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Future for Thai's

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Hard to imagine this happening. At least not in my lifetime.

I find it quite easy to imagine the USD no longer being the world's reserve currency. I just have a hard time imagining what might replace it. Peso...Euro...ringitt...escudo...real....renmibi??

I remember having discussions with other fellow loafers back in the carefree 70's about Germany, whether it would ever re-unite. I prophesied that this would happen, but probably not until 2020 or so. (I just threw it out there to get an argument going, I can now confess.) Others said Russia (the good old USSR!) would never "let" this happen. HA!

Predictions are a fool's game. Nobody knows nothing!

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It would make no difference Thailand could buy gold and when ready sell it for the Euro which would be the next major currency. I am an importer in New Zealand and we hold a good USD$ account and we have found a number of exporters in China and India price their stuff in Euro.

If the USA put 3 cents tax on petrol within 1 year they would practically cover their dept. As you know you would never stop buying petrol.

If you have a few $ buy Bitcoins. Most of you would not know what they are, look them up.

Bitcoins might end in a mania like tulip bulbs in seventeenth-century Holland. Tulips were newly introduced to Europe at the time. They were attractive and the multi-colored varieties were considered scarce luxury goods. Their novelty and beauty were enough to spur a speculative frenzy, as the price of the scarcest tulip bulps reached extraordinary heights in 1637. And then the prices crashed back to earth. But bitcoins need not end this way. They might, on the other hand, simply morph into a small, niche product, presenting a non-threatening alternative to some credit-card transactions.

Most likely, however, bitcoins will die a slow death, their weaknesses steadily revealed. The inside operators, those with the awareness and sophistication to have staked their bitcoin claims early on, will cash out, leaving more naive and credulous market participants holding the bag. For a while, these small-time investors will buoy one another's spirits, assuring one another that the bitcoin souffle will indeed rise again. And when the souffle remains as flat as a pancake, these duped "investors" will recite the time-worn verses of recrimination -- it's a conspiracy, it's all the government's fault, bitcoins would have worked but for some duplicitous central bank manipulation. And so the beat goes on.

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Not much would happen to Thailand. Basically they would pay for oil in the currency that oil

exporters want. Euro, Rouble, and US dollars would still probably be one of the acceptable currencies.

Thailand has lots of major foreign currencies coming in from tourism so I think it is well

positioned to pay its bills for imports on any currency requested. They have lots of Russian

and Chinese tourists. The USD would take a hammering as countries liquidated a portion

of there USD reserves to load up on currencies that would be needed.

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It would make no difference Thailand could buy gold and when ready sell it for the Euro which would be the next major currency. I am an importer in New Zealand and we hold a good USD$ account and we have found a number of exporters in China and India price their stuff in Euro.

If the USA put 3 cents tax on petrol within 1 year they would practically cover their dept. As you know you would never stop buying petrol.

If you have a few $ buy Bitcoins. Most of you would not know what they are, look them up.


Also saw your comment on being down if you are holding gold. Indeed correct- but what is even 40% down compared to the 200 % minimum gold is bound to rise over the next two years. It is currently more expensive to mine gold than the current price they are getting for it. Gold will bottom out this month and is then in for a major run.

Some indicators: a few weeks ago most traded option was Gold at 3000 US$ in 2015.

And yesterday Black Rock Gold Mining fund was up 5.7% in one day! And two days before some Australian mining companies were up 10-15% on the day.

And who will be the winners? The Chinese who have consequently been buying gold (India as well).

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Silver historically trades at 1/16th price of gold but is trading at 1/60th and it's mined at 9 X gold. Silver as a physical investment is easy to stack.

The wheels are in motion already, there are many indicators eluding the USD is in the process of being dumped as we speak.

Question is, what is the Australian / Thai silver stacker or gold bug going to experience once the US looses it's protection from hyperinflation by being the global reserve currency?

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Silver historically trades at 1/16th price of gold but is trading at 1/60th and it's mined at 9 X gold. Silver as a physical investment is easy to stack.

