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EC refusal to join forum upsets caretaker PM Yingluck

Lite Beer

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Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin of the Matuphum Party and Chuvit Kamolvisit of Love Thailand Party,

So, in the interest of accuracy, Yingluck is boasting about a coupist and a happy ending massage parlour magnate attending her meeting.

Would that be Gen Sonthi who led a coup and appears to have said (at the time) he would never enter politics or want to be an MP ? Similar to how Suthep says (at the moment) he is out of politics for good................... ?

That's the same General who led the coup, had his amnesty included in the 2007 constitution and thinking about it decided to vote in favour of coalition partner Pheu Thai's 'blanket amnesty' bill. That chap.

Now of course the topic is the care-taking PM Yingluck being upset with the EC commission not taking part in her forum. Mind you I'm sure someone would charge the EC with meddling in elections, rules and the like if they did join. With the general election not (yet) cancelled or postponed I think the EC should concentrate on that rather than join discussions on how to possibly do it different.

Did the EC not send a notice requesting they consider postponing the election?Subsequently a meeting with all parties was arranged to discuss it. Given the EC made a request to postpone the election, you would have thought given they are in charge of organizing, it may have been an decent idea to attend the meeting to explain their reasoning and listen to other opinions. The main opposition have boycotted the election, by their own choice, the meeting therefore has nothing to do with them, although i believe they were still invited.

Its just another nail in the coffin of the Coup. They have met their match and were obviously expecting that by this stage the Army would have outsted PT and saved them having to rationalise their connivance.

This is more proof positive that the Coup Charter and the EC and Courts are not interested in anything other than master Shutheps master plan. World Stage PR. This is a major victory for Yingluck. The Judges making the most noises about the election didn't show. Thats because they have no authority to speak and act outside of that their controller tells them, so they could not have said anything.

Twitter followers of and of the notable Thai tweeters, inc. Richard Barrow (surely the most complete feed in Thailand) will see numerous pictures of deserted stages, marchers now in their hundreds which even if it's a few thousand means it is well off the 7 million Suthep was claiming last weekend.

Seems to be a turning point this week and Yingluck is looking very efficient, calm and Prime Ministerial again. Lets hope the pendulum is swinging back towards sanity.

Yingluck is proven right that she should have been ammending the constitution and sacking everybody involved with upholding it. They are the problem today.

What if... lets say Suthep gets in, what about all the criminal acts and damages they have caused. Police have most of them onn CCTV so can they be arrested in Suthep's New World? No. So that means an Amnesty for them has to be brought in (as it was for the Coup mongers in 2006), which again is proof that PT did nothing wrong with their Amnesty Bill.

It's just a matter of which side of the fence the Courts are on and this becomes clearer and clearer by the hour.

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The question is (for me), how do you stop corruption if the majority of the population supports it? An election is obviously not going to solve anything. I and most likely others, do not support Suthep, but do support the demonstrators call for an end to the Shinawatras. Partly because their government is corrupt beyond belief, and partly because they are willing to (legally) spend any amount of tax money to keep their voter base happy, no matter how much damage this does to the country.

And no, I cannot prove that the PTP is corrupt, it is hard to prove anything when the PTP can get away with keeping all accounts, contracts etc. secret. The fact that they do that is however proof enough for me.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Khun Yingluck just don't want to be hold responsible for saying me, myself and I want the election to be carried out (because my brother told me so). Instead she is again and again hiding behind other people...Be it the parliament, the MP's, forums aso.

When will she ever take responsibility...

Exactly what I've just wrote: (hiding again behind the so called majority)

BANGKOK: -- The snap election will not be delayed from February 2, as the majority of participants at a special meeting held to consider the matter agreed it should go ahead as scheduled, caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced on Wednesday.

BBC World TV is quoting her as saying the election had to go ahead as there was no legal authority to change it ! Why then call a meeting to discuss something that can't be legally changed than issue conflicting reasons as to why it can't be changed.

