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Desirable Men


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Yes, I think the 'It' factor is crucial.

What is It? Who has It?

It makes a guy a 'real man' - and by 'real' I don't mean macho, I mean confident enough about who he is not to be derogatory to others, or feel the need to boast.

I think intelligence is important - this encompasses emotional intelligence as well as intellect - and also charisma - those preening beefcake blow up dolls have about as much of that as a wet fish.

It probably also means 'unavailable to mere mortals', which only increases their desirability.

Overall, though, It men are comfortable in their skin - as are It women! - and it shows. And of course, they are especially desirable if that skin happens to be beautiful :o

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All that talk at the beginning about Nicholas Cage got me thinking. He doesn't do anything for me, but I know loads of women who think he's got it. But he reminds me of someone I also find equally unattractive physically, but seems comes across as really confident and sexy, which is a fantastic combination. Edward Norton. On first look I thought "how did this guy make it in the big movies?" But there's something about him - at least I think so.

On a much more physical level, I'm personally quite fond of Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Ben Harper. And as for the old guys, gimme Harrison Ford any day. :o



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Yes, I think the 'It' factor is crucial.

What is It? Who has It?

It makes a guy a 'real man' - and by 'real' I don't mean macho, I mean confident enough about who he is not to be derogatory to others, or feel the need to boast.

I think intelligence is important - this encompasses emotional intelligence as well as intellect - and also charisma - those preening beefcake blow up dolls have about as much of that as a wet fish.

It probably also means 'unavailable to mere mortals', which only increases their desirability.

Overall, though, It men are comfortable in their skin - as are It women! - and it shows. And of course, they are especially desirable if that skin happens to be beautiful :o

Spot on, HH! I owe you a drink for that post. The only thing I'd add or modify is that I find ordinary guys who possess this "it" factor as attractive or more so than those that are "unavailable to mere mortals".


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Sheryl, Is the Grey's Anatomy guy Patrick Dempsey? I saw him a few years ago on a movie about a young JFK and thought him quite attractive. :o


I would also admit to an attraction to Bono (esp in the early days) :D


Talented, intelligent, compassionate and passionate. What a combination!

Yep, that's him. His charms aside (akthough they don't hurt any!), the show is very worth watching if you haven't caught it yet.

Agree on Bono altho his looks nowadays aren't what they once were, the overall persona is a winner. And the earring adds a note of intrigue.

Edited by Sheryl
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so...then I am correct in assuming that we are slaves to current popular culture...cinema is an art form, godammit and as such the images emanating therefrom are immortal...(well, yew know...I doan' like the Mona Lisa that much...just look at her hair...)

cinema is filled with great images that one could catch in still life...too many to list or review, and just as previous generations garnered emotional sustenance from these images they are not expired...they live with us still...

(tutsi falls off ob his high horse and is laying in the mud "oh, boo hoo hoooo, why do I bother...philistinism on Thaivisa, sob...')

tutsi -- let's not confuse cinematic tastes with tastes in men. I love old movies -- epsecially Bogart. But none of the actors of that time -- great actors though they were -- are desirable to me as men and probably this is true of lots of women. The thing is, as we all know, a major revolution in gender roles took place in the last half of the 20th century. A big ingrediant in "It", for me, has to do with how a man relates to being a man and to women. What attracts me is a man who seems to have an unconventional and well-balanced sense of who he is as a man with no need to strive to be, let alone prove, that he is one. (Why should anyone have to strive to be or prove what they already are?). Men that are in touch with what is sometimes called "their feminine side" altho it's not really, it's just human qualities that the old image of masculainity couldn't accept or integrate. When I see a guy with an earring, for example, it makes him more interesting (although also confusing since I never can remeber which ear means gay and which doesn't..) It says to me "I interpret my masculinity in an unconventional way" which is attractive since, for me at least, the conventional way is a turn-off. Which is the problem with Bogart, Gable et al -- not their fault as it was the times in which they lived and worked, but they project a very conventional and outdated idea of maleness and relate to women accordingly. Brando is virtually misogynist; Bogart and Gable are paternalistic and condescending. As I said, a part of the times they lived in...but definitely not an attraction to most modern day women!

The flip side of being comfortable being a man with a full range of human qualities, unafraid to incorporate those conventionally deemed "feminine", and not feeling any need to prove anything manhood wise is relating to women with an appreciation for the totality of their being and a genuine interest in and appreciation of how they think, feel, intuit etc -- not just of their physical form. And fefinitely not with any need to condescend nor to be mothered.

These are BIG parts of "It" for me. A lot of the attraction of Keanau Reeves comes from how he comes across on these counts.

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Nice read, Im starting to learn something here.

Keep going ladies, what else give the guy the IT thing.

So if I just walked in a club thinking im the best thing on earth would that make all the girls want me??

A man who has "it" doesn't think he is the best thing on earth, or God's gift to women :o

A man who has "it" can just be walking along anywhere, not trying to impress anyone, confident but not arrogant, not cocky or pushy.

His good looks don't all come from outside, like I said before, he has to have substance.

