If the Red shirts tried this they'd be murdered by army shot in the head like the 93 unarmed Red Shirts 20 months ago.

The middle class do not support the Yellow shirt dogmatic, elite. The Yellow shirts are hired, thugs, miscreants and paid anarchists. Judiciary has caused this confrontation by not implemanting the rule of law they have sworn to up hold (no arrest war rent for Sutephs break ,enter inciting riot....give me a break...are the people niece in the face of a prjudice judiciary tandumed with eager generals waiting for their entrance cue from the elite. If I wasn't actually witnessing this I would never believe the

elite could corral the public like this, subvert democracy, distroy freedom of speach, walk over human rights, treat the general populice as ignorant inconsequential beings. The press in the West needs to get in here and witness the abuse of power....power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No question thinkingslow you must be color blind you are getting your yellows confused with red again... I would imagine you are unable to drive a car for safety reasons.

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to make known to the world that Thailand will be the first country in the world that millions of people will come together to take back the sovereign power back from corrupted and evil regime

Someone needs to brush up on his international history...

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Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartels / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


Edited by Yunla
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Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartel / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


Ask a Scottish person that.

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Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartel / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


Ask a Scottish person that.

The UK is a nation of migrants on an island. Scots and people in the North UK have Scandinavian ancestry too. You might as well say that we should all have moved back to Norway, or Rome, or France, or any number of other places that our ancestors (*) came from lol.


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I think he's scared that he wouldn't win a fair election, so he wants to have a coup so that he can seize power.

Have an election, accept the government that wins. Be like most other countries - if you don't like the government, vote them out next time.

In Thailand the opposition can't win fairly so they stage a coup. Now the other side has woken up to this fact it's just going to be a never ending cycle of political disruption.

Both sides need to learn to accept the majority decision after an election.

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Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartel / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


Ask a Scottish person that.

The UK is a nation of migrants on an island. Scots and people in the North UK have Scandinavian ancestry too. You might as well say that we should all have moved back to Norway, or Rome, or France, or any number of other places that our descendants came from lol.

That's a No for Mr. Salmond then.

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It is a one group play Yellow shirt elite will force the yellow shirt army backed by the yellow shirt judiciary to use a military coup to control the Yellow shirt backed Bangkok elite.

If the Red shirts tried this they'd be murdered by army shot in the head like the 93 unarmed Red Shirts 20 months ago.

The middle class do not support the Yellow shirt dogmatic, elite. The Yellow shirts are hired, thugs, miscreants and paid anarchists. Judiciary has caused this confrontation by not implemanting the rule of law they have sworn to up hold (no arrest war rent for Sutephs break ,enter inciting riot....give me a break...are the people niece in the face of a prjudice judiciary tandumed with eager generals waiting for their entrance cue from the elite. If I wasn't actually witnessing this I would never believe the

elite could corral the public like this, subvert democracy, distroy freedom of speach, walk over human rights, treat the general populice as ignorant inconsequential beings. The press in the West needs to get in here and witness the abuse of power....power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No question thinkingslow you must be color blind you are getting your yellows confused with red again... I would imagine you are unable to drive a car for safety reasons.

Maybe thinkingofhow had consumed long neck brandy without any fingerfoods. So he is drunk.

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