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Seven more people executed in North Korea


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Seven more people executed in North Korea

SEOUL: -- Seven more people were executed along with the North Korean leader’s uncle Jang Song-thaek on 12 December, the South Korean newspaper The JoongAng Ilbo reports.

The North Korean Central News Agency reported on 13 December that Jang Song-thaek, who was the head of the regency council for young Kim Jong-un and was considered second in command in North Korea, was legally killed for an attempt at overthrow of power, RIA Novosti reminds.

According to the newspaper’s source, two high-ranking party officials, two members of the government, two military commanders and one plant manager were killed on the same day with Jang Song-thaek. The newspaper reports that those people held positions equal or more than deputy minister or department manager. The execution was carried out in the building of the National Defence Commission in the presence of key party leaders.

According to the newspaper’s source, in spite of the fact that photos showing Jang Song-thaek’s arrest at a party meeting were published on 9 December, he was actually confined to his house since the middle of November.

Source: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_12_30/Seven-more-people-executed-in-North-Korea-2717/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-12-30

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Probably a good idea that Mr. Rodman left. They would need to find a higher tree to hang him on.

Can't see Dennis returning to NK. He was either very brave or completely ignorant of the risks.

Much more of this nonsense I think little fat boy will be going to live with Daddy and Gramps on the moon.

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I think that if I lived there, about this time I'd suddenly be getting really, really content and happy.

Discontent seems to get you nowhere fast.

I'd be doing congo lines down the street with my family, we'd be so happy.

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The Kim Dictatorship era is coming to an end, probably within 5 years the people will cause a social revolution that the military will not be willing or able to quell, already the people have found that they have some control on state policy where the state has changed it's policy so as not to appear powerless in the face of grass-root rebellion.

If the leadership is smart they will stand at the helm and guide the country through the process, failure to understand the power of motivated people will result in the Ceaușescu Option: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu#Death

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Straight out of the Stalin or Saddam Hussein playbook. Destroy your potential rivals before they become your rivals. Put the fear of God into anybody else who has the slightest inkling to become a potential rival. His father taught him well.

Expect more purges. I don't know if we will ever hear of them though but the relevant North Koreans will know about them. Nothing like a good purging to keep the others on their toes.

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The Kim Dictatorship era is coming to an end, probably within 5 years the people will cause a social revolution that the military will not be willing or able to quell, already the people have found that they have some control on state policy where the state has changed it's policy so as not to appear powerless in the face of grass-root rebellion.

If the leadership is smart they will stand at the helm and guide the country through the process, failure to understand the power of motivated people will result in the Ceaușescu Option: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu#Death

yeah i saw those cheap crystal balls on sale at chatuchuk too but past on the generous offer. my new one is a diamond stand model from the glass wat

Edited by Big Pinkie
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Just cancelled my summer vacation to North Korea, will look through Air Asia for my next destination, Chiang Mai maybe. Maybe i'll learn to speak Korean just in case he ends up taking over the world, i want to be the first in line not to be shot. I can say hello = 안녕하세요 = An nyoung ha se yo

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I actually had some hope that when Little Kimmy took over, that NK would perhaps gradually become a more open society. Doesn't he know that if he ditched that stupid suit, got a new hairstyle, and called Mrs Park in SK occasionally for a friendly chat, the world would welcome him with open arms and pocketbooks!?

I'm pretty sure that China wants to keep NK in its present anti-Western, benighted state. A reunited Korea is an economic threat to both Japan and China. NK in its present state helps keep the US military-industrial complex tuned up. Nobody can accurately predict what will happen there next.

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Maybe i'll learn to speak Korean just in case he ends up taking over the world, i want to be the first in line not to be shot. I can say hello = 안녕하세요 = An nyoung ha se yo

I for one, welcome our new Il-Kim-Ching-Chong-Jiggaligga-Ling-Long overlords.


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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword!

Young Kim might find himself being taken out by means other than a covert internal coup in due course.

What a shocking and terrible loss that would be to the world,.. NOT!

How many people did Stalin kill? He lived to a ripe old age.

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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword!

Young Kim might find himself being taken out by means other than a covert internal coup in due course.

What a shocking and terrible loss that would be to the world,.. NOT!

How many people did Stalin kill? He lived to a ripe old age.

Between 50-60 million people.

Oh the joys of being a dictator, eh.

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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword!

Young Kim might find himself being taken out by means other than a covert internal coup in due course.

What a shocking and terrible loss that would be to the world,.. NOT!

How many people did Stalin kill? He lived to a ripe old age.

And he'd have probably lived a few more despotic years had everyone around him not been terrified to touch him when he had a seizure.

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He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword!

Young Kim might find himself being taken out by means other than a covert internal coup in due course.

What a shocking and terrible loss that would be to the world,.. NOT!

How many people did Stalin kill? He lived to a ripe old age.

Kill one person or a few, you're a murderer.

Kill millions, you're a great politician or war hero/leader

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Some strategists speculate that if NK govt were to spectacularly and suddenly collapse forcing SK to implement its immediate unification plan, then China would grab a band of 50 - 100 km of the top of NK as a de facto permanently occupied zone in order to avoid having American troops on its border.

If you look at a map of the area, one "solution" comes to mind.

China could really use a deep sea port between Russia and Korea. Seems like it could be a win-win, with only the bad guy on the short end of the stick.

If only they didn't have a habit of then drawing long arbitrary lines and declaring everything inside those lines as "indisputable" Chinese territory.

Karma's a bitch.

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