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Hello Thai Visa people ,I need some useful opinions about my problem

Kahn de

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It my experience, that works......as long as yourself is an alpha male type personality with strong body language and confidence. Unfortunately that is what 80% of thai men lack due to 'graeng jai'. White women don't go for asians as much as their male counter parts simply because asian men aren't as 'strong'. So in essence, yes you do need to reinvent yourself a bit, but not too much because women are usually very good at smelling bs.

Sadhukar #53, your advice is no doubt accurate for some western women, because you are basically encouraging him to mimic farang-like behavior. However, every female farang I have met in Thailand has been attracted to the same quite but self-confident qualities in Thai men that I find mesmerizing in Thai women. And just about everyone I know, both male & female, are humbled by graeng-jai; it is a display of selflessness that the Thai is more concerned with you than he is with his- or herself. In the end Kahn de will most likely not be happy unless the woman can love & accept him for who he is, unless of course he is only looking for one-night stands.

With farang women you need game.

Teach her how to Thai kiss under the moonlight with a cool breeze in her hair .... how you sniff each other ... that Thai thang is super cuteness personified that chicks will dig. Tell her how Thailand is such a rich and deep culture that they don't lip and tongue kiss in the movies .....they sniff each other....like this (as you hold her erotically)!

Rakathaorai #55, I absolutely agree with your "instruction manual." If you -- as a female -- were to employ these tactics on me, you'd have me eating out of the palm of your hand. By following your advice, Kahn de will no doubt get lucky on his first or second date. But for anything more than a one-night stand, doesn't this require the "long game" strategy?

That is, Kahn de will have to pretend he's someone he's not. Eventually, his girlfriend will probably tire of his efforts because romantic plays like those you describe cannot be engaged continuously; seems to me they would work best on a tourist who's got a limited amount of time with you.

If Kahn de is a kindred spirit, then I believe he would fare better in the end by staying true to himself. Farang women generally feel the aggressive pressures & stresses associated with life in the west the same as men do. As such, they surely will find the soft, gentle, non-aggressive nature of Thai men both a turn-on & a welcome relief.

True my dear but honestly you should try being a guy sometime.... in my youth i did modelling and TV work in between stdying, I am intelligent, creative artistic yet I will NOT get a look in without specifically focussing on the approach and attitude. After the first few dates the woman might be open to seeing greater depth. If you don't get the first date then what good is being the most wonderful man in the world under the surface?

We all do know that the OP,

Joined Thai Visa,

created this topic in near perfect English, although being educated (presumably) in Thailand (because he has no experience with Western woman)

is studying in a German University, so (presumably) speaks fairly flash German

and immediately after creating the OP signed off, never to be seen again.

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Agreed. The OP is likely a troll. Yet some of us contributed some worthwhile perspectives that may assist genuine people to some degree hopefully!

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