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Bangkok Shutdown: PDRC spending more than Bt10 million a day


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Your opinions are truth ? I see you have been taking lessons from The desert fugitive who thinks the same thing about himself....Please and keep your flaming to yourself mr. troll.

So I googled, "Powerful forces revealed behind Thai protest movement." They tell everyone who is behind the Thai Protest movement. Do you think they lie?

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Suthep may or may not be funding this campaign with land he has sold but if he is, I would like to know how he came

into possession and paid for this land in the first place. Peas in a pod he and Thaksin as far as I am concerned. coffee1.gif

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Red shirts were paid 1000 baht a day to protest. These folks do this from their heart. All my Thai friends who have successful businesses and jobs still go there after their work to join the cause because they fight to get rid of the Shinclan. Although those prices for stage rallies are a bit over exaggerated. I can supply speakers and sound systems and large screens for less than that. Camera crew and helicopters... Yes those cost quite a bit and especially broadcasting systems but stop comparing these protestors to the red shirts who were there just for the money

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.


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Aha, so the "PDRC supporters don´t get paid as opposed to redshirts, because we fight for democracy" goes right out the window. Surprise, surprise

If there wasn´t money involved, would people still come? I see the protests fade away little by little, day by day. Folks return to their ordinary lives as they cannot go on with this forever, they need to work. Many of these so called supporters, dress up to join friends and have fun, post it on facebook and go home. Not really much of a support now is it? coffee1.gif

Unlike the red shirts who had little else to do in 2010 since the rice was growing and it wasn't harvest time yet, the people of Bangkok and down south have jobs where they can't take 2 months off. Surprise surprise. Doesn't mean they don't support the cause though. This whole 'they just want a photo for facebook' line of crap is really lame !

Tsk tsk... No wait you're probably right. You speak the truth while everybody is lying. Now why does that sound familiar.

PS: Many of my friends are suthep supporters. Probably lying too, those bastards

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I will advise Michael Yon not to tell lies too since many of the op here are teling us the "fact" that many protesters are actually paid to come for the protest.


yes...well...he doesn't block dissenting views......well done, michael

I regret immensely blocking people. My goal is to keep blocks at less than 1%, and right now it is about 1/10th of 1%. Trolling is like art: it's hard to define but you know it when you see it.

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I will advise Michael Yon not to tell lies too since many of the op here are teling us the "fact" that many protesters are actually paid to come for the protest.


The peoples champion?? rolleyes.gif Has a cult following, deletes anyone whose opinion is deemed pro Government/Abhist/Suthep..follows him like a good PR Manager does, he has a massive following, who better to champion their cause? Wouldn't be surprised if Khun Suthep's been beefing up Mr Yon's account personally.

Social Network sites are very powerful propaganda tools, look at the London Riots, Facebook was used to co-ordinate times, places and dates.

He incites more then he reports, refuses to travel to Issan and other pro areas, makes excuses about the story being Bangkok, he's advocated publishing the names and addresses of the opposition to include social venues, which blatantly puts peoples lives at risk.

Then there's his "groupies" say anything negative about him, then they ridicule and attempt to belittle them, Elitism anyone?

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If he really wants to minimize the cost and to end this thing quick, he needs to promise the people something. i.e. raise the minimum wage to 400 baht, abolish faux Shin taxes, prompt payments for rice farmers etc. The people don't give a flying one about the vote, it's all about the baht, period!

He doesn't promise these things because he's not running for election. What he is promising is reform.

YES! reform to benefit and suit himself and the Dem party, nothing to help the majority.

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Interesting that for the first time, the PDRC has admitted that the thug element - the 'guards' are paid. and everyone else is on free food and drink and gets free entertainment. Wonder how many would be there if they didn't get these 'perks'.

Do you think Thaksin doesn't pay out for the practicalities of life! or do you think,everybody brought their own sandwiches from Isaan,in 2010, for 3 months?

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