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Police rally in Bangkok to demand arrest of cop killer


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I have a great deal of sympathy for the Police Officers, and their protest. Society cannot allow killers of Police Officers to ever go free. It should not matter if the perpetrators are rich or poor. If you kill a Police Officer. You then deserve the Death Penalty. Police Officers should receive good pay for their work. But, their integrity, and training on all levels. Must be excellent! Update training must be serious, and done annually. Command Officers must be held to the highest standards.

I myself have been treated very well by the Police Officers in Pattaya/Chonburi. Are their problems. Yes. That goes for all police forces world wide. We have Human Beings trying to do a very difficult job. We never hear about the times that they do the right thing. We only hear about things when things go wrong. Police Officers deserve to be respected. It is easy to complain, and not take any action one self.

I retired after 33 and a half of working in the criminal justice system in America. I am proud of my service.

Well done for your service. A nice post ......until you got to the line..........."Police Officers deserve to be respected." That turns the whole post in to a fail I am afraid. NOBODY deserves to be respected, you earn that respect by your behaviour, your conduct and your professionalism in trying to uphold the law, which is a duty you are paid to do by the tax payer. Do the policemen in Thailand, or the US or UK who beat up people or pervert the cause of justice deserve respect? of course not, which makes it all the more important that the behaviour of good policemen towards the public must be exemplary. You cannot command respect out of fear, nor can you ever expect it if you are a crooked corrupt cop.

Whilst the job of a policeman can be a tough one and clearly in this case they have been put in the line of danger, I doubt that even one of the 500 police who protested could be classified as a good policeman. Do bear in mind that in 2010 the police knowingly put the lives of soldiers on the line by choosing to not intervene or become involved with any form of crowd control. The riots got out of hand and only soldiers with rifles were there to uphold the principles of preventing damage to the people and property. Soldiers are not trained in riot control or crowd dispersal, they are trained in warfare, the police commanders knew what would happen and how it would benefit 'Dear leader'. If these police are capable of cas-faking some of their own to pretend that they have been injured by protestors (as the photo's in the last few days graphically prove), then they are capable of anything. Sympathy..........not on your nelly! and you think they 'deserve' respect !

The key question is why would any honest person with at least a modicum of intelligence choose to become a police officer in Thailand?

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The killer is Suthep who is wipping the mad, crazy and lunitics of Thailand into a frenzy. He is in charge of all the nut cases of the country who are following the orders of the biggest nutcase on the planet

555 and ordering the burning of Bangkok is the actions of a sane man?

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"red farang clowns" you might mean the scum living here in Thailand getting one way or the other money from their home country, hanging around in bars, married with an (ex) bar-lady , the type of which you see 13 in a dozen and mostly under educated and meaningless.

Well my friend, I don't belong in that category, in invested a lot of money in Thailand, I own a company with 153 employee's , I am not red, nor yellow, but I am sure i will not invest anymore in Thailand if Suthep gets what he wants, and I am not the only investor who thinks like that, as even the biggest Thai companies like PTT stated already that one seeking to invest in Asia, better check neighbouring countries, because of this bastard Suthep is playing with our investments !!!!

I agree 100 % on Chooka !

You and many like you ikke will be voting with their feet if this isn't resolved soon - as ever the real sufferers in all of this will be the honest and hard working vast majority of Thais who struggle to make a living.

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The killer is Suthep who is wipping the mad, crazy and lunitics of Thailand into a frenzy. He is in charge of all the nut cases of the country who are following the orders of the biggest nutcase on the planet

555 and ordering the burning of Bangkok is the actions of a sane man?

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"red farang clowns" you might mean the scum living here in Thailand getting one way or the other money from their home country, hanging around in bars, married with an (ex) bar-lady , the type of which you see 13 in a dozen and mostly under educated and meaningless.

Well my friend, I don't belong in that category, in invested a lot of money in Thailand, I own a company with 153 employee's , I am not red, nor yellow, but I am sure i will not invest anymore in Thailand if Suthep gets what he wants, and I am not the only investor who thinks like that, as even the biggest Thai companies like PTT stated already that one seeking to invest in Asia, better check neighbouring countries, because of this bastard Suthep is playing with our investments !!!!

I agree 100 % on Chooka !

I challenge your comment "..... as even the biggest Thai companies like PTT stated already that one seeking to invest in Asia, better check neighbouring countries, because of this bastard Suthep is playing with our investments !!!!"

I challenge you to provide something to specifically support your comment.

You can't, and your therefore not truthful.

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the type of which you see 13 in a dozen and mostly under educated and meaningless.

Nobody on Earth is meaningless.

And undereducated is a very fluid relative term. You can be incredibly wise and self-sufficient, while having zero academic achievements.

Re; the other stuff in your post, it is unhelpful to group people into brackets like bar-drinker / married to a w/e, it just doesn't work from a sociological perspective, because all human beings have a unique life story and a reason for being where/with they are.

Also your post ignores the many other groups of foreigners here, who did not move here as an investment opportunity but just for retirement or w/e.

Re; the topic itself, it would seem unlikely the right person will be caught, these type of volatile situations are always going to give a certain anonymity to violent offenders. That has been my criticism of Suthep for changing the rhetoric from anti-amnesty peaceful massprotest, into occupy/overthrow movement, because this raises the temperature and increases casualties.

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ikke post # 177

"red farang clowns" you might mean the scum living here in Thailand getting one way or the other money from their home country, hanging around in bars, married with an (ex) bar-lady , the type of which you see 13 in a dozen and mostly under educated and meaningless.

Well my friend, I don't belong in that category, in invested a lot of money in Thailand, I own a company with 153 employee's , I am not red, nor yellow, but I am sure i will not invest anymore in Thailand if Suthep gets what he wants, and I am not the only investor who thinks like that, as even the biggest Thai companies like PTT stated already that one seeking to invest in Asia, better check neighbouring countries, because of this bastard Suthep is playing with our investments !!!!

I agree 100 % on Chooka !

By jove cur sir you are indeed hardly the epitome of an erudite being.

Verily, thou art naught but a wanton folly-fallen clotpole!

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Before anyone ever feels sorry for any of these cops, they owe it to be audited of their financial gains. A lot of these cops, probably own several house and cars that maybe obtained in a suspcious method.

Using your own logic it's not unreasonable for anyone to suggest that you should be audited also as you probably own several houses and cars obtained by dubious methods.

Yes, I know the above is ridiculous and unfounded but then so is what you posted.

Now you are being silly. Actually we do get audited by the tax board every now an then. But you forget the most important fact. This is public position and that comes with the territory. One can not take an oath to the king and country and turn around and spit on it. This officials have the highest honor given to them to do the best for their country. If anyone takes the an oath to protect the public, then that is what they should do. It's not easy to be a cop. To be fair. This goes with all government officials. it is called accountability. So what you are saying is that they are corrupt and it's ok? In the US officers are constantly scrutinized when they all of a sudden can afford more then get paid.

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