How can anyone take any of this seriously ?

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The EC would have hard time nullifying the elections if PTP roll into government again and the EC were seen to have held a consultantacy role attending meetings and forums along the way!

Keeping options open perhaps by not fully participating

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Off with their heads. How dare the EC, rice farmers, fake redshirts ect ect all turn on her, she is the "Darling of Issan", so what if her caddy calls the shots.

"As thousands of protesters continued to occupy parts of Bangkok’s commercial centre Ms Yingluck said it was her duty to protect Thailand’s democracy corruption."

Even the Election Commission refused to take part, saying a large meeting would be unwieldy. Ms Yingluck’s party has accused the commission “playing politics” and “opposing” the elections.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/thailands-prime-minister-yingluck-shinawatra-refuses-to-resign-as-protesters-plan-arrest-20140115-hv8hb.html#ixzz2qSEintWf

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Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,

Guess I'll go eat worms,

Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones,

Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms.

Down goes the first one, down goes the second one,

Oh how they wiggle and squirm.

Up comes the first one, up comes the second one,

Oh how they wiggle and squirm.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is where many people need to be careful.

It's right, the objective of freeing Thailand from Corruption, but this movement should have been positioned in the middle and targeted all politicians, all parties, every Gov agency, the Police yes... BUT ALSO, the Army who operate as a private business with arms - Think East India Tea Company, the courts and all these cowards in the background who will not voice their fasicit aspirations.

These backers who control the country use both sides to fight for them. For Sutheps movement to have any crediblilty at all, it would have to go after them as well.

As it is, it's a Putch. A clear cut conspiracy organised by the Elites. How else could all those phoney court cases against PT have lined up in the week of the shutdown? Who else could have organised the media to play poodle and release "News" at critical times, Report constantly on Sutheps speeches Etc. happy to say that now the media concentration on Suthep is showing him more and more to be the villain here and they clearly show his number tanking.

Why else to the media not push the point that hundreds of thousands of thais have already voted? Because it does not suit the big plan of getting their man into power.

Danger here is people think they it's piecemeal with Suthep. Many of you think you can support him in some of his aims but not in other. Believe me, you get Suthep and there will be no dissent at all, the man does not listen and is not interested. So beware... he may bite some of his own soon if they are not 100% loyal.

I seem to have missed a few stories.

1. 'phony court cases against Pheu Thai'?

2. 'hundreds of thousands of Thai already voted' ?

Please, could you provide more information on this, or some links?

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Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, Guess I'll go eat worms, Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones, Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms. Down goes the first one, down goes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. Up comes the first one, up comes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Don't take it so hard.....only a forum

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The BBC World Service (radio) is saying today that the government has made many concessions, but will not make the only one that the protesters are willing to accept - agreeing to an unelected People's Council. I think the stance of the EC only strengthens the impression among international observers that the old elite is closing ranks to stack the cards against Yingluck. The big question is: how significant will pressure from Western countries be for the outcome?

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This is where many people need to be careful.

It's right, the objective of freeing Thailand from Corruption, but this movement should have been positioned in the middle and targeted all politicians, all parties, every Gov agency, the Police yes... BUT ALSO, the Army who operate as a private business with arms - Think East India Tea Company, the courts and all these cowards in the background who will not voice their fasicit aspirations.

These backers who control the country use both sides to fight for them. For Sutheps movement to have any crediblilty at all, it would have to go after them as well.

As it is, it's a Putch. A clear cut conspiracy organised by the Elites. How else could all those phoney court cases against PT have lined up in the week of the shutdown? Who else could have organised the media to play poodle and release "News" at critical times, Report constantly on Sutheps speeches Etc. happy to say that now the media concentration on Suthep is showing him more and more to be the villain here and they clearly show his number tanking.

Why else to the media not push the point that hundreds of thousands of thais have already voted? Because it does not suit the big plan of getting their man into power.

