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PDRC to shut down Bangkok by end of next week

Lite Beer

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I know I am stupid, but can someone please explain to me, how spoiling the lives and businesses of the people, who voted for you (Dems has many voters in Bkk) is going to make them support your cause?

Suthep! Your "enemy" is in the north. So take your stupid fight to Khon Kaen, Surin or Buriram.

But I guess you are too much of a chickenshit to do that!!bah.gif

He was going to take all the protestors up north but it is too dangerous to drive on the roads during the holiday season ... bus drivers seem to be falling asleep a lot so far this festive season

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Suthep and Abhisit are just like other dictators and thugs. If you cannot win an election (even after three different constitutions) and you are labeled a born loser you use your brown or black Mussolini shirts to force people in submission.

That's fine. We know how Suthep and the Democrat party have ruled in Southern Thailand. We know that they cannot even control one single village over there and that they embraced violence in the South. But Bangkok is not the south. Only a mere 25% of Bangkokians are registered as such and vote. 75% is unregistered and mainly red.

Suthep can muster 150000 people on the streets and he can use his Malay and Chinese speaking thugs to attack the police. But he grossly overestimate his power if he thinks that he can commit another act of treason. Even an army leader who was born before the computer age and who has never learned to use twitter or social media will understand that they have to take him and his thugs out. if the Bangkokians who are losing their livelihood will not do it themselves.

Suthep is a chicken.

Ahhisit, a sitting member of parliament and leader of the Dems.

Suthep, self styled leader of the people's revolution.

I wonder why you need to label Abhisit in this case, he is not in the game at this point, merely watching it.

Actually, I do know, your just another disgruntled little red apologist who needs to show his lack of intellect at every possible occasion.

FYI: There is more to democracy than winning elections, unfortunately you have no clue about this and sadly, apparently neither do most Thai politicians.

I don't think Abhisit is a sitting member of parliament right now or will be if they have the elections on 2 Feb 14

Did he resign his seat?

I may have missed that in all the turmoil. If not, then he holds his seat until the next election. The fact that an election has been called in no way changes his MP status.

Were he to lose his seat (or fail to run) in the next election, then that would be a change in status.

Once parliament is dissolved then the MP's become normal citizens without MP's privileges and status.

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What if they shut down the mega-bureaucracies a.k.a. Thai government - and it didn't have much affect? Granted, gov't workers will be affected, because they want to keep their jobs, wages and benefits. However, Thai bureaucracy is extremely over-bloated, over-manned, and largely unnecessary. Nine out of ten workers could be gone from tomorrow onwards, and no one would notice. Nearly all bureaucrats in Thailand are paper-pushers and space-takers who contribute absolutely nothing tangible to others.

I'm not a Christian, but I very much like Jesus' response when someone asked him if people should pay taxes. Jesus asked to see a coin. He then asked the other person "Whose picture is that?" On the coing was a likeness of Caesar. Jesus said; "Give unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's." For me personally, I take that as a lesson to be as little involved with bureaucracy as possible. I keep my Thai visa current, and do annual registrations on my vehicles, but not much more. The Land Dept. in my city does excrutiatingly little, despite its hundreds of busy-looking employees. They're just one of tens of thousands of examples throughout Thailand.

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Yes, and when this idiot selfish flock of sheep will get tear gas they will be very very up set. To try to stop entire to BKK this is a simple terrorist act.

I hope the police can handle this case and the DSI catches this madman benito before he makes bigger damage.

I'm not red flock sheep mate at all please listen when answer ! wai.gif

You can see how out of touch with the normal person this Suthep bloke is. He actually believes Bangkokians can afford to just go on holiday for a bit whilst this nutter shuts down all their trade.

It really is crackers.

Edited by MJP
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Yes, and when this idiot selfish flock of sheep will get tear gas they will be very very up set. To try to stop entire to BKK this is a simple terrorist act.

I hope the police can handle this case and the DSI catches this madman benito before he makes bigger damage.

I'm not red flock sheep mate at all please listen when answer ! wai.gif

You hope that the police can handle the situation!!

It will be like setting the Keystone Cops armed with water pistols onto the most influencial and ruthless drugs cartels in Mexicoclap2.gif.

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I was reading another forum and saw this which I thought was interesting ..... (not sure that I can mention another forum name so I wont) so here it is:

... Army Commander in Chief Gen Chan-ocha's statement that the Army would not preclude the possibility of a coup, were it necessary, doesn't exactly open the door to a coup, but the Democrat-led protesters certainly heard the bolts being unlocked on the other side of that door ... no a very smart statement, unless maybe the Army has already negotiated with the opposition Democrats an agreement to the Army's spoils if they throw a coup and redeploy a new Democrat-led government, as is proforma here.

