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The Amazing Secret Of Mosquito Coils


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These coils are wonderful things. Just one tiny problem. Getting the two apart. Usually they end up in pieces over the other side of the room. Anyone else have a problem with these. :o

There are just some things that separate us "old Thai hands" from the others. Separating the coils is but one of them. Other actions are washing your bum Thai style without walking out of the hong naam with a wet spot on your behind and walking into a home and leaving your flip flops in front of the door without missing a stride.

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Didn't we do an entire thread on Thai packaging last year? I almost got that coil-separation thing figured out when my Thai partner returned to my life and suggested we reactivate those disc-shaped electrical appliances. Baygon has a 12 hour blue and green striped rectangle that fits in there and works fine. And you can almost handle the rectangles without contaminating your hands. I used to open a box of coils and spend ten slow minutes separating all the coils, then washing my hands for five minutes.

A stinkin' bag of potato chips/crisps should not be difficult to open. The potatos are already so well preserved that it's not as if they'd rot. They're not so valuable that potato thieves are running amok in the stores. I've spilled more potatoes on the floor than Dan Quayle could count or spell.

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We always used to say " Drink Gin & Tonic and the mossies will stay away" This was of course that tonic water started life as a quinnine based medicine ( hence Indian Tonic Water) Anyone know if they still put quinnine in it. In fact some European countries still call it by it's proper name eg. agua quinnine & quinnine wasser.

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These coils are wonderful things. Just one tiny problem. Getting the two apart. Usually they end up in pieces over the other side of the room. Anyone else have a problem with these. :o

There are just some things that separate us "old Thai hands" from the others. Separating the coils is but one of them. Other actions are washing your bum Thai style without walking out of the hong naam with a wet spot on your behind and walking into a home and leaving your flip flops in front of the door without missing a stride.

Well, don't keep it all to yourself - tell us HOW! We all want to know! (Not the flip-flops thing, the other one).

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Yeah, mosquito coils and condom boxes must be the two single most frustrating things to unpack. Oh, and then there's Sang Som bottles where the thread of the cap gets ruined and the thing just spins idle. I'd say these three things are the biggest source of aggravation to my life in Thailand.

mosquito coils, condom boxes, Sang Som bottle caps... life's a bitch! :o


uh, yeah, sounds like you guys are living the high life.

do you have any idea how poisonous mosquito coils are?

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Yeah, mosquito coils and condom boxes must be the two single most frustrating things to unpack. Oh, and then there's Sang Som bottles where the thread of the cap gets ruined and the thing just spins idle. I'd say these three things are the biggest source of aggravation to my life in Thailand.

mosquito coils, condom boxes, Sang Som bottle caps... life's a bitch! :D


uh, yeah, sounds like you guys are living the high life.

do you have any idea how poisonous mosquito coils are?

If that's for the mother in law, I suggest rat poison: no taste, no smell, no color. :o

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Try soaking the 2 coils in water overnight then try pressing them apart the next day and leaving them to dry before use

I'll try that next time fella. :D

i dont even bother to separate them anymore,

just light the 2 ends and have double the protection.

use the coil as you would normally


:o The best suggestion/remedy yet.

I got to that stage, many times Lamps. Just light it, (with a Nike tick undernieth)............ :D


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