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Rivals brace for war of attrition

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Rivals brace for war of attrition


BANGKOK: Both sides of the ongoing political standoff appear to be settling in for a battle of attrition as the Feb 2 election looms.

The poll date marks a key deadline in the months-long struggle, as the government attempts to limp through to the election in a bid to legitimise its standing, while the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) protest group appears to be growing increasingly desperate in its city shutdown campaign.

Speaking on the Asok protest stage yesterday, PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban vowed to close all government offices in the coming days, and threatened to "detain" the prime minister and all members of her cabinet and cut power and water to their homes.

"I think they [cabinet ministers] should send their children and spouses elsewhere," Mr Suthep warned.

He also revealed the caretaker government had offered to postpone the election until May 4 if the PDRC agrees to call off its shutdown campaign.

Mr Suthep refused to reveal who had presented the offer, but sources said the government had sent caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanchana to negotiate.

Mr Suthep told the Asok crowd: "We will carry on this fight to the end. If we do not win, we will not quit. We will not go home empty handed."

He reiterated his demand that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her cabinet resign, a neutral prime minister be named, and an unelected "people's council" be formed to carry out national reform before an election is held.

Mr Suthep's threat to detain Ms Yingluck prompted the premier's security team to tighten her protection measures.

Reporters have now been barred from following Ms Yingluck, and the weekly cabinet meeting yesterday was cancelled.

For the government, the strategy is simply to hold on until the Feb 2 election, which the Pheu Thai Party is all but guaranteed to win. A landslide election win would legitimise the new government, which would again be led by Ms Yingluck.

The premier remained defiant yesterday amid continued calls from protesters for her to stand down.

"I am not attached to my position," Ms Yingluck said. "I am not staying to safeguard my political stability. I am doing my duty to safeguard democracy because democracy belongs to the Thai people."

But the Feb 2 election seems a long way from being a certainty at this stage, despite being less than three weeks away.

Caretaker Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng admitted to the Bangkok Post last night the government has few options to effectively respond to the PDRC's moves.

"The Election Commission's position [to delay the election] shows that it does not want to organise the Feb 2 election at all," he said. "And it's possible that on the day there will not be any polling booths ready."

Mr Chaturon said "a few hundred thousand protesters" does not constitute a majority in the country, and the demonstrators cannot justifiably oust an elected government.

Many academics have also openly disagreed with Mr Suthep's plan for a people's council, he noted.

"No member of this cabinet will resign," Mr Chaturon declared.

However, the minister noted that a military coup "might become unavoidable" as a compromise with the PDRC looks increasingly unlikely.

But he stressed that such a move would set the country back decades.

Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha has been trying to remain neutral throughout the political conflict, though has recently been wavering in his earlier assurances there would not be a coup.

But it is widely known the so-called Burapha Payak (Tigers of the East) group of army officers, to which Gen Prayuth belongs, favour Mr Suthep's side.

"They have been lobbying senior civil servants to stop taking orders from Ms Yingluck following the mutiny of the permanent secretary for public health who decided to back the protesters," one source claimed.

The government's position is growing increasingly precarious as it finds itself unable to command officials at the various ministries.

Even the red shirts, the government's main support base, have appeared lacklustre in their current campaign to show opposition to the PDRC in the provinces.

Green Politics Group coordinator Suriyasai Katasila also believes the military will play a key role in breaking the current political impasse, even if it does not stage an outright coup.

"I don't think Gen Prayuth will launch a coup," Mr Suriyasai said.

"But the armed forces are in a position where they have to do something, even if it's not going to be the best way out."

-- Phuket News 2014-01-15

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" Reporters have now been barred from following Ms Yingluck "

It was bad enough when they couldn't ask questions.

" A landslide election win would legitimise the new government, which would again be led by Ms Yingluck. "

If that's their strategy they need to start counting parliamentary constituencies.

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We will not go empty handed..... does that mean he's not returning the money the people on the street gave him when his account was blocked ?

You have a bill? biggrin.png

my wife donated since she can't be there and we both consider it a great gift to at least put a spoke into Taksins plan to turn Thialand into his own state

Anyone who can defend Taksin and what he's done must be totally blind or brainwashed or paid to do so or sorry to say so naive as to have no understanding at all

Rice scam

car scam

tablet scam

proved on tube to pay for votes

proved to incite insurrection


guilty of mass corruption





come on what else does he have to do eat babies alive on TV for FS before some f people here will recognise him for one of most evil bastards ever on par with worst of them

Tak Bai massacre is another to add.

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We will not go empty handed..... does that mean he's not returning the money the people on the street gave him when his account was blocked ?

You have a bill? biggrin.png

my wife donated since she can't be there and we both consider it a great gift to at least put a spoke into Taksins plan to turn Thialand into his own state

Anyone who can defend Taksin and what he's done must be totally blind or brainwashed or paid to do so or sorry to say so naive as to have no understanding at all

Rice scam

car scam

tablet scam

proved on tube to pay for votes

proved to incite insurrection


guilty of mass corruption





come on what else does he have to do eat babies alive on TV for FS before some f people here will recognise him for one of most evil bastards ever on par with worst of them

i gather from your post that thaksin is not on your xmas list

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saw yingluck on the news earlier,she looked tired and fed up.Suthep however is enjoying his i wont call it 15 minutes of fame,but his period in the sun,i think he is now addicted to it and like any addict cannot stop,now he want's to kidnapp and hold hostage the elected prime minister,this is an act of revolution,as i understand from the news the numbers holding the capitol to ransom are in a few thousands,i think now is the time to put a stop to this,nothing can be achieved,the only thing that can happen now is escalating madness from the student wing,division of the country and yes a possible civil war if the army splits along political lines,step back now,look at syria,once you jump over that cliff,it's a long climb back up.

