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Spirit conflicts


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Not gin versus whiskey or such.....but a good topic nonetheless..

But, if you had an item that was built with great ceremony, cultural and spiritual practices in another country that is Muslim oriented, but then you brought that item to Thailand and one of the owners of that item are also Thai and that person wanted it to go through the usual Buddhist monk blessings and hoohaa also.....would it be a conflict of spirits and cause problems down the track ?

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Let me get this straight - multiple people from different religions together - Christian and Thai Buddhist? in partnership own some artifact of Muslim significance.

The Buddhist wants it to be blessed/converted/mitigated to fit in with the spirits in Thailand.

And you think perhaps this will get some other spirits - the Muslim ones? upset and have some sort of consequences in the real world.

Is that all about right?

Either you believe in this stuff, in which case you probably have much more of a clue than anyone else here.

Or you're a normal western fellow, none of this means a thing to you, in which case let your friend do whatever floats his boat.

Or am I missing something?

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Showbags, I've never been to the spirit world, as far as I know . But I've never heard of conflicts between spirits of competing religions. Although it would make a good book/ movie / tv series, - much like the Da Vinci code and all the follow ups. I mean your artifact could be a kind of secret lost treasure. Imagine the movie titles, - Ayatollah and the Holy Grail, The lost treasure of Buri Ram, PTP and the forty thieves - sorry a digression. But its probably just better to let your family decide and watch from a respectful distance.

I'm currently dealing with our own spiritual event. A banana tree has mysteriously grown outside our front gate. My wife saw it as an omen and has canonised it by wrapping some bright cloth around the trunk. We haven't yet had the anticipated lottery win, but I'm hopeful. If it does work we'll probably get one or two enterprising food sellers setting up there as well. Never a dull day in Thailand.

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AS far as I know it would have double the desired effects.

For example, if my car has a plastic Jesus on the dashboard and the Buddhist blessing above my head, I would expect them both to aid my safety.

There are no conflicts in the spirit world.

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Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same god. ( a shame they can't get along!)

Buddhist don't care if you have another belief as well.

I don't see, a problem unless it's with a Jew, Muslim, or Christian not accepting the Buddhist belief.

Each thinks it is the only "true" belief.

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Not worried about the individual, worried about the spirits upsetting the equilibrium of the item and putting us all in danger.

If you're not just taking the piss, how about addressing my sincere efforts to understand your situation?

Let me get this straight - multiple people from different religions together - Christian and Thai Buddhist? in partnership own some artifact of Muslim significance.

The Buddhist wants it to be blessed/converted/mitigated to fit in with the spirits in Thailand.

And you think perhaps this will get some other spirits - the Muslim ones? upset and have some sort of consequences in the real world.

Is that all about right?

Either you believe in this stuff, in which case you probably have much more of a clue than anyone else here.

Or you're a normal western fellow, none of this means a thing to you, in which case let your friend do whatever floats his boat.

Or am I missing something?

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Not worried about the individual, worried about the spirits upsetting the equilibrium of the item and putting us all in danger.

Just do what you were going to do, and then buy three bottles of red Fanta and stick them outside the door (don't forget the straws). Stick some incense sticks in a beer bottle and light them, do a wai while facing towards Mecca (that's roughly NNW, but check on a map to be sure), get on your knees and say a few Hail Mary's and a few "Allah is Great's" while tapping your feet to the beat of "Onward Christian Soldiers" that you're playing on your smartphone, and run a rosary bead through your hands.

That covers all the bases. Sorted. coffee1.gif

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Not worried about the individual, worried about the spirits upsetting the equilibrium of the item and putting us all in danger.

If you're not just taking the piss, how about addressing my sincere efforts to understand your situation?

Let me get this straight - multiple people from different religions together - Christian and Thai Buddhist? in partnership own some artifact of Muslim significance.

The Buddhist wants it to be blessed/converted/mitigated to fit in with the spirits in Thailand.

And you think perhaps this will get some other spirits - the Muslim ones? upset and have some sort of consequences in the real world.

Is that all about right?

Either you believe in this stuff, in which case you probably have much more of a clue than anyone else here.

Or you're a normal western fellow, none of this means a thing to you, in which case let your friend do whatever floats his boat.

Or am I missing something?

Yes, Catholic, but the catholic don't give a toss, so discount that, just Thai Buddhist and Muslim.

The closest example I can think of, which does not really make sense on its own, but you should get the jist of it.

Lets say a car is made by a group of people in a Muslim country, hand made, very nice car, the makers take great pride in it and have done so for generations.

They bless the car at every stage and make up offerings and such all the way to completion.

A couple buy the car, one of the couple is thai, that person wants the car blessed by thai minks and white shit written all over the roof and some bullet proof amulets hung from the mirror etc.

But, one of the Muslim people that built the car always stays with the car and it is believed he is part of the car with his part in building it and spiritual belief. So he is employed as the driver forever and a day.

The car is driven back to thailand amongst many other places and now we have 2 religions vying to protect the car for all its occupants.

This shit has caused wars, so why not here also ?

Hope that is somewhat clearer....

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Clear as mud.

Especially as to why you can't just talk about what you're talking about.

Seems you truly believe in the houdou voodoo aspects, but from multiple traditions, that's pretty rare, so would be interesting if you could bring yourself to just talk straight.

WRT your actual question, can't see anyone else sharing your extremely open beliefs, so best you'll get here is "do what you like, all that magic and spirits malarkey is ignorant superstition so doesn't make a difference".

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Clear as mud.

Especially as to why you can't just talk about what you're talking about.

Seems you truly believe in the houdou voodoo aspects, but from multiple traditions, that's pretty rare, so would be interesting if you could bring yourself to just talk straight.

WRT your actual question, can't see anyone else sharing your extremely open beliefs, so best you'll get here is "do what you like, all that magic and spirits malarkey is ignorant superstition so doesn't make a difference".

The spirits told me to keep it secret.

But why did you ask for more information if you came back with an answer like that ?

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