... I expect that statement was the green light for Suthep to open up all bores fully and go hard, as he is now threatening

... the big questions (for those of us who live here) ... this is a new Thailand, where the sociology might now be evolved beyond the political leaderships (of both sides), who are continuing to serve up the same old crap that has always worked for them, but under a very different social order:

(1) can a military coup even succeed now, as easily as the negotiated coups have in the past? ... the millions of marginalized and oppressed Thais are awakened, and are no longer passified and willing to accept their Karmic destinies to serve at the feet of the royalists for crumbs; and,

(2) will possible divisions amongst the general staff elevate the confrontations to internacine fighting amongst the military themselves? ... then, the threat of civil war becomes our greatest fear.

... the lesser questions (for those who plan to visit here) ... Suthep's threat to shut down Bangkok strikes at the heart of Thailand ... holding Bangkok under a seige would be intolerable:

(1) what could be the range of the violence? ... traditionally, Thais' street battles are waged within Bangkok's battery limits ... modest demonstrations are held in some of the provincial capitals, but nothing violent... suspect this would be the case again ... the prai will likely be called into Bangkok to confront the Democrat-led protesters on the royalist's own turf ... I expect the royalists, all middle-class and wealthy softies, will let/pay others to do their fighting for them, and will be overwhelmed by the numbers the Reds can muster ... the prai are hard people who know the taste of their own blood, and they have shown a willingness to bleed ... which raises the threat of bringing greater fire power to bear by the outmanned Democrat-led protesters ... confrontations are staged in discreet battle zones about the city, concentrated for greater effect, so roving battles is unlikely;

(2) what could be the degree of the violence? ... violence is on Suthep's agenda ... enough to overwhelm the Police and cause the Army to have to deploy ... I am prepared to witness bloodshed, which I expect could involve the Democrat-led protesters own version of the Reds' black shirts ... armed, professionally trained, highly militant gunmen with orders to incrementally elevate the bloodshed to a point of intolerance, at which time a coup is called;

(3) how restrictive could this be to residents and visitors? ... even during marshall law under which we lived in Bangkok in the past, we still went about our business during daylight hours, daily shopping needs, going to some restaurants, all while staying very, very current on the battle zones du jour ... all schools and many businesses closed ... residents proximate to battle zones evacuated ... but, passageways out of Bangkok to the resort cities to the south were never threatened ... not so, the the north, where Reds put up road blocks and inspected every vehicle for the enemy, and performed a bit of extortion (previously the exclusive purview of the Royal Thai Police); and,

(4) would I come were I a visitor? ... yes ... if you will be in Bangkok, pick your hotel carefully, away from areas where confrontations have occurred in the past ... use Internet constantly to stay abreast of the latest movements ... if Bangkok gets too hot, head to the resort cities, which were unaffected (with but one exception, owing to an international conference that was disrupted by protesters for international PR purposes ... not a risk now) ... even in the worst of past civil breaches, ground transportation was always available ... in no instances anywhere, has anyone even alluded to shutting doen the airports ... that was just way too embarrassing for all Thais.

... pull your cinch straps up tight, men ... and I mean it ... this could be a rough ride.

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I was reading another forum and saw this which I thought was interesting ..... (not sure that I can mention another forum name so I wont) so here it is:

... Army Commander in Chief Gen Chan-ocha's statement that the Army would not preclude the possibility of a coup, were it necessary, doesn't exactly open the door to a coup, but the Democrat-led protesters certainly heard the bolts being unlocked on the other side of that door ... no a very smart statement, unless maybe the Army has already negotiated with the opposition Democrats an agreement to the Army's spoils if they throw a coup and redeploy a new Democrat-led government, as is proforma here.

... I expect that statement was the green light for Suthep to open up all bores fully and go hard, as he is now threatening

... the big questions (for those of us who live here) ... this is a new Thailand, where the sociology might now be evolved beyond the political leaderships (of both sides), who are continuing to serve up the same old crap that has always worked for them, but under a very different social order:

(1) can a military coup even succeed now, as easily as the negotiated coups have in the past? ... the millions of marginalized and oppressed Thais are awakened, and are no longer passified and willing to accept their Karmic destinies to serve at the feet of the royalists for crumbs; and,

(2) will possible divisions amongst the general staff elevate the confrontations to internacine fighting amongst the military themselves? ... then, the threat of civil war becomes our greatest fear.