Danger here is people think they it's piecemeal with Suthep. Many of you think you can support him in some of his aims but not in other. Believe me, you get Suthep and there will be no dissent at all, the man does not listen and is not interested. So beware... he may bite some of his own soon if they are not 100% loyal.

I seem to have missed a few stories.

1. 'phony court cases against Pheu Thai'?

2. 'hundreds of thousands of Thai already voted' ?

Please, could you provide more information on this, or some links?

If you watched anything other than Blue Sky you would perhaps be able to form an opinion about both.


Other papers mentioned it... but not bluesky!!! There is even links to it on here!!!

Media outside thailand reported this.. The MFA made sure it if with a briefing and it was duly targeted by the fascist mobs.

You need to read more if you are going to attempt anything more than snide knee jerk comments like that. Next you'll be having ago at Humour or sarcasm I suppose. Good luck with it!! :) Least I don't need to take you seriously anymore

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This is utter, utter madness. Yingluck " deplores " the actions of the EC ? She doesn't recognize their authority ! That is a clear defiance of their authority to make - and make stick - recommendations. The Yingluck administration has rejected those recommendations and rejected the authority of the EC ! They might as well have invited the Constitution Court to the " meeting " as well. This is not the only time Pheu Thai and Thaksin have defied the authoriy of the independent bodies whose role it is to oversee and provide the needed checks and balances, of course. But is is- unquestionably - the most naked outrageous. The administration has no right to :

1. Reject the authority of the EC.

2. Claim to the UN that they have no authority either, but turn around and offer a three month election delay to the PDRC !

3. Claim now to have apparently invented a new constitutional body that has the power to render this decision, in the form of this meeting, which was clearly set up to take the sheen off the power of the EC to act as it is empowered to act.

So now Yingluck - of all people - " deplores " the actions of the EC. This administration seems to have a knack for inviting impeachment on a daily basis.

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She said the session was to listen to opinions from all groups in society but “it’s a regret that EC members who are responsible for organising the election refuse to show up.

Said Yingluck clutching her I Phone in one hand and some lip stick in the other. cheesy.gif

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I just passed through the Asok intersection on the way home from work, there was literally no one there. Big areas fenced off, big old stage with some young pop tart singing (badly). Up Asok road there was literally no one(a handful of office workers), a few right up by the stage. down sukhumvit towards soi 23, again big area fenced off and some tents pitched but very few people, i would say more curious by standers (perverts watching the dolly bird singing) than actual people wearing protester paraphernalia. I am really starting to think that these pictures of large protesters have either been doctored, or they were taken at another event,

I expect their will be more later when the young Bangkok hi so brigade rise themselves from bed and head out to take some pictures, and when the sun goes in and the office workers leave work.

As an aside seems the young Singha lady has disappeared somewhat.

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This is where many people need to be careful.

It's right, the objective of freeing Thailand from Corruption, but this movement should have been positioned in the middle and targeted all politicians, all parties, every Gov agency, the Police yes... BUT ALSO, the Army who operate as a private business with arms - Think East India Tea Company, the courts and all these cowards in the background who will not voice their fasicit aspirations.

These backers who control the country use both sides to fight for them. For Sutheps movement to have any crediblilty at all, it would have to go after them as well.

As it is, it's a Putch. A clear cut conspiracy organised by the Elites. How else could all those phoney court cases against PT have lined up in the week of the shutdown? Who else could have organised the media to play poodle and release "News" at critical times, Report constantly on Sutheps speeches Etc. happy to say that now the media concentration on Suthep is showing him more and more to be the villain here and they clearly show his number tanking.

Why else to the media not push the point that hundreds of thousands of thais have already voted? Because it does not suit the big plan of getting their man into power.

Danger here is people think they it's piecemeal with Suthep. Many of you think you can support him in some of his aims but not in other. Believe me, you get Suthep and there will be no dissent at all, the man does not listen and is not interested. So beware... he may bite some of his own soon if they are not 100% loyal.

