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Is "da Vinci Code" Showing In Samui This Weekend?

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Gisele, just found out it will be shown this weekend most probably,wait for it ....................... in THAI.English version to follow.

Edited by Rooo
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Big big disappointment, how to make a bad movie based on a so-so book.

Yawned and checked my watch more than once. :o

Mission Imp III wins hands down (go figure)

edit: Oh and if you don't speak a bit of French, say good bye to at least a tenth of the movie(no subtitles)

Edited by KhunMarco
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Still, I really want to see it.

I don't recall Tom Hanks making a movie I didn't like.

Roo, please keep me posted when/if it comes out in English

I bet you haven't seen "the terminal" then.

I understand your curiosity, but don't say I didn't warn you :o

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My girlfriend said that the news said Thailand was censoring about 10 mineutes from the end of the film. Any idea what that is all about?

That was the original idea Poorfarang, to censor the last 10 minutes.The censorship board ,has since reversed their decision & movie shown as is.More on that in general topics.

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Saw the movie last night in BKK ... well worth seeing! (The comment about French <<and latin too>>) is valid ... you won't miss much of the meaning though.

The movie is showing in Samui ... try www.movieseer.com ... they are mostly accurate

Edited by jdinasia
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Saw the movie last night in BKK ... well worth seeing! (The comment about French <<and latin too>>) is valid ... you won't miss much of the meaning though.

The movie is showing in Samui ... try www.movieseer.com ... they are mostly accurate

Went in on Saturday and they only have the Thai language version. The girl said she thought they "might" have the English version next week.

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Saw the movie last night in BKK ... well worth seeing! (The comment about French <<and latin too>>) is valid ... you won't miss much of the meaning though.

The movie is showing in Samui ... try www.movieseer.com ... they are mostly accurate

I tried www.movieseer.com but I guess they haven't updated it lately because Samui isn't on the list.

I was hoping it would be playing in English this weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went last weekend and it was not yet showing in English so I bought a DVD instead. I did see Poseidon and X-Men.

Haven't watched the DVD yet though.

mafaso, enjoy the movie tonight!

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FYI...Da Vinci Code is now at Tesco and in English. Today (31/5/06) the showtimes are 4:30 and 9:30 but please don't go tonight as I am going and don't want the good seats sold out! :o

Are you sure now?Don't bring my hopes up & then..........................

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Saw it last night and the sound was in English with Thai subtitles. However, there are many parts in the movie where they speak either Latin or French and these parts or NOT translated for English speakers. It is translated for Thai's. Some movies put both English and Thai subtitles when another language is spoken but not this one. How rediculous!

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I went to see it in the movie theaters here in the US with my parents and actually enjoyed watching this movie.

But then, I did read the book (as well as the non-fiction book it was based on "holy blood, holy grail" and found the movie true to the book and very enjoyable. I don't really need gunfights, car chases or sex to find a movie interesting.

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I went to see it in the movie theaters here in the US with my parents and actually enjoyed watching this movie.

But then, I did read the book (as well as the non-fiction book it was based on "holy blood, holy grail" and found the movie true to the book and very enjoyable. I don't really need gunfights, car chases or sex to find a movie interesting.

I also saw it in the US!

I do need 1 thing to keep my interest though..............a good plot. This is Tom hank worse movie since Joe versus the volcano...anyone remember that?

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i saw the film in bangkok awile back.i was looking forward to seing it as im a big tom hanks fan,

but it was dissapointment for me.i found it hard to be interested in the religous mumbo jumbo.it was like a cheap, made for tv movie.

it didnt really get the imagination going like a book maybe could.

im not sure tom hanks fitted the role of a nerdy proffessor.ian mcellan livened it up a bit.

im not particulary a tom cruise fan ,but mi3 was a good movie.

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I went to Tesco and it I guess they stopped showing it. Seems so quick.

I got the dvd and watched it at home. I cant beleive how much of the movie was in French. What a Joke. What the hel_l were they thinking?

Je ne comprend pas, poorfarang. :o

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