... the lesser questions (for those who plan to visit here) ... Suthep's threat to shut down Bangkok strikes at the heart of Thailand ... holding Bangkok under a seige would be intolerable:

(1) what could be the range of the violence? ... traditionally, Thais' street battles are waged within Bangkok's battery limits ... modest demonstrations are held in some of the provincial capitals, but nothing violent... suspect this would be the case again ... the prai will likely be called into Bangkok to confront the Democrat-led protesters on the royalist's own turf ... I expect the royalists, all middle-class and wealthy softies, will let/pay others to do their fighting for them, and will be overwhelmed by the numbers the Reds can muster ... the prai are hard people who know the taste of their own blood, and they have shown a willingness to bleed ... which raises the threat of bringing greater fire power to bear by the outmanned Democrat-led protesters ... confrontations are staged in discreet battle zones about the city, concentrated for greater effect, so roving battles is unlikely;

(2) what could be the degree of the violence? ... violence is on Suthep's agenda ... enough to overwhelm the Police and cause the Army to have to deploy ... I am prepared to witness bloodshed, which I expect could involve the Democrat-led protesters own version of the Reds' black shirts ... armed, professionally trained, highly militant gunmen with orders to incrementally elevate the bloodshed to a point of intolerance, at which time a coup is called;

(3) how restrictive could this be to residents and visitors? ... even during marshall law under which we lived in Bangkok in the past, we still went about our business during daylight hours, daily shopping needs, going to some restaurants, all while staying very, very current on the battle zones du jour ... all schools and many businesses closed ... residents proximate to battle zones evacuated ... but, passageways out of Bangkok to the resort cities to the south were never threatened ... not so, the the north, where Reds put up road blocks and inspected every vehicle for the enemy, and performed a bit of extortion (previously the exclusive purview of the Royal Thai Police); and,

(4) would I come were I a visitor? ... yes ... if you will be in Bangkok, pick your hotel carefully, away from areas where confrontations have occurred in the past ... use Internet constantly to stay abreast of the latest movements ... if Bangkok gets too hot, head to the resort cities, which were unaffected (with but one exception, owing to an international conference that was disrupted by protesters for international PR purposes ... not a risk now) ... even in the worst of past civil breaches, ground transportation was always available ... in no instances anywhere, has anyone even alluded to shutting doen the airports ... that was just way too embarrassing for all Thais.

... pull your cinch straps up tight, men ... and I mean it ... this could be a rough ride.

Looks like blatant plagiarism my dear 2 time poster ..please quote your source.

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Some of us actually love Bangkok, deeply. As strange as it may sound to beach-tourists, many people love to visit and stay in Bangkok, or to live here.

And play Visa Tennis to do so. And pay through the nose sometimes. Suthep can kiss my rusty old wheelchair, sincerely. I'm staying in Bangkok, and if he blockades the specialist brain-ward critical care hospital I have to go to without much warning sometimes, I will sue him until his ears ring.

I'm intrigued to know how the Bangkokians are going to react to this and if he can actually get the numbers to do as he promised. It's fine turning out one day on a Sunday en masse but I doubt millions of people aren't going to bother not going to work to fight for the cause. I doubt the office girls etc. I witnessed waving their Thai flags in Asoke as the posse went past a couple of weeks ago are going stop working to help Bangkok come to a standstill. Basically because if they did in any normal business they wouldn't have a job to come back to.

Plus what about surgeons who can't get to the hospital, emergency vehicles who can't get to an emergency etc?

And of course the funniest part ( as in not funny at all) they're led by a standard issue Thai kamnam whose sole three interests are me myself and I under the guise of overthrowing a bent administration who under different circumstances would most probably be his drinking buddies sharing hints on how to enrich themselves at the expense of others.

He is playing games with people's lives really. I have had the same brain-specialist Thai Doctor, in Bangkok, for about fifteen years. He is one of the most respected experts in his field worldwide. I am considered his lifetime patient. I have spent a lot of money here, over the years, contributing to the Thai economy and also benefitting from the excellant health services provided here. My Doctor is outraged (in capslock!) about Suthep. He is absolutely furious. Many illnesses require you being rushed to hospital, which is bad enough in normal traffic, and much worse under these circumstances. I have also consulted my Thai lawyer about all this, and he agrees with my Doctor that if Suthep prevents patients seeing their Thai doctors for emergency care, it is certainly a legal issue, depending on the damage caused. That is to say nothing of lost revenue from patients who will simply go to other nations. Thailand's private hospitals are some of the best in the world, especially for bone work and brain-related illnesses. Many patients also like to have treatment here because the climate is balmy which encourages recuperation. This is a potential big business situation for Thailand's future, and it is reputation-based, and Suthep is stomping allover it in his medieval ironshod clogs.