The wheels are in motion already, there are many indicators eluding the USD is in the process of being dumped as we speak.

Question is, what is the Australian / Thai silver stacker or gold bug going to experience once the US looses it's protection from hyperinflation by being the global reserve currency?

The OP question suspicious as a deliberate outrider for the gold bug crowd and voila! its here right on time like a Swiss Cuckoo Clock.

...'as we speak', so to speak.

Edited by SheungWan
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Silver historically trades at 1/16th price of gold but is trading at 1/60th and it's mined at 9 X gold. Silver as a physical investment is easy to stack.

The wheels are in motion already, there are many indicators eluding the USD is in the process of being dumped as we speak.

Question is, what is the Australian / Thai silver stacker or gold bug going to experience once the US looses it's protection from hyperinflation by being the global reserve currency?

The OP question suspicious as a deliberate outrider for the gold bug crowd and voila! its here right on time like a Swiss Cuckoo Clock.

...'as we speak', so to speak.

I agree with the “Gold Bug” as you call him. Sure metals have been down the past few years but the fundamentals for price increases are very positive.

I invest in (debt free) real estate for cash flow and metals for potential capital gains and insurance.

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You guys have to be kidding. You still can't separate the US private sector from the government, and you can't fathom how many hard assets the US government owns. The government owns 650 million acres of land (2.63 million square kilometers) all loaded with resources from oil to timber to coal to natural gas to rare earth metals... It has 88,000 miles of salt water shoreline.

The US will be the world's largest producer of oil in just 2 years, surpassing Saudi Arabia, and in a couple more years will be energy independent, and right after that it will be a net exporter of oil. The US has more oil reserves than all the rest of the world combined, and if everything offshore and in Alaska was surveyed, it might have three times as much oil as all the rest of the world combined.

It leads the world by far in technology - too much to write here.

It charges no import duties and could bury China overnight by changing that policy. The US is responsible for 168% of China's balance of payments. In other words, China's balance of payments sucks, as it buys so much of what it needs that only the US buying from it keeps it afloat. The US is Thailand's biggest buyer.

The US has vast amounts of good land, including by far enough to feed itself not to mention the timbered forests and the areas for mining.

The US has already drilled 100 years supply of natural gas, and it has coal up the kazoo. It knows how to burn it cleanly too, to generate electricity.

The US has the world's largest economy by double second place, and the world's 3rd largest population. It knows how to manufacture quality at good prices and a lot of manufacturing is returning to the US. Think 3D printing and new equipment that will make clothing without human intervention, making cheap Chinese labor obsolete.

All of the penis envy types can just zip up their pants and watch the US keep on burying other countries with more and more technology. Without the US you wouldn't have a PC or an operating system or a cell phone or a smartphone or a lot of other things you depend on daily. You wouldn't have an internet if it shut down in the US because things would quickly deteriorate without the US trunk lines and authoritative DNS servers.

The US owns technology both in the private sector and in the military, and it just keeps on keeping on.

It's too early to start your wake, people.

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Silver historically trades at 1/16th price of gold but is trading at 1/60th and it's mined at 9 X gold. Silver as a physical investment is easy to stack.

The wheels are in motion already, there are many indicators eluding the USD is in the process of being dumped as we speak.

Question is, what is the Australian / Thai silver stacker or gold bug going to experience once the US looses it's protection from hyperinflation by being the global reserve currency?

anybody who can "easily" stack oder handle his physical silver is financially not exactly well off sad.png

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Just remove the U.S. Dollar from the market and imagine what would happen.

Do you really thing the Chineese could make the system work?

Just take a look at the world money supply, real or not.

I get tired of the blame game, we are all in this together.

So deal with it!

Nothing will happen ,

Just read blogs why America waged war on Iraq, just to control the dollar cirulation every one knows about Americans Tactics,

Just for disussion only do not get offended by this post .

if not Dollar some other currency will take place of dollar the world woll not Stop neither the economy of the World.

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