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Imagine for a moment......


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...what Thais living in your country discuss, debate &, bicker about on their own equivalent blog site to Thai Visa!

What would be subject matter of their most common posts?

How would they tackle romantic interaction with the locals?

Would Thai's abroad stick up for the indigenous folk and accuse other blog members of "Farang Bashing!"

Other than the main General & Main Topics, think of the counties or states in your home country, would there be an equivalent to an Isaan Forum?

What unique forum topics do you think would be very specific and important to Thai's abroad?

Maybe some of you can give us actual first hand examples if you are living in your home country with a Thai Wife?

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Excellent post.

I've known a fair few Thais in Manchester over the years.

Their gripes were usually about the food, the locals, getting to grips with freedom of speech and thought, finding farting funny, a lack of other Thais around, there being nothing on TV to watch, and always the weather....

My missus spent large parts of her youth in the UK so thankfully doesn't have the same cultural problems as some visiting Thais have.

In this day and age where you can watch Thai tv online then nip to the nearest supermarket and pick up the fresh ingredients needed to whack out a pretty authentic Thai meal (Green Papaya for a decent som tam asides - the search for an authentic Som Tam in the UK is the Thai expat equivalent of the eternal Western expat in Thailand's quest for the perfect sausage in Thailand). There are now a fair few Thais around in the UK as compared to yesteryear.

Therefore gripes seem to be largely diminished.

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Where can we get nam phra

Why is everything so expensive

Why do i need lights on my motorcycle

Why cant I pay policemen

Why I need licence here

Why family cannot go together on motorcycle.

Have you got your free money yet ( social security)

Did you try for free baan yet ( housing)

Hot water in tap is for what

Why no have bum gun !

And, my husband earns more than your husband. bah.gif

Whens ''cards'' night................whistling.gif

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I couldn't care less. saai.gif

Which kind of explains why so few Thais are interested in reading this forum.

Except maybe spies and such ...

Now Jt don't be like that please mate.

At least pretend you care like we all did on the tax sugar thread :P

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I couldn't care less. saai.gif

Which kind of explains why so few Thais are interested in reading this forum.

Except maybe spies and such ...

Now Jt don't be like that please mate.

At least pretend you care like we all did on the tax sugar thread tongue.png

I guess I might care if I was personally involved with a Thai moving to the west. But living in Thailand, the topic is about as relevant as what Bolivian Indians worry about who are moving to Japan.

Anyway, my apologies, I realize some people are interested in this. I thought about the topic for a few seconds and realized I have no reason to care and found that worthy of comment, but maybe it wasn't.

Carry on please ..

Edited by Jingthing
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from first hand experience, thai people who go live abroad are usually completely gobsmacked, for once they realize whats civilization mean...

order, law, infrastucture, efficience, architecture, abundance, health.......then they realize whats Thailand is reallywhistling.gif

the worst thai basher i ever meet is ... a thai friend who moved to live 5 years ago in Sweden and no way he will be back here soonwink.png

This is so true. I'd also throw in there Thai girls that have dated decent foreigners for any amount of time.

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I asked Mrs.Evil this a while ago. These forums do exist.

There is one for Thai women living abroad. Forgot what it's called, but the other major go-to place is pantip.com forums.

This place has sub-forums for just about anything, like TV.

My wife checks it out for cooking western food tips, how to grow krapao and pak chee, politics, but also when we first met about relationships between Thai/Westerner.

edit: Wait, <deleted> am I doing in the general forum...?blink.png

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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I asked Mrs.Evil this a while ago. These forums do exist.

There is one for Thai women living abroad. Forgot what it's called, but the other major go-to place is pantip.com forums.

This place has sub-forums for just about anything, like TV.

My wife checks it out for cooking western food tips, how to grow krapao and pak chee, politics, but also when we first met about relationships between Thai/Westerner.

edit: Wait, <deleted> am I doing in the general forum...?blink.png

I believe the forum is ladyinter.com. My wife can no longer complain about me spending time here biggrin.png

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What did you eat today?

What should we eat later?

Remember that really great meal we had last week?

Did you hear about what X said about Y?

I hear that A got a new B.

That's about it?

You forgot an important one.

" How much did that cost?"

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What did you eat today?

What should we eat later?

Remember that really great meal we had last week?

Did you hear about what X said about Y?

I hear that A got a new B.

That's about it?

you forgot an important one.

" How much did that cost?"

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What did you eat today?

What should we eat later?

Remember that really great meal we had last week?

Did you hear about what X said about Y?

I hear that A got a new B.

That's about it?

you forgot an important one.

" How much did that cost?"

You both missed without doubt the most popular thing said by Thais;

Have you eaten yet?

THE most important sentence when communicating in Thai! thumbsup.gif

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I can just imagine all the chaps in the North-East subforum, explaining to one another, as they learn the language of their adopted country

"Whyayemun, they're a' Geordilike. Ah divna ken a wurdman!"

"Ye're not wrang, bonnieladbut. Thoughmind, if ye gandoon Loonontoon, they'll a' lookitye likealoon man"


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I couldn't care less. saai.gif

Which kind of explains why so few Thais are interested in reading this forum.

Except maybe spies and such ...

Now Jt don't be like that please mate.

At least pretend you care like we all did on the tax sugar thread tongue.png

I guess I might care if I was personally involved with a Thai moving to the west. But living in Thailand, the topic is about as relevant as what Bolivian Indians worry about who are moving to Japan.

Anyway, my apologies, I realize some people are interested in this. I thought about the topic for a few seconds and realized I have no reason to care and found that worthy of comment, but maybe it wasn't.

Carry on please ..

I think it was a thread intended to engender light-hearted, or even humourous speculation, rather than a factual inquisition


Edited by StreetCowboy
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But on the other the few thai men that go live abroad, i dont think you have threads like: "i meet Samantha in a bar, do she love me?"

or "Jennyfer ask me to sent money because the family's cow is sick"

Get it real, these thai people do have more brain than your average John...wink.png

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Thais in your own Country still refer to you as the Farang,they don't get it! so expect to hear plenty of Falang Falang in their conversation! for some people nothing ever changes!

Mostly their conversation is about: who is the Hiso of the group,and has the most money,goes back to Thailand 3 times a year,has the biggest house,car,business,sends back the most money to the Family,and does the most to wind up the wives and create as much disatisfaction as possible,and also have high profiles on Facebook,with hundreds of photos of them going everywhere possible except the toilet,vanity and BS is rife,that is what they need to maintain position in the pecking order.Fortunate my wife see's their antics as attention seeking power plays,and doesn't take too much notice.a lot of the conversation centres around the know alls concerning Visas ILR and Citizenship,but don't expect them to be around when it comes to filling out and submitting the application,these are the ones that drag your wife off to Night clubs and Betting shops,knowing full well you don't approve!

Edited by MAJIC
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