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Hello Thai Visa people ,I need some useful opinions about my problem

Kahn de

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So you studied hard at uni, became a professor and your asking us how to date a women!

Thai women and western women are pretty much the same matethumbsup.gif

ermm no they're not. I'm pretty sure he didn't go to uni to get a degree in dating western women. lol

If they aren't the same, name just 5 things different besides facial features and language?

I will then say you're right.

Btw, I mean he is smart enough to become a professor, he is smart enough to talk to a girl and ask her out.

I could name 100 things, but you probably wouldn't understand, judging by your posts. Also just because he is smart doesn't mean he knows how to talk to women, it just doesn't work like that.

What does judging by my posts mean exactly?

I asked you to name 5, then you go off on some tangent claiming you know 100, which I doubt. I mean keep it realistic if your gonna claim to be smarter than us less intelligent members.

So name 5?

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western girls know that thai, japanese, most asian have SHORTcommings

plus girls overthere, have some values as not prostituting them in the direct way as you see in pattaya, but in others... you pay for dinner, movie, disco ... in thailand, you could rape the girl and pay off the police that is was consentual, in europe, it works a bit differently...

Bitter much? Its not an uncommon sight for asians to reach 6 feet nowadays. Also, have you been to Amsterdam? Didn't think so, you're just another sad pathetic lifeform aren't you...

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I am a lot older now. In my 30's, single, very good looking, very busy and successful in business, etc etc, I had problems in meet all the women I liked to meet and date....and wondering why...

I had a business contact, a vendor of my company visiting my office every week. He was about my age, single like me, and the total opposite in those qualifications......but..very talkative, funny and very self confident. EVERY time I was out, ALONE, frequenting bars and restaurants, I found him in the company of very good looking women....

Finally......I asked him how he was so lucky..His answer was.....Because his work, he meets a lot of women every day in clients offices, in business seminars and meetings, etc. Even in stores, in the streets, EVERY TIME he meets an attractive woman, EVERY TIME he will ask them for a date.

He got a lot of rejections, but keeping the sense of humor every time, and never giving up. Asking to more than 10 women a day....EVERY DAY... very few ones will say YES...but enough to keep him very busy with dates.

He also said that he got more dates with beautiful ones, just because men sometimes are afraid of rejection and never ask.

Moral of this real event......Be funny and casual, every time you meet a woman you will like to date..every time...in any place..in any country,....and ask for a date. What you have to lose?


yeah this method does make sense, and does seem to work, the hard part is probably staying humorous after a few rejections lol.

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western girls know that thai, japanese, most asian have SHORTcommings

plus girls overthere, have some values as not prostituting them in the direct way as you see in pattaya, but in others... you pay for dinner, movie, disco ... in thailand, you could rape the girl and pay off the police that is was consentual, in europe, it works a bit differently...

Bitter much? Its not an uncommon sight for asians to reach 6 feet nowadays. Also, have you been to Amsterdam? Didn't think so, you're just another sad pathetic lifeform aren't you...

red light district in amsterdam, is like peanuts, really, compared to the 200.000 professionals in and around pattaya

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So you studied hard at uni, became a professor and your asking us how to date a women!

Thai women and western women are pretty much the same matethumbsup.gif

As a Asian living in Europe or I have seen in Canada...go buy an expensive car..black is preferred...wear sunglasses at night clubs..dress well and look like you are a dealer and have high connections in the underworld...seem bad idea but women are the very opposite to what YOU think you are. or...come back to Thailand where the roll is easier to play here...first off get as much education as you can in Germany..see you after you graduate..keep us posted on your scores..ok?

Mate your post I had to re read to understand but I think I get your undertone.

Your trying way to hard is my conclusion. Btw, wearing sunglasses in night clubs was never cool.

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My oh my a professor asking help to know farang women......stop your flirting...giggle.gif

Absolutely correct. If you want a sincere relationship don't flirt.

Dress well but don't go over the top.

Wash and shave every day.

Do not tell girls that you like dirty Jokes.

Try to laugh when she makes a joke.

Ask the girl lots, and I mean lots of questions.

She must believe that you are really interested in HER!

Compliment her on her dress only if you're sure that she bought it herself.

If you focus on her beauty you will be 'slam dunked' by her.

If you have a BMW or a Jag keep it hidden.

Go dancing often and dance with many different girls so she knows that you're looking for the RIGHT one.

Try to target girls that are here with their family.

When you make the first date make it Lunch. Take her to a good restaurant but don't overspent.

Good girls are affordable because they are modest.

