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Bangkok shutdown to inflict damages of over 200 billion baht


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It all seems quite simple to me.

The Thai people just need to allow the democratic process to work and accept the will of the majority of voters and let elected government do its job for a full term

That is what happens in a well run law abiding democracy.

Once you have minority groups trying to manipulate the democratic system then the whole place turns to shit.

So the majority elect the government and if the majority don't like the what they are doing then they get kicked out at the next election.. it really is as simple as that and until that is accepted Thailand will just continue to be a roller coaster ride of political uncertainty and the economy will just keep going down hill.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A lot of people using nice words without having any idea what it means pure democracy could be the nonsense word of the year. Until now none of the protest leader ever clearly did define what is the ultimate target and objective,. Ruling of the elite? Ruling of the intelligent (which would include most protestors on each side of the aisle)? Ruling of the King ( which of course by definition is monarchy and not democracy)? Changing the constitution to exclude some or the majorities from politics?

May be somebody could enlighten us what the ultimate goal is beside removing of the Thaksin clan?

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Simple and easy solution is for the Shin dynasty to quit politics. That won't happen because they are too arrogant and would loose face. There will never again be calm in Thailand as long as they are in office.

On the other side, if Abhisit or any of his party will be in the position, the red shirts or pro-thaksins will also come out to oust him.

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Strategically, both sides are trying to play the ends against the middle. Neither side has given specific, actionable methods and mechanisms for reform. Both sides want to slant the game so their side can retain power indefinitely. This stalemate is far from over. Even the conceived end games are not end games. If the PT win, an election is held, and they again win a majority, that will not end the protest movement. If the PRDMSTC (or whatever name they have this week) wins and installs an interim government to oust the current caretaker government, and the entire Shinawatra family quits politics and leaves the country, that will not stop the redshirts or their allies.

This scenario has never played out before because this is just a continuation of previous refusals to share power. It has been one, long scenario, and started in the seventies before most of us ever came here (except you old farts that make old fart me look young).

Resume rants.

Edited by FangFerang
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and what are losses from the rice pledging scheme till now and into the future , this govt is a joke and is always looking for something to stop the people from looking to closely at their financial missmanagement.

will the farmers get paid ?????

will the farmers get paid ?????

I very much doubt it. And I think the farmers are beginning to realize that Fact. THis may be the prime reason PTP are pushing for the Election! beyond January the farmers may well be against PTP for putting them in a worse situation that before the rice scam began!

Many may not even be able to plant this year!

A planter harvest 200 packs of rice and keeps 10 packs at most for seeds (10%) to be replanted. The planting season has been ongoing for the last 2 1/2 weeks already. 200 packs none cut rice is 10 tonnes.

No farmer is that stupid to pledge 100% of its rice as between the 2nd harvest and rice planting season is only a few weeks. Only farangs that have no absolute

Another TV warrior that talks about a subject but has no ideas.

BTW Do you really think that millions of farmers didn't get paid? It's the rice mills that didn't get paid yet and the Bangkok Chinese want their money before the Year of the Horse starts end of this month. Rice pledger's come with their trucks to the Bangkok controlled Chinese that runs all those mills all over Thailand. If they want cash their will be a 10 -15% discount and the Chinese mills will collect the money from BAAC but pay the farmers on the spot.

Seen it every day here in Isaan. Some farmers tried to sell rice to those small brokers but they said they can't buy any more rice but they still are willing to buy at a discount of 20-25% and pay cash on the spot.

Its the Chinese that really got burned and once Suthep comes in power most of those Chinese mills might not get paid. If YS is smart don't pay and only after the election.

That is a perceptive point.

Many of the rice farmers in my neck of the woods only get one crop a year, which has now been harvested. No planting here until the next rainy season.

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And during the same time frame the politicians, heads of government departments and related underlings probably defrauded the Thai people of ten times that value.

It would have been 20 times that value but half their offices were shut down. coffee1.gif

So, do two wrongs make a right? Is there no other way?