I seem to have missed a few stories.

1. 'phony court cases against Pheu Thai'?

2. 'hundreds of thousands of Thai already voted' ?

Please, could you provide more information on this, or some links?

If you watched anything other than Blue Sky you would perhaps be able to form an opinion about both.


Other papers mentioned it... but not bluesky!!! There is even links to it on here!!!

Media outside thailand reported this.. The MFA made sure it if with a briefing and it was duly targeted by the fascist mobs.

You need to read more if you are going to attempt anything more than snide knee jerk comments like that. Next you'll be having ago at Humour or sarcasm I suppose. Good luck with it!! :) Least I don't need to take you seriously anymore

The article doesn't mention numbers, but anyway you might have missed the discussion I had with lifeincnx yesterday. I mentioned that only 147,330 made use of advance voting from abroad in 2011.


BTW what about the 'phony court cases against Pheu Thai' ?

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Khun Yingluck just don't want to be hold responsible for saying me, myself and I want the election to be carried out (because my brother told me so). Instead she is again and again hiding behind other people...Be it the parliament, the MP's, forums aso.

When will she ever take responsibility...

She is not hiding, she is doing everything by the book and correctly and she is making a mockery of the PDRC and the Democrat Party.

By calling such meetings she is showing she is willing to listen and she is also showing the world and the Thai people that some people have a hidden agenda by not attending, what they say they want is not actually what they want and so they refuse to attend and discuss.

Why do you think the protests are now getting smaller and smaller ?

In my opinion more and more people (the pawns and gullible ones) are seeing through this reform guise and beginning to question whether this whole protest is do with reform, or a much darker agenda.

In my opinion the suggestion that the polices hands are tied by Sutheps backers and that the Armies hands are tied by the backer of PTP/Thaksin is being brought more and more to the front. People are questioning why no coup and then when they actually look into it they can understand what the rush is to kick PTP out now, perhaps a very much darker agenda which has nothing to do with political reform.

In my opinion a lot of Farangs do not understand the games in the background, what is driving events.

In my opinion many people see Yingluck as a liar and therefor don't show up. She is very good at creating smokescreens. Same as with the reconciliation forum. A big hype and then suddenly at 3am we have a bill that whitewashes all criminal politicians including her brother. Yingluck smiles while Thaksin robs.

And don't worry, the protests will intensify again when the weekend approaches. So far, during the last 7 weeks, Suthep has exposed to the world that Yingluck is a real Thaksin. rolleyes.gif

We might soon see Yingluck shopping in Dubai.

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This is utter, utter madness. Yingluck " deplores " the actions of the EC ? She doesn't recognize their authority ! That is a clear defiance of their authority to make - and make stick - recommendations. The Yingluck administration has rejected those recommendations and rejected the authority of the EC ! They might as well have invited the Constitution Court to the " meeting " as well. This is not the only time Pheu Thai and Thaksin have defied the authoriy of the independent bodies whose role it is to oversee and provide the needed checks and balances, of course. But is is- unquestionably - the most naked outrageous. The administration has no right to :

1. Reject the authority of the EC.

2. Claim to the UN that they have no authority either, but turn around and offer a three month election delay to the PDRC !

3. Claim now to have apparently invented a new constitutional body that has the power to render this decision, in the form of this meeting, which was clearly set up to take the sheen off the power of the EC to act as it is empowered to act.

So now Yingluck - of all people - " deplores " the actions of the EC. This administration seems to have a knack for inviting impeachment on a daily basis.