Oh by the way; well bred European girls are just like good Thai girls (You'll not get laid until she is sure of you).

Edited by indyuk
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Well in Pattaya are many different foreign girls. Some are working like Thai bar girls. But if you want to have a normal girl friend just remember that they are not whore and you should not treat them like one. Try to make eye contact and politely approach them, introduce yourself, say you find her very beautiful etc etc and ask if she would like to have a coffee, lunch etc with you. Just be yourself and be a happy guy. No politics talk. Just have fun Man.

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TVF is the last place I'd recommend anyone go in search of advice on relationships with women.

... unless you're willing to wade through reams of sour misogynist sh*te to get to the odd gem.

Speaking as a Germany resident who's had more than his fair share of a history with women here, I can say that most German women (like those everywhere, also in my experience) are great fun, great partners, great and reliable friends, feisty and fearless, direct, don't like bullshit, will mostly tell it as it is and not behind your back - and then you better open your ears or they're gone, are great fantastic in bed etc. A wimp will find them difficult. I've run across a couple of obnoxious <deleted> in my time, but then I can be an obnoxious <deleted> myself sometimes.

Keep smiling, use a bit of charm, and don 't play the game if you can't take no for an answer - do you fancy every girl you meet? A second brush off is a definite no. Unless you're a real "geek" or "Quasimodo", you should have tons of girls. And some really nice chicks like "geeks" and "Quasimodos" as well. They presumably make for better long term arrangements, and anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - something which also applies to you. (The fire-eater eaters on the islands are after short term adventure and romance.)

I'm late 50s (although I look younger), but still managed to hook up with an attractive 36 year old in a doctor's waiting room recently. Above all don't be so heavy, prim or shy. It's only a game (at least to begin with!).

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western girls know that thai, japanese, most asian have SHORTcommings

plus girls overthere, have some values as not prostituting them in the direct way as you see in pattaya, but in others... you pay for dinner, movie, disco ... in thailand, you could rape the girl and pay off the police that is was consentual, in europe, it works a bit differently...

C'mon belg, how long is your commings ? Very silly comment !

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my 2 bahts worth of advice comes as this : there are (mostly) 2 possibilities according to what you want.

You want a serious relationship ?

- do exactly the same as you would do in Thailand : be yourself, show your qualities, be serious. Just go faster because you won't be in FarangLand for long

You want to have fun ?

- have the girls have fun : find out what they like, then invite them for their favorite things (restaurants, cinema, concert, walk...). A few drinks won't hurt. At some point, try contact (take hands, hand over shoulder) and see reaction. If positive, act further (kiss). Repeat until satisfaction, or until you get a very loud NO!.

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TVF is the last place I'd recommend anyone go in search of advice on relationships with women.

... unless you're willing to wade through reams of sour misogynist sh*te to get to the odd gem.

Speaking as a Germany resident who's had more than his fair share of a history with women here, I can say that most German women (like those everywhere, also in my experience) are great fun, great partners, great and reliable friends, feisty and fearless, direct, don't like bullshit, will mostly tell it as it is and not behind your back - and then you better open your ears or they're gone, are great fantastic in bed etc. A wimp will find them difficult. I've run across a couple of obnoxious <deleted> in my time, but then I can be an obnoxious <deleted> myself sometimes.

Keep smiling, use a bit of charm, and don 't play the game if you can't take no for an answer - do you fancy every girl you meet? A second brush off is a definite no. Unless you're a real "geek" or "Quasimodo", you should have tons of girls. And some really nice chicks like "geeks" and "Quasimodos" as well. They presumably make for better long term arrangements, and anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - something which also applies to you. (The fire-eater eaters on the islands are after short term adventure and romance.)

I'm late 50s (although I look younger), but still managed to hook up with an attractive 36 year old in a doctor's waiting room recently. Above all don't be so heavy, prim or shy. It's only a game (at least to begin with!).

To the OP. Being a German myself, I can fully agree to BusyB, but...

there are lots of very attractive Asian ladies in Germany, too. Better target them. I'm having a hard time finding really attractive farang ladies, either here in Thailand nor in Europe itself. More than half of them are smoking and/or drinking; an absolute No-Go for me. Many of the other half are too heavy, too big, too loud, too arrogant, tattoed and mostly in a bad mood. When I observe young farang backpacker ladies I'm always wondering why they have to walk around in very slobby attire, more often frowning than smiling.

Thanks God he led me to Asia 40 years ago.

