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Suthep told to attend court for 2010 crackdown trial


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Why bother with him. He is a professional felon and never appears at court when summons him to do so.

Never mind one senses that the balancing of his Kama is coming home to him real soon.

Especially now that he has exposed his sponsors to criminal charges.

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Why bother with him. He is a professional felon and never appears at court when summons him to do so.

Never mind one senses that the balancing of his Kama is coming home to him real soon.

Especially now that he has exposed his sponsors to criminal charges.

That can be said about someone else on the other side of the political spectrum! whistling.gif

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Feb 6 court date, WOW that's helpful, so now he can continue to disrupt the democratic process and interfear with the rights of people that wish to vote,

who's cracker of an idear was that? and under what influences?

No matter answer charges from a 2010 incidents, I would not be supprised if he dose what his polictsion buddy's mum did, wait for statude of limmitations and just walk away. He's been untouchable for so long because of his powerful conections, The same corrupt protections he cliams he is fighting agianst, post-4641-1156693976.gif

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Suthep is clearly the winner here for he has influenced the Court with his pre-election speech of having to be the shepherd read as the leader.

If he has his way we will have a one party state enforced by the military. Democracy of any form is out of the window.

The reality is that Thais on the surface care for one another but deep down money talks and the yellows have been losing out and feel strongly they will be losing out for years to come especially with Yingluck's popularity in spite of her non-performance, shopping trips and non - attendance at Parliament. The man on the street cares with real " Thailness' but the politiicans and who ever is gearing all this up does not care who gets hurt, murdered or properties arsoned. Suthep will not clear his name for he is 100 % guilty of the murders of 2010- that IMHO is clear enough.

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A spelling police post has been removed. Misspellings and grammatical errors can make posts difficult to understand. However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.

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Justice seems always perennially tipped in favour of whomever is in power. And that is a problem that engulfs both sides. But until that is rectified, the justice system will be forever tainted with favouritism, where decisions are made as to which cases to pursue, and which are deemed unworthy of being pursued. Can the people, therefore, take any solace with such clear selectivity ? Or is it like everything else that seems to be broken - where a resigned passivity takes hold ?

Since the Pheu Thai Party with Yingluck as the Interim PM is in power, how does the delay in Suthep's appearance before the Court favor them? The delay obviously allows Suthep to continue coordinating his vigilante efforts to remove them from office. In fact Justice seems to be in favor of Suthep in its seemingly blind observation that "Mr. Suthep has no intention to delay the process" and gave him another delay.

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