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How much more BS from this crab government? As if Thailand is in great shape under crab woman leadership. As if millions of people came out to protest against it are people who are brainwashed by Suthep! Stop insulting our intelligence! It's not about Suthep but about how bad this PTP is . Enough is enough.

Crab government goes out, we have enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you farangs understand how much anger we have in our heart? Why millions of people came out? Casual comments about Thai politics as if you guys are watching a circus constantly is very uncivilised.

Shutdown Bangkok for a while to get rid of crab woman regime ! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does Mr Thaksin get the blame for everything that's happened in recent years while he has lived in self imposed exile.

Not even Superman would be able to achieve all you suggest.

THE ANTI-GOVERNMENT People's Democratic Reform Committee last night announced details of its plan to lay siege to Bangkok from January 13. PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban said the siege could last for a month PDRC supporters may also gather outside the homes of key government figures, essentially keeping them captive in order to limit their activities, Suthep said.

Mr Suthep's threat to keep Thailand's democratically elected Government and Ministers illegally captive under house arrest, would in any other country be regarded as an act of Treason.

Maybe the only solution is for a Military Coup led by a benevolent dictator and Thailand to be governed under martial law.

When the Nationalist Party was in strong control of Taiwan using martial law and the military all but ran South Korea, both nations enjoyed substantial economic growth and advancement. Singapore is often called a Guided Democracy. In other words, it is a benevolent dictatorship.

Would you sacrifice free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and perhaps other freedoms in exchange for a secure standard of living that provided well with no corruption at any level.

Only we as individuals can answer such questions for ourselves.

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Winner : hard to say.

Loser : Thailand.

They should just arm-wrestle or flip a coin to decide who gets to wear the shiny hat for a few years. This is bloody stupid.

I'm gonna eat crisps and play my mandolin. At least that makes some kind of sense.

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How much more BS from this crab government? As if Thailand is in great shape under crab woman leadership. As if millions of people came out to protest against it are people who are brainwashed by Suthep! Stop insulting our intelligence! It's not about Suthep but about how bad this PTP is . Enough is enough.

Crab government goes out, we have enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you farangs understand how much anger we have in our heart? Why millions of people came out? Casual comments about Thai politics as if you guys are watching a circus constantly is very uncivilised.

Shutdown Bangkok for a while to get rid of crab woman regime ! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does Mr Thaksin get the blame for everything that's happened in recent years while he has lived in self imposed exile.

Not even Superman would be able to achieve all you suggest.

THE ANTI-GOVERNMENT People's Democratic Reform Committee last night announced details of its plan to lay siege to Bangkok from January 13. PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban said the siege could last for a month PDRC supporters may also gather outside the homes of key government figures, essentially keeping them captive in order to limit their activities, Suthep said.

Mr Suthep's threat to keep Thailand's democratically elected Government and Ministers illegally captive under house arrest, would in any other country be regarded as an act of Treason.

Maybe the only solution is for a Military Coup led by a benevolent dictator and Thailand to be governed under martial law.

When the Nationalist Party was in strong control of Taiwan using martial law and the military all but ran South Korea, both nations enjoyed substantial economic growth and advancement. Singapore is often called a Guided Democracy. In other words, it is a benevolent dictatorship.

Would you sacrifice free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and perhaps other freedoms in exchange for a secure standard of living that provided well with no corruption at any level.

Only we as individuals can answer such questions for ourselves.

I get your point, but why do people believe a military involved in slavery is not corrupt?

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The economic team of the Pheu Thai party said threat to shut down Bangkok on January 13 may inflict over 200 billion baht damages to economy.

And if anyone can know the figures it is PTP, because the hundreds of billions losses they caused by their month long shutdown of the biggest shopping area in Bangkok is still fresh in the memory

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Genuine question: has the man (or woman as the case may be) on the street fared better or worse (from an economic standpoint) over the last three years? The rich are getting richer (I believe) but are the poor getting poorer? Has poverty levels increased or decreased under the current govt? Was Thailand undergoing growth or encountering recession?

I think these questions are pertinent when the "people" want to overthrow the incumbent govt.