An empty shell is not desirable to me,

like opening a beautiful package and finding a rock or a Chia pet

just a big disappointment

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Agree with you there, Gisele!! But we can dream can't we...

Knowing my luck I would bump into Keanu after a hellish 20 hour flight with my "comfortable clothes" on, and red eyes with that "I'm desperate for a fag" look in them, as I pushed passed him!! :o

Edited by Patsycat
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Agree with you there, Gisele!! But we can dream can't we...

Knowing my luck I would bump into Keanu after a hellish 20 hour flight with my "comfortable clothes" on, and red eyes with that "I'm desperate for a fag" look in them, as I pushed passed him!! :D

Well, Patsycat darling.... a good friend of mine once smacked Robbie Williams out with the toilet door at the Chelsea Arts Club in London. Doh!!!

What a way to meet Robbie ........... :o

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Guest endure

The most desirable man I've ever met is my boyfriend. Problem is that he's in the LoS whilst I'm in the Uk :o:D

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After my night imbibing and getting rid of all the little rodents my cat presents to my as a dog would with a stick.. I have to say..

I like Colin Farrell!! Irish, sexy, rugged, mmmpphhh but me heart still goes out to (boring old subject) Keanu...

Before i leave to sleep, i shall leave you girls with a few names off the front of the back of my eyes -

Thinkin' thinkin' , here i go -

Bruce Springsteen

Bono (hey sbk)



Donny Osmond (has become more handsome with age and 9 sons)

David Cassidy (how can i be sure in world that's constantly changing..)

But, and this will probably make our Gay Friends say something!! ( like I told you so..)

I absolutely think that KEVIN SPACEY is the sexiest man and most intelligent in our theatrical and movie wise midst at the moment... He was great in K-PAX, etc. so there.

On another subject, I had this thing a few years ago about the lead singer in the Red Hot Chili Peppers, until i read his autobiography. He was beautiful with his long hair.

Just wanted this fun thread to get back on track and no psychoanalysing the ifs and wants and face features.

Hey, we all know what we want, and have what we want, and if not we shall get what we want!

Kisses everyone!


Edited by Patsycat
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so...then I am correct in assuming that we are slaves to current popular culture...cinema is an art form, godammit and as such the images emanating therefrom are immortal...(well, yew know...I doan' like the Mona Lisa that much...just look at her hair...)

cinema is filled with great images that one could catch in still life...too many to list or review, and just as previous generations garnered emotional sustenance from these images they are not expired...they live with us still...

(tutsi falls off ob his high horse and is laying in the mud "oh, boo hoo hoooo, why do I bother...philistinism on Thaivisa, sob...')

tutsi -- let's not confuse cinematic tastes with tastes in men. I love old movies -- epsecially Bogart. But none of the actors of that time -- great actors though they were -- are desirable to me as men and probably this is true of lots of women. The thing is, as we all know, a major revolution in gender roles took place in the last half of the 20th century. A big ingrediant in "It", for me, has to do with how a man relates to being a man and to women. What attracts me is a man who seems to have an unconventional and well-balanced sense of who he is as a man with no need to strive to be, let alone prove, that he is one. (Why should anyone have to strive to be or prove what they already are?). Men that are in touch with what is sometimes called "their feminine side" altho it's not really, it's just human qualities that the old image of masculainity couldn't accept or integrate. When I see a guy with an earring, for example, it makes him more interesting (although also confusing since I never can remeber which ear means gay and which doesn't..) It says to me "I interpret my masculinity in an unconventional way" which is attractive since, for me at least, the conventional way is a turn-off. Which is the problem with Bogart, Gable et al -- not their fault as it was the times in which they lived and worked, but they project a very conventional and outdated idea of maleness and relate to women accordingly. Brando is virtually misogynist; Bogart and Gable are paternalistic and condescending. As I said, a part of the times they lived in...but definitely not an attraction to most modern day women!

The flip side of being comfortable being a man with a full range of human qualities, unafraid to incorporate those conventionally deemed "feminine", and not feeling any need to prove anything manhood wise is relating to women with an appreciation for the totality of their being and a genuine interest in and appreciation of how they think, feel, intuit etc -- not just of their physical form. And fefinitely not with any need to condescend nor to be mothered.

These are BIG parts of "It" for me. A lot of the attraction of Keanau Reeves comes from how he comes across on these counts.

yeah...I catch your drift...the present arrangement allows men to be sensitive whereas before they may have been viewed as sissies...even the immortal 'here's lookin' at you kid' line from Casablanca was a bit patronising, I have to admit...(however I would have committed any crime or atrocity to have slept with the image of Ingrid Bergman, even fully clothed)...

this discussion raises an interesting question...does classic cinema remain immortal due to the old images of tough guy men and wilting damsels that are now gone forever? Aristotle would have us think that the images and the inherent unchangeable attractions are what makes something a 'work of art'...but he lived a long time ago...

(by the way, Brando as Stanley Kowalski in Streetcar was certainly brutal but how do you reconcile that with the vulnerable specimen in 'On the Waterfront' and the loving father in The Godfather who admonishes by saying 'you cannot truly be a man if you don't spend time with your family'...granted there was the 'offer he can't refuse' business...