To show up and have an input, advise, get your point across, is an accepted method of gaining respect

Rather than looking for solutions, too many at the moment are trying to tempt the government into a blind alley

There may be a string of possibilities as to why an election should be postponed, but to the casual observer it is the possible outcome that is the big problem!....and if that feared result has to be nullified then it will become apparent to the whole world that Thailand is far from a democracy with the King as Head of State. Suthep is correct, but unfortunately he is the catalyst for manipulation and a further decline in the democratic process, assisted by Abhisit, who continues down the rather bizarre path of of attempting to represent the people by choosing not to field candidates in an election

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I just passed through the Asok intersection on the way home from work, there was literally no one there. Big areas fenced off, big old stage with some young pop tart singing (badly). Up Asok road there was literally no one(a handful of office workers), a few right up by the stage. down sukhumvit towards soi 23, again big area fenced off and some tents pitched but very few people, i would say more curious by standers (perverts watching the dolly bird singing) than actual people wearing protester paraphernalia. I am really starting to think that these pictures of large protesters have either been doctored, or they were taken at another event,

I expect their will be more later when the young Bangkok hi so brigade rise themselves from bed and head out to take some pictures, and when the sun goes in and the office workers leave work.

As an aside seems the young Singha lady has disappeared somewhat.

Well at least having escaped from your work 4PM sharply you had no problem with traffic this time it would seem.

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The EC would have hard time nullifying the elections if PTP roll into government again and the EC were seen to have held a consultantacy role attending meetings and forums along the way!

Keeping options open perhaps by not fully participating

The government can't "roll into government" after the Feb 2 election. There will not be enough MPs to convene parliament, a PM won't be elected, and government can't be formed.

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This is where many people need to be careful.

It's right, the objective of freeing Thailand from Corruption, but this movement should have been positioned in the middle and targeted all politicians, all parties, every Gov agency, the Police yes... BUT ALSO, the Army who operate as a private business with arms - Think East India Tea Company, the courts and all these cowards in the background who will not voice their fasicit aspirations.

These backers who control the country use both sides to fight for them. For Sutheps movement to have any crediblilty at all, it would have to go after them as well.

As it is, it's a Putch. A clear cut conspiracy organised by the Elites. How else could all those phoney court cases against PT have lined up in the week of the shutdown? Who else could have organised the media to play poodle and release "News" at critical times, Report constantly on Sutheps speeches Etc. happy to say that now the media concentration on Suthep is showing him more and more to be the villain here and they clearly show his number tanking.

Why else to the media not push the point that hundreds of thousands of thais have already voted? Because it does not suit the big plan of getting their man into power.

Danger here is people think they it's piecemeal with Suthep. Many of you think you can support him in some of his aims but not in other. Believe me, you get Suthep and there will be no dissent at all, the man does not listen and is not interested. So beware... he may bite some of his own soon if they are not 100% loyal.

I seem to have missed a few stories.

1. 'phony court cases against Pheu Thai'?

2. 'hundreds of thousands of Thai already voted' ?

Please, could you provide more information on this, or some links?

If you watched anything other than Blue Sky you would perhaps be able to form an opinion about both.


Other papers mentioned it... but not bluesky!!! There is even links to it on here!!!

Media outside thailand reported this.. The MFA made sure it if with a briefing and it was duly targeted by the fascist mobs.

You need to read more if you are going to attempt anything more than snide knee jerk comments like that. Next you'll be having ago at Humour or sarcasm I suppose. Good luck with it!! smile.png Least I don't need to take you seriously anymore

A record amount abroad registered online and will caste advance votes if not already this time around.

I thought any informed person would already know about this option and if they are indeed voting they wont be to vote Dem seeing as that isnt an option.

Im not sure but suspect being in other countries they are likely to have much more exposure to true democracies and will be, if not students supporting that election process.

I try to keep one foot firmly outside Thailand as its far too easy to stick your head in the sand like the country does, its a shame more here dont read outside the propaganda a lot of this country produces. Then again a lot here dont exactly come for democracy ;)

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The question is (for me), how do you stop corruption if the majority of the population supports it? An election is obviously not going to solve anything. I and most likely others, do not support Suthep, but do support the demonstrators call for an end to the Shinawatras. Partly because their government is corrupt beyond belief, and partly because they are willing to (legally) spend any amount of tax money to keep their voter base happy, no matter how much damage this does to the country.