Edited by Yunla
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As I understand it, (it was before my time here), the Thaksin regime swept to power on the back of populist policies calculated to appeal to the masses of the less-well-off working community of Thailand, ie the majority. Presumably this majority felt they would be better off under a Thaksin government than others and so gave their support at the polls.

Would it not make sense therefore for Suthep or any contender to propose similar policies designed to benefit the lives of the majority of people so as to attract their vote? Who makes the best offer should surely win and it might ease polarisation. It seems clear enough to me.

What am I missing?

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He going to try to hold Bangkok hostage and the police, courts and military do not have the balls to do anything about it.

I think the military will do something, don't you?

I think it all ends with a military coup again.

Yes...you were reading my lips....In 2 weeks Yinluck is out....not coup....just by a "friendly military request"...

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Well, Dear Leader did tell all Bangkokians not involved in demonstrations to leave the capital and go to resorts to relax. So people have been told what to do. It's clearly their fault if they stay in Bangkok and are inconvenienced.

Ohhhh riiight, it's only the rich, retired and connected who can afford to go outside Bangkok and relax at resorts. Oh well, never mind, <deleted> the rest.

Some of us actually love Bangkok, deeply. As strange as it may sound to beach-tourists, many people love to visit and stay in Bangkok, or to live here.

And play Visa Tennis to do so. And pay through the nose sometimes. Suthep can kiss my rusty old wheelchair, sincerely. I'm staying in Bangkok, and if he blockades the specialist brain-ward critical care hospital I have to go to without much warning sometimes, I will sue him until his ears ring.

Good luck, I doubt you will find a judge who will touch him!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

Ironically, the PDRC sound far more like a deranged religious cult with all their talk of 'righteousness' and 'good people'.

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Ironically, the PDRC sound far more like a deranged religious cult with all their talk of 'righteousness' and 'good people'.

They will all wear matching Golden Whistles on the day they mass-exit planet earth.

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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

I was getting a good chuckle out of your post until I reached that final sentence. Then it occurred to me that perhaps you're the one who's in need of deprogramming...

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Go on, I dares ye. Shut down the airports and the ports and the industrial estates. No? Suthep, you're just chicken.


I really pray for they stay away from Suvarnabhum sunday, cos I arrive sunday morning and will hurry up to Udon by plane, do not want to get stuck in the Airport and have protesters between me and my wife/home

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Keep in mind that the current regime/Shinawatra family is backed by wall street and other big global banks and the muti-billionaire global elite crowd in general. Here is an article a couple weeks old that goes into areas you won't read about in the controlled mainstream media owned by those same elites.


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Go on, I dares ye. Shut down the airports and the ports and the industrial estates. No? Suthep, you're just chicken.


I really pray for they stay away from Suvarnabhum sunday, cos I arrive sunday morning and will hurry up to Udon by plane, do not want to get stuck in the Airport and have protesters between me and my wife/home

I can understand why you wouldn't want protesters between yourself and your wife - especially at the intimate moments in your marriage!!

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Keep up the stupidity guys and just tell me when to change my $ to Baht..............

The first thing said with any point t,o it, we Farangs don't understand our own country's politics, what chance here?

It is pretty obvious that these matters are all decided by the people who make money out of these conflicts, the banksters.

The answer to your question fella, is just before you starve to death.

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Only a few days ago, I posted that there are some similarities between Suthep and Hitler.

My post was deleted because "not making sense".

Now this Suthep character is called Musso, Benito, Pol Pottish, Hitler, on this very same forum.

Does that qualify me for clairvoyant poster of the year?

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Yeah shut down the city. Hospitals closed, no trash collection, markets with no food delivery, gas stations out of fuel, no access to banks. Real smart Suthep, most citizens in BKK won't put up with that for long.

Well, Dear Leader did tell all Bangkokians not involved in demonstrations to leave the capital and go to resorts to relax. So people have been told what to do. It's clearly their fault if they stay in Bangkok and are inconvenienced.

Ohhhh riiight, it's only the rich, retired and connected who can afford to go outside Bangkok and relax at resorts. Oh well, never mind, <deleted> the rest.

Suthep has that big mouth. When he say something, don't worry, it may be the same like in the past again. Nothing had achieved.

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