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Is anyone else suffering intermittent internet 'drops'?

Tom Kagai

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Been getting loss of service almost daily for the last few weeks. It's a new modem from TOT (last one blew up in storm). First engineer called and because at that moment in time it was on - said all OK and left (I was not at home). After more complaints second engineer called and said modem no good for leaving on 24hrs per day. Must turn off at night. What a pile of cr*p.

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Been getting loss of service almost daily for the last few weeks. It's a new modem from TOT (last one blew up in storm). First engineer called and because at that moment in time it was on - said all OK and left (I was not at home). After more complaints second engineer called and said modem no good for leaving on 24hrs per day. Must turn off at night. What a pile of cr*p.

Exactly the same happened to me. The TOT technician also said, the modem gets too hot when on 24/24. He suggested I put a fan near the modem to keep it cool and left.

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I had that problem with TP link modems, went through 5 of them even though the are guaranteed for life. I soon found out that guaranteed for life means just that, when it fails its life is over so no replacement. If they get hot they cut off and on. I put the TP link in the fridge and after an hour tried it again and it worked. After several refreezes, I bought a Belkin wireless modem and have no problems anymore.

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My tp link is doing the same, got a new one last year after the first one shit itself and now this one is dropping out every so often but works when you turn it off and on again. Havent been able to get TV to work for many months, it just refuses to load unless I stop the load then do a refresh with every page, really pissing me off, just put it down to TV not wanting to pay anymore for a better/bigger bandwidth to support all its members or using a cheap hosting service.

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Been getting loss of service almost daily for the last few weeks. It's a new modem from TOT (last one blew up in storm). First engineer called and because at that moment in time it was on - said all OK and left (I was not at home). After more complaints second engineer called and said modem no good for leaving on 24hrs per day. Must turn off at night. What a pile of cr*p.

Exactly the same happened to me. The TOT technician also said, the modem gets too hot when on 24/24. He suggested I put a fan near the modem to keep it cool and left.

I just bought an expensive good modem and never a problem anymore.

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I am tecchy (geek) and been getting issues for the last day or two in Phuket.

The only real effect the router / modem might have for the average user is lower signal strength and/or speed.

The problem's from outside. For me, it's been DNS resolving with 3BB


Just use google dns / open dns

Edited by robblok
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For us in the Suan Luang area in Bangkok, we've had constant problems with ToT, True and 3BB, with 3BB being marginally better overall.

Nothing to do with the router, the problems lie in too many people using the same "line", terrible DNS resolution, and a truly crappy international gateway which kills the speed to any site outside of Thailand.

Don't bother trying to fix it, they can't, and they're not interested to try to improve things anyway.

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Been getting loss of service almost daily for the last few weeks. It's a new modem from TOT (last one blew up in storm). First engineer called and because at that moment in time it was on - said all OK and left (I was not at home). After more complaints second engineer called and said modem no good for leaving on 24hrs per day. Must turn off at night. What a pile of cr*p.

This is a standard explanation from all the ISP's if they don't know the answer to the problem. Also used when the problem is at their end, and when they don't tell you, leaves you suspicious of your own gear. I have even heard of one user being given two routers (this is from 3BB), to be changed out if the first one fails through overheating! Absolutely true.

If the router is known to overheat, then why would this be provided to users?

Edit: Putting a fan on it doesn't hurt. The one in the bedroom at home is sitting on a laptop cooler fan and has been running for the last two years 24/7 with no shutdown/reboot.

As said earlier, through experience, a lot of these connection problems are on the ISP side, and they won't (normally) admit to this.

Edited by chrisinth
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I'm a tech-wizard ( in my dreams). My conversations with TRUE re dropping out/overheating 1 Always switch off when not in use 2. Always leave it on , even when not in use 3 Switch it off when you go out. 4. Don't switch it off when out but only if you go away for a few days or longer.

I switch it off o/n...you could fry an egg on it, if not

Very confusing...

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I'm not a techy.

We're on CAT and live in Pattaya. After two and a half years very reliable service (usually 10mbs + when we pay for 7mbs) we have been constantly plagued with down time and poor speed since the power lines were taken down by Suthep and his supporters last month. We had the technician around yesterday who explained that the repercussions of the taking down and then reconnecting the power in Bangkok were severe with servers and other hardware breaking and not coming back on line. Allegedly the server network now requires some major maintenance and most of it is work in progress.

Certainly this explanation seems to cover why the issues are not confined to one area/locality.

Edited by GordonP
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Same problem with TRUE. All 3 of our phone lines are down again. I am using my TRUE 3G Galaxy S3 to connect. That works. This is the 4th time this has happened. Two of the times we had no phones, some dicks had stolen cable and/or the local switching station.

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TOT out in my area Phuket from Monday evening until my third call to their contact center Wednesday morning when it magically revived. They'd said it had been 'blocked' from outside blink.png and technicians were working on it coffee1.gif It kept coming up 'connected' but when attempting to access anything got the 'cannot' and 'resolving host' forever. Prior to, and since this, download even more buttock crunchingly slow and have to restart a couple of times. Yes they do overheat, but fan bs. Just force yourself to give it a good night's kip biggrin.png This isn't Japan.

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I suspect most of the interruptions in service are caused simply by so many users being online at once, particularly in the early evening hours, 4:30 - 10:30. If it is true that service has been affected by saboteurs cutting power...if caught anyone doing this should be slammed to the fullest extent of the law. This is domestic terrorism, I don't care if you're red, yellow or black and blue.

Big fines, harsh sentences, no exceptions. A dream, I realize.

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I'm not a techy.

We're on CAT and live in Pattaya. After two and a half years very reliable service (usually 10mbs + when we pay for 7mbs) we have been constantly plagued with down time and poor speed since the power lines were taken down by Suthep and his supporters last month. We had the technician around yesterday who explained that the repercussions of the taking down and then reconnecting the power in Bangkok were severe with servers and other hardware breaking and not coming back on line. Allegedly the server network now requires some major maintenance and most of it is work in progress.

Certainly this explanation seems to cover why the issues are not confined to one area/locality.

My background is a telecommunications tech, with Telstra, Australia's largest ISP. It's interesting to compare companies, in Australia the ISP's equipment runs on UPS's, with diesel generators on standby, the UPS's provide power until the generators start and are providing stable mains power. Looks like Thailand doesn't follow best practices, but I guess we all know that. Another failure, in Thailand, is that the ISP's do not have back up (diversity) bearers (links).

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I think it would not get many repossess if the question had been

Is there any one out there who has never had an internet connection lost and has had a computer at least one year probably 6 months would have produced the same answer.

But it is still better than when all we had was a dial up.

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I'm in Lampang with 3BB using their modem and a Netgear wi-fi router. I have averaged one problem per year over seven years and three of those involved cable breakages, the latest yesterday because the driver of the truck replacing street lights forgot to lower the bucket and boom and took everything with him - as you do.

3BB (Maxinet before them) have been excellent and very quick to respond - any problems their end have been resolved very quickly.

In other words, no problems and the internet providers here are miles ahead of the inept, arrogant, inefficient and monopolistc Telstra in Australia.

Bob A.


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