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western girls know that thai, japanese, most asian have SHORTcommings

plus girls overthere, have some values as not prostituting them in the direct way as you see in pattaya, but in others... you pay for dinner, movie, disco ... in thailand, you could rape the girl and pay off the police that is was consentual, in europe, it works a bit differently...

well as a foreign girl living in thailand i dont fully agree with this. we tend to find that most foreign men with big egos have short commings and that they use their big egos to cover this up ??

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I know my wife is much lazier here in Thailand than she was abroad. She came back here and just sunk back into the rhythm of the life here. Probably go abroad again to make a new life once more. She does have a lot of family obligations here which she didn't have abroad. She spent that extra time working like a madwoman. A lot less motivation for her to do that here. Don't know. Good luck getting her out of this funk.

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I don't know anything about German girls, but I would bet it would be much harder for a Thai guy to date one. I'd be willing to bet the girls dating Thai men in Thailand are from another country like the UK or America. You might have more luck in Thialand because of the environment. Anyways meeting an educated farang lady in Thialand might be difficult too... It's a party country so it attracts women that like to party! I agree try online dating lol

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Generally speaking when dating people back home I found myself having to pretend to be someone I wasn't too much. Also the attractiveness in terms of looks to the woman was often directionally proportionate to how big a tosser or psycho the blokes they date are

Not an exact science of course but at times it's too much like hard work. Expectations can also be a bit unreasonable. Generally I am in agreement with the bloke who made that immortal quote 'why go out for a hamburger when you have a steak at home'

Not being rich or assertive was a handicap. Though some go for the intellectual type, meatheads seem to have little trouble

Over here in Thailand found a lot of that nonsense was chucked out the window. Know a lot have had awful experiences here but out of the usual environments being quiet and pleasant and good personal hygiene counted for more than money. My wife knew from the off I didnt have a pot to piss in and didnt care. But others have had different experiences of course

Basically, if you like the chase and aren't too sensitive, you may have some luck. But be prepared to work like a dray horse to keep up with what is demanded of you. So others have said, it's a bit if a minefield. And it's twice as hard if you are under 5 foot 10 (I am 5 feet 10.5 incidentally)

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You should forget all the stereotypes and misconceptions and all the disbelief about dating here dating there and what people think in general. Just be yourself, be a man go out there and socialize. Women look for the same qualities in a man everywhere in the world.

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You should forget all the stereotypes and misconceptions and all the disbelief about dating here dating there and what people think in general. Just be yourself, be a man go out there and socialize. Women look for the same qualities in a man everywhere in the world.

Alot of advice on this thread seems to have 1 message in common: "be yourself!". It my experience, that works......as long as yourself is an alpha male type personality with strong body language and confidence. Unfortunately that is what 80% of thai men lack due to 'graeng jai'. White women don't go for asians as much as their male counter parts simply because asian men aren't as 'strong'. So in essence, yes you do need to reinvent yourself a bit, but not too much because women are usually very good at smelling bs.

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Play to your strengths,take a girl out for a date to a Thai restaurant and order everything in Thai,introduce her to real Thai food and make sure her glass is always full of wine or Thai beer or whatever she is drinking.

By the end of the night any European woman will leave you in no doubt if she is interested in you,so then you invite her back to yours for the proverbial "Coffee or something"!

Always worked for me in Europe but then I am a very "Hansum Man",or so all the Thai girls tell me!

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I can virtually GUARANTEE success doing the opposite to chuang's below advice!

With farang women you need game. Be confident, assertive, cocky, funny and flirtacious! DO compliment their looks but do everything a little different, ie Hey I like your style, such great colour co-ordination etc,

Telling a dirty joke is fine ... but it must actually be funny... like why do Australian men come so quickly? Because they can't wait to rush out and tell all their mates about it! << Funny AND true is even better!

Do ask her some questions but not too many, you want to be more entertaining than anything and entice her to ask YOU questions. Not shaving can be manly, if a Thai can grow and even three day growth that is, but trim the edges ... rough but stylish. Either wear no deodourent or aftershave or use so little that your own manly smell comes through..... other men and older women will hate you but the women with whom you are chemically compatible with will be drawn sexually to your natural pheromones not that artificial rubbish they try and sell in magazines and on the net!

Sounds like you make farang female friends but can't convert them to lovers... you need to be a bit of the bad boy ... don't suck up to them like the guy below suggests you do... he's been in Asia too long. Act like you don't give a flying f.! Act like you don't care if they like you or not ... you be polite but don't care if they want you or not because you are already getting so much sex you are just amazing! Fake it till you make it.