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Oh, stop being so serious!!

Another example of a MAN taking over a female orientated thread, which i think was actually set up for a good laugh and giggle and then OH SO I KNOW EVERYTHING has to stick his big welly in.

We all know that men are sensitive etc. go take it to the General Topics, we have more serious things to discuss here.. like EYECANDY!!


How was that as a rant?? (will probably be put down as PMS (she couldn't help herself, its that time of the month...)

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Guest endure
Oh, stop being so serious!!

Another example of a MAN taking over a female orientated thread, which i think was actually set up for a good laugh and giggle and then OH SO I KNOW EVERYTHING has to stick his big welly in.

You been peeking again? :o

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Tutsi, you stick your nose into a topic you must reap the consequences! :o

But, to be fair, I did say that the young Paul Newman was a bit of eye candy that could not be ignored. And you have to admit, he is a dam fine looking man for his age (or even 20 years younger). :D

But, I think it is the whole persona the actor presents that makes him attractive in the first place. Hence, Bogart (who always played a similar sort of character) never appealed but Marlin Brando (who played many different kinds of characters as did Paul Newman) was a very attractive as a younger man.

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Guest endure

The most desirable man I've ever met is my boyfriend. Problem is that he's in the LoS whilst I'm in the Uk :D :D

Don't keep us in suspence..... do tell, Endure! :D


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me heart still goes out to (boring old subject) Keanu...

Before i leave to sleep, i shall leave you girls with a few names off the front of the back of my eyes -

Thinkin' thinkin' , here i go -

Bruce Springsteen....

Boring? :D NEVER!!!! :D:D:D

Springsteen, Yes yes yes, beyond YES. :o:D:D Desirable and so much more. Spiritual leader of the greater NY/NJ area, if not the nation, if not the world. :D:D

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Ooh...the Boss! Yes!

I had the pleasure of seeing Brucie in Melbourne many years ago. He was excellent.

If we are moving on to singers....Michael Hutchence had some sex appeal! That man oozed dirty sex all over the place and he was a dream to watch on stage...

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That man oozed dirty sex all over the place ...

:o eeeewwww! May I also remind you he went out with Paula Yates, which shows distinctly dubious taste in women. :D

Personally singers just don't do it for me (although the Boss is cool) - I prefer the drummers, or guitarists in a band, they always seem more interesting somehow.

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That man oozed dirty sex all over the place ...

:D eeeewwww! May I also remind you he went out with Paula Yates, which shows distinctly dubious taste in women. :D

Personally singers just don't do it for me (although the Boss is cool) - I prefer the drummers, or guitarists in a band, they always seem more interesting somehow.

Oi... I happened to admire Paula Yates - she was an independent and slightly off-the-wall Aries , just like me! :o Poor woman just couldn't cope with losing her soul mate and fell to pieces and..... well, I too personally found Michael Hutchence to be a uniquely, mysteriously, sexy, desirable man :D

Edited by khall64au
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In a discussion in one of my seminars, the question came up about powerful men such as Trump or Blair being desirable. :o

try as I might, I can't find Donald Trump desirable :D

To say the least....!!!

Trump is positively nauseating. On all counts...looks (that hair...or lack thereof and ghastly comb-over!), personality, massive ego, general demeanor...ugh ugh ugh

Blair not desirable either but at least not neauseating, just sort of tepid neutral. Somehow strikes me as asexual.

Now to switch gears a bit -- how about Thai men? Unfortunately I don't follow Thai singers/movie stars so am left with the politicians. Abisat (?sp? you know, the Bkk gov) is attractive. Former foreign minister Surin, quite attractive. And although getting up there a bit in years, I always thought Chuan Leekpai had an appeal....

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That man oozed dirty sex all over the place ...

:D eeeewwww! May I also remind you he went out with Paula Yates, which shows distinctly dubious taste in women. :D

Personally singers just don't do it for me (although the Boss is cool) - I prefer the drummers, or guitarists in a band, they always seem more interesting somehow.

Oi... I happened to admire Paula Yates - she was an independent and slightly off-the-wall Aries , just like me! :o Poor woman just couldn't cope with losing her soul mate and fell to pieces and..... well, I too personally found Michael Hutchence to be a uniquely, mysteriously, sexy, desirable man :D

:D Sorry khall, but we Brits also remember "Paula: The Geldof Years", which is perhaps why I'm overly harsh!

QUOTE(gisele @ 2006-05-30 08:24:55) *

In a discussion in one of my seminars, the question came up about powerful men such as Trump or Blair being desirable. :D

try as I might, I can't find Donald Trump desirable :D

It's more of a personal 'aura' (apparently), that can't be seen on TV, pictures etc. I remember reading an article by a female journalist who interviewed Clinton on Air Force One, which described how despite herself, she found herself being magnetised and even aroused by his presence. Some women get off on the power thing, I suppose - like Monica Lewinsky :D

For example, would you have found JFK sexy if he wasn't who he was?

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