Edited by Gweiloman
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Genuine question: has the man (or woman as the case may be) on the street fared better or worse (from an economic standpoint) over the last three years? The rich are getting richer (I believe) but are the poor getting poorer? Has poverty levels increased or decreased under the current govt? Was Thailand undergoing growth or encountering recession?

I think these questions are pertinent when the "people" want to overthrow the incumbent govt.

To answer your question about recession.


Thailand in recession?
The Nation August 20, 2013 10:34 am
It is yes, theoretically, as a recession is typically defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction in gross domestic product (GDP).
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Have you ever though why so many people hang out cash to the so called mad man Suthep when their bank accounts were frozen? Are all these people who are supposed to be hired doing this as a show? My maid has gone to to protest to Bangkok from Phuket for the third time with her hard earning money and I really don't think she was brainwashed! I let her go because of her belief and I admire her courage.

One member here mentioned that he is stocking up pop corn to watch the blood shedding show in January. I did not even brother to reply to such low level creaturew00t.gif

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probably prayhuth would feel that the current government might not last much longer and would not be very frightened. but, yes, basically the army should be a servant of the current government - as should be the police (and that was not clear in 2010, when the roles had been reversed) - whatever government is in power.

this said, i really do not think that either police or the army will really prevent violence if it comes to it on the 13th and the following days...unfortunately...

If I was the PM I would phone Prayuth and I explained to him that this amount would come out of his budget, unless he shows he is not a Ladyboy in disguise and shows his balls and defends the constitution that he himself forced upon the people. Only real losers cannot win or wine after having redrawn the constitution three times. So man up Prayuth and get the thugs of the street.

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sure, both groups have experience in it. that's what really angers me - no group in thiland really respects the opinion of the other group - or non-partccipants at that. maybe we need a third group throwing ALL protesters of both sides out of bangkok...

The red shirts have excellent experience estimating the cost of shutting down Bangkok. They did it a number of times in 2010.

They certainly have previous don't they, caused a huge amount of damage. As did the fools who shutdown swampy.

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Thailand has been cheating and ripping off foreigners for decades, with no telling how many millions have gone into their greedy pockets. So I say let them lose millions. Heck, lose billions. I hope it's a crippling loss.

It's called KARMA. You reap what you sow.

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but if they do a coup this time 'round, it won't be the relaxed affair like the last coups. they really would have to clamp down hard and fast - or they probably will have the red shirts all over bangkok and in the northeast and north, fighting the army. also, the army's personnel might be as divided as the citizens. and probably that is why they don't dare to commit to either side...

it might be a solution to the standoff, but a potentially dangerous one...

Perfect time, for the army to come in, with a coup and rescue us all ;-)

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Have you ever though why so many people hang out cash to the so called mad man Suthep when their bank accounts were frozen? Are all these people who are supposed to be hired doing this as a show? My maid has gone to to protest to Bangkok from Phuket for the third time with her hard earning money and I really don't think she was brainwashed! I let her go because of her belief and I admire her courage.

One member here mentioned that he is stocking up pop corn to watch the blood shedding show in January. I did not even brother to reply to such low level creaturew00t.gif

Just listen to yourself coffee1.gif why not go with your maid ? if you support her why not pay for her expenses instead of her spending her little hard earned money then ? whistling.gif

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Have you ever though why so many people hang out cash to the so called mad man Suthep when their bank accounts were frozen? Are all these people who are supposed to be hired doing this as a show? My maid has gone to to protest to Bangkok from Phuket for the third time with her hard earning money and I really don't think she was brainwashed! I let her go because of her belief and I admire her courage.

One member here mentioned that he is stocking up pop corn to watch the blood shedding show in January. I did not even brother to reply to such low level creaturew00t.gif

Just listen to yourself coffee1.gif why not go with your maid ? if you support her why not pay for her expenses instead of her spending her little hard earned money then ? whistling.gif

Bunny is one of our few Thai posters and I cannot help wondering about his/her demographic characteristics. We can note that s/he has a good knowledge of English, that s/he employs a maid, and that (based on a previous exchange) his/her knowledge of Isaan is fairly limited. Is s/he one of the disenchanted metropolitan middle class?

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