First date make it something exciting and different ... NOT lunch!!! You aren't a meal ticket you are a STUD! Make the girl think wow this guy is different ... I really could imagine a really exciting future with him. Make her want your babies!

Teach her how to Thai kiss under the moonlight with a cool breeze in her hair .... how you sniff each other ... that Thai thang is super cuteness personified that chicks will dig. Tell her how Thailand is such a rich and deep culture that they don't lip and tongue kiss in the movies .....they sniff each other....like this (as you hold her erotically)!

Dress over the top so it's a talking point. You are exotic... use it as a selling point! Don't try to blend in.

You are unique.

Just like everyone else!

Chok dee na krap

Go get'em Tiger! :P

My oh my a professor asking help to know farang women......stop your flirting...giggle.gif

Absolutely correct. If you want a sincere relationship don't flirt.

Dress well but don't go over the top.

Wash and shave every day.

Do not tell girls that you like dirty Jokes.

Try to laugh when she makes a joke.

Ask the girl lots, and I mean lots of questions.

She must believe that you are really interested in HER!

Compliment her on her dress only if you're sure that she bought it herself.

If you focus on her beauty you will be 'slam dunked' by her.

If you have a BMW or a Jag keep it hidden.

Go dancing often and dance with many different girls so she knows that you're looking for the RIGHT one.

Try to target girls that are here with their family.

When you make the first date make it Lunch. Take her to a good restaurant but don't overspent.

Good girls are affordable because they are modest.

Oh by the way; well bred European girls are just like good Thai girls (You'll not get laid until she is sure of you).

Edited by Rakathaorai
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It my experience, that works......as long as yourself is an alpha male type personality with strong body language and confidence. Unfortunately that is what 80% of thai men lack due to 'graeng jai'. White women don't go for asians as much as their male counter parts simply because asian men aren't as 'strong'. So in essence, yes you do need to reinvent yourself a bit, but not too much because women are usually very good at smelling bs.

Sadhukar #53, your advice is no doubt accurate for some western women, because you are basically encouraging him to mimic farang-like behavior. However, every female farang I have met in Thailand has been attracted to the same quite but self-confident qualities in Thai men that I find mesmerizing in Thai women. And just about everyone I know, both male & female, are humbled by graeng-jai; it is a display of selflessness that the Thai is more concerned with you than he is with his- or herself. In the end Kahn de will most likely not be happy unless the woman can love & accept him for who he is, unless of course he is only looking for one-night stands.

With farang women you need game.

Teach her how to Thai kiss under the moonlight with a cool breeze in her hair .... how you sniff each other ... that Thai thang is super cuteness personified that chicks will dig. Tell her how Thailand is such a rich and deep culture that they don't lip and tongue kiss in the movies .....they sniff each other....like this (as you hold her erotically)!

Rakathaorai #55, I absolutely agree with your "instruction manual." If you -- as a female -- were to employ these tactics on me, you'd have me eating out of the palm of your hand. By following your advice, Kahn de will no doubt get lucky on his first or second date. But for anything more than a one-night stand, doesn't this require the "long game" strategy?

That is, Kahn de will have to pretend he's someone he's not. Eventually, his girlfriend will probably tire of his efforts because romantic plays like those you describe cannot be engaged continuously; seems to me they would work best on a tourist who's got a limited amount of time with you.

If Kahn de is a kindred spirit, then I believe he would fare better in the end by staying true to himself. Farang women generally feel the aggressive pressures & stresses associated with life in the west the same as men do. As such, they surely will find the soft, gentle, non-aggressive nature of Thai men both a turn-on & a welcome relief.

Edited by SeabagsFull
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If she likes you she'll let you know. It might be subtle such as finding reasons to be where you are, or finding reasons to go up to you and ask you questions, or just the way she looks at you and smiles at you. If she has no interest she'll pretty much avoid you.

If she's showing interest, invite her for a coke or lunch or something. Her answer will tell you what she thinks.

Don't worry about losing face. That isn't part of Western culture. Besides, Germans don't have faces. They already lost them 555. :)

Edited by NeverSure
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My question is, is the OP asking how to obtain a western female friend, western girlfriend or just looking how to pickup a girl from a bar for sex? These are often very different concepts (in the USA anyways) and require different tactics.

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We all do know that the OP,

Joined Thai Visa,

created this topic in near perfect English, although being educated (presumably) in Thailand (because he has no experience with Western woman)

is studying in a German University, so (presumably) speaks fairly flash German

and immediately after creating the OP signed off, never to be seen again.

... coffee1.gif


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