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Deaf Russian scammers Kata


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So I was in the ice cream shop last night. In walks a young, decent looking white girl. She quickly dumps 2 Angry Bird key chains and a laminated card saying she's deaf and wants 100 baht donation. She nailed every table in the place in a few seconds including outside tables. Then she quickly comes back and collects everything back up and beats it out of there. I got the whole thing on video and I'm uploading it now. The Thai girls said her and another man come in and do it, but over saw/heard the girl speaking Russian on her phone on the in the alley. I asked the girl outside why they let them in and I got the usual "nothing we can do" answer. Either way, it was the first time I've ever seen a farang pull that one here or anywhere else in Thailand.

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"Either way, it was the first time I've ever seen a farang pull that one here or anywhere else in Thailand." - you are obviously unfamiliar with the new "high end" tourist demographic that Phuket now attracts. smile.pngsmile.png

You are absolutely correct. I thought it was only Thais who copy each other's good ideas! I wanted to take one of the Thai whistles and blow it real loud behind her to see if she jumped and at the same time equally draw attention to the situation. But, I'd probably would have had an accident, hung myself, or slipped of a high rise balcony last night.

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The only people I give money to in Thailand are disabled and aged beggars at the market.

Some young foreigner "asks" or gestures for a donation is going to get an earful (pardon the pun). It will not be polite either. Whether they are deaf or not.

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I have never understood why people ever get scammed on holidays, particularly in Asia. In every guidebook, internet travel site, word of mouth, media, every-farken-where there are warnings. Parents tell their children 'don't talk to strangers' yet random idiots approach people in the streets with ludicrous crap like this and people STILL give them money??? Sorry, but no amount of education can help the terminally stupid.

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I watched the clip. What language was printed on the laminated card?

Just Thai and English. Again, the Russian guess is based on what the girls said out front.....Could be any Eastern European language and the girls will assume it's Russian. However, being in Karon/Kata, it's a safe assumption.

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I watched the clip. What language was printed on the laminated card?

Just Thai and English. Again, the Russian guess is based on what the girls said out front.....Could be any Eastern European language and the girls will assume it's Russian. However, being in Karon/Kata, it's a safe assumption.

Yes, safe bet she's Russian, but there are a few Ukrainians getting about here now.

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