And no, I cannot prove that the PTP is corrupt, it is hard to prove anything when the PTP can get away with keeping all accounts, contracts etc. secret. The fact that they do that is however proof enough for me.

This is where many people need to be careful.

It's right, the objective of freeing Thailand from Corruption, but this movement should have been positioned in the middle and targeted all politicians, all parties, every Gov agency, the Police yes... BUT ALSO, the Army who operate as a private business with arms - Think East India Tea Company, the courts and all these cowards in the background who will not voice their fasicit aspirations.

These backers who control the country use both sides to fight for them. For Sutheps movement to have any crediblilty at all, it would have to go after them as well.

As it is, it's a Putch. A clear cut conspiracy organised by the Elites. How else could all those phoney court cases against PT have lined up in the week of the shutdown? Who else could have organised the media to play poodle and release "News" at critical times, Report constantly on Sutheps speeches Etc. happy to say that now the media concentration on Suthep is showing him more and more to be the villain here and they clearly show his number tanking.

Why else to the media not push the point that hundreds of thousands of thais have already voted? Because it does not suit the big plan of getting their man into power.

Danger here is people think they it's piecemeal with Suthep. Many of you think you can support him in some of his aims but not in other. Believe me, you get Suthep and there will be no dissent at all, the man does not listen and is not interested. So beware... he may bite some of his own soon if they are not 100% loyal.

I think you misunderstood what I wanted. I am not out save Thailand from corruption in general, that is a very long battle, and I agree, politicians and government agencies etc. from all sides should be targeted in that battle.

The current problem is that the Shinawatras has taken corruption to such an extreme level that it risks ruining the country, and for that an urgent solution is needed - and pretty much any solution is better than status quo.

However, an election will not solve anything, as the farmers do not care about nor understand macro economics, public debt etc. they (understandably) just want money in their pocket today, which the current government happily (and legally) gives them in order to secure their votes.

I am not worried that Suthep will take power if given the chance. He may or may not be as bad as the Shinawatras, but in any case he will not be able to hold power for long. Neither will the army should they decide to take control.

I am also not worried about politicians (on both sides) who steal a few million or even billion here and there, that will do little long term damage to the country. I am however worried about politicians who borrow trillions, steal half and throw the other half out the window. That will do irreparable long term damage to the country. Just ask the Greeks.

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The EC would have hard time nullifying the elections if PTP roll into government again and the EC were seen to have held a consultantacy role attending meetings and forums along the way!

Keeping options open perhaps by not fully participating

The government can't "roll into government" after the Feb 2 election. There will not be enough MPs to convene parliament, a PM won't be elected, and government can't be formed.

Did I mention Feb 2? but thanks for your input

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To be fair if all parties wanted to find a mutually beneficial outcome to the current fiasco whatever it may be, it seems churlish for parties not even to attend. No one said they had to agree on anything, i expect that the wider audience will summize it just goes to show that certain persons dont want to resolve the situation anyway other than their own. I think even if it was for PR reasons alone, it would of sent a good signal for everyone to be there to at least give the impression that they had intentions to solve this situation amicably rather than heading down a potentially very dangerous and violent path.

Unfortunately nobody is ever neutral...even the EC. Like Abhisit and Leek Pai on the stage at the start of 'shut down Bangkok' on Monday. They p1ss in one pot and Yingluck squats in another. One good thing happening here is that when Suthep falls his career along with other Dem MP's and some Public Body members is well and truly in the toilet..

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Well at least it was less embarrassing for Yingluck than her conference at the Dusit Thani a few years ago when only a few reporters and no one else at all turned up because all her ministers had "better things to do" than to waste time listening to 'the parrot'.

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