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Rice scam

car scam

tablet scam

proved on tube to pay for votes

proved to incite insurrection


guilty of mass corruption

So why back another politician with a track record of identical styles abuses of power? http://asiancorrespondent.com/49900/thailands-palm-oil-crisis-mr-s-strikes-again/

It just makes no sense whatsoever.

He's not running as a politician and has ruled himself out of anything but an admin role in the council he proposes. People are backing a concept rather than him as a candidate, versus more of the same.

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saw yingluck on the news earlier,she looked tired and fed up.Suthep however is enjoying his i wont call it 15 minutes of fame,but his period in the sun,i think he is now addicted to it and like any addict cannot stop,now he want's to kidnapp and hold hostage the elected prime minister,this is an act of revolution,as i understand from the news the numbers holding the capitol to ransom are in a few thousands,i think now is the time to put a stop to this,nothing can be achieved,the only thing that can happen now is escalating madness from the student wing,division of the country and yes a possible civil war if the army splits along political lines,step back now,look at syria,once you jump over that cliff,it's a long climb back up.

Yep, Abhisit was too nice a guy. The elite's needed a thug to carry their water. And the thug's enjoying his spot in the sun. The hi-so mob near my area are starting to sound tired themselves though. I give them a couple more days before they drive off in their BMWs to holiday homes in HH to recover. Subverting democracy is hard on the skin.

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With the impasse stronger and stronger the Army will intervene. YS and her government will be forced out.

Don't know who they will install?? I hope they pick some falang somewhere from an island that's never even heard of Thailand and all he wants to do is party.

Now I'm wondering how big the next army of protesters will be against that appointed administration. It can only get worse before getting better. Grudge and vigilante justice continue and intensify. Bloodshed. But, do the regular Thais have guns?

It doesn't appear they have enough weapons. I just see sticks and stones really (now I see why the Americans are so adamant about the 2nd Amendment - the right to own weapons)

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It's official. The old white expat vote is almost evenly split on which criminal to support. By support I mean whine and complain to no one in particular about circumstances they cannot control. Does posting an opinion about which criminal organization is better for Thailand improve anyone's quality of life? Are we not guests in Thailand? Did one Thai ask an old expat in a tank top and shorts how this country's business should be conducted? I guess you might say the hubris of may of the posts can be considered by some as entertainment. Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is an international forum with the possibility of a debate of current political or social events.

Or in ( I assume) your words: if you don't like it- go home!

Spirited debate to be sure! But is it really debate or can you detect something else from a number of the posts?

I respect many of the thought out measured opinions of several TV regulars. However some posts seem to embarrass the writer.

I choose to live here and hope that I can be a positive influence and give back. So that said, I am home. Your pontificate on, "This is an international forum with the possibility of a debate of current political or social events", applies to me as well.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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monkeyman is running out of options so they may resort to closing the airports again by blocking the roads in and out ,he will get more desperate as the days show YL not budging and he cant go home with nothing as his support is dwindling slowly

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It's official. The old white expat vote is almost evenly split on which criminal to support. By support I mean whine and complain to no one in particular about circumstances they cannot control. Does posting an opinion about which criminal organization is better for Thailand improve anyone's quality of life? Are we not guests in Thailand? Did one Thai ask an old expat in a tank top and shorts how this country's business should be conducted? I guess you might say the hubris of may of the posts can be considered by some as entertainment. Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well said. There is a false culture online that feels like it is a video game if you get the last word in......


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monkeyman is running out of options so they may resort to closing the airports again by blocking the roads in and out ,he will get more desperate as the days show YL not budging and he cant go home with nothing as his support is dwindling slowly

Seems anti-government support is growing if you read the news - farmers in the North are now blocking roads in protest to the second promise broken about late payment being made. That is in the pro-Gov heartland no less. Great numbers are not really required anyone - just enough to man the blockades - and rest assured (or not) that the numbers will grow if confrontation starts and marches are called.

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Rice scam

car scam

tablet scam

proved on tube to pay for votes

proved to incite insurrection


guilty of mass corruption

So why back another politician with a track record of identical styles abuses of power? http://asiancorrespondent.com/49900/thailands-palm-oil-crisis-mr-s-strikes-again/

It just makes no sense whatsoever.

He's not running as a politician and has ruled himself out of anything but an admin role in the council he proposes. People are backing a concept rather than him as a candidate, versus more of the same.

And I have this nice bridge for sale..

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what an arrogant piece of work suthep

What an arrogant piece of backstabbing white lie by the Barbie doll on behalf of the man in Dubai as well whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

U forgot one fact,she is the elected pm and he is whatever whoever...................

WRONG, she was pushed like a puppet into the pack by her brother, and HE did EVERYTHING to secure vote buying schemes to let his Pheu Thai win at all cost by BUYING his supporters upcountry.... In what way is Vote buying fair and democratic, dude???

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Nice pic. He seems content with trouser content.

The collectivist smile in her seems to be somewhat missing, alas.

Why should exhibit what we know matters,as at the end of the day we are 'farang', and what is of concern matters not. We are soi dogs here.

Shame really, as what we are able to offer is consistent with a levelled offer, as we perceive it.


Edited by Sunisalom
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Approaching the 81st anniversary of Thailand declaring war on the US and UK in 1942 and flip flopping over to the Japanese, it's not difficult to understand that Thais are always flipping and flopping with their support and promises. As big men on both sides do their day by day analysis of probability, we will probably see more and attrition on both sides and it may offset.

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