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Noise Nuisance In Thailand


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Hi everybody,

I saw that there are a lot of messages about noise nuisance on this board around the country.

If you have any questions about noise problems in Thailand, I will be very happy to help as good as I can.

I am an acoustical engineer, and came to Thailand in 2003. I have 25 years experience in acoustical engineering combating noise nuisance.

It's nice to share experience.



Carpe Diem

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Another bloke touting for buissines on the forum, The'll no doubt be a charge for your concern as to our tranquility, The word leaches spring's to mind.

There is no charge for sharing my expertise with anybody, except for you....

Thanks for your trust...

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If you want to avoid any moise problems just don't live near a road or people!

Some of the bugs in this jungle are pretty noisy...

The crickets are waaaaay louder than 'back home'.

And bullfrogs.....


Simply stay away from roads, airports, people and insects......Oh....and roosters

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May I mention my solution to dealing with noise? I don't know if it will help you, but it works well for me.

I use earplugs. In particular I use the Silencio NRR-32. They provide between 35 db attentuation at low frequencies to 50 db of attentuation at high frequencies. 35 db attentuation means a reduction factor of about 56 (reduction ratio = 10 ^ (35db/20b)) = 56). It knocks out quit a bit of noise.


From the website it looks like they will ship them.

They are reusable. I use them when I sleep or work. I always carry a pair with me. I have found them useful at the movies since the sound is sometimes too loud.

I bring 20 pairs with me when I come to Thailand. The biggest problem is not that they wear out. The biggest problem is losing them.

I think you can get sponge ear plugs at some Thai pharmacies. I think they work pretty well.

You can also wear earphones on top of the earplugs for even more noise reduction.

I also think there are earphones with active noise reduction. These earphones measure the noise going into your ear, and then produce an exact copy of the noise, but with the opposite phase, so you hear nothing.

It looks like Creative makes them and you can get them for $40.00 U.S. I wonder if you can get them at Pantip.


I would hate to think what happens if these malfunction. Depending on the failure mode, it could blow out your ear drums. I'll probably stick with the passive solutions until I understand how reliable they are.


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